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  • What color are my eyes?

    My eyes don't look straight up brown. Hazel or maybe chestnut - I dunno. This was the best pic I could do of my eye.

    7 AnswersMakeup5 years ago
  • What could be hurting my rat? Help please?

    I've had my rat since March of last year. I don't know how old she was as she was raised to be a feeder (I could never do that though). Normally, she'd be hyper and ever so happy, until last week. Now she's always tired, her limbs seem so stiff, and she falls over easily. She eats but not drinking very much - though she'll lick ice and drinking from the bowl the ice is in when she feels like it.

    I keep her cool, thinking she doesn't handle heat. I feed her fruit as she loves it. I'm so afraid of losing her but can't afford to take her to a vet, as the cheapest I can find was $60 and that's just for a vet to look at her but not actually do anything for her.

    1 AnswerRodents6 years ago
  • What shape are my eyes?

    Getting this out of the way: don't be rude, don't be sarcastic, if you don't know - don't answer, don't say I'm ugly or pretty (I doubt I am but had to cover just in case), and that should cover it.

    I am trying to figure out my eye shape but I am having a lot of trouble. Round? Almond-ish? Hooded? I am hardly photogenic and my display pic is as good as it gets without my glasses in the way.

    1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style6 years ago
  • One breast about one cup size bigger, need help?

    I'm really shy to ask this and I don't want anyone thinking they're fake or a troll. Due to medication, I went from 34C, 34D, 34...DD, and now one of my breasts is a DDD or at least it seems like it, it's more like a DD1/2, should I stick with my DD bras or try to find an affordable 34DDD? I live in Wisconsin, WI and don't know where to go if I should go up one size, especially in a 34 band. Please help...

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body7 years ago
  • My bust measures 39" would I be a D or DD?

    My under bust measurement is 34". I personally measured and had my boyfriend measure me as well and we both came up with 34" and 39". I was measured at VS and got 36C, but the band was a bit big and the cup wasn't wide enough. I wear a 34D normally, but lately, those have been feeling weird too. What do you all think: D or could I be a DD?

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Tired of my mom criticizing me for gaining weight?

    I weigh around 150 Lbs and I'm 5'6" - I look healthy, a bit chubby, but I was okay with it. I used to be skinny but gained weight off depro provera (endometrosis treatment) and actually gained a few pounds on my own (a huge accomplishment). The problem?

    My Mom has been making comments about it. Like, I couldn't fit into a size 10 shorts, that could have shrunk in the wash, and after realizing she couldn't help me, she said, "You're fat!" I don't know if she meant for that to be insulting or she wasn't thinking (she does this often) but it hurt. Yesterday, we went to Wet Seal and found out I fit into size 13 (once again, not a problem to me) and she asked, "Oh, so you're a thirteen now?" I'm like, "At Wet Seal I am. I also fit in 11s and 10s" But the tone seemed snickerish. Then today, a free panty from VS came in the mail. She saw it and I said, "You wouldn't be interested since they're hip huggers and my undies are not fitting anymore..." and in perfect sarcasm, "Gee, I wonder why." And instead of say, "I dunno..." She says emotionlessly, "Because you gained weight." I'm like, "Gee, Mom, I never noticed. Wow, thanks for pointing it out." Seriously, this is really bothering me. She has no right to complain since she weighs more than I do.

    6 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Need help naming my doll based on personality?

    I can't think of a name that fits her. Her personality is shy, sweet, sassy, artistic, and innocently childish. She is modest and cutesy at the same time. She loves cupcakes and isn't athletic. She's also spiritual.

    She's based off me, so I'm very picky. <- what she looks like.

    I'm looking for a name that doesn't mean "from where ever", "god's ?", or strong names that mean "strength", "victory," etc. I'm looking for highly feminine name, prefer to end in 'y'.

    CAN'T START WITH THE LETTERS: A, E, M, K, L, & S. And please, not Renee. I'm so tired of that name,

    11 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • How to lose weight in only my stomach?

    I've had my first depro provera shot (for endometrosis treatment) last November and I gained 12 pounds and 5 on my own so now I weight around 147 Lbs - which is healthy for my 5'6" height and average build. My like how my chest and tushy are curvier and fuller, but my stomach saddens me. My natural waist is 31" and my stomach itself is 35 1/2" to 36". If it matters... chest is 39" and tushy is 42 to 43".

    I'm not athletic but I do take walks. Laxatives don't do anything so thumbs down on the spot. Please be respectful, keep in mind, I could find your questions and behave the same way.

    36 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • What names would you think of with these character traits?

    I'm looking for a name that fits these and so far, I've had little luck:

    Artistic, shy, sweet, and innocently sassy


    6 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Did this person pay and lie about it?

    I am a seller on ebay. My last auction said clearly, that the shipping will be listed as free until time of auction is over and depending where you are, they are responsible for shipping and I did give the amounts it would cost to ship according to the USPS. My auction ended and the buyer asks to slip out of the shipping costs. I told her, "No, I can't. Sorry." So I get to the invoice and it's not allowing me to add on the 6 dollars would have cost to ship. Paypal and the order details say she paid but yet the dollar sign isn't light up. Did the buyer pay and lie about it just to get out of the 6 dollars?

    Sorry... I'm a bit on the slow side when it comes to internet selling. I also can't seem to find the right catagory so this will have to do.

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Girl names that end in Y...?

    And not start with S, L, and A.

    I'm looking for a name that also goes with the middle name Danielle. Raised girly so, nothing to strong please. Thank you.

    9 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Caleb for a girl (weird I know)?

    I found a bitty twin doll at the thrift store and normally I name my dolls after children I wish to have in the future. So normally not so hard. What makes this hard is the bitty twin is a boy and I don't wish to have sons in the future but pass up a bitty twin for 3 bucks would have been stupid. I named him Caleb but I'm not feeling much as a connection as I do my 3 AG dolls: Sadie, Athena, and Leah. I figure, I'll connect better to Caleb if he's a she but I don't want change his name.

    I know this is a mega weird question, so please be nice. I'm a bit unusual when it comes to bonding - period.

    9 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Make up tips for cool toned skin, brown eyes, and red hair?

    I'm a natural brunette, but I love red hair - makes me feel sweet and fierce. My eyes are dark brown, almost black. Normally I wear pink, black, and aqua. I'm not sure if that really goes with my red hair as much as it did when my hair was brown and black.

    3 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • Is adoption against the bible?

    I'm asking because of an argument and not to start a flame war.

    I was IMing a friend of my boyfriend's a couple weeks ago and my bf was at his house, joking around, and one of the things I mentioned was adopting my daughters (they weren't the joke, just what happened if my future husband [my bf] and I lived in different places) and I thought I wasn't saying anything wrong. Next thing I know, my bf and I had an argument on the phone because his friend tapped into his born again Christian-ness and said something against my choice to adopt; which caused them to argue as well - but first.

    I don't understand how that can be wrong in anyway? The bible says to be fruitful, but does it have to be your own? Adoption is also mentioned in the bible as well. Sure Caligula should have thought better with Nero but that's 2 thousand years ago.

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Libra male being overly judgemental?

    My boyfriend's friend is a Libra male and he's always finding faults with me. I have depression - he judges. I'm Wiccan - he judges. Anything he finds wrong - he judges. The last time he judged, it was over me wanting to adopt some day and that ended up with me and my boyfriend getting into a bad argument because his friend took it the wrong way (my bf is a Scorpio and you know how secretive they are). I told him that I was deeply sorry and it slipped. I was trying to be funny while IMing his friend and I became too nervous and it slipped. My bf told me not to talk to his friend because of how he gets so I'm not anymore - I wasn't going to anyway since I was annoyed with his friend's behavior befoe that.

    I'm also a Libra (his birthday is a day before mine) and I'm not like that at all. I embrace differences and the thought of families (no matter how they came to be) makes me giddy inside. What's his deal?

    Also, I did assume character flaw, but all his other friends are not like that with me - just this one.

    No skepticism please. No free 2 points for being a jerk.

    3 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • Trouble choosing a name?

    I have been searching names for the last two days and made a list of the ones I couldn't decide over. I tried asking my boyfriend which one he liked best but he said they were all good. I just need one name. Please don't be rude, useless, and/or suggest any names. I included meanings.

    Carisa [Ka-ri-sa) - caress

    Etta [eh-ta] - pearl

    Lina - delicate

    Nia - brightness

    10 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Does it look like I have warm or cool skin (pic included)?

    I'm not sure if I have warm or cool skin. My veins look teal so it doesn't really help. I know I have clear skin (clear vs muted) so I included a picture to help. Please, don't say anything about the pic being somewhat blurry - it was resized and yes, I know, I need to fix up my tank top to cover a bit more of my chest.


    5 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • HOW do you clean a cartilage piercing?

    I don't need to know what I need to clean it, just the step by step instructions. My cartilage piercing is 2 weeks old and I was using the solution just to find out, I shouldn't have.

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Should I trust my Grandma or go with my instincts?

    The grandma I'm talking about is my father's mother. I was born out of wedlock in autumn 1988, my maternal grandma accepted me but my paternal grandma kept saying I wasn't her grand daughter and that it could had been any other man... in other words, we were great for Maury. Still, to shut her up, Mom got a blood test done and yes, her son was my daddy; she kept trying to say the blood test results was a lie.

    Fast forward 15 years...

    My dad committed suicide from 5 years of severe depression and chronic uncurable pain. I was starting to know my dad's side of the family. They stayed out of my life until I was 14. After his death, more problems started. My older half brother was married at 23 and my 18 year old half sister was married and already had two kids. I was the only one able to get surviver benefits because I had no kids and under 18 (My sister could have gotten it if she was childless and unmarried [under Wisconsin law]). My paternal grandma became enraged and once again, wanted nothing to do with me.

    Fast forward again... 7 years later... I'm 22 now.

    On Christmas, last December, my cousin, adopted by my paternal grandma, IMs me on facebook and tells me that "Mom" wanted to talk to me. I was confused, thinking she confused me for her real sister whom has the same name as me. So I call and I felt awkward. She reminded me that she's my grandma too and that I should call more often and talk to her more. She said she wants me to visit but by myself (she hates my mother). I tried to tell her that I'm not good at traveling by myself (I get lost too easily) and I don't drive. She kept saying that Brittney (my cousin she adopted) traveled to Milwaukee (where I live) very well and she's 17.

    I don't know... something just isn't right. I find it strange how out of no where, she wants to be my loving grandma after hating me for so long. Should I give her a chance? I dunno... this is hard.

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Dying brown or bleaching to gray, doesn't matter, but when can I dye my hair after a cartilage piercing?

    I'm a natural brunette. I've been graying since I was 15 and settled that red hair looks great on me - especially burgundy. I got my cartilage pierced on my right ear and I've noticed that my hair never looks red in pics - always brown. So rather I dye back to brown or bleach my hair gray, that doesn't matter, but when after a piercing can I? It's only 4 days old.

    3 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago