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My name is Margie, i am 28 and i live in Michigan. I have a 9 1/2 year old and a 4 month old.

  • Bipolar and starting meds...?

    I have just been diagnosed bipolar and my doctor prescribed Divalproex 500mg twice in the morning and Celexa once a day. I have not taken them yet, but i am worried about taking two of those divalproex at the same time, plus the celexa! Has anyone else taken them and how did you react to them? Any side effects for you?

    1 AnswerMental Health1 decade ago
  • Your baby's feeding schedule?

    I have a baby that will be six months old tommarow and i just wanted to see how similiar her feeding schedule is with other babies around her if you don't mind, coudl you tell me your babys schedule and what stage the baby food is??? Thanks!

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How old was your baby?

    how old was your baby and how much did he/she weigh when you switched from a size 2-3 diaper?


    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Belly after c-section?

    I had my first child vaginally when I was 18 years old, and my belly went pretty much back to normal by the time she was 3 months old. I just had my second baby (9.5 years later) by c-section....she is 3 months old now and my belly is still jiggly and puffy. I have lost almost all of my weight but I still have to wear pants that are big because my belly won't fit! Did anyone else have this happen? What did you do to get it to go down?

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • 11 week old not lifting head?

    My daughter will be 11 weeks old tommarow. I give her plenty of tummy time (which she doesn't mind) but she doesnt lift her head up. She will lift it up while i am holding her or if she is laying on our chests, but not on the floor. She will just turn her head to the side and chew her fists. She is in the 75th percentile for everything (including her head circumference) so i thought maybe her head is too heavy to lift now? Also she is a VERY content baby....very quiet and doesn't hardly ever cry...i thought maybe she was just content to lay on her belly without lifting it....My older daughter could lift hers better at this you think this is okay?!?

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Breast pump for exclusively pumping?

    I have been exclusively pumping for four weeks now, and it is going well so far...but the breast pump i use is for occasional use. I cannot afford one of the really good ones at this point. I am using a double electric Evenflo pump.

    My question is, has anyone ever been successful at pumping for a long time with a lower grade pump? Or will i have to buy a really good one?

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Diarrhea in 4 week old?

    My daughter will be four weeks old tommarow. She has been having what i think is diarrhea for a couple of days. She also has a ton of drainage and a stuffy nose. The nasal syringe is not small enough for her nostirls, so it is really difficult to get the snot out. We took her to the doctor for the cold and diarrhea, and the doctor said it is just a virus and it will have to run it's course.

    But i am still concerned because her diapers are runny and greenish with snot-like stufff in them. Do you think this is because of her nose draining? Any ideas on what else we can do??

    She is getting pedialyte, but i just want her to get better :0(

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Pumping exclusively question?

    My daughter will be four weeks old tommarow. I nursed her at the hospital, but since we've been home have been pumping exclusively. I just wanted to know how much should each breast be able to produce per pumping session?

    I pump about every 2 1/2- 3 hours and most of the time i get between 3-5oz per breast. Is that good? Too much? Too little?

    I formula fed my first born, so this is all new to me!


    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Three week old weight?

    My daughter is 3 1/2 weeks old. She was 7lb 2oz at birth and today at the doctor, weighed 9lb 2oz. She is breastfed. Is this a normal weight gain? How much did your baby gain by this age?

    Just curious!

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • hemorroid suppositories and breastfeeding?

    I have bad hemorroids and i bought some suppositories, but i am breastfeeding....should that be okay for me to use, or should i get something else. The pain is horrible and i just want some relief!

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How many ounces should my week old baby be drinking?

    My daughter is nine days old. I am pumping exclusively and don't feed her formula at all, just pumped breastmilk. She is drinking between 3-4 ounces at a time every 3 hours. Is this okay? It seems like a lot to me, as i am pretty sure my first born didn't drink that much at this age!

    She was born weighing 7lb 2oz and is now 7lb 8oz....


    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Being induced tommarow night....?

    I am due tommarow night with my second child, whom the doctors say is getting large and they would like to induce. So, tommarow night at 9PM i am going in to start induction.

    With my first child, my water broke at home as the first sign of labor, so i am not sure what to expect with induction!

    I am not dilated (they said maybe a tiny tiny bit) so i am assuming they will start with cervadel....has anyone been through it, and can you explain how they did it and how long it took for you..?? Also, can you walk around and stuff, or do i have to be laying down?

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • cold sore in late pregnancy?

    I am 39 weeks 2 days pregnant, and yesterday i noticed i was getting a cold sore on my lip. I've gotten them a lot through out my life, but never with my previous is NOT genital herpes..just the kind that causes mouth cold sores.

    Anyway, does anyone know if this can be harmful late into pregnancy? I am going to call my doctor when they open, i just thought i would ask here for personal experiences...thanks!

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Excess fluid late in pregnancy?

    I had an ultrasound last week at 37 weeks 5 days, and was told i have a lot of fluid and a large baby...which is why i am measuring large. They baby looked fine, but they wanted another ultrasound this week (which i had yesterday) and my fluid level is still high (37)....I have been reading about it online and it's worrying me!!!! Did anyone have this happen to them and how did everything turn out? Was the baby healthy? How was the labor/delivery?

    Thank you!

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 38 weeks question...?

    I am 38 weeks pregnant with my second child. My first is 9 1/2 and when i had her, my water just broke and i went into labor....i never had any contractions until after i was at the hospital.

    Here is my question:

    I have TONS of braxton hicks contractions....i had a U/S last week and the tech almost sent me to Labor and delivery because i had six of them in a half hour..but i've been having them for months...and they really aren't painful, so i assumed it was okay..

    Well, last night i woke up to pee, and ended up with a buring sensation in my belly. My belly was also rock hard, but it didn't feel like contractions to me...almost more like one LONG contraction. Then i started feeling shaky and sick to my was hard to lay down or stand up..

    It went away after about 20 minutes and i went back to sleep and have since been fine...

    would you say this is a sign that labor is very near?? I have no idea what to think!!

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • So what do you think, boy or girl?

    I will be 38 weeks pregnant (with my second child) tommarow. We do NOT know the gender of the baby, but i got a few 4D pictures yesterday, and was just curious, do you guys think the babys face looks more like a girl or boy? Just for fun of course...

    here's another...

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 36 weeks pregnant and ?

    I am 36 weeks pregnant (due Oct. 17) with my second child. With my first, my water broke at 38 weeks with no other signs of impending labor...

    Last night i was up with horrible cramps...they felt like bad menstrual cramps, but there wasn't a pattern or much tightening..I fell back asleep after about 30 minutes. Now all day today i have had mild cramps and heavy mucus like discharge.

    Has anyone else had this happen to them? I just never experienced it before in my previous pregnancy!

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Pregnancy survey :0)?

    About Mom:

    Age? 28.

    How much weight have you gained so far? 34lbs.

    Is this your first pregnancy? No. I have a nine year old daughter.

    Due date? October 17th.

    How far along are you? 36 weeks today.

    Do you like being pregnant? Sometimes.

    Have you had any morning sickness? No.

    Any mood swings? Some, but not a lot.

    Do you feel you have a stronger sense of smell? Did earlier in pregnancy.

    Have any swelling? Just in my feet and ankles, and it's not that bad.

    Have you had any aches or pains yet? Yes. many.

    Have you bought anything for baby yet? A lot of things.

    When did you find out you were pregnant? March 8, 2010.

    Who was with you? I was by myself.

    Were you trying to get pregnant? No.

    How far along were you when you found out? About 8-10 weeks i think...

    What kind of pregnancy test did you take? CVS brand.

    How many tests did you take? Two.

    What was your first reaction? Shock.

    What was your partner's first reaction? He was very calm...happy.

    Who did you tell first? My friend Tammy from work.

    What were your parent's reaction? They were happy..especially cause my sis is due two weeks behind me, so they are getting two grandkids this year!

    How far along were you at your first doctor appointment? First "real" doc appointment i was 15 weeks.

    Have you heard the baby's heartbeat? Yes.

    Have you had any ultrasounds? Yes...two. And i go for another at 38 weeks.

    Will you have any 3D/4D ultrasounds? I saw him/her in 3D cause the tech was nice...but i am not paying for one of the fancy ones!!

    Have you had any complications with this pregnancy? No.

    Are you high risk? No.

    Girl, boy, or surprise? Surprise!

    Have you picked out any names yet? Brandon or Ruby.

    What is something you eat almost everyday? Yogurt.

    Do you have any pregnant friends? My sis is pregnant too...due two weeks behind me.

    Have you felt any movement yet? Lots.

    Has your partner felt any movement yet? Yes.

    Do you or your partner talk to baby? Yes.

    When did you really start to show? I was about 15-17 weeks.

    Have any stretch marks? A few...they're light though.

    How well have you been sleeping? Any strange dreams? Not sleeping well at this point!

    Have you had any braxton-hicks contractions yet? Yes....all the time!

    Any baby shower plans? My boyfriends mom is having one for me on the 26th.

    Have you registered any where? Babies r us.

    What was the first thing bought for baby? Don't remember.

    Are you going to take any birthing classes? I am currently taking them. have the last one this Thursday.

    Are you reading any pregnancy, baby, childcare books? Not currently.

    What is the best part about being pregnant? Feeling baby move.

    What is the worst part? All the aches and pains.

    What are you most nervous about? Birth...i know how bad it hurts!

    Birth Plans:

    At home or at a hospital? Hospital.

    Vaginal or C-section? Hopefully vaginal.

    Natural or medicated? Going with the flow....whatever i feel like when i am in labor.

    Will you be induced? Don't know yet.

    Who will be in the delivery room with you? My mom, Brandon, and his mom.

    Are you going to take pictures? Yes.

    Will dad cut the cord? Yes.

    Are you scared? Yes!!!

    What are you most scared about? The i said, i have had a baby before...i know how it hurts!

    When the baby is here:

    What is the baby\'s coming home outfit? I bought one for a girl and one for a boy....from the Carter's store...they both have puppies on them and are sooo cute!

    Will you come home as soon as you can? Yes.

    What is the nursery\'s theme? Not sure till we know what it is!

    Will you breastfeed or formula feed? Try to breastfeed...but is open to whatever happens!

    Will you co-sleep? No.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How far along do you think i am? (Just for fun).?

    It is my second baby, and i don't know the gender....take a guess at that too if you want.

    and here's the bare belly :0)

    13 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • questions for moms of two?

    I am 30 weeks pregnant with my second first is nine years old, and i just have a few questions about labor and birth for other moms who have had more than one child.

    1. How long was your first labor and how long was your second labor?

    2. vaginal births or c-section?

    3. How long did you push each time (if vaginal)?

    4. If you had a c-section either time, why did you need one?

    5. How many weeks were you each time?

    6. Did you go into labor on your own, or did you have to be induced?

    7. How much did each baby weigh?

    8. Was one labor more painful than the other?

    9. Did you have stitches with either one? Did you have more tearing with one or the other??

    Thank you!! I am just getting nervous about the birth and wanted to hear other mom's experiences!

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago