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yay im 23 now, give me a cookie puhlease cha cha chaa.

  • SO has anyone seen Nibiru?

    I was told we were supposed to die in 2012... the sun was supposed to explode, jesus was supposed to come sound his horn and the antichrist be born, and a missing planet was supposed to crash into the earth.. what happened?

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • Why does it seem Fairys are bitter towards Tgirls?

    I always find nasty comments from gay 'Divas' that really just get on my nerves sometimes and I wonder what drives some of them...

    The most common disrespectful ones I witness:

    "I know what God made me and I'm a man" (Usually by black gays)

    * My attitude towards that is.... If you know ur a man why the hell you got youtubes of you dressing in drag~

    Secondly I don't think I'm unaware of what I was born -.-? and I know that 'God' didn't make me?

    "Ew I can't believe he'd rather be with THAT than me"

    *My attitude towards that is.... what does it matter? 9 times out of 10 u will be done with the dude I'm with anyways after u find another dick even a smidget bigger, no one wants to date a jump off.

    "Omg child you can't be a T and not do it up"

    * My attitude towards that is... Being T isn't playing dress up 24/7, I'm grown and would look ridiculous walking around slut... i know some T do but all of us are not one trick ponies.

    ..... There's more but I don't think I need to go, what's with these people? It's like they angry my whole universe isn't revolved around sex or something! >_> if you think you can make a better "girl" then me then go pop some hormones and be one?

  • Would you get a uterus transplant if you could?

    This is aimed to the Transgender community....

    I know sometimes it sucks knowing the limitations of well "life" but sometimes I find there are a few others who don't accept those limitations and will fight tooth and nail to break those boundaries.

    One Question I do have is would you risk having a transplant to have a baby just to become pregnant?

    I'll express my feeling toward it... I feel most transgender women start off fertile to begin with.. and even tho they don't get the joys of pregnancy... they do have the option to become parents.. They can either value that option and plan to give birth or risk having excessive surgery just to get an experience. What I can't understand is why would a transgender would even consider wasting so much time/energy/money/rescources on carrying a baby (another life) for the sake of basically role play... Because to me that's what it is to me Live action Roleplay. I can understand wanting to change your percieved image and sexual intercourse parts.. but to me being doped up then cut open to have a womb place inside you to have it cut open and take the baby and it out... is too much.

    What gratification does one really get by carrying their own baby in the opposite sex's body? I'm pretty sure it will be more expensive than simple invitro/surrogate.

  • What would ending Abortion solve?

    I honestly don't condone Abortions.... But they happen....

    SO um what's with people wasting hours life and money trying to end abortions?

    Would you adopt them kids or something?

    If someone was shitty enough to have unprotected sex and rely on an abortion to fix their mistake I can't imagine what type of parent they would be... I know someone who was 2-3weeks pregnant smoking ganga and popping XTC before getting an abortion.. I don't think that baby woulda did good in her belly.

    13 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Would this make me racist?

    I find it difficult for me to be real friend with people outside my race especially white men and women... It's not cause of their skin color or that I feel they are inferior to me it's just the fact the way we behave and upbringing are so different. I don't wanna start naming differences but minorities, mainly blacks and (black)latinos seem to be easier to talk to and be around without worry of offending them, also the sense of humors are usually profoundly different, soooo i try not to talk to emz, (ugh at the creepy old ones that hit on u when they like 70 and urr like 22).

    6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • Why wont the USA let the middle eastern nations just fight each other?

    They both seem to hate and want to fight each other so why not just let them?

    Everyday I see Libya, Iran, Mohummed, watever.... declares they hate someone else's country cause allah tells them to. Soooooooo... Stop protecting them. Either help Israel in Genocide, or let them fight their own wars, Years and years of negotiation hasn't done anything for the sand ppl, obviously they think the world should suck their ***** and the rest of the world doesn't agree, so what's the point of their existence? Shooting Rockets and destroying buildings for no reason?

    1 AnswerGovernment8 years ago
  • What is with these Arabs threatening America?

    I tried to simpathize with those lil head towel wearing annoyances for the longest but now they are up here killing ppl over a youtube video they didn't even make. Then on top of it I seen them always waving flags, screaming death to America.. and all I wonder is FOR WHAT? Do you see Americans sitting here caring about your lil pathetic nation? Do you think America is scared of Arabs? Quite Frankly I'm suprised them lil religious nutcases still even exist at this point.... I don't get why American ppl have to die to these ppl, sure there's a rare few that aren't for their lil pathetic non winning protest, but that doesn't outweigh the millions sitting around killing ppl over a youtube video defaming their "Prophet"... maybe they should wake up and realize no nonmuzlim gives 2 SHITS about Muhammed. I can't, Surprised the Jews could even live near them... I'd commit Genocide if I had the army. I can't believe how they care more about a dead man than real REAL ALIVE PEOPLE?

    Why do these Arabic nations test America's Patience?

    7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • How do I clean up this white suut on my entire Hallway Corridor?

    So far my mother hired some creepy latinos to fix her room, in their room I think they were putting "spackle" up... *watever the fk that is. Now everywhere there's this white powder and it covers just about everything.. even the clothes i left in the dirty bin are piling it up, and it tracks everywhere... I vaccumed the rug and it reduced the floor mess a bit but the residue is still pretty..... disturbing... the worse feeling is when it gets on my freshly waxed legs... getting all in my pores and crap. How the hell do I clean this crap off.. it's on the walls, on the carpet, on the banister, on the rails down the stairs, on the stairs.. i wouldn't be surprised if some is on the ceiling, and it radiates heat when in the sun too long intensifying an already blazing hot day. it's a disaster!

    1 AnswerCleaning & Laundry9 years ago
  • Who Decided that gay marriage should be voted upon?

    This is a Multi-layered question...

    I wanna know:

    A. What does any gain or lose by Opposing the marriage of same-sex couples?

    B. Why is it up to ordinary people to decide the fate of other people? Like is marriage more of a socially ran operation or Legal, cause I thought marriage was more for legal reasons then public relations.

    C. How come parents/guardians get offended and/or rowdy over same-sex relationship options being discussed in a class room. (No I'm not talking about inappropiate lessons, however if a child asks a question as to why his/her teacher is married to someone of the same sex why is it "wrong/evil" for that teacher to discuss with the child that same-sex couples exist?)

    I would love sane and logical answers to the questions please!

    My Point of View: I Really don't understand how this government operates and I don't understand how they handle things. This country is supposed to be "free"; they don't mind raising our taxes and ruining our credit with late fees and never ending debt, while they get big holiday bonuses, and fire us from our job/demote us. However for a subject that is very cut&dry and really has no logical reason (in my point of view) to be restricted they let other "people" decide the fate of these groups people?

    In fact I don't even understand why as citizens we pay millions of dollars to these "officials" who literally do almost nothing to ensure our quality of living improves in any way shape or form. It just feels as if 'taxes' to go to old ghetto facilities that should be shut down/re-staffed and tweens who decide accidentally having kid(s) with some bum is cool. And if I'm correct churches, who do nothing but in turn take more money from their own members, don't have to adhere to this "Tax" thing? All this is going on but still people think the deserve the right to deny a right to a certain population of people simply cause of the partner they choose. I dunno if someone would consider me liberal/conservative based on what has been said but I really think they should just go back to tyranny cuz this crap is basically the same thing. Atleast then I could blame the 'king' for my lack of rights and not the angry racist next door neighbor meth head.

    6 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • Who The Hell made all these labels 4 da Trans-community?

    SOME OF THEM MAKE NO SENSE AT ALL *and yes this is kinda a rant for the tl:dr's*:

    not trying to sound rude or anything but; I only use terms that make sense, but some of the terms i see/hear along with their definition... lack logical reasoning for their existence.


    Why do some use the word "Transsexual" and "Transgender" as two totally separate things?

    To me, the word Transgender gets the point across perfectly (Transition Gender); trans-sexual sounds like some sort of kinky sexuality and a misnomer.

    Then there's some type of weird imposed Hierarchy, I don't even understand how it works. but here's how I see things....

    If you aren't on hormones, have no surgery, have no intent on "transitioning" then simply you are not transgender, regardless of gender identity (i.e. before I started transitioning I didn't walk around telling everyone I was a transgender person, regardless of the gender identity issue). I dunno why some walk around promoting they are tg when they ain't doing sh*t bout it. imma guess prolly to get mhore business?...

    If you are pre-op, post-op, non-op, or just whatever, live your daily life as the opposite gender "transitioned", I'm calling you transgender. I'm not calling any person that goes through the whole process then regrets it their previous gender again...and regardless if they keep their original body part. Like I'm sure as hell wouldn't ever call "buck angel" a woman again either even if he someday did regret it, and even if goes around using his *lulz* , nor Chaz.

    Nor am I going to call some post-op a "transsexual" just to stroke their ego..... *inb4 a psycho comes in explaining how press must get all label correct*

    Transvestite -

    Who the hell made this label/word up? Really, does deciding to not wear the clothes deem appropriate for your gender have ANYTHING to do with transitioning or transgender issues at all? Even if your just a cross dresser with a fetish, call yourself a cross dresser with a fetish...

    Tranny Chaser/ Transfan/ Tranny hawk -

    Um >_>? I see these terms used very often used to degraded the guys that do like Transgender ppl? When ppl use this word i don't get what exactly am I supposed to picture in my mind... & ppl fkkin stalk/perverse/obsess over transgender people without not even knowing they are a transgender person. Why not call them stalkers/perverts/freaks/psychos/closet cases? Basically someone pointlessly invented vague terms to explain something regular/universal words can be used to explain the situation w/ precision already? Many times I find that word flung around with little evidence 'just like the word racist'... srsly just cause your lover cheat on you with another transsexual don't mean they are uncontrollable infatuation with all transgender ppl. Maybe they just stop liking you?

    Transphobia -

    >_> another unnecessary word, ignorance/morality issues causes hate regardless what its directed at.

    Gender bender/3rd gender/Bi gender/Goonie?~

    um... so since your not getting srs/not really transitioning just expressing your fascination with being androgynous, or ability to "trick/fascinate ppl" you have to act like 'lady gaga; and come with some weird "unique" title for yourself. Why not just call yourself an *arrogant* cross-dresser/dragqueen?

    Reading this [] it looks confusing, anyone who isn't transgender (even some that who are) cant even make sense of this/relate to it .... Why try make something soo simple so complex for nothing? Simply to cater to ur own personal emotions and philosophy? If anyone bothered to read all the tabs on da wiki; they wouldn't learn much of anything except the "stereotypical" implied intentions behind each activity... (excluding: GID)

    No wonder some don't understand us... when we make/use a series of labels based on ppl's intentions sexually/socially/philosophy it becomes non-sense to those who don't have no reason to use em.

    If you wanted to let someone know a person is a homosexual would you simply tell them that person is "gay"?....

    or that person is "fairybeardominantbottomricequeen"? *end rant*

    Has anyone ever wonder why your Hetero-Bi-Homosexual friends/enemies may be ignorant/confuzzled is prolly cause transgender ppl (i abbreviate alot :D) have a tendency to make up words to explain their *primarily sexual and odd* intentions rather than to actually make a point?

  • Does anyone else feel like a "slave" living in the USA?

    *inb4 some racist dumb@$5 says its cuz ur black, lulz*

    So far getting a job is hard,

    when you get a job the expect you to do most the workload and beyond, for sh*t pay,

    threaten to fire you endlessly over the pettiest things *missing*,

    Your expected to spend a large amount of money on college,

    after you get out of college, even tho your chances of getting a better job is higher, you usually don't get a better job and are now in debt,

    Many jobs require such n' such years of experience however obtaining the exp. is hard cause jobs that used to be entry level/apprenticeship now require a 2~4yr degree.

    Kim Kardashian made more then i would ever make in my entire lifetime (probably) just from agreeing to marry some guy she met off craigslist?

    >_< the hell

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture10 years ago
  • Why isn't mexico apart of USA?

    PPL always moaning about how that place sucks and ppl always jumping over here illegally. Why not kill 2 birds with one stone? That way ppl can stop B*chen about them illegal mexicans border hopping, and they can stop complaining about chaos, anarchy, and death. And everyone can be happy (underpaid, overworked,overweight,ungrateful,capitalist) Americans. They coming over here anyways~ >_>

    10 AnswersGovernment10 years ago
  • Honestly what was the point of making guns accessible to the General public?

    I really don't understand why guns were ever made accessible to the general public, esp. in advanced nations. Even for hunting.... there was a time hunters used spears, bows n arrows, knives, traps, etc. Yet for some reason somebody found some way to slither in a legit way to buy a weapon that's as devastating as easy as it is to conceal? All I really want to know is why? Why let ppl own guns, why not let them own their own tanks/missile launchers/fighter jets then?

    I really just can't understand why? It just seems like a decision that promotes crime rather then help prevent it.

    13 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • What is up with the ppl being found dead in L.I.?

    on Long Island they found 5(?) dead escorts? I mean.... its been a long time and no one has found the killer yet... >_>? I'm most amazed that the asian boy was killed along em girls but anyways can anyone elaborate on the story and particularly why the killer hasnt been found yet >_>

    4 AnswersOther - News & Events10 years ago
  • How many TS were killed in 2011?

    Does Tdor even keep up with it still?

  • Where did the universe come from?

    While I'm glad I watched it, there's one thing I quite don't understand..... Not that I'm trying to say his ideas are "wrong"... it's just i don't understand the logic behind it, even in "dummies" version he gives for normal ignorants who don't understand math.

    He reasoned since there are photons that can pop in... so could the universe... and since "time" wasn't a necessity god isn't.... then blah blah blah...

    but what bothered me the most is he goes on to say that at some point (before the big bang), even tho all the energy of the universe existed in this simple tiny area, that there was no time.

    I could understand that if there's "no space" there's "no time" but what i don't understand is at what point according to this theory was there "no space"?

    Even having it dumbed down for me, I can't even understand how he can derive that at some point the universe just popped into existence with "no time" and ultimately that wouldn't also mean that it didn't occupy any "space" as well? (It existed, from non existence?) its confusing >_>

    8 AnswersAstronomy & Space10 years ago
  • How is the term "Tight eyes" racist?

    I hear alot of ppl say things about racism, and discrimination:

    But what I don't understand about it is that describing the physical feature of something/one makes u racist? People do it all the time, the call European decendents "White" when their skin actually isn't even really white, and african descendants black... even tho most african's don't have pure ebony colored skin.

    So i just wanna understand how is the term "tight eyes" racist/discriminative...

    Is this world really so petty that any physical description attributed to a certain race is racist outside of what society deems norm?

    How is "tight eyes" anymore offensive then calling someone "black"...

    5 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups10 years ago
  • How does Genetically Modified foods Harm people?

    I read a bit up on it, I'm not SUPER knowledgeable on the situation, however those that do oppose Genetically modified food seem to have an idea that these foods work against once longevity. I'm just not understanding how can one come to that conclusion. From MY perspective, I can't understand how the genetic make up of something I consume can harm me, unless it >> Breaks down into a harmful Chemical in my body which would probably deem it Toxic... but if these foods were "toxic" I honestly don't think people would be growing/selling them and everybody would probably be dead >_>. I'm not obsessed with this topic at all, so can one just tell me what's the logic behind deeming Genetically Modified/Altered food dangerous/bad for you? A sick/diseased cow's milk stuffed with Antibiotics, I can understand how that can be harmful; but a plant that has been altered on a microscopic level, I can't understand at all.

    5 AnswersOther - Food & Drink10 years ago
  • Why does it seems female celebs are judged harsher based on their looks?

    why do i feel as if you can find oodles and oodles of Celebrity flaws, pics of Cellulite, stretching, wardrobe malfunctions, scares or bruises, hair on legs/face/back of hands, whatever, without even TRYING for female celebs. It seems obsessive that some have the audacity to really go out their way just to pin point that a Female celeb didn't do a good job shaving one day out of the year. However how come when it comes to males not many articles really notices/cares? Is it just expected for female celebs to be flawless, hairless, and void of any natural part of their body; but celebrity men can be as fat, ugly, hairy, and sloppy as they wanna be? Only time they get noticed is when they take a nude pic/sex tape and someone notices they don't size up as one would imagine? Or when the shirt comes off?

    7 AnswersCelebrities10 years ago
  • Would it ever be possible to split USA?

    Honestly I think the USA should be split NORTH and SOUTH... North catering more to the liberal point of view, allowing TRUE freedom (less controlled substances *more legal drugs*, drive without a seatbelt, Less permits necessary for trivial things *marriage all types* drinking before age 21 smoking before age 18). Honestly I feel people have their freedoms compromised a lot by laws that are passed down to promote morality. If someone wants to destroy their own life/suicide it should be allowed. Not only should there be a freedom to pursuit happiness but also freedom to pursuit despair.

    The South could have all the conservatives that want to pay for stupid laws that interferes with peoples free will by ruining their reputation and making them pay fines for nonsense (unless ur rich/a politic then u can do what you want usually even drive down the wrong side of the road scotch free).

    Honestly I don't understand why USA hasn't been split apart to begin with... I'm tired of having my freedoms compromised cause someone else "doesn't like it" its stupid. Not saying that I personally wanan go do drugs and all that stuff, but I mean if i wanted to I wouldn't want to have to do it in fear that some person I never met in my entire life will come bust down my door and pull me out my house and lock me up for doing something that didn't even have nothing else to do with ANYBODY but ME. I don't see why if a woman chooses to be an escort/prostitute she can't freely promote her business without the fear of being arrested. I don't see why ppl are pushing to have abortion illegal. I don't see why there are so many laws in place to prohibit teens from participating into what American diplomats precieve activities only deem fit for adults. Whether or not its in someone's "best interest" I strongly don't agree with compromising peoples freedom in hopes of producing better youth.. having the legal age of drinking set at 21 HAS NOT stopped people from killing people while driving drunk. PPL still do drugs, if girls don't get abortions no one SHOULD be arrested if they throw their baby in the dumpster... please keep that crap in the south plz.

    7 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago