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  • My 3 year old is complaining of a lot of shoulder pain, what could this be?

    He doubles over in pain every 8 minutes or so and it looks like he's having cramping from constipation but he says the pain is in his shoulder. I can touch his shoulder and move his arm around in all different directions and that causes him no pain or discomfort so I know he doesn't have an injury. Also, he doesn't seem to be constipated because he has both hard and soft bowel movements 2 or 3 times an hour. It IS hurting him to poop because he has a bad rash so I'm also thinking that he's doubling over because it hurts him so much to poop. But other than complaining that it hurts him when I clean him (right now I'm cleaning him with vaseline and toilet paper so it's not so hard on his tush) he only cries that his shoulder hurts.

    I am taking him to the doctor tomorrow but I'm afraid she will say that he just isn't identifying the pain correctly or something. My son is very insistent that the pain is in his shoulder. Even when I rub his tummy and ask him if it hurts there he gets angry and grabs his shoulder. I'm afraid to ignore this if it is something serious and I also don;t know what I can press the doctor about if she doesn;t believe him or just can't find anything.

    What can this be?

    This happened before about a month ago, bad rash and shoulder pain.

    8 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • How do I get a comprehensive diagnosis (mental health)?

    I know I have depression and anxiety and I have been to different therapists over the years who haven't been much help.

    I actually saw a psychiatrist many years ago who diagnosed me with chronic depression but all she did was prescribe Paxil and send me to a therapist. Now my depression is worse than ever and I'm sure I also have (social) anxiety.

    A year and a half ago I took my daughter to a mental health hospital for a diagnosis and all they did was have her fill out a questionnaire. How can I get a more comprehensive screening for myself? I don;t want to simply answer a few questions and then be sent on my way.

    What can I do to get serious answers and real help?

    2 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Is it wrong for me to feel hurt by my friend?

    Last year my when I had my baby I called my best friend from the hospital and told her that I was unexpectedly scheduled for a c-section the next morning. She told me that she would come to the hospital around noon the next day. She never showed.

    I didn't hear from her for weeks after that and I never called her because I was really busy with the new baby, not to mention that I was struggling to figure out what I could have done to upset her that she would just leave me hanging on the day that I had my baby.

    Months later I finally got the courage to call her and it turns out that a few weeks before I had the baby she found out that her oldest daughter had lupus. She said that she had completely fallen apart after that and was so sad and depressed that she didn't want to tell anyone because it was hard for her to even talk about it.

    Of course then I understood why she never came to visit me or call me and we talked a couple of times after that, but then she stopped responding to my calls again.

    The last time we spoke she told me that her daughter was doing much, much better and that she had responded well to her treatments and was going back to school. Soon after that I invited her family to my other son;s birthday party and they never responded and never showed. I have sent her cards inviting them to visit and asking if we could go visit them (we live 40 miles away from each other) but have never gotten a response back.

    She also stopped communicating with my teenage daughter who is her Goddaughter. She would always call her on her birthday and she missed the last two years.

    The thing is, I completely sympathize wih her and I don't blame her for getting depressed and I understand how serious her daughter's illness is. I have also suffered from severe depression so I know how dibilitating it can be. I'm also prepared to accept if she tells me she just doesn't want to be friends anymore, but honestly, I'm very hurt that she never cared to see my baby.

    Now, if she doesn't want to be friends, then it makes sense that that is why she has never even asked anything about him. To me, the friendship is worth saving and I can forgive her for anything. But I feel guilty because I do harbor some resentment. I do understand the seriousness of her daughter's illness but that is why I feel so guilty for feeling angry. Am I completely out of line for feeling this way?

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • I just colored my hair, can I still get highlights?

    I colored my hair using nice 'n easy just last night and this morning I was thinking that I wanted to go get highlights done. Would there be a problem since I just made my hair darker? I mean, should I expect that the stylist might say they can't do it for that specific reason?

    3 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Who else can I report to about former employer who owes me money?

    I left this job this passed February.

    I used my own money for supplies that were used for work in December 2008. I submitted my receipts which totaled more than $180 along with the administrator's approval (his signature) to HR who then was supposed to submit it to the corporate office.

    She never submitted it.

    While I was still working there I made sure to ask her several times what the status of my reimbursement was and she would never give me a straight answer.

    Before my last day I asked her again and she said that she would be in touch with me.

    After not hearing from her for a couple of weeks I e-mailed her and again her reply was that she was looking into it.

    I contacted her corporate supervisor who assured me she would get to the bottom of the situation and ultimately stopped returning my calls.

    I then contacted the vp of the company via e-mail who forwarded my complaint to the district manager and he and I spoke a few times over the phone and communicated through e-mail. Since he is usually not in town he finally referred me to the new administrator and when I contacted her she never responded.

    This has gone on for 9 months.

    The copy of the receipts were kept in my office when I was still working for that company and they were lost when my furniture was moved around on a day that I was not there (although I don't believe those copies were lost deliberately, probably just swept up) so I no longer have itemized receipts but I do have my credit card bill.

    No one in the company is refuting my claim whatsoever but they just keep ignoring me. They asked me for the credit card bill and since I don't have hard copies of my statements because I do it all on computer I e-mailed them my statement. They have asked for an "original" but if I don;t get a hard copy I don;t think I should have to keep going out of my way since I already did what was required on my end.

    I have contacted Wage & Labor but they told me there wasn't anything they could do since they are not withholding my actual pay.

    What should I do at this point.

    Handing this over to my attorney would most likely cost me more than what they owe me and they have wasted enough of my time that I refuse to let them force me to take this to small claims court. I'm wondering if I make one last attempt, if they ignore me, should I go public and drag their name through the mud?

    Isn;t there some other agency I can report their misconduct? Can they just be allowed to screw empolyees over with no reprocussion?

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • How can you get someone psychiatric treatment if they don't want it?

    A co-worker lost her son in an auto accident about 5 months ago. This happened on the very day that she retired. Understandably she has completely fallen apart but her family is really worried for her because she is completely shutting down. She has recently started wandering out of the house on foot at night. She is absolutely refusing any medical treatment and her family is afraid that if they push her to get help she will just get worse.

    No one wants to physically force her to go to the hospital or hold her against her will but I'm afraid they will just have to in order to save her.

    One friend insists she needs to deal with this when SHE is ready and we all agree that this is not something she will ever get over, but if she is no longer functional shouldn't something be done to help her get treatment?

    7 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Do I report my former employer to the workforce commission?

    The company I used to work for ( I left there in February) still owes me $200 in reimbursements that I filed for in January when I was still with the company. They haven't refused to pay me but they have been giving me the runaround for almost 7 months.

    I have even contacted the vice president of the company who courteously passed the buck.

    To what agency do I report their unprofessional practices?

    FYI, this is in the state of New Mexico.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Do I report my former employer to the workforce commission?

    The company I used to work for ( I left there in February) still owes me $200 in reimbursements that I filed for in January when I was still with the company. They haven't refused to pay me but they have been giving me the runaround for almost 7 months.

    I have even contacted the vice president of the company who courteously passed the buck.

    To what agency do I report their unprofessional practices?

    FYI, this is in the state of New Mexico.

    2 AnswersCorporations1 decade ago
  • where do i type in the magic word of the day ?

    i've been all over ellen's website and i can't find the sweepstakes page!

    1 AnswerTalk Shows1 decade ago
  • How would I describe Christina Applegate's haircut to a hairdresser?

    Assuming I don't have a picture to take in with me, I would like to cut my hair so that I can style it like Christina Applegate in "Samantha Who?" Short cut with long layers? I like to curl my hair as well as wear it straight and my hair is very fine so I need a cut that allows me to create volume otherwise it just lays flat. How can I describe it so that I can get exactly what I want?

    2 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Suggestions for sending a stern e-mail without sounding ANGRY.?

    The company I used to work for still owes me about a $200 reimbursement. After several weeks of dealing with the local office I worked in I finally brought it to the attention of the national director who quickly e-mailed me back and said he would investigate the situation and get back to me within the week.

    That was last Monday.

    I'm tired of dealing with this company and tired of being given the runaround.

    Suggestions, please, on what to say in a SHORT e-mail just to remind this person that I'm still waiting to hear from him. I'm just too angry to think straight or to communicate calmly with this company at this point.

    9 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • Help, please! I need to send an important e-mail without letting emotion get in the way.?

    The company I used to work for still owes me about a $200 reimbursement. After several weeks of dealing with the local office I worked in I finally brought it to the attention of the national director who quickly e-mailed me back and said he would investigate the situation and get back to me within the week.

    That was last Monday.

    I'm tired of dealing with this company and tired of being given the runaround.

    Suggestions, please, on what to say in a SHORT e-mail just to remind this person that I'm still waiting to hear from him. I'm just too angry to think straight or to communicate calmly with this company at this point.

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Is this question relevant to the situation?

    Your spouse has locked their keys, cell phone, money in the car and are stuck at a shopping center with your two small children. They call you to ask them for help and your response is only to question what they are doing at the shopping center.

    There are no tricky twists to this scenario, like that the shopping center was 3 towns away or that it was the middle of the night.

    Does it matter why your loved ones are where they are before you proceed to help them or is it irrelevant?

    15 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • If someone has power of attorney over you does that mean you no longer have any right to make decisions...?

    Can you no longer make any decisions for yourself?

    My aunt and uncle are 70 and 71 years old and her oldest son has power of attorney over her. He will no longer allow her to live in the house she lives in with her husband because he feels that his brother (who lives in another city) and his family can take better care of her, so that's where she is. My uncle has also gone to stay at her son's house so that they can be together but they both want to leave. My uncle will stay with her at the son's house as long as she is forced to be there but they both want to go home.

    My aunt had a stroke a few years ago but she can still walk, talk, feed herself and can communicate her needs perfectly, she just cannot be left alone because she is a bit unsteady.

    By the way, her children are not trying to keep my aunt and uncle apart they just feel that he is unable to care for her on his own, which is true but they won't consider any other options.

    They are forcing her against her will, is this legal because of the son's power of attorney?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • How can I explain reason for leaving job so quickly on a job application?

    Rather, is it ok to let a potential employer know that it was the company's "fault" that I left and I didn't just give up after 3 months?

    What happened was that I was expected to pay for my department expenses out of pocket and then wait for the company to reimburse me whenever they decided to get around to it.

    This was not part of my job description at all and, in fact, when I interviewed I was told what my monthly budget would be and that I would be shown how to submit orders and calculate my spend-down, etc.

    I don't really want to exclude this entirely from my resume because I did really good work for this company and I have raving endorsements from management, co-workers, residents and their family members (this was a long term care facility) but I just could not stay on with a company that essentially stole back about one-fourth of my pay per month.

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Parents, do you permit your child to have or attend sleepovers/slumber parties?

    When I was growing up in the '80's my friends and I had slumber parties all the time. I remember that I started going to them when I was 9 years old and we still had sleepovers all through high school. It was just a fun time to eat junk food and rent movies or whatever. But now that my daughter is in her early teens I have noticed that many parents don't allow their kids to attend sleepovers.

    I consider myself to be a pretty conservative parent and, among other precautions, I always make sure I know the parents of the children my daughter is spending time with, so I don't think there is anything WRONG with not allowing your child to spend the night at someone else's house. It just seems like there are a lot of parents who feel this way and I don't know when this stared.

    My daughter went to a sleepover the other weekend and one girl couldn't go because her mom said they were too old for that.

    I did think that was odd but, like I said, I respect any parent's decision that they make for their child, I just never thought of slumber parties as being an activity I should restrict my daughter from as long as I KNOW they are being supervised by responsible adults.

    By the way, I am talking about same sex sleepovers, not coed.

    17 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Question about rehab program for alcoholic...?

    My uncle went into an inpatient rehab program this week for 30 days and 3 days later he was back home. He told us that the counselors said he could do the program on an outpatient basis. He has been an alcoholic for 50 years, a program where he is only there for 5 hours a day, 5 days a week doesn't seem very appropriate.

    I know they can't keep him against his will, but should we believe that this is what THEY suggested or assume that this was all HE was willing to do?

    4 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • I need suggestions for a thank you gift for my daughter's coach?

    I'm having a lot of trouble finding the right gift because he is not someone we know very intimately.

    He is middle-aged, a family man and really supportive of the kids.

    We want to give him something that he could actually use and enjoy, not something he might consider re-gifting.

    16 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • What are some suggestions for a thank you gift for my daughter's coach?

    I'm having a lot of trouble finding the right gift because he is not someone we know very intimately.

    He is middle-aged, a family man and really supportive of the kids.

    We want to give him something that he could actually use and enjoy, not something he might consider re-gifting.

    6 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • How do I answer "salary desired" on an application for a retail position?

    I have been working in the medical field for the last 12 years and I am taking time off to stay home with my little ones for a while, I just want a part-time job close to home so that I can still afford the little extras for my preteen. "Salary desired"? I know I can't expect them to pay me what I used to earn but I also don't want to just put the minimum wage. Even if that's all they are willing to pay, I certainly don't want it to seem like I don't think I'm worth more than that. What can I put down that won't seem like I have outrageous expectations or look like I don't care what kind of a wage they give me?

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago