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Karen Garza
How can I get my hair darker?
So I have bleached blonde hair it's nice I love it but I want a more natural looking blonde when I do my roots (natural hair color is light brown) I usually use nice and easy born blonde but I'm wondering of I can use a blonde hair dye from like garnier or some kind of familiar brand that I can purchase at target that is a darker blonde on my hair will it darken my hair since my hair is bleached blonde? Please help thank you
4 AnswersHair7 years agoCan I get pregnant 6 days before my period is expected?
I had unprotected sex (He Cummed Inside Me) today (Last night/this morning) my ovulation day was the 22nd of January my next expected period is the 8 of February (In a few day) my boyfriend said I can take the morning after pill and I should be good my questions is how effective is it? Where can I buy it and for how much? What if it fails and I get my period and still end up being pregnant? Is that possible?
3 AnswersTrying to Conceive7 years agoHow Can I Become Religious?
Non of my family is religious. Do I have to be Catholic or Christian to pray to God? I pray everyday at night in my mind when I'm laying down but I start thinking of other stuff and idk if that even counts I believe in God and Jesus Christ not so much in the virgin Mary I'm Mexican so we call her la virgen de Guadalupe I want to learn to pray so that God can listen I dont just want to pray to ask for help I also want to thank him and I started reading the Bible but it scares me for some reason. I want God in my life and want to learn more about him please comment thank you and God Bless You - Karen
9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years agoWhats Your advice for me??????????????????????
I will try to make this really short since a lot of people dont like to read. I was diagnosed with major depression in December 2011 and have not gotten any better I'm a libra so I love to socialize But after getting into 2 accidents and put in to foster care I have become antisocial and get very shy and sad easily I always want to be left alone I did take medication Before (trazodone 100MG And fluoxetine 10 MG) But I Started Gaining A Lot Of Weight And I Did The Worst Thing I Could Have Done I Took Myself Off Them Without My Doctors Permission anyway after my accident I didn't want to leave my room witch means I also dropped out of high school I dont get along with my parents at all I had to move back because I closed my case with the court but I'm getting kicked out of my house when I'm 18 I have no job and I'm getting depressed again because idk what to do I feel like its to late to go to school I only need 60 more credits to graduate and I wont make it in time to graduate in may 2013 idk if I should go to a continuation school? I really only have like 6 months and ill be thrown out in July yea I know they cant kick me out till my birthday in October but I have no chance. I have tried to commit suicide many times but I know I can take myself out of this black whole. I know I can. I was going to Texas this month to meet my real dad for the first time and also take out $5000 from a bank in Mexico that my grandfather left me before he died I'm going to save it but my moms husband got mad at me and now our trip is cancelled and I need a parent to take out that money and now I dont have a chance to meet my real dad :'( idk what to do Im getting very deep in that black whole again. I was thinking of getting a job and earning money for a plane ticket to see my dad and take out the money with him and then come back and work and inrole in a school and move out and lift myself back up Its so easy to say but to do is hard since Im depressed and not looking at the good side I want to become a radio personality or radio host I'm very good at it I took a class before and I loved it but now I'm here I have no friends or family I only have myself and that's all I need. I know I can do this I need advice and motivation! Please comment and thanks you if you read allow this God bless -Karen
4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years agowhats your advice for me?????
I will try to make this really short since a lot of people dont like to read. I was diagnosed with major depression in December 2011 and have not gotten any better I'm a libra so I love to socialize But after getting into 2 accidents and put in to foster care I have become antisocial and get very shy and sad easily I always want to be left alone I did take medication Before (trazodone 100MG And fluoxetine 10 MG) But I Started Gaining A Lot Of Weight And I Did The Worst Thing I Could Have Done I Took Myself Off Them Without My Doctors Permission anyway after my accident I didn't want to leave my room witch means I also dropped out of high school I dont get along with my parents at all I had to move back because I closed my case with the court but I'm getting kicked out of my house when I'm 18 I have no job and I'm getting depressed again because idk what to do I feel like its to late to go to school I only need 60 more credits to graduate and I wont make it in time to graduate in may 2013 idk if I should go to a continuation school? I really only have like 6 months and ill be thrown out in July yea I know they cant kick me out till my birthday in October but I have no chance. I have tried to commit suicide many times but I know I can take myself out of this black whole. I know I can. I was going to Texas this month to meet my real dad for the first time and also take out $5000 from a bank in Mexico that my grandfather left me before he died I'm going to save it but my moms husband got mad at me and now our trip is cancelled and I need a parent to take out that money and now I dont have a chance to meet my real dad :'( idk what to do Im getting very deep in that black whole again. I was thinking of getting a job and earning money for a plane ticket to see my dad and take out the money with him and then come back and work and inrole in a school and move out and lift myself back up Its so easy to say but to do is hard since Im depressed and not looking at the good side I want to become a radio personality or radio host I'm very good at it I took a class before and I loved it but now I'm here I have no friends or family I only have myself and that's all I need. I know I can do this I need advice and motivation! Please comment and thanks you if you read allow this God bless -Karen
1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years agoHow Do I Transfer Money I Have In Mexico To A Bank In The US?
I Have $5000 In A Bank Called Santander In Mexico I Am 17 Years Old So Would I Need A Parent To Do All This? I Dont Want To Waist It I Want To Put It In My Savinga Account I Have With Bank Of America How Do I Do All This And Do I Have To Fly Out There To Mexico?
1 AnswerPersonal Finance8 years agoWill I Loose The Money I Have In Mexico?
My Grandfather Left Money For Me Before He Died ($5000) My Mom Told Me If I Dont Take It Out By This Year 2012 It Will Be Gone. It Has Been There For 16 Years My Older Sister Recently Took Hers Out Because She Is 19 Already I Know I Need A Parent Since I'm 17 My Question Is If I Will Loose That Money In 2013 My Mom Told Me There's A New Law That If I Dont Take It Out It Will Be All Gone And I Need It For college! The Bank I Think Is In Nuevo Leon Monterrey Or Nuevo Ladero Texas (My Birth Place)
3 AnswersPersonal Finance8 years agoWill I Loose The Money I Have In Mexico?
My Grandfather Left Money For Me Before He Died ($5000) My Mom Told Me If I Dont Take It Out By This Year 2012 It Will Be Gone. It Has Been There For 16 Years My Older Sister Recently Took Hers Out Because She Is 19 Already I Know I Need A Parent Since I'm 17 My Question Is If I Will Loose That Money In 2013 My Mom Told Me There's A New Law That If I Dont Take It Out It Will Be All Gone And I Need It For college! The Bank I Think Is In Nuevo Leon Monterrey Or Nuevo Ladero Taxas (My Birth Place)
2 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years agoIs there a way i can find out what my ethnicity is?
I was born in taxas moved to California and since I was a kid Iv been in foster care but never found out what I was and I would like to find out and learn about my culture I look latina some say I might be Mexico or Puerto rican but can I take a blood test or something? Please help thanks!
1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture8 years agoHow to take care of a 8 week old pitbull?
Who Much Should I Shower Her? How And What Do I Feed Her? When Should I Take Her To Get Her Shots? Please Help I Want To Be The Best Owner Of Her I Love Her Very Much And Want Her To Be Healthy
5 AnswersDogs9 years agoHow Can I Invest With $5000 To Have More.?
I'm Young (17) And Dont Want To Spend It In Stupid Pointless Things Like A Shopping Spree Help Me How To I Invest?
4 AnswersInvesting9 years agoWhat Can I Buy With $5000?
A Car? A Condo? Idk To Me Since Im Young (17) Sounds Like A Lot Of Money But Everyone Older Says That's Nothing But They Dont Even Have That Much Money Themselves lol Help Me? What Would You Do With That Money?
2 AnswersPersonal Finance9 years agoWhat Would You Do With $5000?
I'm Receiving $5000 That My Papa Left For Me Before He Passed Away And Idk How And What To Do With It I Can Save Yea But Save For What? My Question To You Is If You Were To Receive That Much Money What Would You Waist It On Or What Would You Save It For Feel Free To Comment!
3 AnswersPersonal Finance9 years agoWhat Do I Need To Do To Become A RADIO HOST?
I'm A Senior In High School I Graduate In May 2013 I Live In California What Would Be My Major Or How Much Education Do You Need? I Know A Little Of Video Production (Took A Class) But I Loved Being A Radio Personality /Host / DJ I'm 100% Sure I Want To Do This I Know You Start Off With Bad Schedules But Its Not A Problem For Me As Long As I Get To Do What I Love Best I Wouldn't Mind Volunteering At First Or Being An Intern I Would Love To Work On A Latin Radio Station I Know I Have To Start Off Low But I Really Dont Mind (I'm Bilingual) What's Your Advice For Me? What Eduction Do I Need And I Wouldn't Mind Being Out Of State Please Comment No Bad Responses Please Thanks :)
Please Dont Give Me A Website Where I Have To Give My Card Out Or Sign Up And Have To Download The Movie Ill Choose You As A Best Answer 10 Points! But Ill Have To Check It Out First Comment Please :)
1 AnswerMovies9 years agoAny Know Of A Legit Website Where I Can Watch Free Movies Online?
I Dont Want Those Websites Where I Have To Sign Up Or Pay For First Month Free Bullshit Just A Simple Website Where I Can Watch Movies! Comment Please And Thanks :)
I'm Turn 17 On October And Want/Need A Part Time Job I Know Black Friday Is Coming Up Also The Holidays But When Is A Good Time To Apply Ahead Of Time So I Can Her Hired I'm A Senior By The Way And Also What Stores Usually Hire Like Macys I Live In San Jose CA! Comment Please And Thank You! :)
1 AnswerSan Jose9 years agoWhat Are Some Puerto Rican Artist?
I Know Of Kat De Luna Daddy Yankee Pitbull Howell Y Randy All Those Basic Reggaeton Artist But I Want Salsa Artist Like Marc Anthony More Of Those Please Comment I'm Throwing A Pig Party Full Of Puertorriquenos! And I need music
1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture9 years agohow to compliment a guy in tagalog?
My lola said ang kuit mo but that mean the cute you lol can you write some cute things to say and translate it in English for me please and thank you for your time :)
5 AnswersLanguages9 years agowhat website can i buy tickets from San Francisco To Laredo Texas?
I Need Tickets ASAP!
2 AnswersSan Francisco9 years ago