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I'm 23 and I live in Ohio. I'm a computer programmer. I like working out and playing video games. ╔╗╔═╦╗ Put this in your profile ║╚╣║║╚╗ if you love to laugh! ╚═╩═╩═╝ █▄█ █▀█▀█▀ █▀█ █▄█ . █ ´ Put this on your profile if somebody told you that you were hot.

  • What part of the transmission box controls the reverse lights?

    And how much would it cost to get that fixed? The reverse lights aren't working on my manual transmission car, so I took it for diagnosis and they said it's not the bulbs or the wiring, but the "transmission sensor", which they want to replace for about $250. But when I look online, it says the transmission sensor is something in automatic transmissions that tells it when to switch gears. I have a manual transmission. I assume there's some switch that's turned on when I shift into reverse, and that tells the lights to turn on. I doubt this switch costs that much. Is there something else that could be broken? Should I take the car to a different mechanic?

    6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • Should I buy a car now or after I start my job?

    I'm graduating from college and starting my new job in a couple months. I'm looking to buy my first car, and I'm wondering if I should buy it before I start my job or after.

    If I do it now I'll have more stress-free time to make a decision, make the purchase, register the car, get insurance, etc., and I'll have a car ready to use when I move to my new place. After I start my job I'm sure I'll have plenty to deal with, like finding a new apartment, getting used to my new job, etc., and the car will be one less thing to worry about.

    The problem is that I won't be able to put any money down, and I'll have to deal with moving the car to a new city (I don't know where yet, might be across the country). Also I don't know if I'll be able to get a loan since I'm not employed yet. In fact, I don't even know how to get a car loan.

    Any suggestions regarding this, or buying cars in general (since this is my first time) will be greatly appreciated!

    7 AnswersBuying & Selling8 years ago
  • Should I keep the health plan provided by my university?

    I'm a student and I'm trying to decide whether to keep my university's health insurance, or get my own (my parents don't have health insurance. I asked them to get health insurance but they don't want to). My university offers a great health plan - it covers a lot of stuff and there's virtually no deductible. However, it costs over $2000 for the year. The dental insurance is alright... 50% coinsurance and max benefit of $500. I am generally healthy and I haven't been to the doctor in 2 or 3 years. However, I go to the dentist frequently, so I wouldn't mind having better dental insurance.

    I tried looking for my own health insurance, and I've found several cheap plans that will save me a lot of money on premiums. However the deductibles are really high, which I don't mind too much since I never go to the doctor, but it's still a little unsettling. I couldn't really find good dental insurance, a lot of them have waiting periods or coinsurance that's just as high. Also it's all really stressful, so I'm wondering if I should just give up and go with the university one. I was just hoping to save some money cause $2000 is a lot. It's covered by my scholarships and loans but I need that money for other stuff too. What do you think I should do?

    Also I read something about some law that talks about how student health insurance should be like this or better, but I don't really know what it is, if you guys are familiar with it could you enlighten me?

    3 AnswersInsurance9 years ago
  • How could my parents see transactions that I made with my debit card?

    My dad and I have a joint checking account. We both have online accounts with, so when we log in we both see the joint account. About 6 months ago I opened my own checking account, and it was added to my list of checking accounts online. Now with my own money, and with my new checking account, I've recently made some transactions that are quite large. The whole point of having my own account (other than to put the money I earn in it), was to keep my parents from looking at my transactions. Today my parents called me and started asking me about the large transactions. They think it's fraud. Well they used to, now they're starting to realize I just went on vacation with my girlfriend and didn't tell them. I don't want to explain stuff to them because it's none of their business. Regardless, my question is how in the hell did my parents see my transaction history? Could it be that my dad sees my account online too, along with the joint account? If so how is that possible, when the account I opened is clearly not a joint account? I checked to see if my dad might've hacked my online account or something but that seems unlikely, because they didn't say anything about my credit card's transaction history, which they would have seen as well. I need to know who to be angry at, my bank or my parents. I'm going to the branch tomorrow morning, but do you guys have any ideas?

    3 AnswersPersonal Finance9 years ago
  • Fear of sex? Please help?

    My girlfriend is afraid of sex. She's never been abused or anything like that. She's not afraid of pregnancy or pain. She says she's afraid of becoming a different person, and she thinks she'd be letting someone down, but she won't explain further. We've kissed, we've been naked together, we've touched each other, we've had oral sex, I've fingered her... Basically we've done everything but sex. She can talk about it all day, and she knows a lot about it, and she thinks about it all the time, but when it comes to doing it, she gets scared. She says that she thought learning more about it will help her get over her fear but it didn't help. She says she's been afraid ever since puberty and that if it were up to her she would never have sex, she only wants to do it because of me, but she's afraid. I want to help her get over her fear and I want her to want to do it for herself and not only for me. What can I do to help her? She's 18 btw, if that helps.

    6 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Should I get my wisdom teeth taken out?

    I had one of them taken out a long time ago cause it was coming out in the wrong direction and my gums had swollen and I couldn't close my mouth. The other 3 are still there and they aren't giving me any problems. My dentist said I should get them taken out because the one above the one that's gone has nothing to hit against when I bite down. She also said they would be really hard to keep clean, and this could affect my other teeth. The reason I'm reluctant to have them taken out (other than cause it hurts like hell for a week afterwards), is because I don't wanna take out perfectly healthy teeth. Pretty much all of my other molars have cavities. She also said the longer I wait the harder it'll be to recover because the bone hasn't solidified yet or whatever. I'm 21 btw. So what should I do, should I get them taken out now or wait until they start bothering me, if that even happens.

    4 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • Help me remember the name of an old TV show?

    There was this TV show I used to watch when I was little, in the 90's. There was a man that was really strong, and he had a sword, and he would fight an enemy each episode and chop off their head with the sword. After he chopped off their head, lightning would strike and he would become even more powerful. I think it had something to do with Scotland, and the word Scotland of Scottish may or may not have been in the title. That's all I remember. I know it's not the kinda show a little kid should be watching but never mind that, just tell me the name if it comes to mind.

    2 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • I hate my roommate, what should I do?

    So my roommate is kind of annoying. First of all he snores, and some nights he wakes me up 3 or 4 times. I tried earplugs but they're uncomfortable and they don't help if he's snoring loudly. So I would start making noise until he wakes up and stops snoring.. I feel like that's kinda mean. Second, he uses his iphone as an alarm clock and keeps it right next to his pillow, but sometimes it would ring for like a minute before he wakes up, and it's pretty goddamn loud, and it wakes me up before it wakes him up. I mean it's right next to his ear! How can he not hear it? This happens even the second or third time it rings, after he snoozes it.

    There's this special tape that's like a putty that I use to tape my posters to the wall, but it's not very strong and they fall from time to time. Every time they fall, he tries to make fun of me like, Oh, you still using that tape? I'm like, mind your own f*cking business. Why the f*ck does he care if my posters fall? I've already told him several times that the posters would get damaged if I used any other kind of tape, but he still keeps commenting on it.

    Before, every time I left the room he would ask me where I'm going, and he would also tell me where he's going, like I care. He seems unable to have lunch or dinner alone, and I think he calls everyone on his contact list (including me), until someone agrees to have dinner with him. I could go on.. You know how when you start to hate someone you hate every single detail about them? I'm not gonna get into the things that probably wouldn't bother me otherwise, like the fact that he plays some game on his iphone for hours on end (I would understand if it's Call of Duty or WoW or something, but what iphone game could possibly be that fun?), but the least he can do is let me sleep in peace at night. So, what should I do? He's Chinese btw. And he's not even good at math. FML

    6 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Do you think a business minor is a good complement to a computer science major?

    Or should I specialize in software systems instead? The business minor is for the business information systems specialization. Which specialization do employers want the most?

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do you think a business minor is a good complement to a computer science major?

    Or should I specialize in software systems instead? The business minor is for the business information systems specialization. Which specialization do employers want the most?

    4 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Why can I not play Crysis on high settings?

    I'm trying to understand how graphics work. I have a core 2 quad q8300 2.5 GHz, Radeon HD 4350, 4GB RAM, I can only play Crysis on medium with about 12 FPS, on high it gets pretty choppy. I've heard people say they have a really good graphics card with 640 MB memory but can only play Crysis on low because their CPU sucks, and Crysis is CPU intensive. But my CPU is pretty good, right? Video card is decent. Also there's 3d analyze emulator thing that uses part of your RAM as graphics memory? Not really sure how it works, but my computer already does that I think, it says it has up to 2.2 GB of shared memory. Which means the only reason I can't run the game on high or very high is my graphics card's speed, because I have enough graphics memory and CPU is good. Is that it? When I go to it tells me I meet the recommended requirements. Also, sometimes the game gets choppy even on medium, sometimes it's less choppy, but I don't know what's causing the change. Is there a way to make the game playable on high?

    5 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Should I live in a dorm or move off-campus next year?

    I'll be a junior next year, I have lived in the dorms for two years, I'm thinking about moving off-campus, but I can't make up my mind. I wanna be close to campus but most of the apartments close by are really expensive, even more expensive than the dorms because the leases are for 12 months and I don't plan on staying during that summer. I haven't looked at many places but one apartment I'm considering is a 6 bedroom with 2 bathrooms, a kitchen, and a living room, and my roommates will be assigned. However, the rooms are very, very small, smaller than half of my current 2-person dorm room. While I do want my own room, I don't know if I wanna live in a room that small. The desks are also smaller than the ones in the dorms. Also there's a kitchen and it may be cheaper and healthier to cook for myself sometimes, but that's also time consuming. But I feel like it'll be more fun to stay in the dorms and that's basically the only reason I can come up with that the dorms are better. Still, when I thought of flipping a coin, I realized I was scared that it was gonna tell me to live off-campus but I don't know if that's just cause of fear of unfamiliarity. Living off-campus may or may not be cheaper so I can't decide based on that either. If the rooms in the 6 bedroom apartment were bigger and if I knew that it was gonna be just as much fun and I'll meet just as many people as in the dorms, I'd take the apartment. Please help me decide.

  • Is it just me or do all the comedies get really bad reviews?

    I will give best answer to anyone who can find me a comedy on with a 80+% rating, or at least a certified fresh. I say as long as it makes you laugh, it's a success; I don't understand why so many comedies get such bad reviews. On the other hand, it seems as though a lot of animations tend to get really good reviews, close to 100%, like How to Train Your Dragon and the Toy Story series, even Tangled. Don't get me wrong, I liked them very much, I'm just wondering as to why this trend exists, or if I'm just imagining things.

    Btw I just found a comedy with great reviews: Thelma and Louise. But find me another one.

    5 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • When does the week start for you, on Sunday or on Monday?

    Like when you're talking to someone about what you're doing next week, does that next week start on Sunday or on Monday?

    14 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What should I do? My password isn't working?

    I have 2 yahoo accounts. This is the first one and I use it mainly for yahoo answers. The second one is more important but I can't sign in now, but I'm pretty sure my password is correct. I think someone may have hacked into it. I tried resetting my password but I can only remember the answer to one of the security questions, and the email I had put as alternate is an msn account and it's an old one that I don't use anymore, in fact I think someone hacked into it as well cause a couple years ago I tried to sign in but my password didn't work, even though I was pretty sure it was the correct one. After that I just abandoned it because I didn't really need it. I contacted the msn customer service to try and recover the msn account so I can use it to recover the yahoo one, but they're not responding. What should I do? That's 2 of my email accounts already, and I think they have been hacked into by the same person. I don't really care about the old one (the msn one), but I really need this yahoo account. Please help.

    Also, is it possible that an account gets deactivated or deleted or something after I stop using it for a while, and if so how long does it take for that to happen?

    1 AnswerPassword and Sign In1 decade ago
  • What determines the number of theaters a movie opens in?

    For example, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows opened in 4125 theaters. What determines that number? Does each theater decide if they wanna show a movie or do the distributors decide to which and how many theaters they want a movie to be shown in? Obviously it has something to do with popularity, but the highest-grossing movies haven't necessarily opened in the most number of theaters.

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • How can we tell if an object will be positively or negatively charged?

    ...after we rub it with another? For example if you rub an ebonite rod against animal fur, the ebonite rod becomes negatively charged and the fur becomes positively charged, but why? Why isn't it the other way around (negatively charged fur and positively charged rod)? In other words, how can we tell in which way the electrons will go before we rub? Also when I rub a plastic pen against my hair, how do I know which one is negatively charged (the pen or my hair)?

    3 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago