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Sarah Palin will not crack the glass ceiling of women in the white house. The ceiling will fall to Palin, thanks to everyone going easy on her, should she win the election. The ceiling will still crack open... but really, women will be in the same place as they were before. Rather than women rising up, like Senator Clinton, the expectations fall down.

  • samsung impression ATT phone spontaneously stopped working, HELP?

    today, my phone stopped working after about 10 months. first the touch screen was barely working, taking 3-4 tries of pressing to get anything to happen. when keyboard was pulled out, the touch screen didn't work at all. soon after, the touch screen stopped working altogether, rendering my phone useless other than dialing numbers and making/receiving calls. then the screen goes blank. the keyboard lights up but the screen is blank, and now it is really useless.

    my question is, will AT&T replace this phone for me? What is the process? How long will it take? Do I need my receipt or anything?

    this phone has been nothing but headaches and i'm going to give AT&T hell because everyone i know with this phone has the same problems. no one's impression lasts longer than a year!

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Just added this girl on facebook, how do i start talking to her?

    Never talked to her in person, she goes to my school, and i think shes pretty cute and i wanna get to know her, how do i get things started? poke? wall post? what?

    11 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What is a cheap 19-26ish inch lcd or plasma tv that you would recommend?

    My old 19 inch westinghouse lcd tv broke down (again) and im tired of paying to fix it its time for something new.

    What would you recommend for me?

    1 AnswerTVs1 decade ago
  • Does this formal outfit look good?

    Black suit with blue pinstripes, royal blue shirt, and a pink tie with stripes that are gray/white.

    8 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • How do you manually program your DIRECTV remote for your television?

    its a westinghouse tv, and none of the codesthat they tell you to use work at all.

    2 AnswersTiVO & DVRs1 decade ago
  • I have a Toyota Camry 2000 XLE V6 with stock speakers. Can anyone tell me how big they are?

    Because I love my speakers. The bass is extremely good for stock speakers. I wanna know how big they are and the maker. When I got this car I was searching for new sound system, but after using these for a while I am very pleased.

    So how big, who makes them, and any other owners love their speakers like I do?

    1 AnswerCar Audio1 decade ago
  • Over/Under 340 Electoral Votes for Obama?

    Who would go over, under, and why?

    1 AnswerElections1 decade ago
  • It's official. Sarah Palin abused power as Governor. Is it over?

    I am happy. President Obama will be great

    15 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Has this debate showed you that Palin is, in many ways, just like G. W. Bush?

    unprepared for answers

    no specifics

    lovable idiot who idiots relate to

    someone you would like to have a beer (or basically just be around) with

    A puppet for her party

    did i mention stupid?


    And Biden could not call her out on any of it, because this stupid country would call it sexism. he did great answering questions and going after McCain, not the woman.

    If Palin was a man, she would have been crucified by the country already. She is the worst!

    22 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • What do you think are the chances that Sarah Palin withdraws from the candidacy?

    I put it at 9 percent. I'm not sure it would be smart to put her out in a debate. It is a women moderator (so no sexism charges) and Biden will simply dominate.

    6 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Is Keith Olbermann going broke?

    He just declared that he will donate 100 dollars to the Special Olympics every time Palin tells a lie. He will be broke by 8:12 pm tonight.

    I dont know how the lies campaign can continue. McLies and (Just) Playin' for president

    17 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Palin-Biden Debate Question?

    What will the headline look the next day?

    Biden displays chauvinism in debate against Madame Palin?

    It seems like no matter what the Dems say, Palin is "unfairly" attacked. I am really scared that Biden does an excellent job in the debate but it is spun to look like he was a sexist bully. The republicans use this gender card so effectively. If Palin was a man McCain would be down 10-20 points because he would have a dangerously inexperienced theocrat on the ticket.

    19 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why is almost everything Governor Palin says a blatant lie?

    Even more baffling: how come most of the country views her favorably!!??

    "I opposed the Bridge to Nowhere" - not true

    just one example, u can ask for more, ive got them.

    21 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Does Palin seem like a fascist to you?

    Her views and the way she speaks makes me think that she wants to lead a theocracy in America. She sounds scary when she speaks. Her views are extremist.

    21 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Should McCain have picked my former high school Principal for VP?

    My principal ran my school of 3500 about half the population of Wasilla, Alaska. There were always fights and racial conflicts at my school, and the school had pretty small funds. My principal did a good job turning the school around and things went a lot better by my senior year. We had twice as many AP classes, and better teachers, and less fights and tensions.

    Doesn't that make him as qualified, or more qualified, than Sarah Palin?

    23 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Two consecutive Republican VPs have daughters that contradict their beliefs... Could you read this?

    Cheney has a lesbian daughter... he is anti-gay

    Palin has a pregnant underage daughter... she is pro-abstinence

    5 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Is it possible that this is Bristol Palin's second child?

    Is the rumor that she had the down syndrome baby still plausible? Just wondering?

    5 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Don't you think it is odd that Palin is spelled so closely to Stalin?

    I mean, I am paranoid because we already have a guy running who sounds like Osama, so could Palin be a secret Communist or something?

    Now I don't know who to vote for! Everyone has something wrong with their names! Even Nader sounds like Darth Vader. I dont want a sith lord as our president!!!!!

    30 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Miss Alaska, Small Town Mayor, Small State Governor, VICE PRESIDENT????

    I don't understand how former Miss Alaska Sarah Palin, who used her looks and fame to become the Mayor of a town of 9000, and then who used her looks, fame, and little experience to become the Governor of the most insignificant state in the nation, can be taken seriously as a vice presidential candidate.

    If McCain wanted a woman so bad (to trick Hillary Supporters probably), he had Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison or Sen. Elizabeth Dole. They are actually educated and relevant.

    36 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Which news network have you favored during the entire election year?

    I used to depend on CNN, despite the title, "Clinton News Network." I noticed a bias towards her from the start but they seemed fair enough throughout the primaries. Lately, all I see is "reports" on Clinton-Obama drama. Last time I checked, this should have been over 2 (by most accounts 5) months ago. I can't watch for 5 minutes without hearing how Bill is upset about nothing or a poll that shows Clinton is still relevant or something etc.

    I have started on MSNBC lately. Keith Olbermann is pretty funny, but obviously a liberal. Chris Matthews does a good job even though he's a douchebag. They seem to cover actual issues and actual Obama-McCain politics (You know, the two candidates that are actually running for president).

    As for FOX I try watching them because I believe in right center economics generally, but all I get is bs and appeal to clinton supporters. There is no denying that this network functions to elect McCain, or anyone not on the left side of the center.

    5 AnswersElections1 decade ago