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  • Guy keeps saying "You are attractive", what does this mean?

    He has mentioned he finds my body well toned. I like the guy a lot, does this mean he is potentially looking for a physical relationship only? He seems to have feelings too because we had dinner twice, talk about work, talk about friends etc....

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • First date today. Told the guy I like him have some feelings for him and attracted to him.?

    He said he is attracted to me a lot but not emotionally. I m glad he was honest. Then we kissed really good. He touched my breasts too. I didnt reciprocate because I still felt little nervous. He was very hard when I felt him .

    He remembers things like where we first met (at work ) etc so how can he say he doesn t have feelings for me? Is it terrible get touched my breasts (get did say he always wanted to touch them )?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Ovulating one week before period is due?

    My husband and I are trying to have a baby. I bought an ovulation test and got a smiley "clearblue digital test" for one whole week. My cycle is 30-32 days and i am very regular. However i seem to be ovulating just one week before my period is due. Is this a problem? I thought fpr a 32 day cycle i Should be ovulating 2 weeks before my period.

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive5 years ago
  • I snapped at my friend because i was already stressed about something. He seemed to be pretty upset about it.?

    He said we should just meet after the holidays if i am worked up. I don't get it. Are we not supposed to show all our feelings to our friends? Why is he being such a hard ***. I don't feel like talking to him about this since he is generally a very sensitive person and full of ego.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Period not ending?

    I am 31. My period started on Oct 15 and is still going on. I also have a little elevated WBC . My ob gyn said I should come in for an vaginal ultrasound to check for miscarriage. In my last annual ob gyn visit, 4 months ago no cyst , infection etc was found. Stress is very high in my life right now not sure if stress makes a difference.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health6 years ago
  • My guy friend touched my back as we were climbing stairs ?

    We are not sexual but i do have feelings for him. We were heading then 3rd floor of the bar and he slammed my back (lower back). Not that it hurt me but I was surprised. What's that supposed to mean ?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • What does it mean when a close friend says "it is an honor to hear this from you" ?

    I gave a compliment and my friend responded with that sentence.

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay6 years ago
  • My first friendly volleyball game.?

    We are playing as part of our office event. I have never played volleyball. I am a runner and generally very fit but I'm nervous about playing volleyball since I might end up making a fool of myself.

    This is beach volleyball.

    I don't know what to wear. I was thinking tights and a running top.

    How to serve and how to manage myself on the field? What if I can't hit the ball across the net?

    1 AnswerVolleyball6 years ago
  • I'm spotting for 3 weeks now?

    I'm 31. I'm spotting for 3 weeks now. My period came and went (as usual ). Spotting continued.

    This has never happened in my entire life. The only thing different from previous months is I'm training for a half marathon mire seriously than prior years ( I'm used to running in general ).

    MY regular ob gyn physical showed no issues.

    I'm worried.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health6 years ago
  • Complicated affair?

    I'm married. Got attracted to a male colleague. He said he wants to sleep with me. I shared my feelings that I'm attracted to him as well. He was happy to hear that but said he likes me too but the friendship is more valuable. As a woman I may get emotionallly attached and want more attachment which may put pressure on the relationship and break it.

    He still talks to me , we meet outside work for coffee and talk a lot. He says he respects my personality and IS a good friend to me.

    I'm still confused how a man like him can hold back his feelings for me especially knowing that he is well known for one night stands?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • How to meet girls to sleep with?

    I m a female and my male friend wants me to help him find a girl to sleep with. How can I find women? I find it weird but want to help him.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • What are semen analysis results?

    My husband and I and ttc and he did semen analysis today. We forgot to ask when the results will be shared with us. Does anyone know a rough timeline?

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive6 years ago
  • Dating a Muslim man?

    We wanted to do it and I said "not tonight ". He asked if I am sick. What s that supposed to mean?

    I just said I m on my period. Does "sick " = "period" for muslim ? I don t want to ask him yet.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Attracted to a married man?

    My colleague is married with 2 boys and I can't stop seeking his attention. He said he liked me too and also once mentioned that he would love to sleep with me. Ofcourse he loves his wife and I don't want to break that .

    I am married myself and (I believe ) I love my husband but why am I going through this? Should I talk to a therapist?

    I enjoy seeing him in the morning, I also like to talk to him, we go for coffee sometimes. He does not try to get intimate or touch me ever.

    I look forward to the office since he is there and makes my work day interesting.

    I know we both will never leave our respective spouses but does this make me a fool to want a little attention from him?

    5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships6 years ago
  • Attracted to a married man?

    My colleague is married with 2 boys and I can't stop seeking his attention. He said he liked me too and also once mentioned that he would love to sleep with me. Ofcourse he loves his wife and I don't want to break that .

    I am married myself and (I believe ) I love my husband but why am I going through this? Should I talk to a therapist?

    I enjoy seeing him in the morning, I also like to talk to him, we go for coffee sometimes. He does not try to get intimate or touch me ever.

    I look forward to the office since he is there.

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce6 years ago
  • Met my date and I am attracted to him?

    I feel very attracted to him. We met at a bar and I could have spent the night with him but we wanted to wait.

    When we were leavinv, he said he feels I have a lot of heat. What's that supposed to mean? Did he mean I am in thE mood for sex. Because I waS very much ready.

    Singles & Dating6 years ago
  • Attracted to a colleague. .?

    I am attracted to a colleague and I told him so?

    I feel uncomfortable i told him because I am vulnerable now but I am truly attracted to him. Well the important information is i am married and so is he. I understand this is crazy to even feel something to another man but i couldn't control it.

    I'm just thinking he shouldn't take advantage of mE sharing my thoughts. He said he likes me too

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • I am attracted to a colleague and I told him so?

    I feel uncomfortable i told him because I am vulnerable now but I am truly attracted to him. Well the important information is i am married and so is he. I understand this is crazy to even feel something to another man but i couldn't control it.

    I'm just thinking he shouldn't take advantage of mE sharing my thoughts. He said he likes me too.

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce6 years ago
  • Core strength is related to running pace?

    I started doing core strengthening exercises for the past 1 week and my running pace has improved by 20 to 40 sec per mile. Is that even possible? No other change to weather or my food or lifestyle .

    Can core training make that much of an impact to running? I am an intermediate runner doing 11 to 12 min per mile for half marathon distances. But core exercises have really improved my pace and effort too.

    1 AnswerRunning6 years ago
  • Why am I attracted to other men?

    I am married. I am attracted to other men all the time. I don't act on it but I am curious. I was thinking if I should bring this up in front of a therapist to see if there are deeper rooted issues.

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce6 years ago