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Is it appropriate even if legal to carry a firearm to a public forum?

As a pilot I have become used to TFR’s (temporary flight restrictions) being placed in areas of special events where security issues deem necessary. Presidential movements are certainly one that creates a TFR on a regular basis. Any pilot who operates an aircraft illegally in these no fly zones are subject to a possible fighter escort to landing and are held accountable for their actions. In certain cases they cold be shot down if the security threat is serious enough. I as a legal gun owner, would have no problem with temporary restrictions being placed on laws or rights concerning carrying firearms in a zone surrounding the movement of the President, or other such public rally’s and events where carrying firearms by John Q. Public is not considered a necessity or appropriate. It’s a shame that some gun advocates can’t use more common sense in these matters. To those who point out that bearing firearms is a right whereas flying an aircraft is a privilege, Both may be considered a perceived threat to security. Even while exercising your rights to bear arms you are subject to both federal and local laws or ordinances allowing you the “privilege” to do so. For those that fear Obama will take your guns away, remember George Bush would not let you near a public apperance where he was with so much as a pocket knife. I've not heard comment by Obama or the NRA on these matters.


Boozy security measures have already been increased to insure your safety in air travel, perhaps you can tell me your name so that I can place it on the TSA list for more pre-boarding scrutiny as I don't want you bringing weapons on my flight. I have onboard security to deal with criminals and terrorists.

Update 2:

Why is it that some think the constitutional rights are only to protect their freedoms? What about the rights of all the others that are not comfortable with gun totting idiots. If enough “Armed Citizens” show up at one of these rally’s then they could out number the Secret Service and other law enforcement on location to protect the rights of the general population and VIP’s . I perceive this as a threat., law enforcement is their to ensure safety, I have know idea what the intentions are of these other non discript are. You need a better argument than " It's MY Right"

Update 3:

Boozy you just showed your ignorance in your recent edit BTW between Military, Civilian and Airline operations I have over 15,000 hours and two years left to mandatory retirement. So happy to have served you.....

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Of course it is not.

    But I will tell you what it *is*.

    It is a loud wake-up call as to how irrational the Far Right has become, a screeching example of how UNdemocratic and UN-American the Far Right has become.

    Spoiled children.

    Had eight long miserable years of "having it their way" and now they are completely unable to accept that there is ANOTHER HALF OF THE COUNTRY which is Constitutionally guaranteed representation as well.

    The Far Right has always bullied their way, always used force and violence to get their way.

    That's pretty much what terrorists do, too.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    As others have mentioned, flying an airplane is NOT a right guaranteed under the Constitution of the United States; whereas bearing arms IS! The article I read regarding the matter you speak of (at least I think it’s the same protest) showed nothing but the integrity of law abiding gun owners. How many arrests were made regarding people who were peacefully protesting while carrying a fire arm? ZERO! With all those firearms, how many attempts of the President’s life were made? ZERO! People do not automatically become criminals because they are within range of certain politicians. If you have the legal right to carry a firearm (concealed or not) in your own home and hometown, why should this right be revoked the moment you step into a bank, federal building, or within a mile the President of the United States of America? If our freedoms can be taken away on a temporary basis, then what more action would be required to take away certain freedoms PERMANENTLY? Who are YOU to decide when and where I (as a law abiding citizen) am allowed to lawfully carry firearm? I am a member of the National Rifle Association and Veteran of US Military just so you know, and will give up my gun when they pull it from my cold dead hand.

  • 1 decade ago

    your right certain things should not have weapons brought to them like presidential appearances, schools, hospitals, and churches. However if you will look at the majority of gun crime in this country most of the time the guns are illegally owned anyway. This means mostly stolen from legitimate gun owners. If their is something you want to shoot for whatever reason trust me when i say this anyone can get a gun whether it be legal or not. So really would it bother you if the guy next to you in a texaco shoots someone tryin to rob it while your in there. it doesn't me at all.

    to all you liberals who don't understand the constitution it protects us from you taking away our rights. it does not provide for safety only the guarantee that you will have representation in the government and basic rights that no one can take from you. LEARN TO READ

  • Chris
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Their is an area cordoned off for these event. The protesters are outside this area and they can not even see the President. So yes, you still can not get close with even a pocket knife.

    With that said. When they carry a gun openly to an even the debate has been moved from what they are protesting to why do they have a gun there. So no, it is counter productive to have guns there.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Unless he is part of a tyrannical government trying to oppress the people, what possible issue should he have with law abiding citizens arming themselves? His SS escort carries, why shouldn't the individual? If he is that worried, or if it is that big of a deal, then he shouldn't have taken the job. He is doing enough to show that he doesn't care about Constitutional Rights without stepping on the 2nd Amendment.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    " I as a legal gun owner, would have no problem with temporary restrictions being placed on laws or rights concerning carrying firearms in a zone surrounding the movement of the President,"

    This is why we have a constitution, so people like yourself who have no problem with the President "temporarily restricting our rights" in the name of security are protected from your own naivety and we are protected as well.

    If you allow one person decide that it is ok to suspend a right in the name of security, what is to keep him from suspending said right permanently, in the name of security? What is to keep him from suspending the right to freedom of speech in the name of security?

    "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

    - Ben Franklin

  • 1 decade ago

    They do have restricted areas around the president where they will not let you carry a gun. Those who did in the protests in Arizona were well away from the big O and they weren't in the "public forum" of the town hall.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A bigger shame that because of obama thugs beating up old men at these meeting you have to carry a gun for protection. Sorry dude, they are not in Chicago and those mafia thugs don't work. Want my gun to stay home, tell your thugs to keep their hands to themselves. Funny how the thugs are hiding while people like you whine. Where was your fake outrage when they beat a old black man handing out flags? Nowhere obviously, I guess you liberals support old black men getting beaten. Racist, shame on you

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    " Does the government fear us ? Or do we fear the government ? When the people fear the government, tyranny has found victory. The federal government is our servant, not our master".

    Thomas Jefferson

  • 1 decade ago

    Probably not appropriate.

    But as a statement of rights and to make a point it can be done (in some states).

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