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  • Two guys like me. Advice?

    Two good friends of mine who I have know for years are both into me, and I don't know what to do. One of them (call him Gabe) asked me out two summers ago, and I said no. Since then, we've become really close just as friends, but according to other friends he's still into me. The other kid, who I'll call James, started liking me this past summer. He took me to prom in June when we were just friends, and starting liking me about a month later.

    I honestly can't tell whether I like Gabe, James, or both of them back; it's confusing. I could see myself dating either of them, but I can't imagine choosing between them. I think that means I don't like either one of them enough, but I don't know. Gabe is the sweetest guy in the world, and I'm really comfortable talking to him about anything. But if I lost my friendship with him, I'd be so crushed. James I would have less trouble loosing as a friend because we don't talk as much, and he's a very cool guy, but I don't think I would be interested in him that way if I didn't know he was interested in me.

    If only one of them liked me and then asked me out I think I would say yes to either of them. But since it's both, I don't feel comfortable doing that. I'm not dying to be in a relationship or anything, I'm perfectly happy being single. But I don't know what to do with them! One of them has to stop liking me, or something, because I can't spend even time with one without the other getting weird and I hate that.


    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • makeup help? I'm clueless!?

    Hey! I've always been a tomboy, so I've never worn makeup aside from lipstick for special occasions. But I'm a junior in high school, and at this point I feel sorta silly for not even knowing *how* to use mascara, eyeliner, or anything, really. With the new year and all I've decided I want to try it out and see what it's like, because it seems fun and I'm curious. Anyone hear think they could explain some things to me about what's best to use and how to put it on? Thanks a million!

    16 AnswersMakeup7 years ago
  • How can I help my friend get over her break up?

    One of my close friends just broke up with her boyfriend. He was her first boyfriend, and they were together for a year. She was (and still is) crazy about him. She's really upset about it, and keeps hoping she can get him back, but he's clear that he wants to break up. How can I help her move on and be happy again? I hate seeing her so down.

    Other note: she's my friend from camp (known her for a few years). We live on opposite sides of the country. She told me about the break up and tried to make her feel better, reminded her that there are other fish in the sea, that he would rather she be happy, that these things happen, that it's ok to be sad and feel sorry for yourself for a bit because it helps you get back on your feet in the long run. But I wish I could just go see her, I feel so bad knowing she's all alone. I decided to send her a box of cookies that we used to get at camp together when we were mad or upset about something, and my copy of the movie 500 days of summer (she'll probably get those in a few days). Feels kind of cliche, but I couldn't think of anything else. Any other ideas? I really want to help her out because I feel bad for her and don't like seeing her so upset, but it's hard when I can't even see her in person. Thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago
  • What does "I love you" really mean?

    What does it really mean? A lot of my friends have started saying "I love you" to me and each other, but I don't get it and it bothers me. I had a boyfriend once (ex now, lasted a few months), and when I said I love you to him I always felt empty and guilty inside. It was too much to say to the guy I happened to be with when I was 15 (16 now). I didn't like hearing him say it to me and I don't like my friends saying it to me -- I care lots about my friends, but I don't "love" them. It's so strong. Isn't love supposed to be unconditional, and all that? If I did something to hurt one of my friends I wouldn't expect them to care about me. My little sister tells me she loves me sometimes, and I find it really hard to say it back, but at least in that case I mean it. I care about my friends and would do a lot for them, but I don't think that the same as loving someone. I usually just smile, look at my feet, and say "you too" or something like that. But then I feel off for a little while afterwards. It's like they're cheapening the phrase, when I think it should be worth more. I hate saying it and I don't get why they keep using it. Do they mean it? Does it mean less than I think it does? Should it mean less than I think it does? Am I just getting worked up over nothing? Is it weird that it bothers me so much?

  • Sticker.. repair? Not sure what to call it, but answer please!?

    I travel a lot, and I've been collecting stickers from all the places I go and putting them on my suitcase. But, this last trip, I broke the handle on my suitcase, and had to get a new suitcase. I was able to peel all the stickers off the old one without ripping them, but they aren't very sticky anymore. Any advice for how to fix them so they'll stick to the new suitcase?

    Thanks in advance!

    2 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)8 years ago
  • How to help Boston Marathon victims?

    I live pretty close to there, and I wanted to do something to help the marathon victims. Originally I wanted to donate blood, but I'm only 15 so I can't (you have to be at least 16 to donate). Any idea what other things I could do? I really want to help, somehow, the whole thing is so sad and I feel awful sitting here doing nothing.

    2 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • Great boyfriend, but not sure what to do?

    I'm 15, and my first boyfriend and I have been dating for 2 months now. He's super sweet and nice, there's nothing wrong with him. He's great. But I don't really have that spark anymore, he just feels like a really good friend (and I never want to loose him as a friend). I'm sort of scared that there'll be pressure for us to act more bf/gf-y (kissing and stuff), which we haven't done yet and I've never done, and I'm really not sure whether I'm ready or not. Half of me is curious and wants to try something new, and the other still thinks it's disgusting. I keep asking myself if we should break up, maybe I'm just not ready for a serious boyfriend yet. But he's so nice and sweet, and I really don't want to hurt his feelings. We have mostly the same friends and they think we're adorable, and I don't want to ruin the group by breaking up either :/ What do you guys think?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • what should I ask for for christmas?

    I'm a 15 year old girl, christmas is in 2 days, and I don't know what I want at all. Everyone was busy the last few weeks and not thinking much about presents, but my mom asked me this morning what I want for christmas because apparently I'm the hardest of my siblings to buy for and she doesn't really have anything for me yet... I don't actually mind not getting much, but I wanted to think of something... I already have a laptop and an iPhone, I don't play video games, I don't wear makeup, and I don't want to ask for clothes because I'd rather get them myself. I really don't want to ask for money, that just feels kinda shallow. The best part of any present is the thought that the person puts into it, and money doesn't have that. So I don't just want cash. I'm being really picky. But, anyway, any ideas? Thanks!! :D

    6 AnswersChristmas8 years ago