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Cool heads prevail

Favorite Answers31%
  • Video Rendering! I need a question answered by serious professional video editing folks.?

    I'm using a combination of After Effects, Premiere, and Media Encoder. I'm rendering my hour long video in Media Encoder with the parameters H.264 1080p.

    I have an iMac 2017 3.4 ghz and 40 gigs of ram.

    I started rendering the video yesterday and it said it would take 14 hours—that's a long time, but I also realize that it's a huge file and it will take some time.

    Anyway, I woke up this morning and it jumped up to 30 hours 'til completion, and it's still going up.

    Anyone have any suggestions?

    Thank you in advance.

    1 AnswerSoftware3 years ago
  • For the life of me, I can't remember what the name of this program is that resizes low quality images without losing quality.?

    It was like, "Re.. something.."

    Anyone know of this?

    The logo reminded me of like Mastercard except it was blue and purple... I think.

    Thank you!

    3 AnswersSoftware4 years ago
  • Interview rescheduled 3 times?

    So I just heard from my potential interviewee that they need to reschedule yet again--making it the third time they reschedule my appointment. This isn t easy because I have to keep making up fake Dr./Dentist appointments.

    I have been very understanding and easy going about it--but it has bothered me and I really want to make my next job one that is stable and they have their **** together.

    I found out WHY they need to reschedule and that s because their boss is letting them out early due to the sunshine we re experiencing.

    Like really? You re rescheduling me for a third time because your boss is letting you out early. WTF.

    They keep professing how interested they are in me as a candidate but this doesn t really scream "WE RE SO DAMN INTERESTED IN YOU"... but wait, the sun is out... can you reschedule.

    I don t know what to do.


    3 AnswersFriends5 years ago
  • Are you deep? Do you get it?

    I often interact with other people who lack depth, do not seem to feel as profoundly as I do, and do not show much concern for the overwhelming seriousness that is demanded by all of us.

    I have always been a deep person and felt things on other levels that I cannot explain--however, it has been a crutch for my negative behavior.

    I'm 34 now, but I've always been extremely sensitive and aware... I've always been very thoughtful, poetic, prophetic and glued to a history of wonderlust; a lust in general for the deeper, undiscovered side of life.

    A loner in high school, I never associated with any groups, nor was I ever taken in by any--gladly.

    My mother was amazing. Religious and kind, she was sublime in her devoutness and never exclaimed greatness--yet exuded it--effortlessly.

    I think I'm supposed to have a question in here somewhere... but... the truth is, I'm full of questions and they are never quenched. The blood-thirst of life is never actualized, never realized, just theorized and minimized.

    I see it every day... thoughtlessness, emptiness and apathy. It becomes difficult not assimilate and aggregate into one simple, easy to swallow pill. But I remain true, regardless of the amount, I know my soul will always surmount.

    There is only one path. Research and truth guides us sometimes painfully, sometimes disagreeable, sometimes confused, sometimes used, sometimes fused. fused to binding ideas from less than empirical evidence. Strength we must profess.

    I guess my question is... do you get it?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Active things to do for my Fiance's birthday?

    So my Fiance's 36th birthday is coming up and I wanted to tap into Y.A. for some suggesstions on what to do.

    What I have planned so far -

    1. First I'm going to set the day by giving her a gift which is a gift card to Tiffany's

    2. Later at night we're going out for a fancy (seafood) dinner and champagne.

    3. Later in the evening we'll come home and I thought maybe we could listen to her favorite music and she absolutely is in love with the show Gossip Girl, so I thought maybe her and I could watch it together while sipping on wine!

    Anyway, I'm looking for something active to do during the day... we want to stay away from drinking all day and I'd like to do something active with her... we're already going to the zoo monday, so that's out! Museums? Maybe!!!

    Not sure, but if you have any ideas, please let me know!

    Thank you!

  • How accurate is the google latitude?

    My phone shows people with sometimes a very small, light-blue circle around them and I assume that means they're within that circle somewhere. I wanted to find out if this is true or not.

