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My penis has a mole on the head ,is that a good thing?
4 AnswersSkin Conditions2 years agoWhy won t my wife dress sexy for me?
12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce2 years agoWhat was the best 20 boat ever made?
2 AnswersBoats & Boating2 years agoMy penis is to long for my girlfriend, what should I do ?
5 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years agowhat was the best boat ever made in the 20 foot catagory?
what was the best boat ever made in the 20 foot catagory for fishing or just cruising
5 AnswersBoats & Boating9 years ago2003 toyota plugs runs bad?
2003 toyota , i changed the spark plugs and the motor idles very low and sometimes stalls, they are the right plugs but i feel the computer has to adjust for the new plugs. i put in the old plugs and it ran bad for about 15 minutes then it ran good, i took the new plugs out right away maybe i should have left them in, its my wifes car, she said PUT IN THE OLD PLUGS, and i did this happen to anyone else
1 AnswerToyota9 years ago1994 chevy pick up noise?
1994 chevy p/u is making a clicking sound when i turn on the key and turn off the key for about 10 secounds, its the blender box behind the glove box, do i need it or can i cut the wires to it, its very hard to get to
3 AnswersChevrolet9 years agoclutch pedal hard to press?
1i have a 1994 chevy 1500 p/u 4wd with a manuel trans and the clutch pedal got very hard to press down. It was working ok then all of a sudden its very hard to press what could it be
2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years agofishing cant catch any why?
im 55 years old and have been salt water fishing for 40 years and never i mean never caugth a fish.----what gives---what am i doing wrong? I have a rod reel line and hook what else is there
2 AnswersFishing10 years agodoor ajar light on 2002 ford explorer?
2002 ford explorer, door ajar light stays on, how can i tell what door is triggering the light to stay on with out taking them all apart and changing all the switches is there another way to test it
2 AnswersFord1 decade agostabilizer bar link replacement?
I have a 1994 chevy p/u k1500 4wd and replaced the right side stabilizer bar link , when i tighten it down the top and bottom bushings compressed but not the bushings on the bottom, Its that ok cause it doesnt make sense why only the outter ones compressed
1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agospark plugs for a 2003 toyota solara?
2003 4 cylinder solara, how do i change the spark plugs? and where are they located
1 AnswerToyota1 decade agovacuum leak by break cylinder?
I have a 2003 toyota solara and i washed the engine with water and when i turned the motor off i could here a hissing(vacuum leak) coming from under the break reservoir , is there any vacuum lines attached to the break cylinder, it sounded like it was coming from a small metal tube that i think is the breal line but that doesnt have a vacuum?
1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoI am looking for a movie that vallerie bertinelli was in that she played a mentally disturb women,?
she played a mentally disturb person and i remember the part where she looked like a bag lady and she was walking around with her hands covered, but she started the movie like she was a normal person
2 AnswersMovies1 decade agoI have a 2002 v8 ford explorer and the 4wd doesnt engage, the light on the buttons dont light up?
the 4wd doesn't engage and the buttons that engage it don't turn on, but i think the auto works,, what should i look for
3 AnswersFord1 decade agofuse box location for a 2003 solara?
my cig lighter is not working and my power mirrors also, where is the fuse box for that, i see one in the hood area but i dont see the fuse for the cig lighter, there must be another fuse box some where?
1 AnswerToyota1 decade agooj simpson the original book that was never released wprth?
what is the original book[if i did it] that was never released worth if it is sold, what and how do you sell it, by oj simpson
2 AnswersOther - News & Events1 decade agoworkers comp question?
I fell on my job and broke my wrist, had to have surgey and a metal plate put in my wrist,now im sueing workers comp and was wondering how much should i get, my lawyer says its the hand and there doctor says its 18 percent and my doctor says its 60 percent disabled, how much money and i looking at
4 AnswersInsurance1 decade ago1rear tire wears out on one side?
1 rear tire wears out on one side, what would cause that? its a 1990 honda accord, it happened before than i replaced the tires now i see the left rear tire is bumpy and wearing out much faster than the rest
4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoengagement party what do you give if anything?
i am invited to an engagement party thrown by my brother inlaw for his son, what if anything do you give for an engagement party
9 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago