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  • Crossdressing male for halloween,?

    I am a crossdresser, and I am really looking forward to halloween just like thousands of other crossdressers just for the simple thing of going out in public dressed in female attire. and not have to feel any embarrassment about it and the fact that we may get told by someone that we might just have nice looking legs in pantyhose (for a guy). It would be really way cool if more females would just at least not be negative. We would LOVE positive comments. Is that just asking WAY to much or what ? What ever happened to "Love Thy Neighbor".

    I would like to hear from females that are accepting and OK with their guy crossdressing on halloween. Are females really afraid that maybe a guys legs might be as nice as hers in pantyhose or something ? (hehe, just kidding.)

    4 AnswersHalloween1 decade ago
  • Ladies --- Did you ever come home and find your husband or boyfriend?

    dressed in your lingerie or panties or bra and pretty much catch them off guard and discover another side of them that you did not know existed ? How did things go after the surprise ?

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Ladies, I am curious,,,, I am a crossdressing male,?

    Have you ever gone into public place,, and you find yourself in line behind a guy and you could almost swear the same guy ahead of you is wearing a bra under even just a T-shirt, dress shirt, sweatshirt etc. ? I do go out in public now and then and feeling confident the darker shirts will help hide the obvious. But Would it be VERY obvious you think, if a guy was wearing a bra under a loose shirt of some sort ? I have worn t-shirt with a button up over and I feel pretty good that it will hide it then, But I really wonder about the T-shirt by itself. I appreciate your valuable input,, Have a GREAT Holiday Weekend,

  • All I really would like is to meet a nice caring openminded female?

    that is into guys that are crossdressers, I know I wont get much positive response, but really is it so hard to let someone be who they are in private and understand the reasons associated with and more than likely the deep down reasons for many guys crossdressing, I know it took me years to understand myself, almost 25 yrs, so I do not expect a woman to understand in 10 minutes or even overnite. All I would ask is for those that are narrow minded and opinionated and rude about comments, maybe years ago someone made fun of you, remember how it felt, Its not good, and I know for a fact over the last number of years I cant count the amount of times I considered suicide, and yes I have tried quitting the crossdressing, how about you smokers try giving that up for a month or two, see how you feel when your comfort, or your crutch, or your vice is not their. So when people say just stop doing it or give it up or dont be gay, I am not gay, and I have tried giving it up, that was part of those 25 yrs I took to try and understand myself, Just let others live their life as long as they are not hurting anyone or something illegal. If you dont sleep with them then it probably wont affect you. So Where are them Open minded and caring females ?

  • How can anyone find "The Family Guy"?

    even a little tiny bit funny, amusing, or even worth taking the time to watch it. The few commercials I have seen for it, the humor is blank, nothing to it, that kid with the football head is crude and rude. The only thing I can even begin to find good amountt it is that Mila Kunis is a voice on it. I enjoy comedy and humor as much as the next person. But that show should be canceled. Is there ANYONE else that agrees.

    21 AnswersComedy1 decade ago
  • As a crossdresser I have never really had many?

    people that I could really confide in at an early age. (13). I was very private and kept to myself alot. Over the years I still have not found many females that are truly openminded and can accept a crossdressing guy in there life. Its not like we chose the lifestyle. I believe we have different DNA aspects of our personalities that are deep inside us, A male alcoholic has a son, the chances are better he will also be an alcoholic. Like an adictive personality. I think its alot about how we deal with and interpret the dreams the thoughts and the feelings we have about the different issues in life. The path we take the steps we step get us to where and who we are in our life. If people knew the truth about crossdressing males, they have probably had more issues with depression and thoughts of suicide than any other "group" in life. All they want is to be accepted. and not made to feel like they are less of a human than anyone else. So It would be nice to at least hear from females that are or can be accepting of a crossdressing guy. Even just as a friend, you dont need to marry any. Just be a friend to them, If you can.

  • Ladies, you come home and find your man in a situation, When you step around the corner-?

    What to your wandering eyes should appear Your man attempting oral, and drinking a bear, wearing your panties, wearing your bras, even likes pantyhose silky or sheer.

    Now true I was kinda pokin fun at myself for being pretty much a Bi-curious crossdresser.

    But if you came in and he was as I described above, Would you leave him or make him leave you. Many women are just not to ready to accept a bi-curious male crossdresser in their life as the man in their life. What do you think you would do ?

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • I would like to ask or maybe just remind those of you?

    that choose to kill yourself much earlier in life because of them nasty, disgusting, stinky, cigarettes. I am a lifelong NON Smoker and proud of it, What really gets my undies in a bunch is the fact that so many people that smoke feel like they have THE RIGHT to smoke ANYWHERE they want. I cant stand the smell of them nasty things, It makes me gag and almost wanna puke, It would really be a nice change someday if there actually was a smoker with a conscience and was considerate enough to not smoke if and when there is a group of non smokers nearby. What really surprises me is the cost so many of you are willing to pay to get that good ol nicotene buzz or whatever you get.OH and you PREGNANT WOMEN smoking,,, I had seen one at walmart a few weeks ago, I wanted to slap the crap outta her. Them friggen things stink and then people who are inconsiderate of others around you,,,, You smokers may enjoy that rush of all them chemicals and toxins But there are MANY of us that cannot stomach the smell of them things,

    2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Has anyone here been in a relationship that?

    seemed to be going great. Then one day right out of the blue that great relationship has suffered in some ways or maybe even was destroyed because of someone in the relationship and crossdressing ? If it was MtoF or FtoM. I am just wondering. It seems there is alot of miscommunication and alot of preconcieved notions about crossdressers.

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Looking back thru past questions, I found some were asked?

    about what women would do if they walked in on their man and he was performing autofellatio on himself. It seems many answers were negative, with a small bit to the positive, So what about if people or men walked in and found their woman ( if it was possible ) for her to be performing the female version of autofellatio on her self, or even on her breasts. Does social majority still think that is "sick" or "gay" or "You need serious help" kinda thing. I really doubt it. So some people can do things that others cant. Well why not just look away or instead of saying "your F-n sick dude" why not just answer your question with a "No Thanks, it does nothing for me" or a "well whatever floats someones boat". It seems rather simple to many of you that decide to vocalize and make it seem like your way is the ONLY choice given for the ones in society you want to stereotype as sick or needing serious help etc, or Fn gay,,, If you couls only spend a month or so in their shoes and their mindset and the struggles to deal with the pressures and social anxieties involved in the lives of the Bisexuals, or crossdressers. I dont get it either, crossdressers are labeled as trying to be someone they dont know who they are, and bisexuals are stuck between both genders. and By golly So many of you are just so certain that the opinions you want to express should be carved in stone. If people dont come to your door and try and dictate how you should live, what you should do with who and when and only if and when someone else says its ok, So why do so many try and dictate how other people should live their life. If people would pay more attention to their own life and not worry so much about others and what others do and who they do it with, then just MAYBE people could become a bit more accepting or at least more tolerant of those you label as different from you and your lifestyle.

    I Cant believe,,,, No WAIT I can believe so many hypocrites.

  • I am just wondering where all the questions are from females -?

    that are in that passionate search to find a crossdressing male they can adopt and take home with them. Myself I am housetrained and dont bark much, but I do bite and nibble. I LOVE to lick too. Just show me where.

    It seems society wants to stereotype crossdressing males as the "unwanted redheaded stepchild" of the CD/TG/TV/TS. I do seriously have to disagree. But Where are all them openminded adventureous accepting and nonjudgmental single females ?

  • I have an Acer laptop, at different and odd times?

    While I am typing my cursor will jump to another part of the page, or at times will jump back up into the text I am typing and really screws me up if I dont catch it. It jumps right into the middle of words and splits up what I am trying to type. I had an older gateway that did the same thing. Anyone have an idea what causes it? I am usually pretty capable of fixing things but this has me stumped.

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • I have a laptop that as I am typing there are times the cursor jumps?

    around to another part of the page I am on, or up into what I have been typing and if I dont catch it, it really screws up what I am typing. I am usually pretty good about getting things fixed or troubleshooting, but this has me bugged. Just typing this question it has done it twice now. Who has a clue or an answer for me ?

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Why dont we see more questions from females?

    That are interested in crossdressing males and all that goes along with it. AND Just because a guy is a crossdresser DOES NOT mean he is guy or bi-sexual.

  • Straight Talk from Wal-Mart - Is anyone else having issues when driving out of your home area and not being?

    able to use the phones browser or send picture messages ? Have you got it resolved and what did you do to resolve it. I have the Samsung R-451c Slider. I am getting no answers and when I call customer service I am calling the country of Belize. So they pretty much are no help

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • I am wondering still -----------?

    Where are the open minded accepting females that are OK with dating a guy even if he is Bi-curious and or an at home in private (except halloween) Crossdresser? As a guy I admit there is just something about wearing lingerie, bras, night gowns. If it is in the Lingerie Dept. I have wore it or I really want to try it. lol

    Any ladies ever walked in on your man when he was in your panties or lingerie stuffs?

  • Females ::: Would you rather date a guy you know?

    is Bisexual or would you rather date a guy you know is a stay at home, cant never pass as female Crossdresser ? If that was all that was left to choose from which one and why or why not ? If that was all you knew about them and you had to choose and stay with him for life, which and why ?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Why is it still so friggen hard for women, ladies, younger ladies?

    to try and be more openminded and maybe even try being even a little more accepting of Cross dressing males ? Society is ok with bi gay lesbian, TG, TS, so why does it have to be so hard to accept a guy just because he enjoys wearing soft silky satiny sheer items that women can love every day, but since guys happen to think it feels good to then its like being cast out of society and being the unwanted redheaded stepchild, So Where are the women and ladies that can be accepting and openminded and can be ok sleeping with a guy even if hes wearing as much lingerie as she is ? I realized at age 13 I was a crossdresser, and there are times I still dont understand even at 44 yrs old now, It has not been an easy struggle, just so you know,

    20 minutes ago - 4 days left to answer.

  • Why is it still so friggen hard for women, ladies, younger ladies?

    to try and be more openminded and maybe even try being even a little more accepting of Cross dressing males ? Society is ok with bi gay lesbian, TG, TS, so why does it have to be so hard to accept a guy just because he enjoys wearing soft silky satiny sheer items that women can love every day, but since guys happen to think it feels good to then its like being cast out of society and being the unwanted redheaded stepchild, So Where are the women and ladies that can be accepting and openminded and can be ok sleeping with a guy even if hes wearing as much lingerie as she is ? I realized at age 13 I was a crossdresser, and there are times I still dont understand even at 44 yrs old now, It has not been an easy struggle, just so you know,

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Ladies- If you came home early or unexpected and walked?

    in only to find your husband or bf in the house walking around in pantyhose, bra, nightgown or just lingerie of some sort that pretty much would tell you he is a closet cross dresser, I am just wondering (still) about how many of you would be able to accept and be supportive even tho he kept it a secret ? Would you rather he told you when you first got together and if so would that have made a difference in you getting married or dating ? And last - would you stay and try to work it out or would you turn and walk away and leave him ? Keep in mind to that one of the hardest things for a crossdressing male to do is to be able to open up to someone and talk about it, In past situations we have trusted and we have been embarrassed in front of family and friends, struggled most of our life with various stages of depression, considered suicide more than once, (thank God I Never went thru with it) and pretty much struggled to maintain a relationship for fear of rejection again, Some say they want to know up front, then others don't want to know at all, and yet others can accept it but they never want to see it or anything about it, We get comments about being gay because we like the feel of woman's silk panties, or the feel good things women get to wear anytime they want, well I like the feel of them as well, but also for me the feelings of wearing lingerie stuff, bra, pantyhose or nightgown etc. it is a way for me to be able to really relax, and I keep it home and private, So I am just wondering where the ladies are that can accept a guy that also happens to be a cross dresser? and no, not gay either,,