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Lv 616,135 points

Lady G.

Favorite Answers26%
  • La phrase du film "Samba"?


    il y a quelques jours j'ai vu le film, et j’étais vraiment émerveillée...

    Je n'arrive pas a me rappeler de la phrase dite par Charlotte Gainsbourg et puis repetee lors d'un toast pendant leur fete a l'assoc...C'etait "Les debut du.. des..."?

    Merci d'avance!

    2 AnswersCinéma7 years ago
  • My bf is in the army...?

    ... and he's coming back next week after 6 months of service. We didn't actually knew each other for a long time before he left, but we fell in love, and we kept the contact for all these months - we talked on the phone, on skype, almost every day.

    I know that he can't always talk about his job, cause it's a secret, but...sometimes he behaves strangely, and I cannot know if it's the army and what he lives/sees there, or maybe he has changed his mind about our relationship. We're really close, we always speak with a lot of love and tenderness, but sometimes he just stops talking to me as his GF and he's cold, distant, he ignores me... One day we talk for hours, the next day he doesn't say a word. If I ask what's up, why he's like that, am I disturbing or sth - he answers by... questions such as: "you don't know that I can't chat at work??" (and we did it for 6 months every day..); then I say that it'll be ok if he just says sth to make me feel good, as I did, and I hear: "What's up with you, you have a problem?". I want to be comprehensive, I know some army wives who tell me that it happens quite often that their men are strange or hard to recognize... but I don't know if I should wait patiently or just don't tolerate that hurting behaviour. When he's like that, a normal talk is impossible. But if I don't talk to him at all and wait - he'll come and say that I don't understand his job, I'm not there for him, etc, etc... It's silly to do that just before his homecoming, but I don't know if in this case we will even meet next week...What do you think?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • How much time before the real commitment?

    I'm 28 and I'm in a relationship with a boy 2 years younger than me. We've been together for 3 months and I start asking myself if this thing goes in the right direction - for me... It's the beginning but I tend to feel like a teenager just going out with someone like in high school... I want a real thing, and he still chooses his family over me, he passes his weekends with them and if he stays with me, he doesn't suggest going somewhere, like travel or anything, we just go to the movies, eat outside or stay home. All my friends in my age are married or in long relationships and they tell me that I should give him a month and not more than that, to see if he has some more projects with me or is it just childish hanging out. I wanna have a family, kids, etc. Of course, not after 3 months, but maybe I'm just loosing my time with this guy, cause he'll want that like in 10 years...

    So... how much time should I wait?

    I know that probably everybody will say: there's no rule, it just happens when you're ready, etc; etc. But still, I'd like to know your opinion because I don't have much experience, have only been in a relationship once, and that went TOO fast: we started living together after 3 months of dating and before we were seeing each other 2 times a month, that was a bit crazy... What d'u think?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Pour les garçons (surtout...): quel attitude pour vous rendre accro?;)?

    Je tiens a avoir une relation stable et durable. Comment je peux savoir si un mec veut la même chose avec moi? Dans quels gestes je peux le voir - et surtout, comment voir que ce n'est pas le cas du tout et qu'il veut juste un truc simple et pas long (je précise qu'on se voit depuis 3 semaines, jusqu'au la c'était très correct et ca allait doucement).

    Et aussi - comment se comporter pour qu'un garçon me voie comme une fille sérieuse, une fille "a marier", et pour qu'il aie aussi envie de construire quelque chose avec moi, pour qu'il se dise que ca vaut la peine de faire un effort, qu'il aille vers moi... Alors les gars, c'est quand que vous vous dites que cette fille, elle peut etre la bonne, elle vaut la peine d'attendre, etc...?

    11 AnswersCélibat et rencontre10 years ago
  • How to make him wait a little bit?

    I met someone 3 weeks ago, since then we met like 5 times. Everything goes slowly between us, maybe at the beginning he was a little bit shy, we kissed for the first time after the third date (and we're 28!), but during the 5th one I felt that he really wanted to stay the night;) I refused because I don't feel yet if he is attached enough to do that... He seemed to understand and agree, but we'll see how much time he will be able to wait...

    The thing is that I don't know how to be sure if this is serious or not. I don't want to be just a one-month girlfriend, I want a real relationship. He seems serious, too, he waited with the gestures and everything, but now, knowing that we both feel sth, the question of sex is inevitable... I have nth against it, but I would like to keep this guy, and I'm not 100% sure if he will still call me after that and stay with me - because still, we don't know each other well.. Sex is important for me, it means something, so I don't want to do it for fun.

    So - how to play it well..? If now he doesn't come back, that's clear. But if we stay in touch, how to make him wait for our first night together and not exaggerate? And how to know the good moment - I mean, how will I know that he is attached enough to stay with me...?

    For the moment it's all rather cool, for example I know that he is really into his friends, he spends a lot of time with them, for the moment they are more important than me, but that's ok, he knows them for years. But if it doesn't change, if he will still choose his friends over me - will it mean that he's looking just for the sex, or it can be just the way of living?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Should I stay or should I come back....?

    Should I stay in France or come back home?

    FRANCE: I have a job I like, strictly my profession - I'm teaching, only 20 H per week, I have small groups (like 7 pupils), so not much homework to check, etc. However, I'm payed by Poland, so what I earn doesn't even make the minimum salary permitted in France. That's why I can't rent a flat, because you have to provide documents that prove that you have a stable FRENCH job and you earn 3 times the rent. I can't. So I need sb who will do all that for me, and I don't know anybody. The only person that earns enough money is my ex-boyfriend, but one can't really ask him for help... Actually we lived together once, that's how I got a place to live, but it didn't work out between us. I found a free room in school's flats, but soon after I had to leave, because it's actually for French teachers, as administratively I work for Poland. Then I could come back, but I'm never sure to stay. About the money - all that's bothering me is the requirement about 3x the rent, because for me, honestly, I earn enough to get on well!!!

    Additionally, I have no assurance in France. And I don't have many friends in my age, so I'm a bit lonely...

    So... staying and struggling for a flat and other stuff all the time and keeping my favorite job? Quit this job and try to find another one here? and hope to find a new bf, another reason to stay here (and really, I had only French bfs in my life!)

    POLAND: There is a lot of unemployment, I don't want to work at school because it's really difficult these days in there. I have my family, but I can't come back to live with them, as I actually left because of my father... He's unsupportable, despotic,stills treats me like a child=sb who has nth to say, so he wants even to control all my money...

    I'd like to go to the city where I went to university, I have friends there, and I can rent a flat without any questions. However, the job is not waiting there, it is not easy to get, and I will never have the same level of life that I had before. With the small thing I earn in France, I can go for a vacation to Poland;) But being in Poland, I'm not sure to earn enough to go on holidays to France or anywhere. But I''ll have an assurance, a flat - but... a job? A boyfriend? A comfort living? Maybe not.

    What would you do in my place?

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Que font les couples le dimanche? ;)?

    Je me demandais ce que font les couples (qui vivent ensemble) le dimanche, quand il fait pas encore trop chaud, et si on ne part pas pour tout le WE. Car les célibataires c'est sur: ils dorment après la soirée de samedi:P

    11 AnswersAmour et relations - Divers1 decade ago
  • Quelle assurance pour une étrangère?


    je suis polonaise et je travaille en France depuis quelque temps. Je suis employée par mon pays, donc je suis payée entièrement par l'état polonais, je paye mes impôts en Pologne, et aussi tous les frais pour la retraite, et l'assurance médicale. En pratique - je peux me faire soigner seulement en Pologne, car l'assurance nationale ne couvre pas les frais a l'étranger.Car c'est comme si je travaillais sur place, en Pologne. Je peux prendre gratuitement une carte européenne, mais seulement pour 3 mois, et que pour les situations comme les accidents, etc.

    Ma question: dans ma situation, comment je peux obtenir l'assurance en France? Ou m'adresser si je voudrais même la payer entièrement de ma poche? L'historie d'avoir une vrai carte vitale et le numéro de secu.


    3 AnswersAssurances1 decade ago
  • Quelle assurance pour une étrangère?


    je suis polonaise et je travaille en France depuis quelque temps. Je suis employée par mon pays, donc je suis payée entièrement par l'état polonais, je paye mes impôts en Pologne, et aussi tous les frais pour la retraite, et l'assurance médicale. En pratique - je peux me faire soigner seulement en Pologne, car l'assurance nationale ne couvre pas les frais a l'étranger.Car c'est comme si je travaillais sur place, en Pologne. Je peux prendre gratuitement une carte européenne, mais seulement pour 3 mois, et que pour les situations comme les accidents, etc.

    Ma question: dans ma situation, comment je peux obtenir l'assurance en France? Ou m'adresser si je voudrais même la payer entièrement de ma poche? L'historie d'avoir une vrai carte vitale et le numéro de secu.


  • Départ en Tunisie en décembre...?


    j'ai un projet de voyage a Djerba fin décembre. Est-ce que vous avez des conseils, ce qu'il faut préparer avant et prendre avec moi? Quel temps fait-il la-bas en décembre/janvier? Qu'est-ce qu'il faut essayer et voir absolument?:)

    11 AnswersTunisie1 decade ago
  • Mon copain est parti sans moi...?

    Quoi penser? Mon copain, avec qui j'habite, a décidé de profiter de son long WE de 5 jours et partir pour ces 5 jours voir ses vieux potes dans une autre ville. Moi je travaille ce WE, mais ce soir, et demain, et dimanche je reste toute seule a la maison... Je suis triste d'être laissée toute seule...

    Je devrais comprendre qu'il est pas oblige a s'embêter a la maison ou plutôt me méfier de lui puisque il me laisse toute seule pour une-deux soirees?

    16 AnswersAmour et relations - Divers1 decade ago
  • Les français VS. les etrangers...?

    Quel est votre (les français) attitude vers les étrangers? Car des fois les remarques qu'on peut entendre sont vraiment contradictoires... D'un cote vous etes ouverts aux autres cultures, vous même vous aimez voyager, etc... Mais de l'autre cote, quand je me fais insulter parce que ca m'arrive de faire une faute en français, je me demande si vous ne préfériez pas rester enfermes, ne laisser personne entrer, que les étrangers vous laissent tranquilles... Il y a des personnes qui apprécient ceux qui font l'effort de parler votre langue, mais des fois on a l'impression que si nous ne sommes pas parfaitement francophones, vaut mieux de se taire... Qu'en pensez vous?

    (et dsl pour les fautes...)

    5 AnswersSocieté et culture - Divers1 decade ago
  • DVD in Lexus while driving?

    Hi, on my boyfriend's behalf;) I'd like to ask how we can unlock the Lexus system in order to be able to watch the DVDs while driving? There are some films on youtube, but it doesn't really work.

    9 AnswersLexus1 decade ago
  • A quoi ressemble le Bac - option/LV3...?


    je souhaite aider un ami dans ses préparations au bac - il a choisi le polonais en tant que LV3/option, mais il ne sait pas du tout a quoi ressemble cet examen. Et moi non plus. Je ne sais pas s'il faut se préparer comme pour un épreuve de littérature (les textes, etc) ou plutôt d'une langue vivante (grammaire, oral)? Je ne connais pas vraiment toutes les règles, je sais seulement qu'en LV2 on doit préparer 5 textes littéraires et on est interroge par des profs de Pologne. Et en LV3??? Option..??? A l'aide, svp!!!!;)

  • 62 kilos pour 170 cm?

    Est-ce beaucoup? J'ai quand meme l'air enrobee, comme j'ai pas trop de seins, et bcp de fesses, hanches, cuisses... Vous trouver ca ok ou grosse?

    5 AnswersDiététique et fitness1 decade ago
  • Enterrement de la vie de jeune fille?


    Je dois organiser une fête pour la future mariée, qui est une fille très sérieuse, calme et appliquée dans ses études du doctorat... Donc pas de déguisement, pas de folies, elle veut juste aller boire un verre... J'aimerais bien pourtant organiser quelques concours, petites exercices, j'en sais rien... Ca se passe pas en France, donc je ne peux pas appliquer les mêmes méthodes qu'on utilise la-bas... Elle refuse tout les folies comme des trucs sexuels, etc.. Donc - quoi faire:???? J'ai pense aux allusions a son métier - professeur des lettres classiques.. Mais après la décoration de la salle avec des citations latins et grecques sur l'amour - j'ai pas trop d'idée.... AU SECOURS!!

    5 AnswersCérémonies1 decade ago
  • A party before the weding?

    I'll be my friend's maid, and I have to organise her party one week before. The thing is that she's looking forward to it, but she doesn't want any "classic" party like this - no chippendales, no striptease, no cakes in funny shapes, no bunny ears and such stuff... What can we do during this evening? She says she just wants to go and have a beer, but if there'll be no surprise, I'm sure she'll be disapointed...Additionally, we'll be couple of girls there, from different places: from cool girls from school - to other PHD students... What we can do togheter? What kind of quizzes or such things we could organise? Maybe sth about her job... She's calm, very serious, she's doing her PHD in anthic litterature. We can't change the decor of the pub that she chose, so... what we can do??? Please, help!

    2 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • A party before the weding?

    I'll be my friend's maid, and I have to organise her party one week before. The thing is that she's looking forward to it, but she doesn't want any "classic" party like this - no chippendales, no striptease, no cakes in funny shapes, no bunny ears and such stuff... What can we do during this evening? She says she just wants to go and have a beer, but if there'll be no surprise, I'm sure she'll be disapointed...Additionally, we'll be couple of girls there, from different places: from cool girls from school - to other PHD students... What we can do togheter? What kind of quizzes or such things we could organise? Maybe sth about her job... She's calm, very serious, she's doing her PHD in anthic litterature. We can't change the decor of the pub that she chose, so... what we can do??? Please, help!

    1 AnswerOther - Entertainment1 decade ago
  • Permis de conduire/Strasbourg?

    Premièrement: est-ce que c'est difficile de passer le permis en France? Car chez moi c'est très dur, les examinateurs font peur, il y a 30% qui passent... Et deuxièmement: conaissez-vous une bonne ecole a Strasbourg? Bonne et efficace?