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Lv 31,731 points

Emmy V

Favorite Answers19%

I am currently living in Las Vegas with my husband Jeff and my two wonderful dogs, Kirby and Zelda. General business and education (all ages) is my work, learning about animals and people are my hobbies.

  • Is it better to wear a sunscreen that is bad for you than to wear no sunscreen at all?

    I have been reading that the vast majority of sunscreens are bad for you because of a presence of Vitamin A and Oxybenzone. Here is just one of many articles:

    So what I want to know is it better to wear the bad than go without? I live in the Mojave desert, and I also have lots of colorful tattoos I want to protect. Usually, if I'm going outside for an extended period of time I have the sense to wear white clothes that cover most of my body and a hat. However, I'm also anal about by hands, feet, face, neck and chest getting wrinkly and sunspotted and all those other terrible things too much sun can give. And yes, out here, there is too much sun. So I REALLY swear by sunscreen, i will not leave without it on (ok maybe to go grab the paper). Turns out this is unhealthy? But I thought too much sun was unhealthy? Whats worse?!?!

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • What blows in an autumn breeze?

    I'm doing a fall scene with autumn leaves blowing in a breeze, and I am wondering what else blows in an autumn breeze? Leaves, dew, snowflakes, birds, pollen, idk. Can anyone think of some things one may see floating in an autumn breeze?

    1 AnswerOther - Visual Arts1 decade ago
  • Why is it so scary for people to talk about racism/slavery?

    I recently watched Disney's Song of the South, and it got me thinking. This movie won't be released for home viewing because it portrayed black slaves in the south getting along it a safe master/slave environment. I don't agree with slavery, but I don't see the harm in acknowledging America's history involving slave ownership. Again, I disagree with slavery, but it did happen, and this movie in no way says it was a good thing. It just seems to portray a seemingly well cared for slave telling fanciful childrens stories, and he's happy to do so. I don't see this as traumatizing. I get the feeling like people want to completely ignore this part of our past, and any mention of it is racist. I think people should know about our history, good or shameful, otherwise we are at risk for making the same mistakes. Thoughts or feelings? Am I missing something?

    16 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • UTI that will not stop, please help!?

    I've had frequent uti's since I was a little girl, but they have always been treatable in the past. I was taking pain medication at the beginning of this year after an accident and have since had the longest uti of of my life (about 10 months now). In the past it always went away with a lot of cranberry juice and some AZO max, not this time. I have been taking vitamin c (asorbic acid) pills at night before i go to bed bc it's always worse in the morning. This has not helped. I don't have insurance and have been to the ER twice and recieved antibiotics which also did not help. I can't afford to keep doing this as I'm still not working after the accident ($1,200 a visit). I drink about 10-16oz of 100% cranberry juice a day, i have cut everything else but water out, and i drink it constantly, all day. Cut my sodium as much as humanly possible, no sweets at all. I stopped taking baths, just showers. I've had kidney infections from UTIs before, this one hasn't progressed that far thankfully. The length of this is literally driving me crazy, I've even thought of suicide. I cannot sleep through the night without running to the restroom and after i go i cannot go back to sleep due to pain and discomfort. My husband and I have abstained from eachother for almost a year, this whole thing is ruining my life. Please, PLEASE if anyone has been through this and can give some new suggestions it would be appreciated. I have tried everything I can think of.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Learning to cope with a sudden disability?

    I was in a sudden accident and have not been able to use my left arm fully for almost a year. Now my doctors are telling me I must use it even less, and all I was doing was nessicary house work and cooking dinner. It's become very stressful for my husband to pick up all the extra slack, and if he is ever hurting from work nothing gets done. I feel helpless, and because the doctors can't give me a strait diagnosis (all of them have a different opinion and they all seem relevant to that doctors specialty) i still have too many doctors visits a week to concieve going back to work. that is if i had any idea what i could pursue without using my left arm at all, or standing for long periods of time. I am 22 y/o and i was fit and healthy until suddenly after one fateful day this year i couldn't use my arm any more. Does anyone have similar stories, and if so how did you learn to cope with a sudden disability like this? Can I really expect my husband to take care of me and the house and possibly future children for the next 50+? it's just all very overwhelming and at times wholly depressing. any advice is appreciated, thank you.

    4 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • How can an American individual volunteer in Africa?

    I have always wanted to go to Africa and help with medicine, counseling, education, ANYTHING to help the people who's lives are destroyed. Right now my life is in a crossroads, and with me back on page one I feel I can work toward this goal without anything holding me back. How does one person or a very small group of people volunteer over there besides buying a plane ticket and showing up on their door step? I'm not really interested in spreading my religion so a church thing isn't really my first choice.

    1 AnswerCommunity Service1 decade ago
  • How can someone of faith live with an atheist spouse?

    My whole life I have been a person of faith, whatever faith that may be. My husband was brought up in religious schools though now as an adult he is atheist. I'm the only person in my family that believes in God, and have been picked on by my family for believing so. I suppose I made the mistake of thinking my husband was going through a phase brought on by revolting against his upbringing, though more and more it's clear this is probably his life's path. I never had a problem with my family's persecution of my beliefs, primarily because I cannot choose my family. I chose my husband to rely on and trust in, and therefore it is much more painful to be criticized by him. When the topic of human origin arises we always end up arguing to the point that we won't talk to each other for days. I have no problem accepting that evolution may very well be the basis of where "we" come from, but what I believe to be true based on current facts (or lack of) is closer to intelligent design. We are both college educated, though from different schools, I do not understand why he won't admit that there are other theories in the world besides evolution. he accepts it completely as fact, and it causes such problems it may drive our marriage apart. How does someone who truly believes in their heart certain religious beliefs live with someone who militantly believes that science is the one and only way?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why's a grown woman cutting herself?

    I apoligize for the length of the story. As so many others I grew up in an abusive broken home. I was raped several times as a child both by people I knew and those I didn't. My mother beat me every day. I was institutionalized, both in jail and hospitals designated for psyciatric care. I did try to kill myself several times when I was young by poison. Cutting and suicide attempts always seemed very different to me, and when i was hospitalized they explained to me there was a difference. I still have the scars on my arms, and they are embarrassing. When I was younger I had low self esteem, and I truly believed I wouldn't live to 21. Well I'm 22 now, obviously blew that theory. I haven't tried to kill myself for a long time, and I have tremendous sympathy for children in situations they cannot control. I'd like to be a cop one day so I can protect and serve people who cannot protect themselves. If I am to die, so be it, i want it to be for a good reason. My uncle recently killed himself and I was angry that he did it. I felt his life could have been given in a less selfish way.

    My self esteem is much much better than I was when I was younger. I believe I am beautiful, smart, and worthwhile. However, I cut when I am upset. There are still times where I hate myself, I feel overwhelming guilt for situations I have only minimal involvement in. I haven't done hard drugs or put myself in dangerous situations for years, my self-destructive tendances have dramatically decreased. I was diagnosed bi-polar as a child, however any medicine they gave me in the past for depression turned my sadness and self-loathing into violence. at 5'9 and 185lbs of muscle, that was very dangerous for people who crossed me, hence the underage jail time. I really hate the medicines i've been on, but sometimes I wonder if I need some kind of outside help, though I don't think I'm bipolar. I've been told by other doctors now that i'm adult i suffer from PSTD due to the tramas i experienced in childhood. I can control my feelings most of the time, but I truly enjoy cutting myself. Sometimes I do it to get back at someone who is hurting me. A sort of, you will cross me I won't hurt you but live with the guilt of seeing me hurt myself. Sometimes it just makes me feel better, i know it's the endorphines. Since I became an adult i hide them much better, torso cutting, upper thighs, anything I can cover up when I'm not in a bathing suit. I'm just so confused, I get sad and want to cut. It's not the same as when I was a child, but is it because of what I went through when I was younger? I try not to dwell in the past. I like looking at the cuts. its almost as if I realize i am human when i see them. any adults who continue to suffer with cutting issues with theories? I went years without doing it, and now it's as if I feel why force the feeling back? The scars are embarrassing, but nothing compares to the feeling of cutting into myself. I love other people, and feel intense compassion for strangers and loved ones. I hate to see others wronged, but I do so much wrong to myself. What is wrong with me, why can't I stop, why do i like this so much, and why can't I just grow up?

    6 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Help, how to make my hubby celebrate my birthday?

    Today is my birthday and my husband seems to have done everything in his power to make sure I don't feel special. We've been together for 3 years and looking back I realize he's never been one to try very hard on "special days." When the topic of my upcoming bday came up over a month ago i asked for a year pass for red rock reservation so i could go hiking with our dogs in the morning. The pass is only $20 and since money is tight I thought it would be a very simple and cheap gift, and with over a month to go it wouldn't take much for him to drive less than 5 miles to the reservation and get the pass. I didn't get a card, the pass, or so much as a "happy birthday." the other day he offered to take me to the bar for some hot wings, and i told him that was a little pricy and since my bday was soon we should wait until then. When i asked today if we were going to go out to eat, he literally started screaming at me, calling me an ingrate. He said he'd never waste his time on me again, considering he had offered to take me to his favorite bar a few nights before.

    I think birthdays are very important and have always made a huge deal about his special day being the best i could possibly provide. I've always been loving and supportive, and i usually bite my tongue when he hurts my feelings to avoid a fight. Today was just infuriating and I had to tell him how he made me feel. I was poor growing up and didn't usually get very expensive gifts- i always feel special if someone makes an effort. I guess i just feel like he made it a point to make me feel not special. when he was yelling at me, i started to cry, and he left several hours ago, without a call. should i tell him how i feel or just close it up inside? How would you suggest I deal with this, and why would he treat me this way today?


    btw for any guy who will respond that i'm not pretty enough or i'm not "giving it up" enough, get over it. Actually i'm very pretty and have no qualms physically expressing love with my husband.

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Cool convertable colors?

    I have a black '98 mustang convertable, and it is in serious need for a new canvas top. The gentlemen that do my upholstery can do any color I like, and I was considering doing something besides the black top that it originally came with. I've seen beige tops, though I'm not so sure that it would be much of an improvement over the orignal black. Any suggestions for a cool and flattering color? Thanks ahead for any helpful suggestions!

    1 AnswerOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • Compensation for a car crash?

    My husband and I were involved in a car crash last night, and plan on consulting a lawyer tomorrow morning. I would like to know what I can expect from a good lawyer, as I have never been in this situation before. Both of us needed hospitalization, and I will be needing further follow up for my injuries, including an MRI on my chest and shoulder in 4 days. The people involved tried to flee the crash, were caught, and admitted fault. The driver was drunk, underage, and didn't have a licsense, though she was insured. What should I expect a good lawyer to tell me, and if anyone has had similar experiences, I would appreciate you sharing your outcome. Thanks ahead for any helpful advice!

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Dog friendly road trip destinations?

    I'm in Las Vegas and will be taking the northern route to the east coast, destination being Cleveland. It's just me and my dog and I'd like to add a few side stops in along the way to spice up the 3 days of straight highways. Anyone know of dog-friendly or dog geared road trip destinations on the northern route between nevada and ohio? Thanks in advance for all helpful advice!

    1 AnswerOther - United States1 decade ago
  • What tax forms will my husband and I need to file?

    My husband and I will be receiving money back this year and I was planning picking up the tax forms from the library. We do not own our own home or have any kids, what forms do I need to pick up? Thanks in advance for any helpful advice!

    7 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Why do girls need to hear "I love you"?

    I find more and more that most girls need to hear I love you to feel complete in a relationship. A man can do everything for her, cook, clean, call her every spare moment, treat her like a queen, call her pet names, give her his complete attention, be sensitive to her needs, I could go on and on... but if they don't say I love you, the girl is not happy. Shouldn't it be obvious he cares with his actions versus 3 little words? Why do you think this matters so much to girls?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What do you think of women with tattoos?

    As a female with an abundance of tattoos, I have heard many positive and negative opinions. However, I find more and more people have shared with me they feel it's ok for a male to have a tattoo, but it is downright "disgusting" for a female to have a tattoo (besides a tramp stamp or dolphin on the ankle). Where do you stand? No tattoos for anyone? Tattoos for men only? Are tatted chicks hot? Disgusting? Are 25 tattoos better than a full body covered? Whats your opinion

    9 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • What size bra do I wear?

    I've noticed different lingerie companies list the order of cups differently sometimes. If I am 36in around the ribcage and 43in around the breast, what size am I?

    18 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Best department store for cheap business suits?

    For halloween I need a purple women's business suit, preferable with skirt. Where has the biggest clearance selection or best deals on a women's suits??

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Good first handgun advise for a budget?

    I have been wanting a handgun for a long time, both for home protection and shooting (sport, target). I am slightly torn between .357 and .22. I realize a .22 won't do a lot of damage to a person in a self defense situation necissarily, but they are cheap bullets and good for practice. I am also slightly torn between a revolver vs. semi-automatic. Semi-automatics look cooler (yea I know) but I've heard revolver's are more reliable (barely) so some advice would be appreciated. I also have about 300$ to work with, so with that in mind, in your opinion, what should I get? Thanks ahead for all your information!

    15 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • Can I wash down feather pillows?

    My husband's dog decided to pee on my large down feather pillows last night, and I'm wondering if it's safe to wash them or not?

    5 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • What color should I dye my hair?

    I want to dye my hair, and possibly get it cut. I would like to do something a little extreme but not too difficult and I preferably still rather feminine. My hair is naturally a coppery/auburn and I have blue eyes and olive colored skin. I was thinking black with pink chunk somewhere... maybe a different color would look better with my skin and eyes? any ideas?

    1 AnswerHair1 decade ago