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Laws on property easement utilization?
In the state of Florida, prior to the access of land by utilization of an easement, does the property owner have to be notified in advance?
With underground (buried) unities such as sewer and electric, cable etc. does a survey have to be taken to mark the location even that digging is not to be done?
If heavy equipment brought over ground containing buried infrastructure damages said infrastructure, is the entity utilizing the easement liable for damages.
Is failing to identify and avoid buried infrastructure willful negligence?
Thanks in advance for your answers.
2 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years agouse of property easement?
I live in the state of Florida in a mobile home development, I own my own lot and a share of the development regulated by the home owners association. My property has an easement which grants access to a pump station for purposes of maintenance. Last year in the spring I was informed that the board of directors wanted to install security lights around the perimeter of the development. Both my neighbor and I objected to the location of one proposed light due to the fact that it would shine in our bedroom windows. We are seasonal residents. After we went north for the summer, the board went forward with their plan to install said security light. They utilized the easement in contracting with LLEC power to enter with a heavy bucket truck then crossed my neighbor’s property to install the light. In doing so they drove over buried power lines that supply our houses with electricity. My line was damaged and it cost me $500 to repair it. I discovered the break in the line when I returned for the winter. The homeowner’s association board of directors has refused my request for reimbursement of repair costs. What are my legal rights?
2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade agoVHS to MPEG clarity issue?
Recently I upgraded to a flat screen TV. The first thing I noticed was that if I played my VHS tapes via tape player that the picture was not as sharp as it was with my old style TV. I have used roxio to convert many of my old tapes to DVD in an mpeg format but the picture still lacks the clarity that I used to have. Anyone know how to get a better picture?
3 AnswersTiVO & DVRs1 decade agocell phone vibration mechanism?
I'm serious about this.......It occurred to me that the device used to make your cell phone vibrate is far superior to the mechanism used in many "adult toys" they are smaller and more powerful. In the interest of building a better "mouse trap" so to speak, I wonder if anyone has incorporated into a better designed toy? Perhaps a slide control for vibration level and a rechargeable battery circuit. In my research I've seen devices that can be triggered remotely via cell phone, but I'm thinking more along the line of a pocket pal. The old style used a spinning weight variable in speed that would create the vibration by off balance. How do these new ones in the phones work?
1 AnswerEngineering1 decade agomile high escapades and the age of consent?
On a commercial flight from Detroit to Florida, after the passengers had disembarked, a member of the cabin crew found evidence that two passengers had engaged in activity of a sexual nature. Collected in the row where the event took place was a condom wrapper, several Kleenex, a used condom and a blanket. The alleged act would have taken place during the cruise segment at 30,000 + altitude. The passenger manifest identifies the Male as a twenty five year old from the state of Georgia, and the Female as a 16 year old from the state of Michigan. The senior cabin attendant requested the Captain file a report with authorities, However the Captain maintains that the evidence was circumstantial at best and further that without knowledge of what state the aircraft was over during the alleged act that laws pertaining to the age of consent may not have been broken. This enraged the flight attendant who now has reported the Captains actions to the company. What say you all in regards to appropriate or inappropriate actions/decisions taken by the Captain.
2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agowhat is a fair settlement?
I was out my usual morning bike ride following a bike path, I was crossing at a marked crossway at an intersecting road with a stop sign for traffic on that road. A car came to a stop with the right of way belonging to me. As I was crossing, the driver of the car lunged forward hitting me and knocking me into the oncoming traffic lane. Luckily the traffic was able to avoid me.I suffered scraps and bruises but otherwise was ok and did not need medical attention. My bicycle was damaged to the tune of about eighty dollars. The driver took off, but luckily I had the presence to get the plate number. The police responded, there were witnesses. The driver was charged with hit and run, leaving the scene and failure to yield the right of way. My question is when his insurance company contacts me, what is a fair and common settlement offered in this situation.
3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoremote starter question?
I have a 07 equinox with a factory remote starter, it would be nice to be able to start the engine and have the heater blower work or in hot weather the airconditioning function while running after remote start, however it seems not to be wired this way and these features only function after the key is inserted and turned to the on position. I can't understand what good the remote started is if these features will not work. Has anyone found away to rewire or change this on the factory installed remote starter?
3 AnswersChevrolet1 decade agoremote starter question?
I have a 07 equinox with a factory remote starter, it would be nice to be able to start the engine and have the heater blower work or in hot weather the airconditioning function while running after remote start, however it seems not to be wired this way and these features only function after the key is inserted and turned to the on position. I can't understand what good the remote started is if these features will not work. Has anyone found away to rewire or change this on the factory installed remote starter?
1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoIs Enzyte Bob's 3rd Clone a card carrying Limbaugh dittohead?
he must be an unemployed conservative that spends his day online looking for moral support.
10 AnswersPolitics1 decade agodon't you just love it when a republicans day is so upset by the mornings news?
11 AnswersPolitics1 decade agocopying old engineering drawings?
I don't know where to post this question but I will start here. I had a copy of two engineering drawings front and side view of a curtiss Jenny aircraft, I framed them for display using a glass that was supposed to keep them from fading, however in time they totally faded out. I have another set of the same drawings but would like to get them copied in such a manner and on paper that will preserve them so that I may re-frame them. Can anyone offer any suggestions on how or where to have this done
2 AnswersEngineering1 decade agoneed names for death pool?
I'm in a death pool and need some names of republican politicians with one foot on the banana peel so that I have something to celebrate when their day comes.
13 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoRush Limbaugh accidental death?
Did I just here a blurb on the news that Limbaugh was killed in an accident early morning hours?
19 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoIs it appropriate even if legal to carry a firearm to a public forum?
As a pilot I have become used to TFR’s (temporary flight restrictions) being placed in areas of special events where security issues deem necessary. Presidential movements are certainly one that creates a TFR on a regular basis. Any pilot who operates an aircraft illegally in these no fly zones are subject to a possible fighter escort to landing and are held accountable for their actions. In certain cases they cold be shot down if the security threat is serious enough. I as a legal gun owner, would have no problem with temporary restrictions being placed on laws or rights concerning carrying firearms in a zone surrounding the movement of the President, or other such public rally’s and events where carrying firearms by John Q. Public is not considered a necessity or appropriate. It’s a shame that some gun advocates can’t use more common sense in these matters. To those who point out that bearing firearms is a right whereas flying an aircraft is a privilege, Both may be considered a perceived threat to security. Even while exercising your rights to bear arms you are subject to both federal and local laws or ordinances allowing you the “privilege” to do so. For those that fear Obama will take your guns away, remember George Bush would not let you near a public apperance where he was with so much as a pocket knife. I've not heard comment by Obama or the NRA on these matters.
16 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agois it appropriate even if legal to carry a firearm to a public forum?
As a pilot I have become used to TFR’s (temporary flight restrictions) being placed in areas of special events where security issues deem necessary. Presidential movements are certainly one that creates a TFR on a regular basis. Any pilot who operates an aircraft illegally in these no fly zones are subject to a possible fighter escort to landing and are held accountable for their actions. In certain cases they cold be shot down if the security threat is serious enough. I as a legal gun owner, would have no problem with temporary restrictions being placed on laws or rights concerning carrying firearms in a zone surrounding the movement of the President, or other such public rally’s and events where carrying firearms by John Q. Public is not considered a necessity or appropriate. It’s a shame that some gun advocates can’t use more common sense in these matters.
16 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agowhat about guns in public forum?
Back in the day's the west was won firearms were certainly a tool, but even then it was deemed necessary to enforce where you could and couldn't carry your weapon. The saloon's owners allowed no guns, the pastor of the church said no guns in the house of worship. As law enforcement tamed the west thought was given to the protection of the ordinary citizen that often was caught in the crossfire of street gunfights. This isn't the wild west anymore...why should we allow guns in public forums where they need not be?
10 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agowhy all the misguided hate?
I see posts from many blaming the economic crises on the spending habits of american workers, unions, pension and benefits programs for retired and active workers and folks trying to buy their first home. What about the people in the upper echelon of the financial institutions who lined their pockets by creating and selling bad paper? What about the industry captains whom have raped their struggling company's by taking huge amounts of compensation with no performance goals met? It use to be that the ratio for a CEO was 30 to 1 of the average worker, so if the worker makes 40,000 per year the CEO gets 1.2 million! Not bad pay, so why are hundreds of millions going to CEO's when the company is posting record profit losses? Why do you think that a worker who has worked thirty or more years and may even have work related health issues is now not entitled to a full retirement and medical benefits? These programs of pension and benefits mostly are paid by interest bearing funds set up for that purpose, although the company must still make deposits to fully fund them, they are not the cause for the economic crises that many company's face today. Politicians created avenues of escape for manufacturers to move labor and profit out of the country why not hold them now accountable?
14 AnswersElections1 decade agowhat do you think about this?
I've been volunteering at the local election poll this past week. I'm helping parking cars and if needed help disabled into the building. I keep seeing people leaving disgusted over the long wait or outdoor line to vote, they are very abusive to all of us that are there to help. As they blast out of the parking lot not having voted, I note many have McCain or old Bush stickers on their cars. What makes them so special? I don't see the democrats and Independents complaining about the lines.
25 AnswersElections1 decade agoEJECT.....EJECT.....EJECT?
If McCain's campaign was his fighter jet, would he now bail out? Would he risk the lives of fellow Americans by trying to landing his crippled aircraft on the carrier deck, or do the right thing and ditch at sea? His training should kick in and he should punch out now before it's to late.
23 AnswersElections1 decade ago