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  • Why don't any of my friends express sympathy for the death of my family members?

    My cousin just died. I was very shocked and saddened by his sudden accidental death. I posted that he died on Facebook. I have a little over 100 friends on there, all of whom I know personally or am related to. Only the siblings of the cousin who died thanked me and said how saddened they were by it. None of my "friends" said they were sorry for my loss or expressed sympathy or condolences in any way.

    This wouldn't bother me perhaps if I didn't always express my sympathy for their losses of family members, friends, and even pets. Then it occurred to me, that when my mother died, none of my friends came to the visitation or funeral. And when my dad died only one friend (who isn't on facebook) showed up for the visitation and none came to the funeral.

    I don't think my facebook friends can say "they didn't know what to say" when I always express sympathy to them for their various losses. Do I delete all my facebook friends? Do I mention anything about this? It's not really sympathy if I have to beg for it. It seems extremely rude to me. Any advice? Any answers to why?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • What phosphate free dishwasher detergents work?

    I've gotten spotlessly clean dishes until a month or two ago. I was saving up to buy a new dishwasher, convinced it was broken. Thankfully I saw on the news this week that 16 states banned phosphates in dishwasher detergents so now they don't work. And they showed people's dirty dishes on the news as they came out of the dishwasher and that's just how mine look.

    So if you have experience with these phosphate free formulas, which ones actually remove the food from the dishes and don't leave caked on white crud all over everything? Thank you.

    1 AnswerCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • OLTL - Why did Nora move out of the house, that Asa left her, instead of Clint moving out?

    I tape the shows so I am always a bit behind. But when Asa found out about Bo and Nora, why did she leave? Isn't that still her house? I thought she was just letting the Buchanans still live there to be nice. Or did she transfer the house into Clint's name sometime and I just missed it? I own a house and never put my husband's name on the deed, so when we split it's still my house. I was floored when she let Clint run her out of her own house. What did I miss that would explain that?

    6 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • What will be the fastest/easiest way to mow my long grass?

    I've been both sick and busy and my grass in my yard is super long, maybe 10 inches. I have a self propelled push bagging mower. I usually line the bag with garbage bags to get the grass out easier. But with it being this long I'm guessing I'll have to empty it every 15 feet or so and it will take me days to get it mowed.

    Would it be fastest/easiest for me to take off the bag, set it up as a side discharge and then rake it all up afterward?

    Raising the wheel height won't help because my yard is so uneven and hilly that I have to mow at the top wheel height all the time.

    Any ideas on what's the best way to deal with this situation in a timely way?

    5 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Do Easter Egg hunts break the Sabbath/Shabbat?

    Sorry that I have to ask these occasional Sabbath questions. I was raised to observe it on Sundays and just this past fall I realized to my horror it was Friday sundown until Saturday sundown.

    So I am still getting used to what things we should not do on that day of the week. And the Easter Egg hunts will soon be upon us. Does it cause anyone to work to host those? Should we not go to ones offered by stores? Would the ones done outside by chambers of commerce be not causing someone to work unnecessarily? I've done egg hunts as part of my son's birthday parties and they don't really seem like work to me, more like playing and fun.

    But the Sabbath is about "rest and worship" and "playing and fun" are neither rest nor worship. So, those of you that normally observe the Sabbath/Shabbat, and who have young children, do you go to Saturday Easter Egg hunts? If you do go to them, are there certain ones you would avoid because it involves more work done by people? Or do you skip them entirely?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What size bicycle do you buy for a 5 year old?

    I want to get one for my son's 6th birthday. He's short for his age. And when I look them up online they only list the wheel size. I had him stand over his tricycle, but didn't say why. And he needs a seat at about 18 inches from the ground.

    I don't want to ruin the surprise by taking him to the store and don't have anyway to get out without him. I order all his gifts online so I want to get it right the first time.

    Maybe you have a bike for your little one and can tell me how high the seat is on it and what size that bike is?

    9 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • What is the history and meaning behind the ashes on the forehead for Ash Wednesday?

    I'm not Catholic so I've never done that. But someone brought it up a couple of weeks ago in my adult Sunday school class and none of us knew. Do you know when the custom started of putting the ashes on the forehead for Ash Wednesday? And do you know what the symbolism is behind it? Just curious. And I wish you all well with your giving up things for Lent.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Lost - Who's advice should Hurley have taken? (spoilers)?

    When Hurley was driving the passed out Sayiid around and Ana Lucia stopped him, or her ghost, or her imaginary person... she told him 3 times "whatever you do, do not let yourself get arrested by the police" and made sure he understood.

    But when Sayiid was awake he told Hurley, whatever Benjamin Linus tells you, it's a lie.

    So should Hurley have run out and gotten arrested on purpose to avoid Ben?

    It seems to me he was already mad at Sayiid for making him lie about the other survivors on the island. He wanted to go back to the island. Ben was saying he'd get him back. Ana warned him not to get arrested. And Hurley very carefully followed all of Ana's other instructions.

    I'm thinking the island makes him see the ghosts somehow who will give him good advice, maybe... And I pity him for his confused mental state.

    What's your take on it? What do you think he should have done?

    6 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • Lost - What was your favorite moment from this week's show (possible spoiler warning)?

    I haven't even watched the whole episode yet. I tape them. But as it was on I kept peeking and saw so many great scenes. So what was your favorite?

    I loved John Locke marching into the Other's camp yelling "Richard Alpert!"

    I loved the look on Locke's face when he realized the nasty kid was Charles Widmore.

    I loved Desmond marching into Charles Widmore's office and standing firm with him.

    I loved seeing Penny's baby being born.

    I loved Desmond remembering which office was Daniel's and breaking into there to figure out what happened.

    Oh I just love it all. So which were your favorite moments from this week?

    7 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • Does this break the Sabbath/Shabbat ?

    It's supposed to snow tonight and tomorrow, basically the entire Sabbath/Shabbat, so is it better to shovel or not shovel?

    I do believe in Jesus and he said not to do any unnecessary work on the Sabbath but I live where the houses are close together and we have to maintain our sidewalks. And Jesus did say to obey the laws of the government. So is that necessary work?

    If it was just going to be a little snow I'd ignore it but this should be a good bit and my mail carrier will have to walk through it and I have a lot of sidewalks, being a corner house.

    And this snow basically will be the entire duration of the Sabbath/Shabbat and at the end it will get covered with a layer of freezing rain. Fun, fun.

    Just curious to see the opinions of others who follow the Sabbath/Shabbat.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • AMC... What happened today 11/20? I missed it. ?

    I tape All My Children and put in a new tape, rewound it, and never remembered to come back and turn off the VCR so it didn't tape. The person with the most details gets 10 points! THANKS!

    5 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • What is on the other side of my belly button?

    When a baby grows inside his/her mother's womb, they get all their needs met through their umbilical cord. So what is the umbilical cord attached to on the inside of the baby? And then once the umbilical cord is gone, after the birth and throughout life, what happens to those connections? Do they just go away?

    Please excuse my very curious mind... I never took a biology or anatomy course and I've been wondering about this ever since my second son. I'd love to know the answer.

    2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • What time of day does the Sabbath start?

    I am hoping maybe someone raised Jewish or something else can answer this one. I was raised to think Sunday was the Sabbath and to do no work nor cause anyone else to do unnecessary work on that day. Yet as I have really studied up on it I see that it can only be observed on Friday evening at sundown until Saturday evening at sundown.

    But here's the thing that's confusing me. I got a calendar from Israel so that I could see the lunar calendar dates and see when the festivals God commanded are and it shows a "Jerusalem Sabbath Candle Lighting Time" and that's a couple of hours before my sunset in my time zone. So what is that candle lighting about? And what time am I supposed to cease working? And when the Sabbath ends on Saturday evening, does that mean I could work after that or cause another to work by going shopping or something? I mean, the days are getting shorter this time of year so the sunset comes pretty early, can someone who grew up observing this explain it all to me?

    Thank you for your time and patience.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why can't I play adobe videos?

    I have Windows XP, and AOL, and IE. I can play them on Utube but when I try to play them on a website of a course I am taking they won't play and an error message comes up that there's a problem with the source file so the movie won't load. I contacted the web site and their tech support says there's nothing wrong with the video. And I just checked and my son's school provided PC can play them. He just had tech support from the school fix some video problems we were having on his PC. And I wasn't in the room when they did it so I don't know what they did.

    I have uninstalled and reinstalled all my adobe software and tried turning off my firewall and my pop up blockers. That didn't work. I have no idea what else to try and have been through all of adobe's tech support with no success.

    Does anyone here have any ideas? Do I need different Java? What could it be?

    Here's the link to the video I can't play, but not sure you can acess it without signing up for the free classes first.

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • How do I get my 5 year old autistic son to behave for other adults who watch him, the way he does for me?

    My son is very well behaved no matter where we are. I have always been quick to put him in a naughty spot and he responds well to that. But when I go to church and leave him at his Sunday school class, he behaves as long as I am there but acts up the entire time I am gone, moving furniture, running, throwing things, pushing, you name it. No amount of rehearsing ahead of time stops it. No amount of punishment by me later stops it. Talking with the teachers doesn't help. And it's not about the other kids because he's well behaved at playgroup with me. He promises to be good and then as soon as I am gone he humiliates me. And it's not separation anxiety because he tells me to GO! Has anyone dealt with this issue before to give me ideas on how to handle it? It's a shame that such a well behaved helpful kid has such a bad reputation at of all places, church! I want them to know how good he CAN be.

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago