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Regina Rose

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  • What do you think of this name + BQ?

    What do you think of the name Gideon Emmanuel?

    BQ: Do you think this name is too biblical for a non-Christian / non-religious person to use?

    6 AnswersBaby Names5 years ago
  • WDYT of these name combos?

    Hello, all!

    I'm thinking about adding the following combos to my name lists, but before I do so I'd like to hear some opinions on them — so WDYT of these names?

    • Amaryllis Miranda

    • Autumn Liliana

    • Claire Penelope

    • Jane Felicity

    • Sophie Evangeline

    • Wren Esmeralda

    4 AnswersBaby Names5 years ago
  • Which combos do you prefer?

    • Alistair Maximilian OR Joseph Maximilian

    • Bennett Nathaniel OR Nathaniel Bennett

    • James Beauregard OR Jacob Beauregard

    • Matthias Hamilton OR Hamilton Matthias

    • Stellan Michael OR Gideon Michael

    Thanks in advance!

    17 AnswersBaby Names5 years ago
  • What do you think of these two names + BQ?

    I'm thinking about adding the following names to my list, but before I do so I'd like some opinions of them — so WDYT of these two combos?

    • Genevieve Diana

    • Samantha Claire

    BQ: Can you answer this short this-or-that?

    • Catherine Isabella OR Jacqueline Isabella?

    • Laurence Nathaniel OR Nathaniel Bennett?

    • Nathaniel Bennett OR Benjamin Michael?

    6 AnswersBaby Names5 years ago
  • WDYT of these name combos?

    Hello, all!

    I'm thinking about adding the following combos to my name lists, but before I do so I'd like to hear some opinions on them — so WDYT of these names?

    • Caroline McKenna

    • Jane Katharina

    • Sapphira Beatrice

    • William Zachariah

    BQ1: Which name is nicer — Sapphira Beatrice OR Seraphina Noemi?

    BQ2: Which name is nicer — Elliott Beauregard OR Elijah Beauregard?


    3 AnswersBaby Names6 years ago
  • What are your opinions on these names?

    1. WDYT of the name Christopher Darcy?

    2. WDYT of the name Sapphira Beatrice?

    3. Which combo is better: Sapphira Beatrice OR Sapphira McKenna?

    4. Which name is better: Seraphina OR Sapphira?

    4 AnswersBaby Names6 years ago
  • Which combo do you prefer?

    I love the names Caroline Elisabeth (kah-ro-line) and Elisabeth Rebecca, but since Elisabeth is in both of them I can't add both to my list — so which combo do you like more? Why?

    BQ: I have Charlotte Rosalie on my list, too, and I'm concerned that Charlotte and Caroline are too similar. I know that they don't sound alike, but they're both feminine forms of Charles! Do you think Charlotte and Caroline are too similar?

    6 AnswersBaby Names6 years ago
  • Which combos do you prefer?

    • James Beauregard OR Collin Beauregard

    • Alexander Joseph OR Alexander Marshall

    • Katharina London OR Katharina Bronte

    • Seraphina Devon OR Seraphina Noemi

    • Wisteria Rachael OR Gabriela Rachael

    • Beatrice Ophelia OR Ophelia Beatrice

    Thanks in advance!

    12 AnswersBaby Names6 years ago
  • What would you name me + BQs?

    I see questions on here all the time that ask users to name someone based on his or her appearance, and I've come to wonder what names [other than the one I have] would suit me. I took a a picture of myself last night, and what I want you to do is follow the link, look at the picture, and post a name you think suits me based on my looks:

    BQ1: My name is Rosemarie. Do I look like a Rosemarie?

    BQ2: How old do I look?

    BQ3: Am I pretty?

    5 AnswersBaby Names6 years ago
  • I'll be applying to colleges in the fall. What are my chances for the schools on my list?

    Hi! I'm a rising senior who just finished creating her college list. I want to apply to Harvard, Georgetown, Claremont McKenna, UC Berkeley, Wesleyan, Brown, Columbia, the University of Richmond, St. John's University, NYU, American, and CSI. I KNOW I can get into St. John's, American, and CSI, but I was wondering if I have a chance at the other schools on my list. Here are my credentials:


    I'm in the PSA program, which is the most advanced curriculum my school offers aside from a handful of AP courses that students are only eligible for their junior and senior years. I've maintained an UW GPA of 4.0 and been ranked #1 since the first quarter of freshman year. I took all of the AP classes offered to juniors at my school and plan to do the same next year by taking AP English Lit, AP Calc AB, AP Bio, Religion 12, and either one or two dual-enrollment classes.


    SAT I: 2100 (620 M, 720 CR, 760 W) — One sitting

    SAT IIs: 630 (Italian) and 640 (Literature)

    ACT: 30 — It was my first time taking it and I took it without preparation. I plan to retake it in the fall.


    Varsity soccer (9,10,11,12)

    Art club (9,10,11,12)

    Algebra + biology tutor (9)

    NHS (10,11,12) + Treasurer (11,12)

    Mu Alpha Theta (11,12)

    Medical care lectures at the local hospital (10)

    Mock trial team (11,12)

    I might also intern at the Manhattan branch of the NY Supreme Court this summer.

  • Is this how a mother is supposed to act or is mine abusive?

    I'm not one of those arrogant, rebellious teenagers that complain about their parents all the time. I do, however, have a rather tumultuous relationship with my mother. I consider it to be borderline abusive, but since she has disowned almost all of our relatives I have no idea what a normal family dynamic is supposed to be like. I'm hoping that someone in this section can tell me once and for all whether or not my mother is neglectful or abusive.

    • She insists that I stop doing homework and studying for exams.

    • She urges me to drop all the extracurricular activities I participate in.

    • She has given me alcohol on numerous occasions and congratulated me when I got detention for being late to class.

    • She has prevented me, on numerous occasions, from pursuing opportunities that would augment my resume, such as skipping grades, securing internships, and participating in study-abroad programs.

    • She tells me that higher education isn't important and that a community college would provide me with great credentials and a fine education.

    • She stresses the importance of going to parties and dating and hanging out with other teenagers who are known to do drugs and drink alcohol.

    • She tries to make me more outgoing and makes me straighten my hair because she thinks straight hair is prettier than curly hair.

    5 AnswersFamily6 years ago
  • What are your opinions on these names?

    1. In your opinion, are the names Genevieve and Evangeline too similar for sisters?

    2. In your opinion, which name is better: Genevieve Lucia OR Evangeline Grace?

    3. In your opinion, what names make nice middle names for the girl name Seraphina?

    4. In your opinion, which nickname is better for the name Elisabeth: Elisa OR Ella?

    8 AnswersBaby Names6 years ago
  • Which names / combos do you prefer?


    Genevieve OR Gabriela

    Sara OR Seraphina

    Alexander OR Alistair

    Jacob OR James

    Samson OR Samuel


    Cara Naomi Jane OR Sara Naomi Grace

    Elisabeth Viola OR Elisabeth Sofia

    20 AnswersBaby Names6 years ago
  • Which of these combos do you like more + BQs?

    • Elisabeth Nova OR Elisabeth Viola

    • Genevieve Lucia OR Genevieve Kate

    • Cara Naomi Jane OR Sara Noemi Grace

    • Sara Noemi Grace OR Sara Naomi Grace

    BQ1: Which spelling do you like more: Laurence OR Lawrence?

    BQ2: What do you think of the name Johanna Florence?

    17 AnswersBaby Names6 years ago
  • Which combos do you prefer?

    • Madeleine Emilia OR Madeleine Emma

    • Genevieve Lucia OR Seraphina Lucia

    • Cara Naomi Jane OR Sara Noemi Grace

    • Laurence Malachi OR Lawrence Malachi

    BQ: What middle names would you suggest for the name Gabriela?

    8 AnswersBaby Names6 years ago
  • If I'm going to be spending [about] two weeks in Italy during the summertime, how much money should I bring?

    My older brother and I are planning to go to Italy in either late July or early August of 2016, and since my brother is tends to procrastinate it's up to me to organize and plan this trip. I don't have the details set in stone yet, but below is a list of the cities and attractions we'll be visiting. We will also be eating out for most meals, but neither of us is into super-expensive food. If it matters, when we go I'll have just turned eighteen and my brother will be about a month from turning twenty-four.

    • Venice (one day): see the Grand Canal, the Rialto Bridge, the Bridge of Sighs, and Doge's Palace; ride on the gondolas.

    • Verona (three days): see the Scaliger Tombs, the Roman theatre, the Arco dei Gavi, the Arena di Verona, Castelvecchio Bridge, and Juliet's balcony.

    • Florence (four days): see the Historic Center of Florence, the Boboli Gardens, the Statue of David, the Ponte Santa Trinita, the Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore, Palazzo Vecchio, and Palazzo Pitti; walk on the Ponte Vecchio; tour the Uffizi Gallery; shop on Via Tornabuoni.

    • Rome (six days): see the Colosseum, the Pantheon, the Roman Forum, the Sistine Chapel, the Catacombs of Rome, St. Peter's Basilica, Hadrian's Villa, Quirinial Palace, and Vatican City; shop on Via Condotti.

    • Pompeii (two days): see the Temple of Apollo, the Temple of Jupiter, the Amphitheatre of Pompeii, the Villa of the Mysteries, and Mount Vesuvius.

    Other - Italy6 years ago
  • Which classes are harder? Which schedule is more advanced?

    I'm having a debate with my mother over whose classes are harder and whose schedule is more impressive to colleges, mine or my friend's. I won't include which schedule is mine and which one is hers to prevent people from 'telling [me] what [I] want to hear'. Now, with that said, which schedule is more difficult and more advanced? If it matters, we're both juniors but we're in different high schools.


    • General P.E.

    • Honors computers 11

    • Religion 11

    • A.P. / St. John's University English Language and Composition*

    • A.P. U.S. Government and Politics

    • Honors Algebra 2 / Trigonometry

    • Honors Italian 4

    • Honors Physics

    * It's both an advanced placement class and a dual-enrollment class.


    • General P.E.

    • Science and Engineering Research Program 11

    • English 5

    • A.P. U.S. History

    • Pre-calculus 1

    • Russian 5

    • A.P. Biology

  • What do you think of this name for a girl?

    I've become enamored with the name Seraphina (pronounced as seh-ruh-fee-nuh or sair-uh-fee-nuh) recently, and but I want I want to get some opinions on it before I add it to my list — so what do you think of this name? If it matters, I would use the nickname Sera.

    BQ1: I'm thinking about either Seraphina Kate or Seraphina Grace, but I'm not sold on either combo — so what other middle names would you suggest?

    BQ2: Can you answer this this-or-that?

    • Madeleine Emilia OR Madeleine Emma

    • Genevieve Kate OR Seraphine Kate

    • Alexander Roman OR Roman Alexander

    7 AnswersBaby Names7 years ago
  • What do you think of these two names?

    I'm considering adding the names Theodore Frederic and Christian Matthias to my boys' list, but before I do so I'd like to get some opinions on them — so what do you think of these two combos?

    BQ1: I'm not planning on having a child anytime soon on account of the fact that I'm just sixteen, but would it be in bad taste for me, as an atheist, to name a son Christian?

    BQ2: Can you answer this this-or-that?

    • Johanna OR Hannah

    • Evangeline or Genevieve

    • Jacob OR James

    • Lawrence OR Laurence

    • Madeleine Emilia OR Madeleine Emma

    • Alexander Roman OR Alexander Romeo

    • Roman Alexander OR Romeo Alexander

    3 AnswersBaby Names7 years ago
  • What names would you suggest for these two characters?


    • His last name is Stoltzfus

    • He is clean shaven and has light skin, blue eyes, and dark blonde hair

    • He is 21 years old and is about 6'0" and 170 pounds

    • He was born and raised in an Amish community in Lancaster, PA

    • He ventured out on his own when he was fourteen in order to continue his education and learn about the amenities in the English world

    • He attends MIT and is majoring in mechanical engineering

    • He is on MIT's basketball and soccer teams and volunteers with Habitat for Humanity

    • He is a pacifist and believes in modesty and humility; for example, he believes that women who show a lot of skin dress in bad taste and that one should avoid things that might lead to vanity, such as dancing, outrageous clothes,

    and ostentatious jewelry


    • His last name is McNamara

    • He has a red beard and has fair skin, blue eyes, and red hair

    • He wears black, rectangular glasses

    • He is 21 years old and is about 5'11" and 295 pounds

    • He was born and raised in Hoboken, NJ

    • He was raised Catholic but is now either atheist or agnostic

    • He attends MIT and is majoring in chemical engineering

    I'm thinking about either Jacob or Andrew for the first character and either Francis or Matthew for the second character, but I'm not sure. Which names do you like the most from my ideas, and what names would you suggest for each character?

    3 AnswersBaby Names7 years ago