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Truth Train 2.0

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I am the Real Truth Train! I view questions logically and try to answer them accordingly. I do not mean to judge. I only give my opinions. If you don't like it, ignore it---it was just a suggestion, and not a command from an Almighty being from another dimension.

  • Natural/alternative ways to improve focus and concentration?

    I'm almost twenty and I'm about to start back to college (i had went before when I was eighteen but stopped going.) It's unreal how distracted and ditsy I am. I'm not stupid, I have plenty of book smarts, but I get distracted by everything and I often dont see obvious things right in front of me, which leads to me missing the point, or even tripping over things very much in plain view. I was diagnosed with ADD as a child, but I havent been on the medication since my pre teen years, and I strongly disagree with taking medication like that. Does anyone know of any natural or alternative ways to help me curb my distractions?

    5 AnswersAlternative Medicine10 years ago
  • question for christians?

    Im actually being serious, not trying to cause a ruckus. And please try to answer me without busting out quotes from the bible, because I dont want to know what the bible says, I want to know what the christians themself think.

    Christians say there is One True God, right?

    So why is their a Holy Trinity, three divine figures, plus Satan? I know Satan is not considered a god, but he must be considered some form of higher power. I mean, he has his own realm, his own power, and his own followers, just as the Holy Trinity does.

    So this makes four higher powers. How can there only be One True God?

    31 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • chakra therapy/meditation?

    I'm a nineteen year old girl and I try to stay pretty oen minded about things...I have severe anxiety and depression issues, and I just can't handle things like I should. I really dont want to go to the doctor to get put on something for it if it isnt necessary...I'm too young to have to be popping a bunch of pills. So I'm looking for a healthy alternative. Does it work? Any tips?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • what do you think about this friendship?

    I have a knack for getting in ridiculously complicated and bizzare situations, so someone help me sort out through this tangled mess.

    A few years ago, i met a guy. he shortly became my best friend, but i never got to see him. we stayed in touch by texting. in october, i was hired at the same place that he works, and we got even closer. I was friends with his girlfriend, but i was also very cautious of her, and tried to keep a reserved distance.

    on new years eve, i realized i was in love with the guy, and planned on telling him. when i texted him telling him we needed to talk, he told me he had just proposed to his girlfriend.

    by feb fourth, he knew something was up with me and demanded several times for me to tell him, so i finally confessed.

    we stopped talking after that.

    i then stopped keeping my distance from his girlfriend, and got very close to her. i honestly think it was to punish myself, because i felt very guilty about everything whenever i saw or spoke to her. i dont know. but she became the best friend ive ever had.

    last week, he told her everything, out of the blue. it caused an uproar. i became furious with him and lashed out; this set her in a frenzy, and she lashed out with me, and he was upset that there was fighting period.

    then last night, i got a message from her telling me that he told her he thinks we should all be friends again, and she wants to be friends again too, but for now she wants it to be kept a secret from him that we're talking. i dont know if im walking into a trap...i dont really care. what i dont know is what to do about him. i dont know if i should be friends with him again just so i can openly be friends with her, or stay civilized but distant from him and have a secret friendship with her. what do you think?

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • okay really, i need some advice to do about my best friend.?

    so my best friend is in love with this woman that hes going to marry. only im in love with him.

    he knew i was keeping secrets from him and pressured me into sharing. although i had other stuff, i decided to just go ahead and tell him i was in love with him. i also told him that i completely expected him to stop talking to me.

    he threw me off by telling me that he had considered me as more than a friend before and if his fiance was okay with it, woulld i be in a relationship with him too.i was thrown off by this, and immediately said no. we talked a little while longer, and he told me to think about it and we would talk about it again another time.

    we barely spoke for two days after that. he avoided me the day after, and then i avoided him the day after that.

    on the third day we spoke again on and off all day, like nothing had happened.

    now, for two days, he has found it completely appropriate to ignore me completely.

    i honestly dont understand. i didnt want to lose my best friend. i only told him because he told me that i could tell him anything and that i shouldnt keep secrets from him. i dont think i did anything wrong by telling him. its not like i tried to break up his relationship. im all for it, because his fiance makes him happy, i really just dont get what changed. im pretty sure that he already knew, even before i told him. so why the hell is he acting like this? its completely bipolar.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • okay really, i need some advice to do about my best friend.?

    so my best friend is in love with this woman that hes going to marry. only im in love with him.

    he knew i was keeping secrets from him and pressured me into sharing. although i had other stuff, i decided to just go ahead and tell him i was in love with him. i also told him that i completely expected him to stop talking to me.

    he threw me off by telling me that he had considered me as more than a friend before and if his fiance was okay with it, woulld i be in a relationship with him too.i was thrown off by this, and immediately said no. we talked a little while longer, and he told me to think about it and we would talk about it again another time.

    we barely spoke for two days after that. he avoided me the day after, and then i avoided him the day after that.

    on the third day we spoke again on and off all day, like nothing had happened.

    now, for two days, he has found it completely appropriate to ignore me completely.

    i honestly dont understand. i didnt want to lose my best friend. i only told him because he told me that i could tell him anything and that i shouldnt keep secrets from him. i dont think i did anything wrong by telling him. its not like i tried to break up his relationship. im all for it, because his fiance makes him happy, i really just dont get what changed. im pretty sure that he already knew, even before i told him. so why the hell is he acting like this? its completely bipolar.

    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago
  • im in love with my best friend?

    im in love with my best friend. hes been my best friend for years now, and means very much to me. he is also engaged to his girlfriend of a year, and about to welcome his baby daughter into the world. i told him two nights ago how i felt. i honestly expected him to stop talking to me. instead he told me that he thought of me as more than a friend too and asked if his girlfriend was okay with adding me to the relationship, would i like to date both of not interested in his girlfriend, and i honestly see no reason to go into something like that...after all, hes going to marry her, and i would just be a temporary thing. but how am i supposed to say no to the thing i want?

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • im in love with my best friend?

    i dont mean to sound dramatic or trashy or anything, but i havent had a lot of kindness in my life. two years ago i met a guy and was semi friends with him for about six months. after that we became really good friends, until he was my best friend of all. hes always so good to me. Ive never had that before. on new years eve, i realized that i was in love with him, and planned on telling him at midnight, when it turned new years day. unfortunately he had news to tell me too...he told me that he proposed to his girlfriend, and that she said yes. he also informed me that im to be the maid of honor.

    honestly im happy for him. hes happy with her, and thats all that matters. i wouldnt want to come between that. but that doesnt change the fact that it feels like theres a hole in my heart. it also does not change the fact that he knows im in love with someone, just not who. he has been telling me all day that it isnt fair of me to keep secrets with him, that he would tell me in my situation, and that i should tell him who it is. hes right, it isnt fair to keep secrets. but is it fair to tell him, either? im afraid one of two things will happen: one, it will mess up his relationship with his girlfriend and he wills top being happy, or two, it will mess up our friendship and he will leave me. what do i do?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • im very scared. I have no one to turn to. Any advice?

    I'm an eighteen year old girl. my best friend of 12 years walked out on me recently, and i totally depended on her. i didnt really have anyone else, so i dont have anyone to go to for advice about this.

    i come from a well to do, if not rich, family. My family may have money but they have no sense of decency. ive always been the unwanted child and the unneccessary burden that was looked after because it would make my parents look bad to give me up. i work as a walmart cashier and im pretty much content with that. its hard work, but i make pretty decent money with that.

    im also a college student, but i dont have any desire to be in school right now. I havent been attending, and the school is about to pull my loan away and make me pay it back. trouble is, i dont have the money. when i formally withdraw monday, they will want it back. i know my family wont help me. theyd sooner have me go to jail for being in debt and whatnot than help me get out of financial ruin. i was thinking about getting a loan, but i dont have any credit. i have no idea what im supposed to do, because even if i stay in school, at this point im going to fail, in which case i will have to pay my loans back anyway. so someone please help me?

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • help me...i need financial advice?

    I'm an eighteen year old girl from a well to do, if not rich, family. i was sheltered from financial things because we never needed money, we always had some to spare. i dont know how to pay bills or anything like that. but my family isnt nice, and im tired of being treated like garbage, so im moving out. I havent been attending college classes like i should be because ive had a lot going on, and im going to formally withdraw on monday. the thing is that i dont have any money right now. my family may have money, but im just a walmart cashier. i was thinking i could get a loan to pay back my college loans, because they will make me immediately pay back money that i dont have. only i dont have credit, so i have no idea how to get a loan. i dont even know how to pay my college bills back because i was sheltered from all that. someone please help me. i cant ask my family for help. not only would they not help me, but they would make sure that i would never recieve any kind of financial aid from anyone.

    6 AnswersFinancial Services1 decade ago
  • I want a tattoo that symbolizes courage or bravery or defiance. Any ideas?

    Im an eighteen year old woman and this will be my second tattoo if that counts for anything

    5 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • what all should i plan for to move off and start over?

    im eighteen. theres been a lot of traumatic events happening all at once: death, betrayal, a living soap opera. im a little overwhelmed and i want to move far away and start over, have a completely new life somewhere. i work at walmart right now...i was thinking i could just transfer when i move so i wont have to worry about a job. but how much money do i need in order to live independantly? i still live at home right now, so i can save every cent i earn. i plan on leaving by june if i have the money, and if not june, then november. what all exactly should i plan for? i like to be practical and know what im doing.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • i need help. i want to totally change my look?

    i dont have anything against how i look, i just decided i want a total change. i had curly hair so i had my hair relaxed, and a had acrylic nails done yesterday. any other suggestions?

    7 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • do you think my friend would like this or be mad?

    my best friend is a very vain and self centered person. she isnt a bad person, she just really loves herself. she had a baby a year and a week ago, and ever since then shes been convinced that shes lost her figure and that shes undesirable and stuff, which i know really hurts her. its a bunch of nonsense too. shes the prettiest girl i know.

    anyways, theres a masquerade we're going to this summer. i had planned on getting a custom made dress because i had the design in my head. but i was thinking how much she loves beauty and the beast and how instead i could have belle's dress custom made for her. i thought since she loves Belle so much for being the disney "beauty" in beauty and the beast that it would make her happy knowing she could be the "beauty" for a night at the masquerade.

    anyways, do you think she would appreciate this, or be mad? i dont want to work all the extra hours and such if shes going to be mad, but i dont want to ask either because i want it to be a surprise

    5 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • my dad just seriously hurt my feelings and i dont know what to do?

    "starving my animals"?

    how exactly am i starving my animals, if i make sure they are fed every single night, even if im not the one that feeds them?

    17 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • a question about eating disorders?

    why is it that people who under eat, such as bullemics and anorexics are given encouragement and offered help to overcome their eating disorder, when binge eaters and over eaters are ridiculed, mocked, and called lazy? overeating is just as unhealthy as undereating, and can cause just as many unhealthy risks as not eating enough. to me, they are both equal since they are both eating disorders. so why the difference? is it secretly more socially acceptable to waste away from anorexia then to stroke and have a heart attack from overeating?

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • am i taking too many vitamins?

    i take women's once a day vitamins for active metabolism. recently i started taking hair vitamins as well, hoping to make my hair healthier. ive done this for a week without any bad side effects, but im not hurting myself am i?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • overweight girls, and fashion experts, please help me?

    my friend and i are having a masquerade this summer. i plan on losing some weight, but i dont expect miracles by summer. i weigh 260. still, like i said, im going to work on losing weight, but theres no way ill lose a hundred pounds by summer. anyways, heres my question.

    theres a dress i really want. it would be custom made, because its something i made up in my head, like a hybrid between modern style and renaisannce style gown. i asked around and was told that more than likely i would have to supply the material. the only problem is i want the dress to be white, and anyone with experience knows that overweight women have a hard time pulling off white. so i was wondering, what kind of fabric should i buy? what would be the most appropriate for a gown for an overweight teenager?

    1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • a question about custom made dresses?

    a friend and i are throwing a masquerade and i would like a special dress. i want one custom made that is sort of a hybrid from modern style and renaisannce style. i have the exact design in my head, and various pictures of dresses already made where i picked certain things out of them, such as the sleeves of one dress and the neck of another, and all that, so i can show a dressmaker. i was just wondering how much a dress like this would cost? i only make minimum wage at walmart, and im a freshman in college, so i cant afford a $10,000 dress. anyone have any ideas?

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • a question for women about periods? involves PCOS?

    I have really unregular periods. I get one usually once every three months, but can go up to seven months without one. its only three days long, although i spot bleed for a few days after that, though only a little. i only ever cramp on my second day, and it has been bad before, but never to the point that it was ridiculous.

    last night, however, i woke up confused. i didnt know why i was awake or why i was confused, so i tried to go back to sleep. as the fog of sleep started wearing off, however, i started realizing how much pain i was in. it didnt take very long until i was rolling around, bent up, trying to find some way to relieve the pain. and then i started vomiting. when i finally forced myself to get up and go downstairs to look for midol, i took my temperature. i had a fever, although a small one, of 100.2.

    I have PCOS, and i really have no idea if this is why it was so bad. could i have another cyst?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago