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  • Nervous before interview ?

    can't sleep. I have an interview for a job I just finished a 1 year temporary detail on. I excelled and earned am exceptional rating for the year and a bonus but I absolutely fall apart during interviews. I'm hoping they look at my experience doing the job and that outweighs everything else. How do you prepare/ relax for interviews?

  • Applying lime to lawn?

    my front lawn needs about 20lbs of lime.  We are getting 1 inch of rain tomorrow with 30mph winds. Can I spread tonight  while no wind?

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape2 weeks ago
  • New baby on the way ?

    I'm laughing but let me know if I'm tripping.

    My baby boy is due in May and my wife has been buying all these cute outfits and such. I just heard her mom ask "has he picked anything out yet", in reference to me not buying any baby clothes.

    1. I don't want to have all these outfits that he won't even wear. There's a ton of stuff already, like he can go 3 weeks per size without having to do laundry. 

    2. I'm a very picky dresser and don't want to get succumb to my pressure of buying all this nike and polo stuff that I've been urging to do.

    3. I've purchased all the important stuff like car seats, strollers, bathtub, bassinet and already painted the nursery and bought a new ceiling fan for it. 

    Why do I feel like I'm being judged for not buying clothes? 

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby1 month ago
  • Bully at work ?

    I was finishing up my shift at the part time tonight when the loud mouth employee (35male) came around saying offense things to other coworkers. He said to an Asian-American "man Jet Li's cousin get out the way" and called another kid fat and a punk for talking under his breath. This sh*t made me uncomfortable and I'm ashamed I didn't say anything for them. I'm not a fighter or anything but it made me want to fight win or lose. I just can't understand why grown men are like this. What should I have done? Should your boy go get boxing lessons? 

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture2 months ago
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    Coworker ?

    my coworker calls me at 8am every morning. I answer and the topics range from what he watched last night to how many leaves he picked up in his yard (all about him). He got comfortable and started calling throughout the day. I stopped picking up and he claimed his New Year resolution was to call less... but here we go. I'm very passive aggressive and not sure how to nicely say chill the fk out 

    3 AnswersFriends2 months ago
  • Best winter work gloves?

    I picked up a part time job in a warehouse dealing with boxes. I live in New England and it's been extremely cold in there! While working my hands aren't cold, but it's the downtime. I need a pair with grip, warmth and a little dexterity but not much. Any suggestions? 

    At night the temperature gets as cold as 10 degrees F

    10 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs2 months ago
  • Baby boy names ?

    We're narrowing down the list and have Noah (my favorite),  Avery (her favorite) and Zaire at the top of potential names. This is our first child, so I'm leaning towards giving her the right to choose Avery, but can't think of any good nicknames. Any ideas? 

    8 AnswersBaby Names3 months ago
  • Paying mortgage with credit card?

    Just signed up for a amex platinum card and I need to spend 5k for the points bonus. Does anyone know a backdoor in paying mortgage with an amex. Plastiq is good for rent only and amex considers venmo and paypal peer to peer cash advance with no rewards. 

    3 AnswersCredit3 months ago
  • Friend helped during COVID?

    During covid a co-worker helped me with yard projects to include painting my deck, pruning 8 trees, putting down 11 pavers and mulching the front and back yard.  

    lately he's been throwing it in my face always referencing all the work he's done at my place and how it use to look bad.

    I've tried to show my appreciation with gift cards valued at 200$ and meals. I've also showed up to help him lay 8 pavers, a deck project and tree removal (a storm knocked down his tree).

    I will never have him over to do any work in the future, but I dont want to feel guilty if I spazz and call him out for acting like he's saved my life by helping with yard work.  

    4 AnswersFriends3 months ago
  • Gag gift ?

    My friend has his son over while we did work on my patio. During lunch break the son asked for ketchup but noticed that the bottle was running low. The next time he came over, he brought a bottle of ketchup.

    For Christmas, I'd like to gift him two bottles of ketchup and a card with 20 bucks. Good idea?

    2 AnswersChristmas4 months ago
  • essential Christmas gift ideas?

    I'm beginning to understand the whole socks for Christmas thing. It shouldn't be about gifts at all. if we must exchange gifts, why not get them things they will actually use. Aside from socks what are some other essential gift ideas.

    I'm going to replace the batteries in her watches that have been dead for 3 years and schedule an appointment with the optometrist that she's been putting off.  need some other ideas 

    1 AnswerChristmas4 months ago
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    Opinion- better leopard vans ?

    trying to decide between the 2 for a Christmas gift. laces or no laces?

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories4 months ago
  • Newborn in car seat in stroller ?

    what are the travel methods when you have a newborn? Is it car seat for ride and then place car seat in stroller? Is this safe for the baby and are parents supposed to use a basinet stroller instead.

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby5 months ago
  • Which car seat/ stroller did you buy? any regrets?

    Currently looking for a car seat, stroller or travel system. I like the chicco bravo trio travel system. What was your decision, did it hold up. Will be a first time parent and am I right to assume that I will need a new car seat once the baby gets a little heavier. I saw some 4 in one car seats that looked really bulky and didn't come with a stroller.

    I noticed that graco products looked popular. I'm already over thinking this, but wanted to be a minimalist with baby products. 

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby5 months ago
  • Newborn big ticket essentials?

    What are the "necessary" big essentials for a newborn baby? I'm thinking crib, car seat, stroller.. 

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby5 months ago
  • names that end in "A" sound?

    looking for examples like Noah. Names that end in "a" where A is not the last letter in the name.

    2 AnswersBaby Names5 months ago
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    Questions on leaf blower?

    Budget is 350- I'm trying to decide between these 2 backpack blowers. I'm not sure what CFM means and if the MPH is more important. The website does not show the blow force on them. 

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape7 months ago
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    What type of weed is this? how can I treat it ?

    I have these around my front lawn and I'm not sure what product to use 

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape7 months ago
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    thoughts on these Nike slip-ons?

    looking for a slip on to beat up until labor day. Do you own a pair? are they cofmotable? 

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 months ago
  • Friends- showing your appreciation ?

    During self-isolation, a good friend has been helping me with yard projects. I know I'm saving money because landscapers can get expensive, but he gets "offended" when I try to compensate him for his time. He tells me that he's happy to be out away from his wife and teenage son, but I feel bad for the cheap labor. I've been buying lunch and gifting him with $100 gift cards that he's "accpeted".

    Today we removed bushes, dug out grass and laid stone for an area about 128sqft. Took about  4 hours and I'm wondering if a 50$ gift card to his favorite clothing store would be good to give him. 

    2 AnswersFriends9 months ago