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  • any MGTOW wanna cyber?

    bonus points if you tell me how much you don't want me

    1 AnswerOther - Electronics5 years ago
  • what rock song has that music video where the girls put the band members in an oven?

    i can't remember the song (except i think it was rock) but i remember the video

    there's two girls and they're all fawning over the band members and then they put them in an oven and make them into a pie or something

    ... that's the best description i can think of

    3 AnswersRock and Pop5 years ago
  • should a job make you happy, or just be stable/keep you sane?

    do you believe happiness should come from work itself, or is it simply the means by which you attain happiness outside of work?

    i feel that happiness is only something that can be achieved outside of work with friends, family, hobbies, etc. the only standard i have for jobs is for it to NOT make me insane

    basically, as long as i have decent coworkers and/or an understanding boss, then i'm perfectly capable of providing good work and being happy without my happiness RELYING on my work

    i know so many people who think they need a job they're INTENSELY passionate about and that their future happiness relies on such a job, but it's never been something i could understand. i've seen people who achieved their DREAM job but they're still constantly in a state of stress because they ended up with shitty coworkers.

    curious what other people think

    1 AnswerPsychology5 years ago
  • why do some women prefer being impregnated by some stranger's sperm rather than adopting?

    if you've ever tried artificial insemination, is there a reason why you chose that over adoption?

    7 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting5 years ago
  • why is my pancit canton so salty?

    sometimes it feels like most filipinos here are just natural at making pancit canton but i'm so bad!!

    every time i have it, it's WAY too salty. i would boil it in water and then drain the excess, add the broth, soy sauce, oyster sauce etc. and then cook it until the sauce thickens and such....

    i use the "good life" noodle brand. even when i follow a recipe online, it still ends up too salty.

    anyone have any tips?? i'm at a loss lol i've probably made this dish like 20 times now but still can't get it right

    3 AnswersPhilippines5 years ago
  • philippines - should i even bother trying to get my security deposit back?

    i was hoping someone in the philippines could shed some light on this process. i'm not sure if it works the same way here as every other place.

    my dad informed me that they USUALLY find some way to steal the security deposit for themselves. is he right? should i still try getting back my security deposit or just save myself the hassle?

    has anyone else just actively decided that it's too much work figuring it out and moved out without any notice (before the lease ends as well)? that's what my dad is suggesting i do lol

    3 AnswersPhilippines5 years ago
  • how can i alter the old norse word "dreki" to be a feminine name?

    dreki means dragon, and i'm coming up with a character name for a game. i want it to be like a feminized form of dreki... any ideas?

    6 AnswersBaby Names5 years ago
  • how do you pronounce "strele"?

    it means lightning in slovenian apparently

    1 AnswerLanguages5 years ago
  • why is my pepsi blue purple? it also has an off taste?

    it came from a gulp machine at 7/11

    1 AnswerNon-Alcoholic Drinks5 years ago
  • i feel straight but emotionally i'm into women?

    to be honest i really don't like the thought of putting my face near a vagina... but i've been attracted to women before. i've met a few who were strong and cool and have such an open and accepting outlook on life and i would get butterflies just talking to them, like i get with men. i still like men and i feel very sexually attracted to men but what exactly is this? i've never been with a woman before. how do i identify these feelings

  • if karma was real, how screwed would you be right now?

    i think i'd be really screwed

    like sometimes i think to myself "if i say this, i'm gonna get bad karma" and then i weigh the consequences in my mind and then do it anyway

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • are all MGTOW dumb or do some not approve of the stupid sh*t they say?

    i saw some random video on my recommended feed thanks to youtube's bullsh*t i'm annoyed now

    but basically it was some attention-grabber disguising as MGTOW and they were going on about how this girl is a gold-digger simply because her boyfriend was rich. they reduced her boyfriend to a walking wallet so that they could make an example of her.

    many comments explained that she knew him long before he had any fame and that they struggled with money at the beginning and were promptly dismissed as "sjw", "whiteknight" or "entitled/privileged female"

    there was also an abundance of comments that simply insulted the girl, calling her ugly, worthless, ho/whore, gold digger, blah blah blah

    is this the majority of mgtow? is this the general consensus or do only the low-lives of mgtow go to youtube and post such things?

    my other question is why does it matter if a woman finds financial stability with her long-term partner? they're in a relationship and they share resources. they trust each other and they don't take advantage of each other. some of the mgtow are almost like feminazis--shaming her and attacking her because she's choosing an easier life with a man she loves. if there's trust, then what's the problem. why do they make assumptions that there is no trust or love??

    5 AnswersGender Studies5 years ago
  • the word "backwash" as slang for a poor area outside of the town/city?

    is the usage of this word a thing?? i thought it was but i can't find anything on it

    9 AnswersWords & Wordplay5 years ago
  • How do religious people view Alzheimer's disease?

    i'm really not trying to be disrespectful, i'm just curious how you maintain faith when you can actively see someone losing their thoughts and becoming someone they're not over time? like maybe you pray that they'll show signs of remembrance or become the person they were, but they never do because their fleeting brain is stronger than the soul that supposedly drives them. i feel like the harsh reality of the frailness of the human body becomes overly clear when it comes to alzheimer's or dementia... i don't know how they can still have faith, or how they explain it from a religious perspective

    how do the religious cope with it?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • what are your thoughts on bar pick-ups?

    i'm wondering because my dad just took out my brother and they went to some bar where people go to pick up men/women/whatever. when i found out i was like "ew." maybe it's because it was my brother and father. actually, no. i find that whole culture gross

    but i'm curious about what other people think about picking up men/women at a bar. do you do it yourself or know anyone who does it?

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture5 years ago
  • oh my god how long was "mischievious" actually spelled "mischievous"?

    i've been pronouncing it the first way my whole life, that's more than 20 years!!

    4 AnswersWords & Wordplay5 years ago
  • What complaints do men here actually have about daily life?

    Other than "The wife that I agreed to marry sucks" and "I have to pay for sex"

    9 AnswersGender Studies5 years ago