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  • How long does it take to know who won the elections in the USA? (question from Portugal)?

    I don't understand very well how the elections work in the USA, but if yesterday was election day, when are the final results announced?

    7 AnswersElections3 years ago
  • Why people only unite when tragedy strikes?

    Wouldn't we be a little bit happier if we were united and help each other on a regular basis?

    Sure, It's a utopian thought... but still... it's nice to dream sometimes...

    5 AnswersPolitics3 years ago
  • I'm feeling funny today!!?

    Bring it on people! Make me laugh!! :D

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys3 years ago
  • What's wrong with my cat? Is it old age?

    Sorry for going too much in detail, but maybe someone can help by looking at my cat's medical history...

    My cat is 11 years old, and he has always been very playful and crazy, jumping around and running laps around the house. (By the way, he is an indoor cat).

    A few months ago, he had an Urethrostomy, for those who don't know, it's a surgical method for alleviating urethral obstruction in cats with complicated or recurrent obstructive feline lower urinary tract disease. Since the surgery, he has been very well and fortunately, no more bladder complications.

    2 weeks ago, I started noticing that he seemed to be struggling climbing the couch or bed, and very reluctant to jump. It seems that his back paws are weaker. He also stopped playing with his favorite toys and sleeps more then usual... a bit lethargic...

    I took him to the vet, but it's very difficult to examine him because he gets extremely aggressive, so the vet had to give him a sedative. An x-ray was made and the vet didn't see anything. His bladder looked great and no injuries in the spinal chord and tail as well as the rest of the body. He's been eating well and drinking water and going to the litter, so that's good. However, he still seems to be struggling with the back paws. He seems a little bit better because I've been giving him pain killers, but today, I managed to touch the back of his spine, and he meowed and bit me. I guess he's still in pain and I found where it hurts.

    What can it be?

    5 AnswersCats3 years ago
  • Question to Christians?

    Isn't the Vatican the biggest example of luxury, lust, richness,power?

    The Vatican could feed an entire country with it's money...

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Why the need to stereotype everything and everyone?

    Why so we tend do stereotype everything based on a few actions (either good or bad) of people?

    For example: blacks are this, whites are that, woman are this, man are that, Chinese are this, Americans are that, Christians are this, atheists are that, Muslims are this, British are that and so on.

    If we know nothing about a certain culture or country, isn't it much better just to keep our mouths shut? Wouldn't it be much better if people took the time to get to learn about it before bashing an entire race/religion/country etc?

    Sure, most of us live in free countries in where we have the right to express ourselves, but sometimes is just best to shut up and keep those thoughts to yourself....

    6 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups6 years ago
  • So, testing people's knowledge in geography and general culture?

    What do you know about Portugal? What's the first thing that pops up in your mind?

    Just being curious. No need to be nasty...

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture6 years ago
  • To all religious people:?

    If God already has a plan for you, then why should you bother reading the bible and act according to the bible?

    According to you, there is a father who created everything and decided everything about how you should live your life. However, if you do take actions about your life, the leaders of your church/mosque/temple/whatever reprimands such actions. That is, who are you to challenge God? Who are you to go against his wishes?

    To conclude, my question is: what is your purpose in life after all? To live in constant fear that you will lose "God" (or his love)? Don't you think is sad to know that you have no power over your thoughts, feelings, actions, choices since your life is already planed?

    I'm an atheist who is just curious about the power of faith. No need to be rude or

    insulting. And just for your info before I get bombarded with comments that I should accept Jesus, or that I should read the bible etc, been there done that. I studied in a Catholic school and even graduated from a Catholic University.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • What do you think about Honey Boo Boo's show?

    I'm European and the first time I watched this show was maybe one year ago.

    I was completely astonished by their ignorance, manners, life style, well, everything, but the only thing I got from this show, is the love they have for each other. Is it fake, I cannot judge, but from what I've seen, it seems real.

    I'm not into reality shows and obviously I don't think all American families are like this, but it seems that no matter what your background is, your education, your etiquette, this family shows more love than many of us maybe had from our families

    What do you think?.

    4 AnswersReality Television7 years ago
  • Christians, why do you feel so threatened by Atheists?

    Is it because you fear that someone might actually prove that God doesn't exist? What would you do if that happened?

    If someone proves the existence of God, I will admit I was wrong and will accept as my creator.

    Fair enough?

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Cristãos!O que têm a dizer sobre...?

    Ora, de todas as religiões, O Cristianismo representa 32%. O Brasil é o país com a maior população cristã no mundo.

    Segundo as estatísticas,o Brasil corresponde a 12% da população cristã.

    No entanto, se formos ver qual a taxa de alfabetização dos brasileiros, em 177 paises, o Brasil está em 95o lugar.

    Conclusão,os que ainda acreditam em Deus e na Biblia são na maioria pessoas com um nivel de educação muito baixo, com poucos meios financeiros e poucas expectativas de sucesso na vida.

    E por isso agarram-se a Deus para que as suas vidas tenham sentido...

    7 AnswersReligião e Espiritualidade8 years ago
  • RELIGIOSOS: Como justificam?

    Como justificam a existência dos dinossauros e a sua extinção?

    E não venham para aqui dizer que nunca existiram. Ha provas mais que suficientes sobre a sua existência!

    3 AnswersReligião e Espiritualidade8 years ago
  • Porquê o Brasileiro escreve tão mal Português?

    Não querendo ofender ninguém, eu fico de boca aberta quando leio as perguntas e respostas aqui.

    A maior parte escreve da mesma forma como falam...

    Afinal o que aprendem na escola???

    9 AnswersIdiomas e Línguas8 years ago
  • Por favor!Alguém que responda!Má circulação sanguínea pode se transformar em cancro?


    Tenho 33 anos e sempre tive má circulação. No entanto, nos últimos anos parece que tem vindo a piorar. Qualquer pancadinha que dê fico com uma nódoa negra gigante, passando por várias cores e demorando semanas a passar.

    À uns meses atrás fui a uma massagista apenas para relaxar e porque me doía o braço direito, após a massagem fiquei com o bíceps completamente negro!!!! Como se me tivessem dado porrada no braço.

    À 1 ano atrás, caí das escadas e tive uma ruptura de ligamentos no tornozelo. Até hoje continua inchado (claro que não tanto como na queda).

    Para acabar, agora sempre que bato com as canelas nalgum sitio, fico com caroços. Tenho um à 3 anos e outro à 1 mês.

    Deveria ir ao médico? Estarei com algum problema com a circulação do sangue???


    1 AnswerCâncer8 years ago