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Divorced mother of a two year old boy
Can they take my money???!!!!!?
I am letting a car go back, I am three months behind, unemployed student. I also owe money to a credit card, some medical bills, and a couple of phone bills...a mess, I know. I cannot file bankruptcy at the moment, though those are my intentions. In the meantime, however, I am not working so no wages can be garnished to pay these people, but I am a student, I have grant and student loan money in my bank account...this is how I support myself and my son. Will my money be taken from my bank account, can they do that??? I am so scared, I just need a little more time.
1 AnswerPersonal Finance1 decade agoWas out in the sun for a little more than an hour and now has a cold?? What is going on?
Generally healthy, 28 year old male, was out in the sun for a little more than hour Saturday morning. Just sitting, watching a parade. Immediately upon getting in the car to go home, and since then, has had awful headache, pressure in ears and nasal cavities, slight cough but produces a brownish colored mucous, and dizziness. What is going on? No nausea, no vomiting, nothing like that. Help!!!
1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade agoBig car troubles with '98 Chrysler Sebring!?
White smoke comes out of tailpipe, a lot!!! If you put your finger in the tailpipe, you get a lot of oil on your finger. The car will not run in the rain. Problem is getting worse. It's like water gets into the engine and floods it or something. Have any idea at all what it could be??
3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agowhat is this nausea/diarrhea/bad tasting burps?
Boyfriend got sick a little over a week ago...had typical diarrhea and vomiting, lasted a couple of days...then it went away for a day, came's been doing this every other day thing, some days consecutively for a little over a week now. He says it will start with burping, which tastes like cheerios (which is disgusting I realize), then he has diarrhea with some vomiting. He says is poo is really dark colored. He doesn't have any real abdominal pain, maybe a little soreness in the lower area. A few times he has described his vomit/bowel movements as having nothing to do with what he ate, like maybe it's all more mucousy like. But it just varies. What is up? Should he get to the doctor asap?
2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade agoExample of daily schedules with toddlers?
My son is 16months old, he's on a pretty loose schedule for the day, was wondering what others were doing, like what is wake up time, feeding time, play time, nap time etc, for the day. Just trying to get some ideas of how to tighten it up. Thanks!
6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoAnyone tried Pantley's Gentle Removal plan? To get their baby to sleep and stay asleep without nursing?
My son is about a year old and that's the only way he'll fall asleep, is if I nurse him to sleep...which isn't good for me when he wakes in the night and doesn't know how to put himself back to sleep without the breast OR when I'm not there at daycare with him, he won't nap there. So I've been reading The No-Cry Sleep Solution and am about to try this method, didn't know if anyone else had tried it.
1 AnswerNewborn & Baby1 decade agoHow can I get my nine month old son to sleep without nursing him to sleep?
I'm sure I've let this go for too long, I should have stopped it when he was younger. I nurse him to sleep at night and he usually wakes up once in the night and I so I have to nurse him to get him back to sleep...same with naps in the day time. It's the only thing that comforts him it seems like. Anyone else get themselves into this mess? How did you get out of it? My doctor keeps telling me it's important to teach him to "self soothe" but the methods she gives me to try out on him don't seem to work. If I just nurse him until he is drowsy and then lay him in his crib, he simply wakes up and screams...and I wait and see if he lets up after five or ten minutes...and he doesn't. I'd love to hear from some others who have been in the same situation or who has some good ideas!
4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoWhich car should I buy? The one I want or the one my husband wants?
Both used cars, previous rentals. One is a 07 PT Cruiser, the other 06 Pontiac G6...both have same amount of miles, really good cars...the Cruiser is slightly cheaper. I want the Cruiser because I'm a mom and it feels like a mom car, I like sitting up high, it's roomy, it doesn't take a lot of $ to fill up the tank. Husband likes the G6 and I do too, it's very pretty and big...but it's really fast and flashy. Plus, my husband's license is suspended (for a year mind you) and the G6 is tempting him to drive and I'm afraid it's going to get him into trouble. But I do like it...I dunno. What do you think?
5 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade agoQuestion about getting six week old used to formula?
Baby is six weeks old, breastfed, but I'm starting to introduce formula because I'm going back to work. I've been giving him one bottle of it a day and then I'm going to up it in a few days. Right now, he's only taking one ounce and that lasts him for a couple of hours. Is that a normal amount to start? Breastfeeding, he eats every couple of hours, I only do one breast per feeding and he goes for about twenty minutes or so. How much formula should a six week old be eating? How often should they eat?
6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoPut baby on formula at sitter's but continue breastfeeding at home? Anyone done this?
My baby will be eight weeks old when I go back to work and ideally, I'd like to send him to daycare with formula and keep breastfeeding (at least some) at home. Anyone experienced with this?
6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoNewborn baby acts like it is so painful to pass gas and have bowel movements?
It breaks my heart. His face will get all red and he's just straining and grunting. I breastfeed. His bowel movements are the right color, not hard pellets or anything, but maybe a little pasty. I just feel like something's wrong or like he's having trouble passing gas and pooping. Any reassurances or explanations?
9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoWhat does it mean to "sign away" your parental rights?
What does it mean? Why would someone do that? Can anyone at anytime do that, under any circumstances?
2 AnswersFamily1 decade agoOn Flavor of Love, what are those welts/scars on Delicious's arms and neck from?
I didn't know if she had mentioned them before, they're very visible on her arms, shoulders, and a big one on her neck.
10 AnswersTelevision1 decade agoWhy on my myspace account did all of my sent/received mail and pending friend requests disappear?
I read some new messages earlier in the day, DID NOT TRASH them, and logged out. When I logged back in, they were all gone, including messages I had sent, a pending friend request, and my trash can was empty too. It hadn't been weeks or anything, the mail was just a couple of days old. It even says "displaying 1 of 3" in my inbox, like there should be the three messages that were there, but there's nothing to be seen. I tried to email myspace and ask them, but they haven't gotten back to me yet. Any suggestions? Has this happened to anyone else before?
2 AnswersInternet1 decade agoCan nausea/vomiting bring about painful, white bumps on back of tongue, near throat?
I've been having a lot of nausea and vomiting in my pregnancy and was recently prescribed Zofran to help cope. When I started the meds, I developed these white little bumps on the back of my tongue, it hurts to chew/swallow food, sometimes talk. HAS ANYONE ELSE GOTTEN THESE, COULD THEY BE CAUSED BY THE VOMITING or maybe it's just a reaction to the medicine?
12 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoAnyone been put on Zofran for nausea/vomiting in pregnancy?
I am 15 weeks and was prescribed Zofran yesterday. Since I've been taking it, my stomach and lower back kind of cramp, like I'm about to start my period or something and I didn't know if that was normal for the meds or maybe just coincidentally my back/stomach started hurting when I took the meds. Did you have to stay on the medicine for the rest of the pregnancy? Any other side effects?
6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoWhat is the name of this ninja movie from the 80's early 90's?
I don't remember any of the actors in it. I think it was made in the 80's or early 90's, that's when I watched it. There's a woman aerobics instructor, she somehow becomes possessed or something and becomes an evil ninja, haha, and there's this cop following her because he suspects her of wrongdoings...? I remember once scene in particular where the woman and cop have an intimate moment with tomato juice...she like, pours it on herself and he licks it off of her. As I type this, I realize that this is a really retarded movie and the title shouldn't matter, but I was just thinking about it the other day. Surely someone else knows what I'm talking about.
5 AnswersMovies1 decade agoCan you report an apartment complex for not fulfilling their management/maintenance duties?
And if so, to who? The management at my complex sucks really bad. No one is ever in the office to answer questions, take rent checks, maintenance is nonexistent, it's ridiculous. I'm supposed to notify them that I'm moving out and not renewing my lease in thirty days and I don't know how I'm supposed to do that when I can't get a hold of anyone. So yeah, what can I do?
8 AnswersRenting & Real Estate2 decades agoIs it easy/acceptable to have two cats in an apartment home without telling management or paying pet deposit?
Can you get away with having two cats in an apartment, in most cases, without telling management, if you don't have the money for the deposit. Anybody done this? Just curious.
14 AnswersEtiquette2 decades agoMy poor cat's eye is leaking...a lot!?
The corner of her eye looks like it's been pulled down or something and it's very wet, like it's been leaking. Sometimes her eye looks like it's full of tears. The wet spot coming out of the corner of her eye, looks like it might have dark "stuff" in it, but she has dark fur so I'm not sure, it might just be the wetness on her fur. What should I do? Has been like this for about four-five days, it's never happened before.
9 AnswersCats2 decades ago