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what should I do first? I fell out the back of my work truck 3 months ago. Hit my head and tweeked my back.?
I was sent to my works healthworks place. They took xrays of my back but not the back of my head. when I asked her if she was going to take xrays of my head, she just squeezed it and made me scream and said it was sinuses. I have been ok up until a few weeks ago, the back of my neck on that side is hurting and I feel it is related to the fall. I want to get my head and neck xrayed now. Should I go to my own doctor or tell my boss I want a second opinion. I live in California if that helps.
1 AnswerInjuries7 years agoI had a pelvic and vaginal ultrasound 2 days ago, having a little pinch pain on right side.?
Already was scheduled for a endomedial biopsy today, will it be painful, since im already having a little pain
3 AnswersCancer8 years agoI went to my doctor yesterday to get a referral for my dermatologist, now have a appt with her for a Biopsy?
I told her I had a pap smear sept 2012, and that I think I was going through menopause, because my last real period was May 2012. Then I told her I had bleeding this year in May 2013. One year later for one day, I thought that was just part of menopause from what some people have said. But no, now I'm going to her office next friday for a endometrial biopsy and ultra sound, to check the lining and make sure there is no cancer. When she said the C word it has kind of scared me more today then when I was in her office, she did say she wants to rule out cancer. Has anyone gone through this?
1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years agowhat shampoo is good to use on henna dyed hair?
3 AnswersHair9 years agoI got a 1099 misc, for some money that I won on the radio, I know I have to use the 1040 form,?
Where do I report it on my California 540a or do I use 540?
1 AnswerUnited States9 years agowhy did all my facebook friends profile pictures disappear?
1 AnswerFacebook9 years agoProgramming a 2000 jeep grand cherokees onboard remote garage door opener?
I will still be able to use the regular remote opener on my car that doesn't have one built into my car right? Or will it change codes? I'm just wondering if it's going to change all the codes and I'm going to need to program the whole opener all over again,
2 AnswersJeep1 decade agoI live in a townhouse, they just replaced the roof, now I am noticing spiders in the house.?
Can that be because of the old roof they took off?
3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoShould I not use dex-cool antifreeze when I get my radiator flushed in a 2002 pontiac grand am?
I have the 2.2 ecotec engine in my grand am, and have noticed that the v6 had alot of problems with the dex-cool antifreeze, and there was a lawsuit. The 2.2 wasn't listed. 2 months ago my low coolant light came on as I was merging on the freeway to go to my brothers 75 miles away, I merged right off and went to a gas station and they checked things out and just topped it off and said everything looked fine, and it was ok to keep going since the car was running fine and not hot. It ran fine all the way there and my bro checked it when I got there, it was fine not hot at all and no leaks. Got home didn't run hot, never has. I just want to get it flushed since we are getting into the 90 degree weather. the gas station put in all weather antifreeze, and it was the same color as what was in there. Not red like the dex-cool is. The car only has 57,000 miles on it, I have had it for about 5 yrs. not since brand new, I do change the oil every 3000 miles, but haven't flushed the radiator yet. Its been a great car.
4 AnswersPontiac1 decade agoWhat to do about taxes?
My kids are both in there early 20s and one of them already filed and got back there refund, the other one just mailed it out last week. They both got some money from a inheritance last summer about $15000. each, The trustee told them at the time that they didn't need to pay taxes on it, but they just got a email from the guy today saying something about getting a k-1 filing. so there kind of freaking out now. Can they amend the form they did? they both filed the 1040ez.
4 AnswersOther - Taxes1 decade agoCan I replace just the AC/Heater knob on a 2002 pontiac grand am?
Is it easy to replace this? Can I just replace the one knob? or do I have to replace the whole unit? The heater is still working, the knob was just loose when I turned it then it just kind of fell off. A little piece in the back of the knob broke off, the part that goes on the piece that makes the thing turn. Any help would be great.
3 AnswersPontiac1 decade agoDo you think this is a good idea, I am fed up with my bank?
I am extremely pissed off at the bank I use and am probably going to close all my accounts there, due to 2 of there incompetent employees. They were delaying the issue of a account I was trying to close since a automatic car payment was to be taken out the next day, Nov. 28th. and starting to be taken out from another account December 28th. The payment wasn't taken from the closed account so I was told to make a payment in branch since it wouldn't be taken from the other account til Dec. 28th. So I did. Then I noticed they took Novembers payment the next day. Now I am fighting the bank for the automatic payment they took out, that wasn't suppose to start til Dec. 28th. They said it can't be applied to December 28th payment because I am still going to have to pay that. I am so fed up, I didn't realize how ridiculous it would be just to close a account that I had with my daughter, and how the bankers are clueless and don't know there own policies. If they do not credit my account I am going elsewhere and was wondering if you think its a good idea to refinance the car through a credit union? Since its December I know it might be my only way not to make another payment this month.
3 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade agoWill the bank credit my account?
My name was on a checking account with my daughter, that I have been trying to close for the last week. we have a car loan with that bank and I cosigned for her. She was having the car payment electronically taken out from her account, The payment was due Nov.28th, and they were not going to let me close it till that was posted, I was getting the run around from that bank so I went to a different branch, and talked with the asst. manager. He didn't know why it wasn't posting, and said he could take the money from her account and pay it within the bank, (which I wanted the other bank to do) and then close the account. account closed finally. Her car payment is suppose to start being taken out of my account on Dec. 28. surprise, they just took Novembers out of my account. Will they give me a payment back? It wouldn't be a big problem if my daughter wasn't draining me with all the overdrafts and money I had to throw in her account to cover everything else, she lives 2 hours away and is 22. I love her dearly but she is stressing me out.
1 AnswerPersonal Finance1 decade agoCan one person cancel a checking account on a joint account?
There really isn't any money in it, unfortunately my daughter lost her job and I helped her as much as I could, now the bank is threatening with a charge off, I co-signed for her car which is automatically taken out, so I also just want to have that changed to my account, she has been getting into overdrafts now, I don't want my credit ruined, she is working again now but she is now not putting money into her account and she has other things automatically taken out. She isn't even talking to me now, because I told her she has to get 85.00 in her account today. She is 22 and lives 2 hours away, please help!
4 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade agoWhat do think any advice?
Between 7-12 years ago, this guy I always admired ( we were both single parents and put are kids first), and are kids went to the same school. We frequented the same places festivals, a local bar where we both new a married couple that played in a band there,and we had some of the same acquaintances. People always told us we made a cute pair and had a lot in common, we did flirt a lot and I know we both liked each other but we both put are kids first. A few weeks ago I was at the store looking on a shelf trying to figure out what I was gonna get for this bbq I was going to. I turned around and he was standing there and said Hi and remembered my name which surprised me a little, I figured he would have forgot by now. Of course he is so gorgeous still I was in awww, we talked about are kids, we both have one in college,,and both have one at home still that should be in college, but mine works and pays rent, his is kind of lazy, but work, he was telling me more about that one and I was giving him advice. We talked about are kids for awhile and were in peoples way, finally he said the next time he sees me we would talk more and give me a update on his son at home. Then we went on are way, am I stupid I feel like I should have said when will that be or at least exchanged email or phone numbers, I was so surprised to see him I wasn't thinking quick enough, What do you think?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade agoWhat do think about this?
Between 7-12 years ago, this guy I always admired ( we were both single parents and put are kids first), and are kids went to the same school. We frequented the same places festivals, a local bar where we both new a married couple that played in a band there,and we had some of the same acquaintances. People always told us we made a cute pair and had a lot in common, we did flirt a lot and I know we both liked each other but we both put are kids first. A few weeks ago I was at the store looking on a shelf trying to figure out what I was gonna get for this bbq I was going to. I turned around and he was standing there and said Hi and remembered my name which surprised me a little, I figured he would have forgot by now. Of course he is so gorgeous still I was in awww, we talked about are kids, we both have one in college,,and both have one at home still that should be in college, but mine works and pays rent, his is kind of lazy, but work, he was telling me more about that one and I was giving him advice. We talked about are kids for awhile and were in peoples way, finally he said the next time he sees me we would talk more and give me a update on his son at home. Then we went on are way, am I stupid I feel like I should have said when will that be or at least exchanged email or phone numbers, I was so surprised to see him I wasn't thinking quick enough, What do you think?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade agoWhy is my prescription taking so long to fill?
I was prescribed Oracea, and my doctor gave me a card that looks like a credit card with numbers on it and it says no patient pays more than $25. My doctor also said don't pay more then that. The pharmacy says they are waiting for authorization from Insurance, and they faxed my doctor to let them know they need authorization, I gave them the prescription what can be the hold up? I did ask the pharmacy how much it cost, they said $350. I said know why I will wait. But what makes me wonder whats going on is my doctor said I shouldn't pay more than $25. Any help would be great.
4 AnswersMedicine1 decade ago