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I am a Pagan of 15+ years, mother of 2, one teenager, one almost there. I am active in a leadership role in the Pagan community. I have a Bachelor of Arts degree in Anthropology, minored in Biology and I have recently been accepted to Seminary School. I am called to be an all-path minister. I study comparative religions and folklore and I am a writer.

  • Wedding date?

    The date is August 30 2008 at noon

    I am a Gemini and he is a Pisces.

    I'm good with the numerology, but I'm looking for the Astrological significance.

    3 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • How do I solve my dog's food aggression toward other animals?

    My dog is generally a very nice dog. We were very careful when he was young that he didn't develop food aggression issues toward people, but it seems we failed to prevent him from developing these issues toward other animals. It's not just food either, but toys as well.

    For example. If he is eating, and the cat walks by, he snaps at the cat. If he is getting a treat and another dog approaches to see what's up he will actually chase the other dog for quite a ways before returning, even if the only treat to be had is the one in his mouth! If we throw a ball, he'll run towards it and then visciously defend it against other dogs. It's insane. If there are no treats or toys around, they play together wonderfully and he even gets along with the cat & others (lizard, rats). The poor other dogs are confused as to his Dr. Jackyll/Mr Hyde behaviours, especially since they aren't always privy to the fact there are any treats to begin with!! The cat doesn't care.

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Atheists- What do you believe in?

    Although many people believe that atheists believe in nothing (as evidenced by some answers on this board), most of us know that's not true. Atheists simply don't believe in God(s). Period. But everyone believes in something and God is certainly not everything. What do you believe in?

    I have known many atheists and only one was militant in non-belief of anything non-empirical. (He ranted all day about how stupid people were to believe in "superstition" including everything thing from acupuncture to aliens to the apocalypse.) but most I've known were far more flexible. Some are even willing to accept non-empirical ideas outside the idea of God(s) such as ghosts, magic, astral projection, reincarnation, different "worlds" ect. How far do your beliefs go outside the empirical?

    I don't need a definition of atheism and I'm not interested in knowing what you DON'T believe (I know you don't believe in God(s)) I am simply interested in what you do believe. Just curious.

    19 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Which Video camera should I buy for our family?

    I am looking for a video camera to buy for my teenage daughter (and the rest of the family) who enjoys creating movies on the computer. We had one, but there's no way to get the image onto the computer easily at home, so the new one should record to a memory card or we should be able to feed its data right into the computer. (the old one we could only do that with still shots) It also needs to have good sound quality and work well in low light conditions because I will be using it to record my partner's band's performances and we may use those for promotional purposes. Still shots are not required at all (never used it on the old camera, we've got another camera for that). It also needs to be tripod ready. Finally, it should be a good cost value because I'm not going to spend thousands of dollars on this thing. Any suggestions?

    7 AnswersCamcorders1 decade ago
  • Would you be interested in a Pagan or Earth-based private school for your children?

    Would you prefer a commuting or residential situation? How about a correspondance school/homeschooling program done mostly online? How much would you be willing to pay for each service? What sort of curriculum would you expect? How much time/money/effort would you personally be willing to put in to make it happen?

    My own thoughts? A combination of all three possibilities (residential, commutor, and online homeschooling program) would be ideal, with prices adjusted accordingly. I personally could only afford about $300 per month, that's $150 per kid. I wouldn't want to send them to a residential program, but I'd pay that for a commutor program, though I suspect it's worth more. Homeschool wouldn't be an option for me (If I stayed home I wouldn't be able to afford it anyway). I would expect a broad curriculum including comparative religions, fine arts, Latin, literature, natural science, mathematics, pre-college writing, alot of hands-on experience. I'd be willing to put alot into it.

    5 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • Does anyone have any good Lammas/Lughnassadh recipes to share?

    Most American recipes are made with corn, but the corn isn't ripe yet in my area. Any additional suggestions?

    1 AnswerOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Where can I find (Or how do I make) real vegetarian marshmellows?

    I was recently horrified to discover that the "vegetarian" marshmellows sold at my favorite store contain fish products. That's gross. I'd rather eat cow than fish any day. I have no idea why non-vegetarians have this weird idea that fish are vegetables. Their harvest is by far the cruelest and most irresponsible in the meat industry, but I digress. The question is, as above, where can I find marshmellows that contain NO animal products (fish are animals) and failing that, how do I make my own? Also, are there differences in the behaviour of marshmellows made with gelatin and those made without? Roasting and melting behaviour, I mean. And does anyone have a recipe for making them the original way? With the Marsh Mallow plant?

    3 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan2 decades ago
  • What is taking the VA so long to approve the Pentacle for veteran's memorials?

    Surely it's not rocket science, it should be an open and shut thing. Oh you want a Pentacle for your husband who died in a US military operation, sure, here you go. What's the deal? They put pentacles on dogtags, why not memorials and headstones? Is there something offensive about it? I just don't get it. Should not all of our military men and women be given the same rights, alive or dead? Certainly especially dead!!

    3 AnswersMilitary2 decades ago
  • What are you doing for Midsummer?

    For many of us this is an important holiday. Are you doing anything special? Midsummer is my birthday, so I'm going out with my family, and then we're having a small ritual at my friend's house (not sure what'll be going on, it's his Anglo Saxon show, I'm excited about it.) and this weekend I'm going to a festival in Southeast Michigan and I'll be hosting a workshop. How bout you?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • Another Question for Pagans- What are your morals and values?

    As a Pagan, I have a very hardcore set of morals that I enforce upon myself based on the values of Earth, knowledge, life (all life), free will, justice and equality. One of those moral rules is that I can't inflict my morality on other people (except my kids, of course), though I admit I hand out lectures on occasions, so that's not my intention at all. I am just curious, since we don't have a central doctrine, I imagine everyone's values and associated morality varies, though I suspect it's all probably pretty similar, though I could be totally wrong! Anyway, you tell me and then I'll know!

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • Pagans Please: What is the Pagan community missing? What do we need?

    As a community, what do we need? Is it buildings/churches/gathering places? More clergy? Councellors? Hospital and Prison ministries? More opportunities for networking? More Pagan lawyers, politicians, etc? Better PR? Or absolutely nothing? What do you think?

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • I'm looking for an old Indian/Hindu story about luck?

    I read this story in a course that I took in college and I really liked it. I've looked in my text books, and searched online and I can't find it anywhere. It was a course on the Sacred Texts of the world, and I believe that it was in the Hindu texts, but it was definately in a text from that part of Asia. It went somethinglike this- There was a man and his cow ran away, and everyone said how unlucky he was and he said, "Maybe I'm unlucky, maybe I'm not" and then the cow came back, and everyone said how lucky he was and he said "Maybe I'm lucky, maybe I'm not." And then it went on like that for awhile with all those things happening like that. I would like a link to it, or if you could tell me the whole story, I'd love it. And I'd love it more if you could tell me where it came from.

    4 AnswersMythology & Folklore2 decades ago
  • How do I deal with fungus on my gerberia daisy?

    I got this gerberia for Secretary's day and it's been sitting on my desk. Otherwise, it seems perfectly healthy. I just cut off the blooms it came with and some baby flowers are shooting up. About a week ago it started showing white powdery stuff on its leaves and it seems to be spreading. Where the powder is thickest, the leaves are also turning black. What should I do?

    1 AnswerOther - Home & Garden2 decades ago
  • What's your favorite "it's too hot to cook" summer recipe?

    Vegetarian bonus but meat's okay.

    11 AnswersCooking & Recipes2 decades ago
  • What holy days did the ancient Greeks celebrate throughout the year?

    I am looking for information about the Holy days and Festivals the ancient Greeks celebrated throughout the year (and WHEN they were celebrated) and perhaps some insight into their calendar and how it compares to our calendar. I am aware of some, but I'm sure not all. I've already studied several websites on this, so I'm not going to award anyone best answer who sends me to a site I've been to.

    I'm interested in info in general, but I realized things were different according to the region, so if we could focus on Sparta, that would be great. Lacking Sparta, Athens will do, but please specify which you're talking about as there's a huge difference. Thanks so much.

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture2 decades ago
  • What do I do with this fish?

    I have a four lined pictus cat fish about six inches long. I bought him 10 years ago as a gift for my ex who had a 75 gallon tank full of Cichlids. When he moved out, he put all the fish into buckets and this one was accidentally left behind; we found this nasty scummy bucket in the garage with a miraculously still alive fish in it. I called him and told him to come get his fish, but he never did. 10 years later the poor beast is still living all alone in a 20 gallon tank. We tried to put him in with my mom's fish, but he ate them all. He's very aggressive. He even ate 10 inch pleco. So he's all alone. I tried to give him to the pet store, but they don't want him because he's too aggressive. I even thought in passing of setting him loose in our pond, but I don't think that's a good idea. I have no interest in eating him, btw... I don't know what to do with this fish. I've never wanted him, and his tank takes up alot of space I could be using. I don't even like fish. Any suggestions?

    12 AnswersFish2 decades ago
  • What is the Christian perspective on animal homosexuality?

    Now I'm not trying to offend anybody... But there are gay ducks in my yard. Yes, they are nesting and clearly devoted to each other as ducks are this time of year, but they are both male. My dog has in the past humped and been humped by other male dogs. My children say this is proof that homosexuality is natural. I personally have no opinion on the matter except to say to each his own. But I heard some Christians ranting about how the gays are killing America and I wondered, what about the ducks? Are they part of the equasion? Or do animals just not count?

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • Where can I get organic meat shipped to my home?

    I get meat from Omaha Steaks shipped to my home every month, but I'd really prefer to get it from an organic provider. It would be great if I could get other products too, like milk and cheese, but not necessary. Does anyone know of a good, realiable company that can do this for me?

    2 AnswersOther - Food & Drink2 decades ago