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  • How do you find current questions?

    I haven't been very active lately with this area of Yahoo, mostly because I'm busy and I find it a bit puzzling the way it is set up.

    For example, I used to have 70% of my answers chosen as Best Answer, since the changeover I have 50% which bugs me. I don't care so much about points - anyone can gather up points - but the percentage used to be what pleased me.

    The other thing that REALLY bugs me is I will start to read an interesting question and some of the answers, only to realize that it was asked and answered six years ago!!!!

    Is there no differentiation between the old and the current questions? Or am I just unlucky? Or am I just lazy in reading the rules and regulations? Or is Yahoo just totally sucking these days?

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • Does anyone who is disabled rely on a mobility scooter for transportation?

    I'm going to try to make this as brief as possible. After 5 months in the hospital and 3 spinal surgeries (2 of them to repair the first) shortly after I was discharged I slowly became paralyzed on my right side. Paralyzed, yet in the most incredible pain I have ever experienced! After many more tests and consults, I was diagnosed with RSD/CRPS (look it up!). I am confined to my apartment, walk slowly with a walker, have both edema, cellulitis and a horrid ulceration on my left leg, so a nurse comes 3 times a week to attend to my legs. I cannot dress by myself or shower or just about anything, so I have a terrific friend living with me to do my shopping and attend to my every need.

    But I'm so sick of staying in the house! I want to go out and walk around the neighbourhood and see what's happening n the world! I REFUSE to buy a wheelchair. I simply will NOT. So it was suggested that I buy an electric mobility scooter. The only problem there is there are SO many types and kinds and price ranges that my head is spinning!

    Do you have one or know a friend or family member who does? What do you look for? What's important and what's not? Three wheels versus four? Or is that a very individualized question? Any information or stories you can tell me would be invaluable. Thank you.

    6 AnswersPeople with Disabilities7 years ago
  • NOW how do I get the old "ANSWERS" format back?

    As of today, January 29, 2014 I cannot use this option that I used to follow:

    "I've cracked it...........use an old link (in your "favourites" bar or one from a search a few pages in). It worked for me; the new format really is sh*t and I'd have FINISHED with Yahoo if it was the only option !"

    - Compliments of another Yahoo user

    So NOW what? I am almost at Level 7 which I would like to complete and then dump this. I find it a waste of time, if it made sense, I would learn it but it doesn't!

    Who knows how to get the old format or is that option just gone?

    5 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • I hope I am in the right category - please tell me if I'm not.?

    What would take scorch off of glass?

    To be more specific, I wear reading glasses. They were lying on the coffee table. My cigarette was in the ashtray. I got up to get a glass of water and while I was gone, the cigarette rolled out of the ashtray over to my glasses and lightly scorched the bottom of one of my lenses.

    Dilemma: Don't want to scratch the glass. Don't want to put rubbing alcohol or peroxide on it. Besides these two things, I have absolutely no idea of what would remove it. Any chemists out there who can help me? PLEASE????

    I thank you in advance (and cross my fingers)

    1 AnswerChemistry9 years ago
  • Why do men lie more than women?

    Due to my observations and no scientific facts, it seems that men lie more easily and with less scruples than women. Especially if it has to do with relationships. If a man wants to break up, he won't come forward and say "I think it's time we broke it off..." or words to that effect. He will make up stories, he will suddenly become unavailable when prior to this, he was always around, he will out and out lie.

    Some say it's because men hate the scenes that women make, therefore men lie to get out of hearing it. I say if they come forward and are straight, yes, endure the scene, the crying, and then it's over! It must be exhausting to keep thinking up new lies. And shame on you for not being a man!

    What do you people say/think? Are they chicken? Do they lie more?

    6 AnswersGender Studies9 years ago
  • Is Sally Hansen Nail Pen worth buying?

    Where I live it's about $8. Not a fortune, but I'd rather not waste my money. I've been looking at the Sally Hansen Nail Pen not for nail art but instead of nail polish. What I want to know is: does it come out thinly, thickly, or just right? Does it dry quickly or slowly? What do you think of them? Would you rather buy nail polish in a bottle with a brush, or a pen? I'm such a klutz that the pen appeals to me!

    7 AnswersMakeup9 years ago
  • The crucifix: A symbol of evil?

    I've been sitting here for the last hour trying to put my thoughts to words, and what I ended up with was two distinct questions. So I will go one at a time especially as I am going to ask you for NO essays (or readings from the Bible, Koran, Torah, just your thoughts.) Thank you.

    I have no particular religious beliefs or convictions so it's open season on Nan.

    What I want to know is why do people wear crucifixes, and the ones that do, are usually evil? Look at our world of crime. Pedophile priests, criminal bikers, evil people all wear the cross. I have learned to NEVER trust a person wearing a crucifix - it appears to give them free license to be bad while appearing good.

    The most unforgiving, god-fearing religious types wear crucifixes. The mean (as in not generous), the sparse, wear them. The ones who judge the most and the harshest wear them.

    These are all supposed to be children of God, spreading love, not distorting his/her image.

    Has the crucifix become a great hiding hole for evil?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Can anyone help this mini-dashund and a slipped disk in his neck?

    Sorry guys, you will have to go to the Pain Management area and read the question. The poor girl posted it in the wrong area, so please go there, read it, and answer her. Thanks so much! I'm just a sucker for animals in pain...;_ylt=Avrcq...

    2 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • What is the best vacuum to buy for cat hair?

    I can't afford a Dyson, so don't bother mentioning it. If you have a multi-cat household, I would like to know what kind of vacuum do YOU use to keep your house clean?

    Please let me vent first. I don't know why most apartments have carpets. They get so dirty and are not hypo-allergenic, and in my mind just a petri dish of bacteria. End of vent.

    So I have wall-to-wall carpet and a lot of cat hair. I have read consumer reports. What I would really like to do is take a vacuum home for a week and try it out! As that's not possible, I turn to you, the pet owners of the world to ask, besides a Dyson, what works for you?

    Thank you in advance. :-)

    8 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • I'd like to know why Yahoo will get some people for violations and not others?

    I made a couple of comments that were obviously offensive to somebody, but not to me and I received a violation notice which I vigorously appealed.

    Now others can write stuff like "I'm going to kill you" and even if I complain to the Powers That Be, nothing is done. Why? Or, I answered a question in Etiquette and the asker wrote in Additional Details: "NANZY6 "HONEY" I WAS BORN IN 1983. YOU MORON. I AM 28. WHY WOULD I HAVE A 3 Y/O DAUGHTER IF YOUNG WOMAN IN 1983? IDIOT" (go to;_ylt=Av_y4... and I reported her, and nothing was done.

    Why do some violations get by and others don't? Do they play favourites?

    I got harassed by email by the friend of someone I wanted nothing to do with, so I blocked her, and she got her gorilla friend to threaten me. I reported the threats and NOTHING.

    Why bother to report spam, haters, etc.? That's my question. And they talk about making it a "nice" community, but no one really cares.

    Thanks for listening. If you have an "inside track" perhaps you can tell me why they do nothing.

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers9 years ago
  • Long-haired cats: Do they get embarrassed?

    For certain reasons I'd rather not go into, I was thinking of having my Ragdoll shaved. I've never had a long-haired cat before.

    I was going to buy some clippers and a grooming kit on Kijiji, but the woman selling them told me that if I shaved my cat, he would be horribly embarrassed and in shock. Of course I don't want to do that to him, but then why are there professional groomers who shave long-haired cats?

    So... all you experienced long-haired cat owners, can you help me, please? I've decided to go to a professional. I don't want a lion cut (I think it makes the cat look like a poofy poodle). I would like him shaved. I don't want to upset him. Is there an inbetween? What does the cat think?

    Thank you very much for your answers.

    6 AnswersCats10 years ago
  • Has anyone been treated surgically for a blocked tear duct?

    If so, can you tell me your story briefly? Is it terrible? I know that it's usually babies that get treated for it, but a few adults do, too.

    Thank you.

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care10 years ago
  • Is there an actor/celebrity that you just hate on sight and don't really know why?

    I simply cannot stand Chandra Wilson (Dr. Bailey in Grey's Anatomy). Every time she's on the show I either change channels or look away.

    I've tried to like her. She's probably a very nice lady, but I can't. I hate her on the show, I change channels when she's being interviewed, I mute the TV when her annoying whiney voice sounds. I can't believe some of the hot guys on the show are interested - I snort and mutter, "Yeah, right, in your dreams...!" Her bowl haircut annoys me, I would like to take one of her fat lips and pull it right over her head, I'd like to kick that shelf of an a*s until she goes rolling across the floor like the barrel that she is.

    What is wrong with me? She doesn't remind me of anyone I know or have seen, but I have this viceral reaction to her.

    Has this ever happened to you? If so, with whom, and why do you think it is? I don't want to be a hater, but this women drives me over the edge!

    3 AnswersCelebrities10 years ago
  • I don't think my cat loves me. What can I do?

    I've had cats all my life and they've always adored me. Follow me around, sleep with me, cuddle on the couch with me, etc. Even cats I meet on the street want to follow me. You get the picture...

    I have a Ragdoll/Siamese mix ( that is rather distant and cold to me. I've had him almost a year now and although he is friendly at times, he keeps his distance, when I try to cuddle him or brush him (which the others LOVE) he bites me! Ragdolls are very affectionate, Siamese are very affectionate, you would think a mix would be affectionate!

    He loves to play with his brother, a Japanese Bobtail and tries to play with his sister, an Oriental Shorthair but she is tiny and afraid of him. His brother will roughouse with him and they hang together.

    I talk softly to him, approach him as gently as possible and I can see he is starting to trust me, but I don't think he loves me. Is there anything I can do? Or should I just accept that this is how he is and he's not going to change?

    And NO, I would *never* get rid of him. Once I have a cat and neuter and vaccinate it, it is mine for its lifespan no matter what.

    Any ideas? I would love for him to love me.

    7 AnswersCats10 years ago
  • For Black Women Mostly, Men Welcome To Answer?

    I just watched Jamie Foxx's movie "Good Hair" and it opened up a whole new world for me! What an amazing movie!

    What really opened my eyes was the use of sodium hydroxide to straighten black hair and the burn that women and some men endure.

    Mr. Foxx also pointed out that some women were very high maintenance and often their boyfriends were expected to pay for the straightening, weaves, extensions, etc. And it's not cheap!

    I'm a blonde with straight hair. Can't curl it even when it's wet, with rollers and product. It sort of curls and thens flops back straight. It would be nice to have curls sometimes, but I'm not willing to get a perm (my hair would fall out!)

    Why is straight hair "good hair"?

    I am truly curious.

    2 AnswersHair10 years ago
  • For those who watched TORCHWOOD: CHILDREN OF EARTH, the 5-day special,?

    Whatever happened to Lois Habib? After all the help she gave the government via Torchwood, what happened to her? She just disappeared!

    I have watched this "special" twice now, and would love to know what happened to her. Was she one of the people who got gassed to death? Gwen and her husband didn't seem to be looking for her amongst the dead stacked up in the gym - is there anyone out there who is more perceptive than I and figured out where she went?

    I don't watch it on a regular basis, just the specials, like Torchwood: Miracle Day (which I have taped but not yet watched, so no spoilers please!)

    Thank you kindly in advance.

    P.S. - Anyone out there a Misfits fan? LOVE British Sci-Fi

    2 AnswersOther - Television10 years ago
  • One of my pet peeves - WHY can't people call their anatomical parts by the correct names?

    I am tired of hearing adults say "my pee pee", when they mean penis. The list goes on and on. My all-time least favorite one is "va jay-jay". What, are you so immature that you can't say vagina? This from people on TV on medical shows!!!

    When I talk to my doctors I use the anatomically correct terms, which I am sure they appreciate.

    Tell me, what is the BIG difference between "va jay jay" and vagina????

    This really annoys me.

    Ideas why, please?

    4 AnswersOther - General Health Care10 years ago
  • One cat picking up bad behaviour from other cat?

    Within the past year, I got two kittens (one a rescue). My dearest cat had died and I was looking to "replace" him (impossible!)

    The first kitten I got was partially feral, due to literally growing up in a barn. His name is Teddy and he's a Japanese Bobtail (like a manx cat). He adores me, and it took a great deal of time and patience to teach him not to bite and scratch me when I played with him.

    Then I got Chicky (a Ragdoll). Ragdolls appear to be very mischevious cats and get into everything! As he is only 9 months old now, he loves to play-attack my other cats which the older ones do NOT appreciate.

    Teddy and Chicky are best friends. But Chicky has taught Teddy how to bite again. Now when I play with Teddy, he sometimes scratches me, and always bites me - back to his old bad behaviour again!

    (you can see them playing on a short video at and yes, that's my stupid "talk to the cats" voice, which makes me cringe a bit when I hear it!

    My question to you is: How do I undo the "bad behaviour" that Teddy has relearned from Chicky? I am trying to get both of them to stop biting me, but it's an uphill battle.

    Any suggestions would be welcome (and don't tell me to give them up, because I won't!)

    2 AnswersCats10 years ago
  • Women with ovarian cancer - can you please tell me about it?

    I have some symptoms that are synonymous with ovarian cancer. Tomorrow I am having a trans-vaginal ultrasound and an endometrial biopsy next week.

    Women who either have, or have had ovarian cancer, can you please tell me about your symptoms prior to being diagnosed? And what happened afterwards?

    If you don't feel like writing in a public forum, can you please email me? You can do this my going to my profile.

    I would very much appreciate the personal information, if you are willing. Thank you in advance.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health10 years ago
  • Without getting religious, why do you think we are here?

    Do you believe we have a purpose in this life? If so, what is it? Do we mean something, or are we just pieces of flotsam whirling around the universe? Do you believe in karma or is it just coincidence?

    I'd really like to hear what you have to say. No religious nuts, please. Answer with your full heart.

    Thank you very much in advance.

    9 AnswersOther - Society & Culture10 years ago