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  • How can I stop my wife from destroying us?

    After 9 years together, 7 years married and two kids together, my wife, all of a sudden, decided she fell in love with someone else years ago (before we even were together), but him and her never were able to openly discuss their feelings. She's convinced that he's in love with her, even though he denies it and has blocked on facebook, and everything else so she can't contact him anymore. And yet, my wife wants to leave me for this dude. He gave her no reason to think he's interested in her, but she still claims otherwise and is really planning on leaving me for this dude. I don;t know what to say or do to make her realize she's trying to live a fairytale that doesn't exist.....

    About two months ago, she started taking Chantix/Champix, that medication that helps you quit smoking. One of the side effects, in some rare cases, is depression and paranoia. She claims that it isn't because of this. I just don't know anymore. She's going to ruin both our lives for no reason and I can't stop her.

    Help!!!!!! please!!!!!

    15 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Why do people put "Baby On Board" signs on thier cars?

    Seriously. The worst drivers I have ever seen were in a car with a 'baby on board" sign in the back window. THey have that sign on the back, which means they probably have a baby or a young child in the back, yet they'll go 90mph on the highway, zigzag through traffic, barely slow down at stop signs, run through yellow lights, cut other cars, etc. Just plain bad driving.

    If people are gonna drive like that, then why do they bother putting a baby on board sign? I mean, if they drive so recklessly, they obviously don't give a **** about their baby's safety, so why is that sign there?

    6 AnswersSafety8 years ago
  • Why do Justin Bieber fans think men hate him because their jealous?

    Girls claim that men hate Justin Bieber because he attracts all the girls. I disagree. justin Bieber only attracts 14 year old girls. I am not attracted to 14 year old girls. I am attracted to women. And most women are not falling all over Justin Bieber.

    I don't hate Justin Bieber personally. Although I find he is a useless piece of ****, I don't know him personally, so I can't say I hate him. What I hate about him, is that he represents everything that is wrong with the music industry. Take a girly looking boy, give him a piece of paper with words on it for him to sing, run his recorded singing through auto-tune, and make millions of money. Meanwhile, there a plenty of singers and musicians with real talent that are struggling to get recognized and make a living.

    Is that really jealousy? Or is it just being realistic?

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Christians. Do you think Justin Bieber is gong to hell?

    Bonus question for athiests: Do you think hell should be invented for Justin Bieber?

  • Your honest opinion. Is God lazy?

    -God created man. When it was time to create woman, he did not start from scratch. He just took a piece of man to create woman.

    -God only wrote ten commandments. Seems to me there's a lot more he could have easily added, but stopped at ten anyway.

    -God wanted a son. But he didn't bother finding himself a wife. Instead, he took somebody else's wife and impregnated her.

    -God did not want to raise his son himself. That's why he shipped him to earth so humans could raise and educate his son for him.

    -When Jesus started asking too many things of God (help this man walk, help this man see, make me walk on water, forgive this prostitute, turn this water into wine, etc), God felt overwhelmed, so he had his son tortured and killed, to have peace and quiet.

    -Jesus wanted to go to Heaven. He pestered God for three days before God, annoyed, shipped him back to Earth.

    -God didn't even bother repairing the holes in Jesus's hands.

    Why would God act this way? Is God lazy?

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Does Justin Bieber still exist?

    So far today. I haven't heard a single thing about him. No monkey, no spitting on fans, no beating up photographers, no annoying his neighbours with his Ferrari, nothing. I haven't even heard a song of his today. Did he all of a sudden stop existing? Or did I just forget to turn on my TV and my radio?

    12 AnswersCelebrities8 years ago
  • What was Bieber thinking when he spit in his fans?

    Was he all like "There you go girls. I'm gonna give you some of my spit. Make sure you bottle that up good, and someday, it will be worth millions. My spitting on you is a true gift from the Gods. From me to you".

    Could that be what he was thinking? Because, I know Bieber is a bit ****** up, but to actually spit on his fans, that's the only explanation there could be. Could also be that his fans are finally finding out was a joke this useless dude really is.

    5 AnswersCelebrities8 years ago
  • Ladies, are you aware that...?

    Your dirty panties probably have been sniffed by someone?

    All men do it. Those who claim they don't are probably lying. To a man, the sweet aroma of women's dirty underwear is amazing. And a lot of men, when they go to someone else's place, if the opportunity arises (like going to the washroom and the clothes hamper is full) will take a whiff of panties. So almost every single woman probably has had her panties sniffed. Be it by a neighbor, a friend, a relative (although that is a bit weird), a friend of a relative, an acquaintance, etc. And those of you in a relationship, you can take for granted that your significant other has done it.

    I will admit to having done it when I was a raging hormonal teenager, and even today, I regularly enjoy my wife's. She knows about it though so I feel no shame.

    But ladies, how does it make you feel knowing that? Attractive? Used? Violated? Turns you on? Don't care?

    7 AnswersGender Studies8 years ago
  • Men. When you play with yourselves alone...?

    Do you reach for the stars? Or are you content just reaching the ceiling?

    (yes this is a dirty question)

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • True or false: About adultery...?

    Based on my views, from people I know and what I've heard, adultery tends to happen more within Catholic couples more than it does within atheist couples.

    What do you think?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Why do people buy the Acura CSX?

    Why pay twice the price for a disguised Honda Civic?

    2 AnswersBuying & Selling8 years ago
  • Who sings "Live Wire"?

    First to answer properly gets Best Answer

    5 AnswersLyrics8 years ago
  • If money is the root of all evil.....?

    If money is the root of all evil, then why do they ask for it in church?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Can't view a question even if I have Best Answer?

    About a week ago, I answered a question on here. I was a bit blunt with my answer, and I think the asker didn't like that. So I think the asker blocked me, because I haven't been able to view the question since.

    I got on Yahoo Answers this morning, and I saw that my answers was voted as best answer (and no I didn't vote for myself. I wouldn't have been able to since I can't view the question).

    Seems to me though, since I got best answer, shouldn't I be able to view the question again? I would make sense, wouldn't it? But I still cant.

    Here is the question;_ylt=AgfX6...

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • If a ten minute nap can boost your energy...?

    Taking a short nap can boost your energy for a few hours. We've all heard of the 20 minute power nap, but it has been proven that even a 5-10 minute nap has benefits. But in the morning, when we hit snooze on our alarm clocks, we just get pissed off even more when it rings again. I know I don;t feel better when my alarm rings again 9 minutes after I hit snooze. Strangely enough though, it counts as a small nap.

    So why does a random 5-10 minute nap during the day can help me, but a 5-10 minute nap from the snooze button makes me feel even more crappy and angry?

    2 AnswersOther - Health8 years ago
  • Do you think Brian Johnson feels trapped by his signing style?

    Brian Johnson (AC/DC's lead singer) has a very unique voice, and a very unique singing style. When he was younger, he could pull off high notes and just plain tear it up. Now of course he's older, and he can't sing the exact same way, but he does an extremely good job nonetheless. He still has a unique voice and is still able to preserve the AC/DC sound with his vocals. In between AC/DC albums and tours though, he spends some time jamming, playing some shows, writing some material that has nothing do with AC/DC. The song "Who Fought The Law" is a good example of what he does. But he still uses his same singing style. Of course his style is very important to AC/DC's sound, and we wouldn't want it any other way. But when he does solo stuff, I wonder if sometimes he'd want to just sing normally, using his regular voice? Does he feel trapped and think he needs to sing that way even outside of AC/DC? Or maybe he doesn't want to sing any other way and wouldn't feel right to him?

    What do y'all think?

    4 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • Poll: What feels good?

    What feels good?

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • Why do religious people think atheists worship mathematics?

    I'm an atheist. I think religions are more about telling people how to act, to behave, to live their lives.

    I am an adult, capable of making my own decisions, I am able to tell what is wrong from right, and I live my life accordingly, while being able to respect other people's way of life and beliefs. I don't need religion for that.

    I do not believe that there is an invisible man in the sky watching every move I make. I can entirely appreciate those who do, but I do not. It has absolutely nothing to do with science. Seriously. But as soon as you tell people you're an atheist, they think you get a hard-on everytime you see mathematics.

    Why? Seriously. Why?

    Worst part is, I was never good in maths. Does that make me a bad atheist?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Question about the new ads. Can we report them?

    I'm sure you all have noticed Yahoo Answers now have ads that show up when you're reading somebody's question. It's annoying. I mean ******* annoying. Can those ads be reported? Because you can click on "report abuse" when somebody's question or answer is against the Yahoo Answers rules. So can we report those ads? Because they are spam. Plain and simple. Yahoo is going against their own rules and spamming us, and annoying the **** out of us.

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • How do you stop men from?

    How do you stop men from entering Kim Kardashian??? It's got to stop, I'm afraid she'll reproduce. We can't have that happen.

    1 AnswerCelebrities8 years ago