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"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." George Orwell

  • What are the reasons Americans do not like the Russian Government and Putin?

    It seems to be that aside from it being demonized by the media, not many Americans really have a an idea why they dislike them at all.

    13 AnswersCurrent Events7 years ago
  • What are the odds of an incident happening to sway public opinion on Syria?

    With the war profiteers and their media outlets screaming for intervention and expanded war in the middle east for over 2 years now, and with Congress looking for a way to save both their jobs and keep their masters happy, what do you think will happen on the ground in Syrai over the next week?

    I think it is a given that something will happen that allows cover for Congress Yes votes, sways public opinion, and allows the dominoes to fall the way they have been planned.

    2 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • Why is it that these Republican voters dont put Ron Paul in by a landslide?

    It seems obvious to me that he is the only one not bought off by the corporations that are ruining our sovereignty. That and his inclination to protect our homes at home and not abroad for contract profits are by themselves good enough to win over intelligent people. What is it going to take for people to see they are killing America with their plain and simply short sighted votes.

    6 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • Has Obama now confirmed that Israel has too much influence on America?

    Through the microphone gaffe with Sarkozy, for once we heard the truth come out of these twos mouths, Sarkozy called Netanyahu a liar and Obama responsed "well I have to deal with him more than you!". Clearly Netanyahu is a liar, that is no surprise and Europe is tired of his war monguering putting them at odds with the entire ordinary Arab world. Obama for his part confirmed that AIPAC and Israel have a big influence on our foreign policy and even electoral process. What is wrong with this picture? Why should an American president be forced to cajol and do the bidding of a foreign leader, albeit a pariah of one?

    4 AnswersElections10 years ago
  • Why do Republicans defend Israels borders more than Americas?

    Though Perry, let alone Romney, is the other side of the corporate owned coin as Obama I can't see what Americans get out of this blind support for Israel here. Perry would have Jerusalem the defacto capital of Israel without contemplating what that would mean for our relations with the other 99% of people in the Middle East, let alone our troops in harms way in Afghanistan or Iraq. Even Israelis themselves are pragmatic about peace and the real issues there. Shouldnt the governor of Texas be more involved in preventing his cronies from profitting off of our open border in Mexico rather than putting American on war footing over the Jordan valley!?

    8 AnswersCurrent Events10 years ago
  • Isn't the Palestinian bid for UN membership the best thing for Israel?

    Since 1967, the UN has, though failed to enforce thanks to US vetoes, the partitioning of the land as stated in the 1947 partitions. Yes, from 47 to 67 the Arabs did not agree to the partition either, but why don't the Israelis realize that if this bid does not get approved they are going to end up being permanentely in charge of all the Arabs in the West Bank sooner rather than later.

    If the UN accepts them in, suddenly Israel will finally have the legal cover to actually strike back against another state for cross border attacks because as of right now..everything...EVERYTHING they are doing in lands they unanimously annexed in 67 has no legit international credibility as it is occupied land.

    Nothing good can come out of this for Israel, let alone America, by not allowing them in. Isnt this a miscalculation on their part?

    6 AnswersCurrent Events10 years ago
  • Why is it bigotry and outdated when Europeans want to preserve national boundaries and culture?

    It is right wing extremism when native Europeans want to preserve their own language, culture and identity. It is bigotry and old world thinking if they do not want to be a melting pot. Yet, the Japanese are not considered bigots and old world when they do the same. A better example is the Israelis. They understand that if they let Muslims in where they become a majority, they will simply vote out the jewish character from the state. Muslims in Europe who do not assimilate or respect european ideas and show no tolerance, if allowed to form a majority, will just vote out tolerance and european ideas. Why is it right wing for Europeans to have the same opinion about their nations future as an Israeli?

    3 AnswersCurrent Events10 years ago
  • If intolerant immigrants become a majority in a tolerant country, how does it stay tolerant?

    I am not following what is so extremist about the notion to protect the cultural national home from a foreign influence that will undoubtingly seek to destroy it. I am not saying violence, let alone shooting innocent kids, is anything less than disgusting and shameful; but isn't what this Norwgian killer saying in regards to certain Islamic immigrants and policies of the Government correct? I don't see how allowing Islamic immigrants to try to recreate their intolerant societies abroad is condusive to free and open European nations. Christian fundamentalists are not condusive to that either, but the difference is that for one, most Europeans are Christian in name only if even that, and two, those that are extremists do not go to the Middle East to try to make Baghdad a new Vatican! Am I off here?

    4 AnswersImmigration10 years ago
  • Is the pitch for Copa America smaller than in womens world cup?

    After watching the games it looks like the pitch is really alot smaller, is it just me or the camera!? They barely move and they are on either goal line in this Colombia vs Peru game!

    2 AnswersOther - Soccer10 years ago
  • Why does the US still have troops/bases in Germany?

    Am watching the womens us soccer game and the town is filled with American GI families which got me wondering. Why on earth do we have a base there? I am pretty sure that other than the business of the military industrial complex..there is absolutely no reason for it there.

    What gives?

    7 AnswersCurrent Events10 years ago
  • Can Physics explain where information goes when you die? See details...?

    Hi, this question is probably very flawed and I have a very limited knowledge of physics or anatomy for that matter, but using the idea of entropy in thermodynamics as well as the thought that information can never be lost (in the universe?) could physics ever prove where it goes when it comes to a complex living organism dying? I am trying to conceptualize what happens to all our memories, thoughts, ect that were created in our cells using heat/energy when we die. I am assuming it is dispersed back into the world from which it came.

    Theoretically though, could those tiny information carrying cells be identified in the quantum world? Perhaps identified and located outside of the no longer present organism that manufactured it?

    5 AnswersPhysics10 years ago
  • Why didnt Congress kiss Netanyahus' feet while they were at it?

    All feelings aside about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, even aside foreign policy, when in History has an American elected Govt been so blindly obedient and in the pocket of a foreign entity?

    There is not even a debate about Israel within this Congress..I am convinced that this Congress would rather give up half the country to Mexico or complete destruction even, rather then have a debate, let alone critic over Israel that contradicts the AIPAC line.

    6 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Isnt the notion that Israel must expand to protect it from rocket attack logically stillborn?

    By that definition, the moment an enemy has you within range you have to take away its land!? Israels settlements are not needed for defense and it cant be said the entire eastern portion of the West Bank that Israel uses as a buffer is still necessary because no conventional forces will battle into Israel again. The 67 borders were defensible back in 67 and they still would be now!

    I do not agree with land for peace but Israels strategy of strangling the Palestinians into submission will never work either.

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why are Republicans not as enthusiastic about protecting our borders as they are Israels?

    The endless kissing up to Israel is a common theme for American politicians that is unrivaled in our History when it comes to a foreign power but the almost unanimous blind support for Israels right wing cannot be healthy for America can it?

    6 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Do you believe that we didnt know Bin Laden was being held in Pakistan this entire time?

    I find it impossible to think our intelligence community, with 20 years of extensive contact with the Pakistanis on the issue of Al Qiada going back to when we were funnelling money to Bin Laden to fight the Soviets, were not aware of where he was since at least 2005.

    Either we have been duped by the Pakistanis for the last decade in giving them money and have the WORST intelligence ever or we were somewhat in on this.

    What do you think?

    3 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • How is Pakistan going to explain Bin Laden living 100 yards away from a military base in a military town?

    Either we have been in on it and made a side deal before the strike or we just embarrassed the Pakistani Govt. Either way the fall out is going to be ugly.

    9 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • What was more staged: Bin Ladens death or the Royal wedding?

    IF Bin Laden was alive..and that was a huge if.. we knew the Pakistanis were holding him as a "guest" for over 7 years now. Their intelligence agency plays both sides of the fence with us and everyone was getting what they wanted while he was usefully alive.

    We could have killed him at any time we wanted...anytime.

    Instead TRILLIONS were poured into the war on terror...a war that could have ended September 12, 2001.

    The sheep, especially the ones so conspicuously ready to go out and cheer with little American flags on a Sunday night lol, are seemingly desperate to be fooled.

    6 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Japans radiation catastrophe, uprest all over the Middle East, tornadoes killing Americans, and a wedding?

    I am sorry but there is no reason on earth to have more people covering the wedding than these other 3 stories combined. None. It is purely disgusting that with our soldiers still in warzones that we spend less than a minute on them, most of the time not even any time at all, but spend 3 hours marking the time it takes for Kate Middleton to zip her dress.

    Why is there not 9000 reporters in Japan making sure the official story from there is legit..or better yet all those reporters in their respective countries trying to enlighten their populace with information?

    Truly sad.

    6 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Doesnt it look like everyone wants regime change in Libya but no one wants to do the work?

    -The Libyan rebels want the world to take him out. Even arming them will not be enough as can be seen as this latest rout of their forces in a village outside of Sirte.

    -The US doesnt want to take the lead or be forced in a political situation of having to put US soldiers on the ground.

    -The hawks in France and Britain don't mind doing airstrikes and possibly even pounding Ghaddali loyal cities as long as they can put an Arab face on the acts and have the US take the lead in doing the targetting.

    5 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Obama supporters: Did he answer his own question about intervention asked in his book?

    In his pre-presidential book "The Audacity of Hope," Obama said the U.S. will lack international legitimacy if it intervenes militarily "without a well-articulated strategy that the public supports and the world understands."

    He questioned: "Why invade Iraq and not North Korea or Burma? Why intervene in Bosnia and not Darfur?"

    2 AnswersElections1 decade ago