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  • Which name do you prefer?

    For girls we have it narrowed down to three

    Avery Veronica

    Ainsley Veronica

    Addison Veronica

    (Veronica is my grandma's name, so if it is a girl that will be her middle name)

    for boy's the list is longer and we don't have a middle name picked out yet,(we have kinda been thinking of Ashton, but it isn't decided) but what first name do you prefer

    Zander Ashton / Malachi Ashton

    Jamison Ashton / Nathaniel Ashton

    Andrew Ashton / Seth Ashton

    Elijah Ashton / Aaron Ashton

    Levi Ashton / Keagen Ashton

    our last name is Marlo

    Please pick one or two from each...thanks

    30 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Getting an American solider pen pal for my eight year old son?

    My son has expressed interest in getting a solider to be his pen pal, I have no idea if this is possible and if it is how do I get one for him? Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago
  • How do I go about finding an American Soldier for my eight year old son to be pen-pals with?

    My eight year old son has expressed interest in writing to our soldiers and having a pen-pal, I haven't got a clue if this is doable or not but was wondering if any one could help us out. Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago
  • How do you file for a divorce in Minnesota?

    My sil was told by her husband tonight that he wants a divorce, they have been married for almost four years (he has been in LA for about a month and a half with his family and she stayed here in MN) they have a four month old son that she has been caring for since he left. She thinks that it will help her case if she files first (no idea, never been through this before am just trying to help her out) what does she need to do and where does she need to go to file for a divorce? What papers will she need to bring with her, if any, to file?

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Albuterol and Pulmicort to treat bronchitis and pneumonia?

    My nine month old has had lung problems since he was born last June (the night he was born he stopped breathing), in November he got pneumonia (has had it twice since then) and has also had bronchitis three times since then. After having him on different antibiotics, amoxicillian and zithromax, and still fighting it, I went to a different doctor last monday and he still had bronchitis, the doctor put him on a nebulizer with albuterol, he had a follow up appointment this morning and still has bronchitis so he is to keep up with the albuterol and now has to take pulmicort as well. Everything that I have read about the two says "treatment for asthma" is this also normal treatment for bronchitis and pneumonia? Why is my son having these issues, my husband had childhood asthma, there is no smoking around any of my children, we have pets, but after today they are on the way out the door...what else could be causing these problems.. what can I do to help my baby.., I have never delt with this

    5 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago
  • My husband just received an e-mail from his 14 year old daughter?

    asking for $300 for her birthday to spend on herself. She never says these things to him when they talk on the phone and he isn't "allowed" to see her (not a criminal thing, just her mom, but that is a complete other story in itself). She will be fifteen next week, I would have personally never dreamed of asking (then or now) any one for that amount of money for my birthday. He thinks that his ex put her up to it (rumor has it they may be losing their house and truck). I think that we could solve this by getting her a savings bond for $100-$150 for her birthday, that way A)her mom can't touch it and B)she will be able to spend it on herself, just not right away. That way we could "fix" who ever the money grubber (for lack of better words) is. We don't spend that amount on our other kids, I don't think he should be guilted into doing it for her (I am not against him buying her things, so please don't think I am the evil step-mom). What do you think, any other ideas? What would you do?

    30 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • I have been struggling with my weight loss after my third child this last June?

    I am 27 years old, SAHM, who is about 5'2" and 175 pds. Before my last child I was (on avererage 110), so I put on quite a bit of weight. I am by no means an overly active person, chasing an eight year old, three year old, and now an eight month old is basically the extent of my exercise. I want to improve on that, set a better example for my kids and take better care of myself. I got a ski machine on freecycle and have ordered Tae Bo (with insructional, basic 1 & 2, advanced 1 & 2, and an 8 min workout). If I do 30 min a day of each (ski & tae bo) is that a good start, should I be doing something else exercise wise (have already started eating better but will take advice there as well). Has any one had any experience with Tae Bo, what were your results? Is there some sort of on-line support group to keep each other motivated?

    43 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • What do I do about my husbands judgemental friends?

    My husband and I have been together eleven years married for almost seven, he has been friends with and hung out with the same group of people since he was about ten years old, the problem is two girls who are very judgemental of me - we went to an outdoor concert about eight years ago, I got dehydrated, my then boyfriend came with me to find some shade, rest and get some water, in the mean time leaving one of his favorite bands - since then I have been "selfish" according to this one friend, same friend has now been giving my husband a hard time because we just had our thrid child, she is alone with no children. Found out through the grapevine that she and another "friend" have had a thing for my husband for a very long time, and deam me to be not "good enough" for him. These people are not the type of people that I have ever been friends with, but I have tried to be nice, and socialize with them when my husband goes out with them, now I told my husband that I no longer wish to put up

    15 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What snack, besides cakes or candy, can I send with my first grader to school for his birthday?

    My son's birthday is next week and he would like to bring treats for his class (23 students) I got a note from his teacher saying he can't bring cupcakes, cake or candy. I would like to send something fun and original, and not to messy or complicated, so that he can help make them, for him to take to treat his class. Any ideas or suggestions (links with pictures would be great, easier for my son to chose that way).

    17 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • How much homework does your first grader get a week?

    My son gets about four hours (more or less) worth of homework a week, including reading, math, spelling, family projects, etc. and I was just wondering if this is normal for a first's been so long since I was in first grade I really don't remember. I was just wondering if this is average for a first grader or if he was getting more or less than other first graders.

    20 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • I was wondering what you thought of these names..?

    I am not pregnant, but my husband and I are planning on having just one more we have three now, their names are Conner Daniel James, SkyeLi Maria Lynn and Matthew Robert Russell. The two middle names thing is a tradition in my family and all of their middle names are family names, but I am running out of boy names (in my family) to use for middle names so I need help there too. (our last name is two syllables)

    for boy names I like



    Kelan (pronounced Keylynn)

    for girl names

    Kaydence Veronica Ann


    Kaelan Veronica Ann (pronounced Kaylynn)

    now, be nice and tell me your opinions and why or why not? and any other ideas?

    24 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • What would you do about a sister...?

    who refuses to pay you for babysitting? I watched my sister's baby for her while she worked about fifty hours a week. I started watching him in september, and she paid me for the month of september. Watched him again for the month of october. I was trying to help her out, charging her $1/hr for approx 50 hours a week and she was supposed to pay me at the end of the month. She informed me on the last day that I watched him in oct (the day that she was to pay me) that she couldn't pay me right then (didn't make arangements as to when she would be able to pay me) and had never mentioned not being able to pay me until I told her what the total due was. I later that week told her that I would no longer watch her kid. I did this to help her out as well as my family since I am a SAHM with three kids of my own. She told me around thanksgiving, when I called and asked her about it, that she would pay me when she got paid next (she gets paid every other week)

    7 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Need some advice about my FIL...?

    This is a long one, but here goes. My father in law has several grandchildren, his eldest has 1(6yrs), my husband and I have three (7yrs,3yrs,6months), his eldest daughter has 2 (11yrs, and 8yrs) and now his youngest daughter has 1 (2months). All of his children are out of the house and at least 27 years old. My problem is this he has always been rather put offish about the grandkids. Doesn't hold them when they are babies, tells them they are being too loud as toddlers and young children, don't touch that, do go there etc. etc. and my MIL defends him (he's a vet, he has been cranky since his stroke - five years ago), nobody has ever confronted him on it. His oldest son doesn't go to their house any more (very, very rarely - lives in the same town) his oldest daughter lives about two and a half hours away and only brings her kids down for the Holidays anymore, we live across town and rarely vist anymore because of the way the kids get treated there. At Thanksgiving we were (mostly) all

    2 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • world of warcraft gold...?

    Where would be the best place for a lvl 30 night elf hunter with skining/leatherworking to pick up some gold? I am new to the game and thus far have just been scraping by with what I've picked up from quests and drops, I'm sick of being broke and want my mount at lvl 40. And no, I don't want to cheat by buying it, I don't want my account banned.

    8 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • My husband and I are haveing a debate...can you help?

    My husband grew up in a house where his mom made his bed, straightened his room, brought down his dirty laundry, folded it, and put it away, etc. basically he had no chores growing up. I on the other hand was responsible to bring my dirty clothes to the laundry, put them away when they were clean and folded, make my bed, clean my room as well as other household tasks like careing for the pets, dishes, etc. Now on to what we are debating about, we have three children 7 years, 3 years, and 5 months and I am a SAHM (have been for a little over a year) and I believe that our children should be able to make their own beds (obviously the seven year old by himself and the three year old with help), bring down their dirty laundry, put it away when it is done, straighten their rooms etc. My husband on the other hand thinks that I am "being just plain lazy" because I don't do it. I have enough things to take care of every day.

    51 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • I was just wondering.....?

    I have been sick (stomach flu I think) for about three days and just haven't felt up to eating, even the smell of other peoples food makes me feel like thowing up (I know TMI). So I haven't really ate anything except for a peice of plain wheat bread and maybe a cup of chicken broth in the evening (which I have to force myself to eat). You would think that going on three days of not really eating anything that I would start to feel hungry right? But I am not, so I was wondering why is that? Any ideas?

    2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • How long did it take you ....? get back into your pre-pregnancy clothes and how did you do it? My first two, I was back down to my "original" size within a year without much effort, watching what I ate and just regular everyday activity. I just had a baby five months ago and at this point I am just not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I am a SAHM now, where as I went back to work after the other two. I still watch what I eat and have taken up walking five nights a week (if it isn't to cold out) but the weight just won't go away. I know it will take time but anybody else been in the same boat, have a story they would like to share or give some great advice I am all ears. I just need a little encouragemnet at this point I am getting frustrated with myself.

    8 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • World of Warcraft expansion?

    This is sort of a dumb question, but we keep getting told two different things so hopefuly someone knows for sure. My husband and I have our computers networked together and we each have our own WoW account, we were wondering if we needed to buy two different expansions or if we could use one expansion pack on both games since they are networked?

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • What are the "symptoms" of ADD or ADHD?

    I had parent/teacher conferences last night and my son's teacher brought up the fact the she believes he may have ADHD. She has been teaching for twenty-four years, so I believe she may have some experience with the illness (yes, I believe it IS an illness). She reccomended that I take him to our family doctor and I have already made the appoinment, but he can't be seen until early Dec. He is 7 yrs old and a very bright child, but has problems focusing, is very rambuctious, has problems following directions (if told to do two things he can do one, but gets distracted before doing number two, etc.), he talks excesivly sometimes just blurts things out rather then waiting for the appropriate time, among other things. I don't believe it to be a disipline issue, we have tried everything (his father and I) from time outs, taking privlages, and even spankings on the rare occasion. I was just wondering what the symptoms are and what sort of test do they run to diagnose something like this.

    12 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • Temporary Hair Color for light colored hair?

    My older two children have decided that they wanted to dress up as Thing 1 and Thing 2 (from the Dr.Suess books) for Halloween, so I went out and bought the spray on hair color for halloween in blue for their hair. Now reading the back of the can I see that it says that people with light blond hair sould "proceed with caution"-I am assuming in relation to removability. Is there a particular brand that would be best on my kids' hair, they are both really light blonds, almost white, or is there something that I could do to their hair before spraying it so that the spray might come out easier? I hate to tell them that they can't be what they want to be, and I don't think that I would be able to find two blue wigs this close.

    3 AnswersHalloween1 decade ago