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  • how to lose 15lbs in 2 weeks?

    i am really trying to lose 15lbs in two weeks, but i have no idea how to do it. i don't really have time for excercise, but right now i am willing to try anything. please help! i get cravings and don't know how to stop myself! thanks

    8 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • what should i do for this?

    my boyfriend and i broke up over a month ago because he cheated on me w/ another girl. the day after he did he called me and told me what happened and said he loved me so much and could never forgive himself for what he did to me. i was the only girl he ever cheated on. it's over a month since this happend and he says he still loves me, he hasn't talked to that girl ever since and we've been secretly seeing each other. my parent's would hate me if i went back out with him, but i can't help the way i feel. i love him and miss him so much, and i hate feeling like i can't do anything about it. please give me some advice on what to do. thank you.

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • what's the cheapest 2001 vw bug price?

    i really want a vw bug as my first car, like, even the 2001 model would do. but my parents are set on me getting something really cheap. how much is the 2001 model now? not that much i would think? where in ohio would i be able to find one that's really cheap?

    7 AnswersVolkswagen1 decade ago
  • loves to dance but doesn't know what to do for living?

    Does anyone know of any good colleges that either offer dancing as a major or have a dance team? I am very interested in the field of dance, and am pretty good at it. I have been taking classes for over 12 years, and am wanting to take more classes. Anyone also know where I can take ballroom dance lessons in Ohio for under the age of 18? Thanks!

    5 AnswersDancing1 decade ago
  • casino royale and daniel craig?

    yeeeah, has anyone seen the new james bond movie?? i have and i thought it was thE best 1 so far! who all thinks that this james bond, played by daniel craig, is also thE hottest guy that has ever played james bond, and does the best job???

    5 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • nose pierced?

    i am thinken about getten my nose pierced, like the cute little diamond on the side? idk about u guys, but i think it's adorable! if anyone else has theirs done, let me know what i haf 2 do to take care of it please. much <3

    11 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • y b sexist!?

    y don't they make vagina enlargers as well? y do ppl g2 b so sexist in this world!?

    11 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Hurt But Still Loving Him?

    My boyfriend cheated on my about 3 weeks ago, and it absolutely broke my heart. I was so in love w/ him, and he said he was in love w/ me to, and still is. He has been saying sorry to me and telling me how stupid he was and how he still loves me and wants me back everyday since then. He has promised not to talk to the girl and that he would never do it again because it made him feel so horrible to hurt me like that. I really want us to be together, but then I'll have other thoughts or see the girl he cheated on me with in the hallway and i quickly change my mind. Also, my parents told me that they do NOT want me around, talking, or with him. I am so confused, I don't know what to do! Please Help!!!

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Need to lose 5 in 3?

    I'm leaving on vacation in 3 days and I would like to lose three pounds before then. Can someone please give me advice on how to do it and how to avoid cravings? PLEASE HELP!!! I would like to wear a bikini this year!

    16 AnswersDiet & Fitness2 decades ago
  • 5 in 2 weeks?

    I am going on vacation in two weeks and I would like to lose around 5lbs. Are there any tips/ideas/strategies anyone could offer me? Much appreciated!

    14 AnswersDiet & Fitness2 decades ago
  • Idk what to do!?

    I like this guy, and he said that he liked me. He was making some bad decisions for a while, not any that would hurt others, just himself. I talked to my "friend" about it, and she also likes this guy. I probably said some very rash things because I was scared and hurt. He used to want to call and IM me, but now I haven't talked to him for two weeks. I still have very strong feelings for him, and he's better now. I'm just afraid that my "friend" may have told him some of the things I said, only made them worse. I have no idea what to do, someone please help!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating2 decades ago
  • Other countries?

    If you are from another country, besides The United States of America, please tell me what it's really like, like customs, things you do for fun, day to day life, anything! I'm planning on traveling the world someday, and I know most of us Americans don't really have a concept of what other countries are really like. I am very interested in what things are really like, so please, don't hold back on telling me the truth! Thank you very much!

    5 AnswersOther - Destinations2 decades ago
  • Strange Brew?

    Has anyone else seen the movie, Strange Brew or is it just me? Cause it certainly seems that way! lol If so, isn't the part where the lawyer beats up the reporters and the dog rolling up the roof the funniest thing you've EVER seen!? lol

    6 AnswersMovies2 decades ago
  • Calling all guys!?

    I'm just curious, what do you find the most attractive in a girl, honestly. Is it personality and her mind, or is it just her body and her looks? My friends and I were arguing about that, and we just want a straight-forward and honest answer.

    22 AnswersSingles & Dating2 decades ago
  • Chihuahua puppies in the Midwest for sale?

    I'm looking for some long-haired chihuahua puppies for sale under $350, preferably in the Midwest. I've ben looking for three months and haven't had any luck. If anyone knows anything, please share! Thank you!

    7 AnswersDogs2 decades ago
  • Aspiring Artist!?

    I have a question for those of you in the art world: Are there any art careers besides graphic design that pay good money? I'm trying to figure out my career path and art is something I really enjoy, but I have no idea where to start! Also, it would really help if you could list some art based or colleges that have a good art program located around the Midwest, preferably around Ohio. Thanks a lot!

    2 AnswersOther - Visual Arts2 decades ago
  • I need dating/guy advice!!!!!!!!?

    I'm going to a dance with this guy, and we're like, totally opposites. And I'm afraid that he's going to try something with me, and if he doesn't, or I don't let him, I'm afraid he's going to have a really boring time. This is one of the first real dates I've been on, and I don't know what to do! I'm afraid he's going to want to grind too, and I don't want to do that either! I don't mean to sound like a party-pooper or anything, but I just really need some good advice! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    17 AnswersSingles & Dating2 decades ago