    Just how accurate is that blue circle?


    1 AnswerGoogle9 years ago
  • New job with benefits - insurance company wants to draw blood?

    My fiance told me that in order to get her new insurance through her work, the insurance company wanted to test her blood! I've never had that happen to me at ANY job. Something seems fishy to me (gut feeling) and I was just curious if any of you have ever heard of such a thing.

    Reason I'm suspicious is because recently I've had concerns that she may have an STD and she's been itching down there and says that's it's probably just bacterial. So soon after that she comes home with a shot in her arm and says that her new job's insurance requires her to get some blood drawn... really?

    Just seems strange and I'm curious if there is such a thing?

    Thanks in advance! I'd love to stop being so paranoid!

    5 AnswersInsurance9 years ago
  • I need an image - Can you help? 10 points to the first who provides!!!?

    Hi there... I'm a Graphic Designer and I've been looking for an image and I'm having no luck finding it. I need an image of an older woman (grandma) fishing, or holding up a fish. I've been searching relentlessly and I'm not finding it.

    I need the image for an ad I'm doing for a fish bait company!

    Whoever gets me an image, either google, or through shutterstock (I have an account) will get the points... thanks in advance!!!

    6 AnswersPhotography9 years ago
  • I messed up with my Fiance!?

    I feel really stupid and this is why!

    Last weekend, my Fiance and I went on this party bus... a gay friend of mine rented it for his birthday. There was like 22 people on there, girls and guys. Anyway, needless to say, it was CRAZY. We went all over and we were getting drunk and people were doing drugs (including me, but later on).

    Anyway, throughout the night, chicks were seducing me... one woman even brought me outside to discuss how her and her husband were swingers and what positions she was like... at this point, I wasn't having it and I would never cheat on my fiance.

    A little back story before I continue... my fiance is known for flirting, and it always angers me (not that it makes my actions justified) and so I figured I could flirt back a little too.

    Later on, we were all back home and we brought this chick home with us who I thought was fun and nice (nothing sexual). My fiance went to bed and me and this girl stayed up talking. We were wasted and drugged, and she kept showing me this picture of her (and other girls from the party) boobs and saying "isn't this hot". etc etc. Anyway, long story short, an hour later and some more drinks, she seduced me to the point where I actually sucked on her tit for a minute or so... I have no idea why I did it, I wasn't attracted to her, and as I said, I would never cheat on my fiance. The ironic thing is that I will not tolerate her cheating on me, and I feel like I just did that to her.

    Anyway, I feel terrible, and under other circumstances I would never have done that, I wish to God I could take it back, but what's done is done.

    So here's my dilema. I almost feel like telling her because I want to be honest with her, but at the same time, I feel like it might be detrimental to our relationship... and I know in my heart I will never do something like that again.

    What should I do?

    What would you do?

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships9 years ago
  • If I'm using the word "facebooking" in a sentence... should it have quotation marks?

    I'm just not sure if made-up words are supposed to be quoted or what? Thanks for the help in advance!

    5 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • Do I capitalize "richter scale" when using it in a sentence?

    I was wondering if I capitalize something like "richter scale" when I am using it in a sentence as a metaphor?

    Example: Chris is just the 10.0 on the richter scale you are looking for?

    Thank you!

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • Starting a website, what options do I *need* with GoDaddy?

    So I'm starting a website/blog site, and I'm using GoDaddy as my host. I know they want to up sell with a lot of frills but I am not knowledgeable enough to know which ones I do need, and which ones I don't need!

    Can someone please help me in understanding which options I need and which options I should renounce?

    Here is what they offer.

    1. Add Deluxe Email: 2GB total storage, 5 email addresses CUSTOMER FAVORITE

    2. Add Personal Email: 1GB total storage, 1 email address

    3. Add Unlimited+ Email: UNLIMITED STORAGE, 10 email addresses BEST VALUE!

    4. Add Standard Search Engine Visibility:

    5. Add Premium Search Engine Visibility: Get instant exposure with Google pay-per-click ads. Our search experts create your ad and business page and optimize results. Includes a dedicated phone number to track and review recorded calls plus Standard Search Engine Visibility.

    6. Easy Database – Display, search and manage data on your site!

    So, what do I need here, and what is superfluous to having the website.

    I am planning on generating money with the site at some point--not sure if that matters?

    Thanks so much for your help!

    2 AnswersOther - Internet10 years ago
  • What is a "Web Strategist"?

    I need a clear and concise description. It would really help to get some insight from someone who IS a web strategist.


    1 AnswerOther - Visual Arts10 years ago
  • Awesome spots for honeymoon?

    Preferably cost effective, but not limited to that ideal. I just wanna know what's out there... Please only answer if you have experience in 'said' place!


    8 AnswersWeddings10 years ago
  • Popping "THEE" question?!?!?

    So I've been with my girlfriend for almost one year... well, by September 17th it will be one year. We are going on our anniversary to Palm Springs California in a nice little bungalow suite to enjoy our (what I would call, accomplishment) anniversary.

    Last week, her mother gave us her heirloom ring from 1910 that was her Great Grandmothers... we've decided to use this diamond and we will choose a setting that she likes... I really want her to have something that SHE likes. However, I really really want to marry this girl, and I kind of want to do it on our anniversary... seems fitting to me! But I am a grandiose kind of guy and I like to do things big time and creatively (I'm an artist and it extends many avenues), however, I worry that I don't have time to come up with something cool and special enough in one weeks time to do it the way I want to... but now that we have this ring, and it's almost our anniversary, I really feel compelled... I'm going nuts over here trying to figure out what to do. I've told her that we'll be engaged before next summer, but she figured out my first idea (hey she's a lawyer, they figure **** out HA!) and now I need to come up with another one... I don't think she'll be expecting it, which is great... but I want it to be as special as possible... so... yahoo answers community, I'm asking you for some advice and guidance... if you have any ideas or notions about this, please do not hesitate!

    Thank you in advance!!!

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • What are some good alternative career paths for a lawyer?

    My girlfriend is a lawyer and she's absolutely abhorrent about doing what she does. The work sucks, the billable hours are lame and she has no social interaction (which is what she loves). Can anyone give some examples of good alternative jobs she could do... keep in mind she likes to be social! Thanks

    1 AnswerLaw & Legal10 years ago
  • Simple ways to upgrade my PC?

    I need to upgrade my PC. I was thinking a better graphics card and a better processor... how much of a difference will the motherboard make? Any tips or advice is welcome. Thanks!

    6 AnswersDesktops10 years ago
  • I want to upgrade my computer?

    Hello, I'm looking to upgrade my computer... I'm a Graphic Designer and although I would love a mac, they're expensive and out of range for my budget right now. So I want to upgrade what I have right now and I'm wondering if I can get some tips. I have a Compaq with 4 gigs of ram, Intel 2.8 GHz it's a 32 bit operating system. What kinds of things can I do to get it better for graphic needs... like get a better video card? or can I get a faster processor... do I need a new mother board for that etc.

    Any help would be much appreciated... Thank you!

    3 AnswersAdd-ons10 years ago
  • My girlfriend has had a rough week and I want to make her happy!?

    Okay, so my GF is a lawyer and her job is super stressful and she's on edge. As her boyfriend, I would like to take some of that edge off and surprise her with something (could be something we do, or an idea, or a physical thing) and I'm not sure what that is... For those of you who suggest sex... think bigger please, that's a given. Anyway, she's out right now with a friend of hers for a couple hours and when she gets back I want to surprise her.. any ideas would be helpful.

    Thanks in advance!

    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • POLL: How many sexual partners have you had. (men and women)?

    Okay, so I'm trying to find out averages for the American man and women... I want you to be honest because this is obviously anonymous anyway, so you shouldn't feel afraid to answer honestly! Here is how I would like your answer


    Relationship Status:


    Sexual Partners:

    Thanks you very much for your answers community :)

    25 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago