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I'm a junior in highschool and I live in Kentucky. Animals are my passion and I love to write.

  • What is this song!?!?

    I heard it in a clothing store and I can't for the life of me remember exactly how it goes. The gist was something like "I should have known with a boy like you" and it was about how he appeared like a great guy but totally wasn't. Its by a female singer, its pop, and its relatively new to the radio circuit. Any ideas?

    4 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • What are some things that everyone should do or see in their lifetime?

    I'm turning 18 this month, and I want to make a list of things that I want to do or see sometime during my life. I am not a very spontaneous or adventurous person by nature, so the list is a way of reminding my self not to pass up opportunities that come to me. Some of the things I've come up with are:

    Zip lining

    Deep Sea Fishing

    Float in the Dead Sea

    Ride in a helicopter

    Try an exotic food

    Ride down the canals of Venice in a gondola

    scuba dive

    cage diving with sharks

    whale watching tour

    swimming with dolphins

    Rent a metal dector and "treasure hunt" for a day

    Go horseback riding

    Take an African Safari

    Stand on the Great Wall of China

    Now, I know some of those are a little out there and are going to take a lot of money, but these are just things I hope to be able to do with my life. Its like a Bucket List, but I don't want to call it that because it doesn't seem as inspiring, just sad. So what are some exciting things that are out there to do that I might not know about or think about? What are some places you think everyone MUST see in their lifetime?

    3 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation1 decade ago
  • If you appreciate natural beauty, please help me out!?

    A woman I know is in a contest to become the face of E.L.F cosmetics for 2010. She is currently in third place out of thousands of entrants, and she truely deserves it. All you have to do is click the vote button, and it takes two seconds. Please check out the link and vote for Anne!

    Also, so this just isn't shameless plugging of a friend, are there any statistics out there about how many people are born with natural red hair?

    3 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • What is a nice, classy, middle name to go with Julietta?

    I don't want anything to trendy, or spelled badly. I also don't want the plain old standbys like Nicole, Lynn, etc. I just want something that is classy and sophisticated to make it a fully beautiful name.

    It is pronounced like Julie-etta, not with the spanish way.

    14 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Is this a name? What do you think of it?

    ~ Not Pregnant ~

    I was thinking about the name Juliet. It is very pretty, and has a great romanticism to it, but it just seems to be missing something. Even spelling it Juliette leaves something to be desired. Then I thought of the name Julietta. I did google search and none of the baby name websites had it as a listing, just Juliette.

    Is it an actual name, and what do you think about it?

    10 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Help me with my name list?

    ~ Not Pregnant, Just Thinking ~

    Okay, I want to come up with my top ten names for each sex, and I'm having a lot more trouble than I thought I would. The first names have gone pretty well, but I'm stuck on middle names and a few more first names. Here is what I have so far:


    1.) Andrew (Aaron or Tiler)

    2.) Austin (Alexander or Your Suggestion)

    3.) Jared

    4.) Logan

    5.) Jonathan

    6.) Nathanael Isaac

    I also really like the names Jason, Cameron, Chase, and Trey if you want to use those.


    1.) Lilah Grace

    2.) Rose-Marie

    3.) Brennan Elizabeth

    4.) Greenlee Olivianne

    5.) Mila (Me-La)

    I also like Delaney, Charlotte (as a middle name), Taya, and Amelia, so try to use them.

    ~ Any unique spelling or strange name is like that for a reason, please don't change it or bash it. ~

    2 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Anyone want to help me with some names?

    ~ Not Pregnant, Just Thinking ~

    Okay, I'm trying to pick my top ten favorite names for both sexes. I'm getting close with the first names, but the middle names are a bother. Anyone want to help me out?

    * Anything that is unique, strange, or uniquely spelt is that way for a reason, don't knock it or change it. *


    1.) Andrew (Tiler - Like Tyler - / Aaron)

    2.) Austin (Alexander / Your Suggestion)

    3.) Jared (Your Suggestion)

    4.) Logan (Your Suggestion)

    5.) Jonathan (Your Suggestion)

    6.) Nathanael (Issac / Your Suggestion)

    I also like the names Cameron, Chase, Jason, and Trey. Use them however you want.


    1.) Lilah Grace

    2.) Mila - ME-LA - (Your Suggestion)

    3.) Greenlee (Your Suggestion.)

    4.) Rose-Marie

    5.) Brennan Elizabeth

    I also like Delaney, Taya, Olivianne, Charlotte, Coralee, Taya, and Amelia. Use them however you like.

    4 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • I need someone to clear up a labor law for me?

    I am 17, and I live in Kentucky. I turn 18 in January. I would like to get a job, but in this small town the only places are fast food or restuarants. I would love to be a waitress, but I'm not sure if legally I can.

    Here is what the laws for minors (under 18) says:


    18. In, about, or in connection with any establishment

    where alcoholic liquors are distilled,

    rectified, compounded, brewed, manufactured,

    bottled, sold for consumption or dispensed unless

    permitted by the rules and regulations of

    the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board (except

    they may be employed in places where the sale

    of alcoholic beverages by the package is

    merely incidental to the main business

    actually conducted)."

    My understanding of this is that I can't work in a brewery or liquor store, but I can work in a place that sells alcohol as a part of their business. Is that correct?

    2 AnswersFood Service1 decade ago
  • I need someone to clear up a labor law for me, please.?

    I am 17, and I live in Kentucky. I turn 18 in January. I would like to get a job, but in this small town the only places are fast food or restuarants. I would love to be a waitress, but I'm not sure if legally I can.

    Here is what the laws for minors (under 18) says:


    18. In, about, or in connection with any establishment

    where alcoholic liquors are distilled,

    rectified, compounded, brewed, manufactured,

    bottled, sold for consumption or dispensed unless

    permitted by the rules and regulations of

    the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board (except

    they may be employed in places where the sale

    of alcoholic beverages by the package is

    merely incidental to the main business

    actually conducted)."

    My understanding of this is that I can't work in a brewery or liquor store, but I can work in a place that sells alcohol as a part of their business. Is that correct?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What exactly do the anti-piracy warnings mean?

    You can't pick up a cd without seeing the FBI Anti-Piracy warning seal on the back. I know that underneath it it says "Unauthorized copying punishable under federal law," but what does that mean?

    Does it mean just don't copy the cd and spread it around to your friends / sale them, or does it mean no copying at all? I like to make copies to keep in my car, so I don't risk the originals getting messed up. Is that included?

    Also, my library lets you check out cd's. Is it illegal to load them into my itunes?

    I know some people say screw it and just do whatever they want, but I respect the artists and want to follow the law. I just don't fully understand what its talking about. Can anyone explain this in simple terms?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to pick a good school without ever visiting any colleges?

    I'm a senior this year and I'm trying to pick a good college. I live in Kentucky, and even the major schools are only 3-4 hours away from where I live, but my mom always makes an excuse as to why we/I can't go visit them. I try to tell her that I really need to visit these schools to find the ones I really want to go to, but she just brushes me off.

    She never went to college, and I don't think she realizes all the different aspects there are to college. I feel like giving up and just settleing for where she wants me to go. What do I do?

  • What is my face shape?

    I got bored the other night and was thinking about what my face shape was, and realized I couldn't really pick one. I'm one of those people who will be bothered until they find out whatever was on their mind, no matter how minor or silly, so I'm asking you guys.

    I don't have any pics with my hair pulled back, but I think you should be able to tell from these two:

    7 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Can I Count This As Volunteer Work On My Application?

    Two years ago I went to my friend's church for a few months. They had a giveaway a week or so before school, with school supplies, and clothes, and things like that. Some of us in the youth group came in and worked the different stations. I was on school supplies.

    Can I put this on my college application as volunteer work?

    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • How old must a kitten be before it can be fixed?

    There is an expiramental program in my area that is going to take 45 animals and fix them for low cost. It will only be about 30 dollars for cats. I have a lot of strays and stray babies that I love, and three of them seem to have some sight issues. I would like to get those three fixed, but they will only be 3 months old when the program will do the surgeries? Is this to young? Should I just sign up my older boy and wait on the kittens?

    6 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • I need some book suggestions please!?

    I am VERY picky a bout the books I read. As a teenager, it is next to impossible to find any books / suggestions at school that aren't "teenage" books. I hate them, and refuse to read them.

    Alternating between Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Mary Higgins Clark, and Kevin O'Brien is getting pretty monotonous, so I need some "new blood" in my reading life. Here is a list of my top 5 favorite books, to show you what I like:

    1.) Desperation - by - Stephen King

    2.) Deception Point - by -Dan Brown

    3.) Water For Elephants - by - Sarah Gruen

    4.) My Sister's Keeper - by - Jodi Picoult

    5.) The Rustler - by - Linda Lael Miller

    What have you enjoyed that you can reccomend?

    8 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Question about burning Ipod Playlists to a cd?

    I apoligise if this is a dumb question, but here it goes:

    On my Ipod, I have a few videos. They are music videos I downloaded for free, and have really grown to like. I would like to put a few of them into a playlist and burn it to a cd, but I don't know if they will do that. I know on my Ipod I can listen to them as just music tracks, or watch the video in a seperate menu, will they play as tracs on the cd? And will they be playable by my car radio?

    4 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • What is the best pet hair remover out there for furniture?

    I have two house dogs, a disabled daschund in a doggie wheelchair and a large beagle I adopted from the human society in June. The dascund doesn't shed that bad, but the beagle is terrible!

    I wouldn't mind all that much, because I can just vacuum and wash her bedding, but she refuses to lay anywhere but the couch! The hair is impossible to vacuum off because of the type of material it is, and even with a sheet covering the couch its still all over it.

    I looked up the Pledge Fabric Sweeper Pet Hair Remover, which sounds good, except that its disposable and I want something that I can use for a long time.

    Any ideas?

    4 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • What is a good writing score on the ACT?

    I am signing up for the September ACT test and I need to decide whether or not I want to take the writing portion. I've taken it once before with no preparation, and got a 6 on the writing. There is only one school I really want to go to, and it doesn't require the writing portion. I want to have a decent score though, just in case I do decide to apply to a school that requires it.

    My GPA is 3.7, and I've taken mostly Honors and AP classes. The AP classes at my school aren't weighted, they count as regular class grades. Both times I took the ACT before I've gotten a 25, but I'm studying alot and hoping to make at least a 27. That's my goal.

    Should I take the writing portion again, or is a 6 a decent score?

    3 AnswersStandards & Testing1 decade ago
  • I have some questions about the common application?

    I want to apply early decision to Rhodes College in Memphis, TN and I'm working on my application, and I need some help with a few things.

    1.) Do I list ALL of my ACT scores, or just the one I do the best on?

    2.) When it asks for your citizenship status, do I put US Citizenship or Permanent US Citizen? I was born and raised here, and so were my parents. Do I choose permanant citizen?

    3.) For the past few years, I have made a distiguished on our state testing and got a "distiguished card," which gave us special benefits. Can I count that as an academic distinction/honor? In our school it is, but I'm not sure what it is for colleges.

  • Should I take the writing portion of the ACT?

    I live in KY, and here we only take the ACT. I've taken it twice before and gotten a 25 both times. I'm taking it again in September and I need to know if I should take the writing portion.

    I want to go to Rhodes College in Memphis, TN. Its a small, private, liberal arts college. I've taken the ACT plus writing once before, and I didn't do very well on the writing because I had no preparation.

    Should I take it this time? It doesn't say anything about it on the school's website, just lists the average ACT composite score and what percent of their students got what score. Would taking it give me an advantage?

    3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago