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Hardwood Floors Are Squeaking After Refinishing?
Refinished old hardwood floors on the second story and also put down a couple of coats of polyurethane. Looks great. The issue is the resulting squeaking noises that are heard on the first floor. There was some squeaking prior to the refinishing but it's noticeably louder and more prevalent. I know they had to do some prep work prior to refinishing the floors. Is there a fix like drilling wood screws in the troubled areas that squeak badly to cut down on the loud squeaking? Thx
4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs5 months agoLaptop hard drive crashed; don't have cd's or my software. It's an former employer's laptop?
What are my options? Former company let me take the laptop and it works well but i need a new hard drive as it just crashed. When I put the new hard drive in don't I have to load windows 7, drivers and other applications? Or can I just put the hard drive in and boot up like I did before the hard drive crashing? I don't have a clue. Thx
2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks6 years agoBriggs n Stratton, 4 cycle, older, double blade, ariens snow blower power fluctuates too much?
I'm a novice to snow blowers so please bear with me. When I engage the blades to blow the snow the engine gets weak and doesn't have the power to push the snow through the chute. I notice that when I push the governor as far as it can go the power kicks in and it blows snow well. Do I adjust the carburetor or the governor? Thanks
3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs6 years agoBought car in NH 7 years ago, moved to MA & have to register it in MA?
I own the car and purchased it where I lived in NH in 2005. I moved to MA a month ago and need to register the car in MA. Do I have to pay a sales tax in MA even though I purchased it in NH 7 years ago?
1 AnswerInsurance & Registration8 years agosent in financial hardship form to stop garnish my wages 2 months ago. haven't heard anything, what to do?
who can i contact to find out the status of my request? need to stop the $500/month post tax amount they are taking from my paycheck. it has been 2 months since i sent it in. is there a website, phone number or office i can contact? thx
2 AnswersPersonal Finance9 years agoMice ate through vinyl siding above outside front door ?
Winter in NH. Many mice in the area. Yesterday a foul dead animal smell came from the 1st floor kitchen forced hot air vent.I suspected the mice from my outside front door. I noticed a brown color forming above the outside front door 2 months ago. Got worse and after the foul smell yesterday I went out today to find a nest and a 3 inch by 4 inch hole in vinyl siding. There is nesting inside the vinyl siding. I need to cover this up but don't want to trap the other mice as they will die or start frantically chewing through anything they can to find a way out of the house. I have a 3 year old and don't want a problem in the house. Any suggestions? Thx
1 AnswerGarden & Landscape1 decade agoChanging toilet bowl flusher apparatus?
Installed it correctly and it is running well except for the seal nut from the water supply to the plastic pipe. It is a plastic seal nut and it turns easily onto the pipe but when I turn the water supply on it leaks. The directions note to not add any sealant product to the plastic nut. Maybe, I turned it too hard and far ?? Thx for any help
5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agointerpret cholesterol results?
my cholesterol test came back at 246 and my triglycerides are 89. my ldl is 161 and my hdl is 67. what do these numbers mean? I know i have to work on my diet and exercise but I want to understand these numbers. thanks
5 AnswersHeart Diseases1 decade agoWeed Eater Gas Hedge Trimmer won't start?
weed eater ght-17 gas hedge trimmer. won't start and hasn't been used in 5 years. I am a novice in this area. what is the gas ratio? Also, how do i get the spark plug off---do i need a special wrench? it just will not come off with a monkey wrench.
6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agocan't find thumb drive on ibm thinkpad laptop?
i plug the thumb drive in and look in "my computer" but don't see it. where could it be?
1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks1 decade agoBlackberry keeps turning off for no reason--can't use phone, internet or email?
Out of nowhere this started happening yesterday. I have to manually turn on the Mobile Network and think the problem is fixed but then in the upper left hand corner of the phone it will say: "off" and I can't make calls, get/send email's or use the internet. I continually have to manually turn the mobile network on and it repeats this over and over. verizon tech support said i need a new phone. any suggestions?
4 AnswersPDAs & Handhelds1 decade agoleaking pipe in garage ceiling?
I have a 9 year old colonial. I noticed a small water spot on the ceiling of the garage a few hours ago. The garage ceiling is finished with drywall or sheetrock so I can't see the origin of the leak. I don't know how long it has been there as we were away for 3 days on the holiday weekend. It doesn't seem to be advancing or dripping at a fast rate also. We did a wash after we got home and that might have been the origin. I did go into the unfinished part of the basement and saw a copper pipe going into that part of the garage ceiling where the leak is located. That is the only pipe there so it must be the cause. Any ideas if it is a major job or not? I have called a few plumbers to call me in the morning.
1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoTulips are sprouting in garage prematurely?
I planted tulip bulbs in a planting box in November and put the box in the garage here in NH. I noticed last week some sprouting of many of the tulips. Is this normal? Will they keep growing and did I screw this up by mocing the box into the garage over the winter? thanks
2 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade agoHave a Samsung LCD HDTV and Comcast gave me a component cable HD box--do I need the HDMI box?
I spent $99 for the HDMI cable and was told to just plug it into the HD box from Comcast. I went to trade in my current digital box for the HD box and they gave me the box with component cables and no place to plug the HDMI cable into. I was told by the Comcast person to return the HDMI cable to Best Buy and just use the component cables and it works the same. I believe the picture will not be as sharp as it can be without the HDMI cable. Am I right?
4 AnswersTVs1 decade agoFurnace condenser tube is frozen outside and water is leaking from condenser?
Last year I noticed the water leaking out of my gas furnace condenser in December here in New Hampshire. The water was apparently freezing outside and clogged the tube so it overflowed at the condenser. The HVAC guy came over and $400 later he attached a heater coil ot the tube and told me the problem was solved just unplug from April until November and I would be all set. Well, apparently not as the temperature hit 15 degrees last night and the tube is frozen outside as there is a not enough insulation wrapped around the tube. The condenser keeps running contunously. Can I empty the water stuck in the tube into a bucket so the condenser turns off so I in the morning I can put better insulation outside around the tube? thanks.
4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoremoving wallpaper and drywall issue--I am a novice in this area?
8 yr old home and removed wallpaper from the living room yesterday. The wallpaper came off so easily throughout the whole room. No Dif was needed and it took about 1 hour to do. The walls look cement dark gray and have some glue residue spots on the wall. There isn't another full layer of glue or adhesive on the walls that nees to be scrapped off. Is this drywall and do I just need to wash the glue off the walll then start painting?
3 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade agoDo I have mice, bird, or squirrel in my wall?
I heard a scratching, clawing noise on my wall near the front door around 9pm tonight. I went outside and figured it entered in between the space where the vinyl siding and front exterior facade meet. There are a few areas that a rodent could enter. It stopped scratching when I hit on the wall. I don't know if it's a mouse or a squirrel or a bird. Any thoughts?
4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoI have a $10,000 check coming my way in and don't want to have taxes withheld--what do I check off on the W-9?
I want the full 10k and the company is asking for a W-9 to be filled out. Do I just enter name, ss#, address and not check off the 'exempt' and 'individual' boxes on the W-9 form? thanks
14 AnswersUnited States1 decade agoHeavy rain tonight and smoke coming from outdoor lampost light, is it the heavy rain meeting the glass?
looked outside and saw this and wondered if it was a fire hazzard. rain subsided and smoke lessened. any thoughts? thx
5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago