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Why does she always think im lying?
I am big on telling the truth . she accused me of lying about not liking to text message because i mentioned that my female intern texted me about her friend having a heart attack . Now my other female friend is upset about this. we are just friends and i cant control that someone texted me , i said that i replied over FB from PC since that is easier for me. my phone hardly works. What in that says i am lying about wanting to talk to her or message her when i message her ALL day on facebook
2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years agoWhy did this girl suddenly stop talking to me?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years agoWhy did this girl suddenly stop talking to me?
3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years agoBluetooth - TTL Serial adapter?
I need to find one with the following features for a project.
921600 Baud
an handle *** 5 Volts ***
1 AnswerOther - Hardware8 years agogirlfriend wants to study with an ex?
Well like we have been going out 3 months. things are great. we share everything with eachother and i love it she loves me also i know that for fact.
recently she and i were talking and she brings up that she wants to study a lesson on tempo or something with her ex that she broke up with . She says he was the best at it and all. she asks me "are you ok with this" . I kinda felt like it was a trap question, but i told her that I don't approve of it due to his behavior with her in the past. I trust he completely but i don't trust him. when they were broken up several times he tried kissing on her, sometimes successfully.... idk how she let that happen but you know females. He knows her weaknesses and things like that. and honestly im just not comfortable with it. she wants to do this Tuesday, i was half busy so i told her that i would talk to her again about it.
I just don't want her to call and be like... he kissed me or tried putting his hands on her or something. it would honestly crush me and i would be confused as to if it was the truth or not.
What baffles me is why does she even still want to be in his presence like that and talk to him after what he tried when they were broken up a few months ago.
She told me recently that she tried to give him a friendly hug and that he would not let her and said that it was over. this is what she told me about 2 days before she mention the studying thing. Is this stuff just calculated trickery or am i just overreacting.
7 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agoGirlfriend still talking to her ex on occasion?
Ok so me and my gf just started going out. she claims that her ex kept texting her about who she was going with since she put In relatiopnship on facebook. i told her to ignore that and that he should not be texting her . she agreed and ignored them . But then randomly she told me that she talked to him on the phone yesterday about me . I was just like ok, but that she knows how i feel about him sticking around.
I find his presence unhealthy and as if he is trying to make her feel guilty or bad and take advantage of her weaknesses for sex favors . she said she would not give in to that and i trust her but im not comfortable with knowing that he still has this obsession to message her and that she has not told him to **** off . what should i do ?
3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agoWhy is Christianity said to not be a religion?
basically was tired of hearing self gratification...why do Christians think its not a religion when it OBVIOUSLY is . i made this video on my view
5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years agoI like a close friend?
we've been friends for many years, i hate seeing her go with some random guy every few months only to be hurt and be dumped or break up with them after like 1-3 months time, its gotten really silly to watch. i've always liked her , and when i do attempt to go with her she always has excuses or refuses.
One time she endded up dating one of my newly met friends, i can't say he was really a friend but i knew him from a few christian events and she dated him online, and he told me she was not attracted to black guys ect along those lines, idk if it was true or not and sounded completely silly she denied that and i believe her since i've known her so long, im just asking what should i do. im confused as to what i want to do and i really like her :|
2 AnswersFriends10 years agoHow do you like my Battlefield 3 footage?
Would like some ideas that i can use to put this in a compilation . any good software you guys suggest for video editing thats at least free. want to use this and other footage for a video . thanks. any ideas and when i make it ill give you credit in the vidd for it.
3 AnswersVideo & Online Games10 years agoillegal immigration whats you're take on it?
Made this youtube video comment ect.... i tried to make it short. ... but i hate my voice kinda lol
6 AnswersImmigration10 years agohow is this facebook chain?
I was tired of seeing all the what women deserve ones . as if they are the only ones that deserve something so i decided to make one for all of Bro-dom, cause we deserve things too .
Every man deserves a woman who is honest and trustworthy, communicates clearly , respects his opinions, a woman who can see the truth when told, a woman who will not try to manipulate, one who loves us without trying to change us, a woman who can make us feel great in our weakest times, a woman that is by his side rooting with support. Those are some things a MAN deserves.
Re-post if you agree!
1 AnswerFacebook10 years agoWhy do Christians change stories so much?
Ok Half the time, they say interpret the bible . but any part that does not line up in today's moral beliefs is not to be taken literally. To me its just a book and its pretty straight forward. I have read it time in and out and i see nothing amazing in it unless you are like simple and easily entertained. Whats with them changing stuff up so much. And then saying its the truth because the bible proved itself. Why do so many people hold to this what seems to be complete ignorant.
11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years agoFriend just stopped talking?
Like so i met a friend online, i mean her and i speak back and forth fine and im not into the whole online thing much but things have been ok...then suddenly she had a few issues i offered to help, then i had a few and she did as well and said she would call. she forgot to call so i was like its ok know typical stuff and so attempted to call but they would no go though so we just continued to txt next day ...and now...she just wont talk to me anymore at all not on facebook or anywhere else.
I don't get that , wtf did i do....what should i do..try to keep getting her to say something or just fk it ?
3 AnswersFriends10 years agowho agrees that this is really stupid?
This guy keeps spamming my damn inbox with questions about his vid...and its stupid. and not funny. if anything its dumb .
1 AnswerYouTube10 years agoblack guy rick rolling the dawg house funny ?
A black guy at the table next to us knew all the words to the rick roll was pretty damn funny . Im weak from that still .
1 AnswerYouTube10 years agoobama walked out of the meeting?
Why did he do that i just saw this news cast for it here but i dont understand at all.
6 AnswersGovernment10 years ago