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  • Getting a me!?

    So I'm getting a haircut next week and I have long side bangs right now. I want to keep them and i want them to be cut like this:

    where they're short on one side and get long and swoopy on the other side.

    so my questions:

    1. do you like that look?

    2. what's a good way to describe that to my hairdresser?

    3. ive tried to find other pics like that, can you help me find some?

    thanks in advance! :)

    3 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Going vegetarian-suggestions?

    I've been wanting to be a vegetarian for a while, but my parents wouldnt let me. my mom finally said that i could, and now i'd like some suggestions.

    my parents make dinner for me and its usually chicken and pasta/rice and veggies. what are things that are easy to make that i can eat instead of chicken?

    also, what are good foods that i can add to my diet that have the nutrients that i wont get from meat? my mom is especially worried about me not getting enough protein.

    10 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • What's your favorite remix of a song?

    I'm obsessed with the Lollipop remix by anthony vanity right now [its free at get it!]. usually i hate remixes but this one is so catchy!


    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What do you think of when you read these lyrics?

    I have to do a recitation of song lyrics and write and essay about them for a speech final, and i want your thoughts on the song

    this is the song i chose:

    what do you think of when you read the lyrics?

    i already have ideas,so im not trying to have you write an essay for me or anything, but i was just wondering what it meant to other people.

    [oh and its in P&S cause there's a lot of different people here]

    thanks!! :]

    oh btw i just asked this, but it didnt post, sooo i deleted it and im asking again

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Poll: whats the funniest saying you've seen on a shirt?

    this isn't the funniest, but yesterday i saw a guy whose shirt said "worst christmas present ever" haha

    23 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Transferring iTunes Music to

    I got a new ipod [hand me down iphone], and i want to know how to transfer music from my old ipod to the computer. on my old ipod i have music that i dowloaded from either a cd or the internet [old music that isnt available for sale]. the problem is that i dont have the cd, and i downloaded them on my laptop, which broke. i also have all the files from my laptop backed up on an external hard drive, but i just need to know how to get the music from either my ipod or the computer.

    any suggestions would be great!

    8 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • So how was YOUR New Years Eve/Day?

    mine was awesome! last night my 2 best friends came over and we had glowsticks and we had a dance party until midnight! :]

    how was your new years?

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What's a good product to use in my hair before drying/straightening?

    Lately my hair has been staticky and its hard to deal with when i want to tease my hair a little bit because its way too staticky. I don't use any kind of product before drying/straiughtening and i know sooner or later im really going to damage my hair. my straightener has plates with some kind of thing on it that supposedly keeps from ruining your hair, but i know thats not enough.

    what are some good products that will keep my hair unstaticky, and possibly keep it from getting oily super fast?

    11 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Bee sting swelling 1 week later...?

    last friday i got a bee sting on my right hand. it was just below my ring finger. it was the first time i've ever gotten stung, and it hurt a little bit the day i got it so i took some benadyrl and put cortizone cream on it and it was fine all week.

    but yesterday [saturday] , i woke up and it was really itchy so i put some more cortizone cream on it, but it was still really itchy and swelling up. i took benadryl last night and put more cream on. by this morning i had a big bump and kind of a rash between my ring and pinky fingers. also, it kind of feels like theres a little tiny bump where the sting was, could this be part of the stinger still in my hand and causing this reaction?

    im going to go to the doctor, and i know no one here can propperly diagnose it, but im just wondering what could possibly be wrong. thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • what should i wear??? ?

    ok tomorrow, im going to a play, and i kinda need to look kinda nice for it. the problem is, i never dress up, and my closet has skinny jeans, band tees, v-neck tees and a few sweaters...

    what should i wear??

    i have:

    black, blue, grey, purple skinny jeans

    vans, converse, and a pair of black flats with bows on them

    these shoes [dont ask why!]

    i have lots of v-necks and i like stores like pacsun, hot topic, delias, etc

    so what should i wear??

    if you need more info just askkk!

    12 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • If you like the band The Maine...i need some help!?

    ok so im seeing the maine next week, and it'll be my 2nd time seeing them live and my friend and i are going to bring them gifts. we are having some trouble though deciding what to get...

    what we have so far:

    pat: some fruit [cause he loves fruit], and we might write "you're just a cupcake lover!" on it

    jared: peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a spoon [from the venue tour he did]

    kennedy: idk [really idk!]

    john: idk [we were thinking a t-shirt with some cool saying on it but WHAT??]

    garrett: idk [sunglasses possibly but he already has 653294718 pairs haha]

    soooo any suggestions/comments would be GREATLY appreciated!

    6 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • I need some new bands!?

    well i've really been getting into more electronic music and i really like breathe carolina, 3OH!3, etc

    what are some other bands like this that have the electronic/screamo/rap sound? i really want to find bands like this cause i know a lot of like pop/punk bands and i want to expand my horizons haha

    thanks! =]

    17 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • What's your song... ?

    right now?

    my song is...ok ill get back to you with that =]

    22 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do you believe in Santa?

    even though i know he's not real i still believe in him haha

    29 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Did you go shopping today?

    What was the best deal you got?

    I did! I got a $36 denim skirt for $7 at Pacsun.

    18 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Have you ever been fake...?

    for the sake of saving face?

    19 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • POLL: Have you everrr...?

    finished a tube a chapstick?

    I just did and it was the first time i have!

    i felt so accomplished =]

    32 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Where can I get cheap colored V-neck tees?

    I have some from Pacsun, and I really like v-neck shirts, but where can i get them in a variety of colors for less?

    15 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • When does the Maine's video come out?!?

    I know they're making a video for Everything I Ask For, but I can't find any info on when its coming out! Have they set a date for it yet?

    Links are appreciated!

    Thanks in advance...

    2 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Where else can I find a sweater like this?

    I got this sweater vest, and I really like how it looks on me, and I was wondering where I can get other ones like it.

    Links are appreciated!

    13 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago