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I am a 65 year old Lady but young at Heart, I am a happy person who Loves to hear Music, especially Texano Music Boleros, cumbias and romantic Music and can dance to them too. My hobbies are Gardening, Reading, and taking care of all my Grand Kids. I also like to sew,do ceramic Painting,and am a wonderful cook. I also do errands for the less fortunate, and I hate people abusing little kids.
My Husband and I need legal advice from a lawyer we own 2 acres of land,since1978.?
We only rely on our Social security, check and if it is possible for someone to give us some referral of someone out there that can advice us with this problem, since we are unable to pay for a private Lawyer. This concerns of someone that tore down our Fence from our Land claiming that he has papers that says so, but we have had that land since 1978 when our Deeds were given to us.
5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoI would like some information on the state of Minnesota,steven to be exact.?
I used to go every season to steven minnesota, and we met a family there by the name of Karl Hjellie, if I spelled it correctly, this was about 45 years ago, and I would like to know if this small town, has grown, since I am planning to go visit family nearby, I would like to stop by and reminiscense, with wonderful people I met there.
1 AnswerOther - United States1 decade agoI started to feel sick to my Stomach, about a Month 1/2 ago, have gone to the Emergency Room, twice.?
I have also gone to see two Physicians and all they give me is some Medicine that only agravates the problem. For some reason I cannot tolerate food in my Mouth, when I start to chew, I want to throw up and its when I start to vomit. If someone in Medicine can help me with this sickness or can tell me which Doctor to go see I would be forever grateful. To make matters worse, the Doctors say's I have high blood pressure, and since I had for a long time my Heart is the size of a Grapefruit, All I want is to feel better, and if this keeps up, I am going to get worse. Thank You in advance.
5 AnswersHeart Diseases1 decade agoMy Daughter's Cat, acts like it is Human.?
I had posted a question on my third oldest Daughter's cat,he makes his bowl Movements inside the toilet, but what is weird now, is that when a member of the Family, is taking a shower, he also gets inside the shower, so my Daughter, or whoever is taking a shower, lathers him up, and then dry him off, he also likes my daughter to use the hair dryer on him too. Is this normal, or weird?
11 AnswersCats1 decade agoI, awoke one morning about three weeks ago with trouble breathing, so, I went to see the Doctor.?
The Doctor prescribed antibiotics, and said I had swollen Bronchials,but each day passed I got worse, went to the Emergency Room and got more medicines,still could not breathe right,went to another Doctor more Medicines and he said I had an enlarged Heart, and Hypertension, more medicines, finally I started to feel myself getting swollen from my knees to the feet, and also my face. Went to the Emergency room and more medicines prescribed, If there is someone who can really tell me what is wrong with me, I would appreciate it much. My guess is that some medicines were not meant for me,and I got a bad reaction from it. Now I have to go and see a Heart surgeon, since as they said I have a big Heart the size of a Grapefruit. if someone can tell me what to do I would be most grateful.
3 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade agoFor some reason, I started feeling sick, I cannot breathe right, and my Family is sleeping.?
I am afraid of going to the Hospital, I am scared of Doctors, I know it has to do with my bronchial tubes since I had been diagnosed of it. I know if I go to the Hospital I won't come out of there. Serious Answers please! maybe if someone who has been in the same predicament knows what to do, and I promise I will go see a Doctor in the Morning.
2 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade agoI read in a Newspaper that Hillary Clinton, is going to be our next president. could this be true? Or not.?
I receive the Newspaper, from Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, and before the year is here they publish what a well known Witch, from Monterrey Mexico, predicts, and he says that Hillary Clinton is going to be our next President of the United States. Who believes this to be true? I am going to wait and see.
9 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade agoI would like some information, where I can find a CD, "End Of My Journey" sung by Harry Steward.?
I saw the Movie, "Cadence", which was sad, and interesting it showed signs of how Black People are shunned because of their Color, It made me angry and at the same time disappointed. This sung made me realize how vulnerable we, sometimes are. I looked for it at the Music store, and they do not know where I can buy it. Only serious Answers, Please! No sarcasm, Thank you .
1 AnswerOther - Entertainment1 decade agoThis occurrence has happened to me for some time now.?
I had noticed that at night when I go to sleep at 10:30,p.m. I usually wake up with a loud banging someone made, inside my House, I do not have any of My kids here with us, anymore. This has been going on for some time, and someone or something wakes me up from a sound sleep. A friend told me she knew a Spiritualist, and she could tell me if maybe a Spirit had invaded my House, at first I was skeptic, I never had heard anything of this nature before, But My fear won over me, and I went and met with her. I wanted to know why did it invade my Home, since I do not believe in it, and she says that someone had send it to me, to make my Life miserable, I have been asking myself do I believe it or not, but I am sure it is true, since a lot of stuff has fallen to the floor for unknown reasons, and when I say my Prayers at night, the bedroom dresser starts making cracking noises. I also have sensed someone getting into Bed with my Husband and I, and that makes me be afraid.
7 AnswersEtiquette1 decade agoIs it safe to trim an Avocado, Tree, I live in the south, Texas is my State, and it is still Hot in this area.
I have a lot of Avocado trees in all sizes, I guess i have a green thumb, so I started to plant them, and they keep Growing, but now, I do not know if it is safe to trim their Branches. Any advice out there to someone who knows about this vegetable Plant, Is greatly appreciated.
1 AnswerOther - Home & Garden1 decade agoAre there People 50 and up who answers questions on yahoo.?
I feel like I am the only one who feels the oldest in answering questions. Do not get me wrong I love answering but, I am just curious to know.
6 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade agoHow do we, explaiin, to other kids our Child has ADHD, since the Teacher, and Principal think he is spoiled.?
My daughter's child, has ADHD, and this was his first day at school, he had already seen a Specialist who told her not to mention, what he had, so, when she went to pick him up, {mayhem} the Teacher said that my Grandson disrupted the Class, and would not sit down, and was bothering other Kids to make matters worse, the School could not find him, and my Daughter looked all over the School grounds, until she saw he was going out of the gate that they should have kept locked. Please if someone knows how we can manage him I would appreciate it{Serious Answers} Please. Is there other alternatives besides giving him Medication?
4 AnswersOther - Health1 decade agoMexico, does not want our Law enforcement to Help them fight the War on Drugs.?
I read in a Mexican Newspaper, that the President denied Bush's suggestion on helping them fight the War on Drugs. They do not want our Law enforcement on their territory, on helping them clean up the Mess, that they themselves made, I am sorry to say but, the Mexican officials who shoud fight the Drug Cartels, most of them if not all,belong in the Cartels." a well known fact".
8 AnswersGovernment1 decade agoHas anyone ever tasted tamales, made out of the leaves of the Banana tree?
I once had a neighbor who came from the interior of Mexico, and she used to make those Tamales, and rolled them up on the leaves of the Banana tree, once when I saw her do it I asked her how they tasted like and she gave me one to taste, they tasted better than the one's you make from Corn Husks.
5 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agoIn the State of Texas a legislator, proposed to install jails in Mexico, he says it is cheaper than in U.S.?
I read in a Mexican, newspaper that, a U.S. legislator, Craig, Estes, is going to propose to install jails in Mexico, for the illegal aliens who are encarcerated when they are caught, he says it would be cheaper to maintain and hire people from that state to maintain it. What is your answer to this news, for it, or against it.
2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoMy daughter has a cat that goes potty inside the toilet bowl?
My daughter,s cat goes potty in the toilet bowl, they did not know that he was capable of doing that. When she went into the bathroom she always found poop in the toilet bowl and she was always blaming her daughter for not flushing it, of course my grandaughter always said it wasn't her so, then she would blame her husband, of course he also said he wasn't the one that did that, until she caught her cat doing poop in the toilet. so the mystery was solved I wonder if someone else knows about other cats that do the same thing.
17 AnswersCats1 decade agoCan our children hope for a future without violence?
With violence erupting all over our country, do our kids have hope in having a secure future, as the yrs. go by? I hope with all my heart that they will have it.
11 AnswersFamily1 decade agoI saw on the news that Dog the bounty hunter, was arrested for kidnapping.?
Dog the bounty Hunter was arrested in Hawaii, for alleged kidnapping in Mexico,in 6/18/2003.for the capture of Max Factor, who fled to MX.after being convicted of raping three women. I hope that the Government do not return him to Mx. because once you are in their prison, they may as well, put a pistol to your head and pull the trigger. believe me I know, because MX. is run by the drug lords and there is no justice since some of their officials are corrupted and are involved with the drug lords.
11 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoI have been trying to find the web page for Steve Harding. Can someone from Australia can give me the webpage?
I would like to get information on how to get Steve Harding's web page to pay my condolences to his family. We never missed an episode of his adventures. What a terrible loss for his family as well as his fans. May the Lord be with his family in their bereavement.
5 AnswersOther - News & Events1 decade agoState of MX. The turmoil in MX. will get worse if people do not stop being morons.?
I am an american citizen, and have been keeping track of the news in Mexico, about the recent election they had, in electing a new president. That state as it is, is in chaos because there is no respect, for the president, or worse, for each other. Some, of The politicians, and a lot of law enforcement officers are corrupted. If there is not going to be honest people in that country, Mexico may as well be extinct, from the planet Earth.
2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago