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  • Does "you are a growing boy" has another meaning than you are getting fat?

    About 5 years ago my female boss said one time you are a growing boy. Then about 3 weeks ago a female friend said the same thing. Now, I m not a boy anymore (41) and I haven t gain any weight in a long time. I have fluctuated between 156 to 160 since I was 30 and kept the same pant and shirt size. I dont get the reference. I also don t have a gut. Soooo does that phrase has a different meaning than gaining weight?

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay3 years ago
  • how long does it take to get a job offer letter?

    I went through a rigorous interview process with a company with about 4 interviews in total (including a recruiters interview) and a software take home test. At the end of it all they told me they have selected me for the job and that I should be receiving an offer and where looking forward to working with me. I said great, I can go back to work. Well, a week and a half went by and I had not received anything. It turns out the HR person was on vacation which is fine but, i wish they would had given me some notification. Well after that the letter went to the companies vice president for approval and it has been there for about a month. I called both he recruiter and the jb manager and neither can tell me what is taking so long. I asked if there was a job freeze but, they said no there wasn't one. What could be taking them so long?

    So, my question is, is it common for a company to take a long time to send out a job offer letter? I'm at my wits end on this matter and the lack of communication infuriates me.

    7 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment7 years ago
  • what does the phrase "said it in a dry tongue" means?

    When I do a search for this phrase all i get is medical conditions.

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • doing the ultimate sacrifice?

    was watching the last season of torchwood. In it the main character had to choose between saving 10% of the children of the earth but sacrifice his grandchild ina horrible death or save his grandchild. I won't give away the ending but that situation made me think hard. If I was presented with that choice and I had to choose between saving 10% of the children of the but I would have to give up one of my children and watch him die a horrible death, would I do it? I tell you I've been thinking about it for over a week. I've played the scenario various times with a couple of variations. I have a very hard time giving up my child. But, I also have a hard time letting that 10% die too. I mean, a little bit less so but still. So there is my question. If given a 5 minute window to choose. Would you save the 10% of the children of the world or would you save your child instead? And no, we don't know what the real outcome of pressing the button is. For all we know maybe nobody dies, or all die or maybe your child dies but it still doesn't save the 10%. All you know is that pressing the button or not can make the difference. Would you? By the way, I will not be choosing a best answer. IS a philosophical question.

    1 AnswerPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • saving on heating oil?

    My wife and I have a disagreement. I say that if you leave the heater OFF for most of the night (8hours or more) you save more oil. She says that is better to leave it running even at 68 (right now the temperature is 60). The thing is that we work opposite schedule. When she gets home in the morning she goes strait to bed while me and the kids are out of the house. I say that for sleeping purposes we don't need the heat on (lowest temp is 50F). We should only turn it on while we are awake. She says that having to raise the temperature is more expensive. I say it isn't because the long time it will be off offsets the extra effort the heating unit will go through. Who is right?

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • how does video game expansion pack work?

    I have avoided the world of war craft for a while but now I heard there will be a new class where one can play as a werewolf. Is an expansion pack. My question is how exactly does that work. Does it mean I have to buy the game plus the expansion pack? Do I just buy the expansion pack? or do I have to buy the game and ALL the expansion packs all the way to the one I want? Remember, I don't have the game and have never played it. Also, if I just have to buy the expansion pack that i want (the latest) what heppens to the older stuff? Does that means I don't get any of the old stuff included in other packs?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • need a new free free firewall?

    I need to re-install windows. The firewall I use (sygate) is no longer available because it was bouth out by norton. Which firewall that is equivalent to sygate would you recommend. I want to have a the ability to tell which programs have permission to access the web. Also free cause I'm a cheap stake.

    3 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • how to convince wife not to have more kids?

    We are in our early 30s. We have a 5 and 10 year old. The 10 year old is from her previous relationship. I simply don't want any more children for various reason. Is a lot of reponsability plus I'm not a kids person. She wants to go to school and hates that she works the 3rd shift yet, want another kid which to me means she will have to keep working the 3rd shift and she will have to delay starting school for over 5 years, plus like another 4 years or so to finish school assuming she goes full time. Lets not even talk about the economical situation. Another mouth to feed will definitely out us out of business sort of speak. I explained all the cons of this to her many times but she lives in fantasy land. I think is better to give as much as you can to the kids we already have than have to further divide time and money with yet another kid.

    5 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • what does the law says about lying about age?

    Just out of curiosity what does the law says about a person that lies about their age yet get someone else in trouble for it. For example that call girl that was dating the governor of new york was filmed in the girls gone wild videos. She agree to the taping. Now she is alleging that she was under age and therefore suing. I understand if the court tells GGW to not release any more tape and maybe even recall them because she was underage at the time. But are they liable? She lied about her age and showed a fake ID saying she was 20.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • laptop looses wireless connection?

    My laptop (thinkpad t42) looses its wireless connection for no good reason. It can run fine for hours then it just stops. The only way I can get it to reconnect is to restart the computer. The signal strength is excellent as is not en 5 feet away and there are no walls. Once the connection is lost not even using an ethernet wire will make it come back. I try turning off and turning back on the wireless radio. and even coig into the command prompt and typing ipconfig /release then ipconfig /renew. and no is not the firewall. What can I do?

    4 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • books about sex for kids?

    Hi, I have no problems talking about sex or discussing the issue with teenagers or adults. However, it is now time to have the discussion with my nine year old soon to be 10. So, me and my wife started thinking about how best to approach this. We are not shy about the issue. Problem is that kids that age do not have the same understanding of sex and relationships as adults do, (and to a lesser extend teenagers). Any books or websites anybody wants to recommend? Again, we are talking about a soon to be 10 year old. Is a matter of transmitting the information in a way he will understand, the rest we can handle.

    2 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • can't ping my windows XP machine?


    Internet access works fine. I can ping other machines but I can't receive a ping from another computer. That is, when I ping my ip address through another machine over the internet (different connection than mine) it just times out. I can ping myself from withing my machine and that works. I need to establish connection because I want to use VNC. I even tried using xp remote client with no luck. Even after enabling the remote client settins turning the fire wall off etc etc. I have no idea what to do next. Any solution please include details. Just don't say enable X or Y thing, include instruction on how to enable it.

    1 AnswerComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • telnet to computer in my router?

    I have a DSL modem with 4 ethernet port connections. I can hook up my pc and my laptop to it and both can surf the web at the same time fine. My question is how can I telnet from one to another so that I can access some files. I tried getting the ip address of one of the machines by using the ipconfig command. Once I got that I then telnet ip-address. That did not work. it gave me an Unable to connect to remote host. What am I doing wrong.

    Note I have not done any configuration of any sort. Just plug it into the modem thats all.

    3 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • nissan cart weird problem can anybody explain?

    I just had my alternator replaced for my nissan sentra spec-v 2003. Before that the car service engine light has been on. Today we drove to eat out. The first thing I notice was that the lights in the dash where dimmer than usual. It was night time. On the drive back through the darkest part of the drive I stop at a stop sign. As soon as I step on the gas the car started misbehaving. Pretty much it did not want to go above 20 mph. It did not matter if I floored it or even if I change gears. If I put it in neutral and rev it it reved just fine but would not go above 20mph and was very sluggish. Further down the road the lights kept getting dimmer and dimmer eventually the airbag light came on and off intermitently. Finally the needles went crazy jumping all over the place until all indicators (gas, rpms mph) all said the car should had been off. However car was still running. eventually stopped the car for not good reason the car worked fine again. What would cause something like this

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • why girls tend to believe more in magic?

    I mean we are speaking in stereotypes here but, it seems to me that females are more apt to believe in the supernatural, horoscopes and other magic like things than males. Is there a reason for this or am I just imagining things?

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Discrete math proof needed?

    I need this for a test tomorrow. It is asking for the proof for lemma X. According to the discussion in class we know that when you have something like a mod j. that translate into:

    a = jq + r where 0 <= r < j

    also r has to be the smallest number possible. I just don't know how to go about it. The lema in question is showned below.

    Lemma X : Given j > 1 and k > 1. If a mod jk = 1 then

    a mod j = 1 and a mod k = 1.

    how can I prove that?

    3 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • gui on web which too?

    I have a senior engineering project. Without giving too much detail what we are going to do is extract data from a machine (engine status, temperature, gas flow etc etc) and put that data on the web. What we want to do is be able to create an interface where the operator can access various information from the machine. in other words a GUI like system where you can click to see the various part of the machine and report its status. Also, control some settings like set temperature set points. We where thinking of doing this interface on the web so that anybody with privilege access could access the machine. The data being displayed should be updated automatically. That is live, not every time you press the refresh button. Also, the interface or GUI should be able to query a data base an generate graphs and what not. in short an applet type of system. What tool would you recommend and why to do this job. Price, easy of use and learning curve are important.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • DIscrete math help?

    I've been thinking about this one problem for 2 days. The book does not give enough examples for me to figure it out. HEre is the problem.

    A panel is being organized. You need to arrange a list of participants 4 administrators and 4 students. A) in how many ways can you list them if administrators must sit together in a group and students in a group? B) In how many ways can you list them if you must alternate students and administrators?

    The answer on the back of the book says its 2*4!*4! = 1152. However it does not specified if this applies to part A) part B) or both. Plus I have no clue how they got this arrangement. Please provide how you came up with your answer. And yes its part of my homework but I just have no clue on how to solve this one.

    2 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • can you regain sensitivity back?

    For adults only. First off I'm guy and I do not used vibrators myself. That was my disclaimer. The things is that I read from various "publications" that if a female uses a vibrator too often she will loose sensitivity. I supposed a man will go through the same thing. The thing is that these "publications" never mention anything about recovery. I mean if you loose it does it come back after a while or you loose it for life? I'm kind of curious because these type of subjects are never discussed or rarely discussed. Whats the medical response to this?

    3 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • mermaid and vampire question?

    So, me and my wife wher watching tv and this comercial came on. It showed a vampire and a mermaid eating at a table. I don't remmber what the comercial wa about. My wife asked if the vampire bites the mermaid, will she turn into a vampire mermaid hybrid of some sort?

    What are the rules on these mythologies?

    6 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago