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Lv 611,863 points

Mom of Three

Favorite Answers30%

I'm a mother of two boys ages 7 and 8 and have a baby girl that was born on December 11, 2010. I'm happily married to my husband of 10 years. I am a Licensed Practical Nurse and am currently employed at a Family Planning Clinic. I have never worked in this area of healthcare but am enjoying it.

  • Why is my pathology report taking so long to come back?

    I had a procedure last Tuesday. I had to go in on Friday for a post op check and my pathology reports weren't back yet but the doctor said they should be back soon because two other woman who had procedures similar to mine on Tuesday got their reports on Friday. I'm slightly worried. Does longer mean worse results, or better?

    2 AnswersCancer8 years ago
  • Question about blood sugar?

    Last night I checked my blood sugar 2 hours after I ate and it was 134. I had nothing else to eat. This morning when I woke up it was 135. How could it possibly go up when I had nothing to eat? Newly diagnosed with diabetes.

    4 AnswersDiabetes8 years ago
  • What would you do about your mom?

    My mom is the type of person who bends over backwards for other people and won't take no for an answer but has a self deprecating personality and doesn't feel worthy of anyone else's help. She hasn't been feeling good so I have tried to get her to let me bring some food or clean her house or get groceries but she wont let me so I sent her some flowers instead and she texted me saying "Thanks for the beautiful flowers. I don't deserve them." I'm so sick of this attitude. She's been like this my whole life. Some of it rubbed off on me but I dont want it rubbing off on my kids. I'm tempted to tell her she can't see my kids until she gets the mental health she needs. Why won't she let me help her?

    3 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • Top toy unscramble "bijud"?

    I'm doing a holiday contest and we have to unscramble this top toy. I'm having a horrible time. "bijud“ please help if you can. Thanks

    4 AnswersAdolescent8 years ago
  • Separation anxiety in 14 month old?

    My daughter just turned 14 months old less than two weeks ago. She has been going to my mom's three times a week since she was 6 weeks old while I'm at work. Just in the last couple weeks when I go to drop her off she starts to cry and turns away from my mom and tries to hang on until my mom has to pry her off me. I try and keep it as simple as possible and not prolong it. I just wonder why she started doing it now. She also started to play strange with my MIL as well (not that it bother me LOL).

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • 7 yo and learning difficulties?

    My 7 yo son is in 2nd grade. He has had some problems with learning since pre-school but this year it seems even more so. He has had to have the Tier II classes to help with reading and math. I was beginning to worry and then he brought home a folder with Leveled Literacy Intervention material. I contacted the teacher who is doing theis LLi with him and she said his teacher was concerned with how he's doing as well. I guess LLi is for the lowest achieving students in the grade. I guess I'm worried because he went to summer school this past summer a few days a week and it still didn't help him make any improvements or catch up to the rest of the class. The teacher said they could go through the LLi packet and if he didn't improve then they would further evaluate him for any other problems like learning disabilities. I'm wondering why they would even want to wait. Wouldn't it be better to evaluate him now so that he would receive more or better intervention now. I'm sad and also frustrated for him because we have him read to us at least 5 nights a week and I still see him struggling with it and making no improvements. He isn't doing well in math either. He's a repeat of his dad. My husband had a hard time in school too but his parents never did anything about it. I really don't want my son to have the "stigma" of being dumb. I guess I don't understand either because I never had an isue with learning. I love him so much and hate to see him struggle.

    7 AnswersGrade-Schooler10 years ago
  • My 7 yo is having learning problems?

    My 7 yo son is in 2nd grade. He has had some problems with learning since pre-school but this year it seems even more so. He has had to have the Tier II classes to help with reading and math. I was beginning to worry and then he brought home a folder with Leveled Literacy Intervention material. I contacted the teacher who is doing theis LLi with him and she said his teacher was concerned with how he's doing as well. I guess LLi is for the lowest achieving students in the grade. I guess I'm worried because he went to summer school this past summer a few days a week and it still didn't help him make any improvements or catch up to the rest of the class. The teacher said they could go through the LLi packet and if he didn't improve then they would further evaluate him for any other problems like learning disabilities. I'm wondering why they would even want to wait. Wouldn't it be better to evaluate him now so that he would receive more or better intervention now. I'm sad and also frustrated for him because we have him read to us at least 5 nights a week and I still see him struggling with it and making no improvements. He isn't doing well in math either. He's a repeat of his dad. My husband had a hard time in school too but his parents never did anything about it. I really don't want my son to have the "stigma" of being dumb. I guess I don't understand either because I never had an isue with learning.

    3 AnswersSpecial Education10 years ago
  • Where can I buy the yarn/ribbon?

    that is used to make those stretchy beanies and headbands that baby girls wear with a huge flower clipped to them. I can't find it anywhere, I don't even know what it's called.

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • Just need some validation about my inlaws driving me crazy.?

    My retired 58 yo FIL watches my 7 and 8 yo sons on Mondays and Thursdays for me while I work a 4 hour shift from 10 am to 2 pm. I pick them up when I'm done with work. Last week he gave me some story about he wanted to take them up the the bass tournament to watch weigh ins and would bring them home after, which would be around 5 pm. I find out from my husband that the weigh ins were not starting until the next day but my FIL still kept them even though he told me the wrong day. Now today, I have plans with my kids after work and he decides that he is going to keep them to see his daughter (my kids' aunt) who will come over at 3 pm, an hour after I am done working. He doesn't call me to tell me this, even though I'm the one who will be picking them up. He calls my husband who is at his work to call me and tell me. WTF! I"m getting so sick of them doing this crap to me all.the.time. Why are they allowed to do whatever they want to me or say whatever they want and I have to continue to put on a facade that I'm the perfect DIL. I'm truthfully done. My FIL pouts when he doesn't get his way and I'm sick of it. He's done crap like this to me on more than these two occassions and I don't know why I have to put up with it anymore. Why doesn't my husband stick up for me. He has to live with me, you'd think he would want me to be happy. FYI: I think my FIL is lonely and bored and is using my kids to entertain him. I also think my kids spend the night over there waaaayyyyy too much.

    2 AnswersGrade-Schooler10 years ago
  • September poem about going back to school?

    Someone sent me an email of a poem about letting your child go to school even though it was hard on you. I can't find it anywhere. Does anyone know anything about it? I think it talked about "these foolish tears". Thanks!

    1 AnswerPoetry10 years ago
  • does your place of worship appreciate freedom of religion?

    I'm just wondering why a religon would claim to be politically neutral but also take total advantage of "freedom of religion" law. And also, if a member decides they don't want to be that religion anymore and they decide to exercise their right to have freedom of religion by leaving that religion they are punished for it.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • should i take my 7 yo to the doctor?

    A little over a week ago my 7 yo son was jumping on the trampoline with my 15 yo nephew. I guess my nephew landed on my son's foot and ever since then my son has been limping and it seems like it is progressively getting worse. The top of his foot is swollen. He will walk on just the ball of his foot or on the heel and sometimes he will just hop on the good foot. I don't think it's a sprain because those usually just affect joints. Is it possible to be able to somewhat walk on a broken foot?

    10 AnswersGrade-Schooler10 years ago
  • What is your favorite book?

    I'm in a reading slump and would like to read some new authors. I don't care for romance. I like mystery, suspense, and I'm not opposed to science fiction.

    11 AnswersBooks & Authors10 years ago
  • Which is better? Amazon kindle, nook, or e-reader?

    Thinking about getting an e-reader of some sort. What is the best in your opinion?

    6 AnswersBooks & Authors10 years ago
  • I Mike Posner's video, "bow chicka wow wow"?

    In the video, what is in the pink bottle that they are drinking?

    1 AnswerR&B & Soul10 years ago
  • making a purchase on etsy?

    I purchased a tutu for my daughter on May 31, 2011 and since then I have heard absolutely nothing from the seller. I'm getting worried and upset. I just sent message earlier today but how long until I report it if the seller doesn't respond? It wasn't a huge amount of money, but money is money.

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • coworker driving me nuts?

    I work in a low income clinic and it's usually just me three days a week but my coworker (she's a nurse practitioner) is here twice a week for two hours both days. She drives me nuts. She's "bopped" me on the head with a patient's file twice now in front of a patient. I think it's very condescending, offensive, whatever you want to say but it makes me feel like she's treating me like a child. Today she calls me at 3:25 and tells me she has a hair appointment at 3:30 and so she might be a little late and she didn't forget she has to be here at 4:00. It's past 4:00 now. Why would someone make a hair appointment half an hour before they were supposed to be at work. BTW, she's not my boss. We answer to a bigger clinic three hours away. WWYD?

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • FIL ran over my son's bike?

    My 8 y.o. son left his bike in the grass well away from the driveway. While we were not home, my FIL came over and for some reason drove in the yard. He ended up running over my son's bike. We have a place in our driveway to turn around. He did not offer to replace the bike or even to help pay for part of the replacement bike. My husband agrees with me and doesn't understand why his dad drove where he did. He can see where my FIL ran it over and thinks there is no reason he should have been driving there. My FIL tried to take the blame off himself by telling my son he shouldn't have left his bike where he did. If I would have heard him say that I would have told him he shouldn't be driving in our yard. I have a hard time liking my in-laws anyway and things like this just make me dislike him more. It really bothers me.

    12 AnswersParenting1 decade ago