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  • When is limiting competition promoting competition?

    I thought the public option in health insurance was supposed to encourage competition to drive down costs. But it seems there are limitations on the consumer. You and me. Check out page 16 of "America's Affordable Health Choices Act"

    Basically, you can't change insurance after the law is enacted.

    You can't seek private insurance if you quit a job to be self-employed. If you change jobs with employer provided insurance. If you have no insurance.

    Well, except the public option is the the only option if you want or need to change insurance providers

    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Did your representives to congress support the bailout?

    Do your Senators or Representative support the financial bailout?

    Here's how our money is spent.

    My Senators and Representative voted for it, I don't think they will get my vote next time around. My congressman was re-elected in November, unfortunately.

    And BTW shouldn't Barney Frank be replaced as chair of House Financial Services Committee

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What do you think of this video?

    I'm not trying to bash them, if you accept the pledges and celebrities at face value, then doing good works are noble. But I have some bigger questions about the video. First, why pledge to Pres Obama. These same good works could be done no matter who is president. Second, these are some very rich people, some have produced music, movies, tv shows. Why not pledge to help a young entrepreneur start a business. They could do more good by helping someone get a business going, which would employ people than some of the other pledges.

    But the big issue is Ashton Kutcher last comment. "to be a servant to the president." Our elected officials are supposed to be our servants. Now I'm not so naive to not know most have a holier than thou attitude and in reality have more authority over us than originally intended by the founding fathers, but really why would a private citizen pledge servitude to a single person in this manner. I can understand and frequently pledge allegiance to the noble principles of the republic. But an individual, save for my wife, children, people in my family, no I wouldn't pledge unquestioning servitude to any individual.

    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Fighting Yorkies?

    We have two Yorkies. I know they can be aggressive, but they are really bad. The older one, about 2-1/2 years old, which we have had longer, is the dominant one and is neutered. The younger one, about 19 months old, is shy and submission with people, but not neutered. We have had them both since they were young, about two months old, so the older asserted his dominance early. Lately, the younger has begun fighting. Not playful, but trying to be harmful, even more. Today, I let the older one in from outside and the younger immediatley began to fight. It was so bad, as I picked up the younger to break them up, he had the older gripped so tightly, I think he was biting his leg, he lifted the older one, too. And would not let loose. Finally got them seperated and kenneled. The older wasn't aggresive, he just walked in the door.

    I know neutering the younger would help, but would like to avoid it if possible. But if necessary, we will. Any suggestions before we go that way?

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Real estate demographics?

    With baby boomers reaching retirement age, do the realators here think that will be the biggest growing sector of the market? People buying retirement homes. Or will the market be focused on other homes, like for small families, 3-4 bedroom? Big families, 4+ bedrooms? And what amenties do you think will help sell? Is it about things fireplaces and whirlpools or is it just about square footage. Also location? Are people willing to pay more for common areas like parks in developments or do they want to pay the minimal price for the lot and forgo amenties in the development?

    I guess the general question is what are the short to medium term trends in housing and developments? Thanks

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Sizing a beam?

    Building a barn and would like to build a loft. The loft is only 10' deep 16' wide. Using 40psf live load, 10 psf dead load, I get 200 plf LL and 50 plf DL, if I run joists perpendiclar to the 16' beam. So the question is what size 16' wood beam. No LVL's or engineered beams, just dimensional lumber, 2-ply 3-ply, whatever is needed. Depth is no problem.

    And if any one knows of any span tables for dimensional lumber used as beams. I have one, but it doesn't go up to 16'.

    Thank you.

    1 AnswerEngineering1 decade ago
  • Should this Judge be removed?

    Judge Savage of Maryland 6th Circuit Court dismissed this case Mahamu Kanneh, accused of rape of a seven year girl, because they didn't have an interperter that spoke Vai. Even though he graduated from a English speaking school and was attending college, and he spoke English to the police.

    More Details:

    Fortunately, he has been re arrested.

    I think Maryland residents should contact their State representatives and the Commission on Judical Disabilities

    Room 1.210

    100 Community Place

    Crownsville, MD 21032

    (410) 514-7044

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Can't we identify the enemy?

    The statement, "One man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter" is so asinine, every time I hear or read it, I can't believe the naivete. I'm left nearly speechless.

    You can argue, "We shouldn't have invaded Iraq." or "We have done a piss poor job of conducting the 'war against terrorism'" That's fine, to a degree I agree, but some people can't even recognize evil. In regards to Islamofacsist, yes I mean that, how are they fighting for freedom? Never a clearer example of evil-Islamofascist terrorists, yet some people can't even ackowledge it. So how is Al-queda, Hamas, Hezbollah fighting for freedom?

    12 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Why is the tax system anti-small business?

    After the April 15, I realized with what I paid into Social Security, what I could have fully funded a Roth IRA, for my wife and me. Because of the cap, an employee never has to pay that much. I'm glad that employees who make good money don't have to waste as much money on a system that is ineffecint, but why must I? Because I'm self employed? I also pay property tax on equipment to run the business. Get that, taxes on equipment that I bought to run the business more efficiently, that I already paid sales tax on, I get taxed again.

    Half of the people in this country are employed by small businesses, small business that drives the economy, yet the government has tax policies that are anti-small business.

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Lumber sizing software?

    Does anyone know of any freeware or shareware that sizes lumber, whether dimensional or engineered, such as LVL. I can do the statics and load calculations, but it takes time to size the lumber. So is there any free or relatively inexpensive software that people can recommend that I can enter the loads and it will size the lumber? Also steel. This is for residential design. I like to design for steel beams in the foundation, but limit framing members to wood products, dimensional or engineered.

    1 AnswerEngineering1 decade ago
  • What do liberals here mean by "liberal"?

    Although the details were uninformed, this question did promt me to think about definations used for "liberals".;_ylt=Aq_2K...

    The question is if you identify yourself as "liberal", what type of liberal are you?

    If the former, then you are in favor of smaller government, free enterprise, property rights, state rights, etc. Just like the founding fathers.

    If the latter, then you are in favor a bit of socialism, bigger government, group rights, government influence over business.

    So what defination of liberal do people mean, when they say liberal?

    8 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Using home equity to build?

    Keeping it simple, can you use your home equity to build acting as a contractor, so you have "instant equity" in the new home? I worked construction, both in the field and in the office, so I know the process of construction and can build, but what is the best way to use home equity to build bigger, and sell existing home? At the end, I hope to have more equity, because I have the same principle or even smaller, but more house.

    1 AnswerPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Using home equity to build?

    Keeping it simple, can you use your home equity to build acting as a contractor, so you have "instant equity" in the new home? I worked construction, both in the field and in the office, so I know the process of construction and can build, but what is the best way to use home equity to build bigger, and sell existing home? At the end, I hope to have more equity, because I have the same principle or even smaller, but more house.

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Suggestions on advertising for services?

    How you do market a service that has low customer repeat business? And after you figure out the marketing, best ad placement? On a tight budget, so the best traffic for the least money. It is for home design and construction consulation. Thanks for any help.

    3 AnswersOther - Advertising & Marketing1 decade ago
  • Simple question. What in the Constitution makes US great?

    Please no flaming. Just answer the question. Balance of powers, checks and balances, state rights vs federal rights, Bill of Rights, etc. This is not a partsian question, but an honest question on how the US Constitution is a great document.

    9 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • How can I prove that I do not have multiple profiles?

    I was reported and this accusation is completely false, can Yahoo! or I prove otherwise? The person who did this will continue now, I believe and it is a completely false report. I know I don't have other profiles, I want this person to know it, too.

    6 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Any tips on cleaning up the hard drive?

    I've been removing applications to have more space. Running Win XP. After I remove an application using the control panel, it still shows up on program files even after I restart. Plus they show up in the registry. Is it safe to delete programs in program files and/or registry (under software) after I try to remove them using the control panel or uninstall from the progam files. Any other things to clean up the hard drive other than the usual stuff, defrag, clean up, disk scan? Thanks

    7 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • Is this a solution for Hezbollah-Israel?

    The problem is Israel needs a buffer between its borders and other countries and Hezbollah has a military wing. If Israel could stand at its border while Hezbollah's militia is disbanded and put into the regular Lebanese military would that help? Later a DMZ would be declared say 20 miles or whatever is logostically acceptable on both sides of the border. The UN or some multinational colilition would secure the DMZ to make sure neither party entered. The restructured Lebanese army would be controlled by majority vote of the parliment, with consent of the Pres and PM. What this would prove is does Hezbollah have Lebanon's best interest at heart or is its sole purpose the destruction of Israel?

    3 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Replacement windows in block wall?

    I am replacing windows in my basement. The old ones are single pane old metal set in the mortar. I'm going to use diamond blade to cut the mortar to get the old windows out and then use pressure treated lumber to build a frame for vinyl replacement windows. Any other suggestions? I've done replacement windows, but this is the first time for replacement windows in block. Thanks

    7 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago