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Lv 614,075 points

John M

Favorite Answers12%

My Education is in Engineering. Electrical, Structural and Nuclear. I have own two businesses associated with construction and remodeling. I'm a pilot that loves speed, so I go to NASCAR to get my fix. Yes NASCAR is a sport, and it is a team sport at that. I have had jobs outside of the military as a Teacher and a Truck Driver. I carry teaching certifications in three states. I enjoy working with young adults. I have been involved in the music business for years and love a live concert in the park or in the hall.

  • Has anyone used Zrii to improve their health?

    I don't like pills and most of what a doctor gives us now days has a three page list of side effects that may go to organ damage and beyond.

    I found a produce called Zrii, A friend told me about it and is paying for me to try it at no cost to me. I'm trying to lower my cholesterol and he said this helped him, so I'm looking for any one that has used it or knows about it, good or bad.



    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Where do I go to get a listing of Yahoo Groups to join?

    I lost my groups when I moved and some how some were not their when I got back on line. So if you can help me here find a list I can go thu, I would be very happy.

    thanks for reading and trying to help.


    1 AnswerYahoo Groups1 decade ago
  • What will it take for Dale Earnhardt Jr to win a race now?

    Dale Jr. has booted out his cousin as his crew chief. Now will he win or stall in about the same place he has held for over a year now. At 16 or 17 most of time, Jr. has slipped to 21st in the ratings of drivers for this year. Is he going to make it to Victory Circle this year?

    21 AnswersNASCAR1 decade ago
  • Going to sell my home on a short sale, I have questions .?

    I'm going to have to sell my home on a short sale. I have found out that the home is not worth what I paid for it 5 years ago with 20K down on it now. If your in finance or have been thu this your Information will really help me out a lot.

    I had great credit yesterday on my credit report. I'm at 770 av. on the three big ones. Medical reasons and then loss of her job and we are going up side down. No savings left now.

    We got in touch with the lender, we got a run around, three hours late were hiring a Lawyer type lender/provider service for help with dealing with them and setting up a short sale. It is listed now for the tax value of the home and land only. About 80K short when it is all done.

    We don't want to file bankruptcy.


    Will the short sell clear us out on the home or will we end up having to file bankruptcy to clear it off?

    Were will our credit score go to now? (were at 770 today)

    If it doesn't sell, we can only pay our other bills with help from a doctor friend, so when are we on the street?

    Anything else you can tell us about this and the out come would be helpful,

    Thank you


    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • What is the life expectancy of Ammo?

    with people worried about banning of use or the changing of Gov. laws on weapons, more and more ammo is being sold. The stores in WA state have a limit on two boxes, and that is if your in by 8 am in the morning or it is gone. If I buy up 500 rounds and safe it for my normal usage I will have it around for 20 years or so.

    people are buying loads of handgun, restricted and prohibited weapon ammo because of Obama's threats on banning the use of these arms in the US and the possibility of micro stamping, which will increase prices by 500%, thus people are buying now before these laws have the possibility of being enforced.

    How can I store ammo so it last longer?

    What is the life expectancy of ammo when you buy it?

    Please answer both, thank you.

    13 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • Do you have any experience with the 300 Win Mag or WSM?

    I'm looking to purchase a hunting rifle this next week end. It will be one of the two, but I'm interested in you personnel exp. with one or the other.

    7 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • Does your state have mandatory recycling?

    I need to know the name of your state and a yes or no would be fine, that you.

    5 AnswersGreen Living1 decade ago
  • I'm looking for a Job as a class A driver.?

    Hi, I'm looking for a job as a class A driver. I have all endorsements but Has Mat. A clean driving record and no drug or drinking or citations of any type. 25 years OTR exp. flats, vans, tankers. doubles and triples.

    the problem is I haven't been out over the road for 10 years now. Just local work with trucks I have owned or driven for friends in construction work locally.

    What Company that runs 23 western will hire me for OTR.

    names and web site needed.



    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Ever wonder what happens to the tid bits of knowledge we learn as we are growing up?

    Ever wonder what happens to the tid bits of knowledge we learn as we are growing up?

    Our parents, family friends and teachers gave us these fine bits of knowledge for learning, but do you find yourself using them today? Or even passing them on to others?

    "As you slide down the banister of life, there may be splinters pointing the wrong way. Life's lessens are sometimes hard and not so comfortable, but the do serve a point"!

    So my question is, what was the tit bit, who gave it to you, and do you use it still, or have you passed it on?

    4 questions in you answer to address,

    "please and thank you". That was from my Great Aunt Sara Jane Tice.

    your turn now.

    1 AnswerPsychology1 decade ago
  • Is being a Mother a Real Job,?

    Maybe it doesn't fit into your way of thinking that a "real job" is one you drive to, clock in and the work, go home and then get a check for at the end of the week.

    To answer that, here are some facts from my life as a child;

    My mother had 9 baby's, my parents adopted 9 more. before I left home. I adopted 4 with my mother after my father died, so that she could still adopt girls and give them a good home and a education. Mother Died at 88 after raising 37 kids from birth/adopting to College age.

    We all have a college education paid for by our parents. We all have degree's, one or more. three are teachers. over 85 grand kids and great grand kids, none of us have been to jail but to visit. All of the men have served in the military for 2 years or more.

    I think being a Mother was a full time job for her. She got my Fathers check from the time they married until he died at 88 yrs old. They built a family and a business and left it all for their kids to enjoy and share with others.

    I think she did a great job, and I'm proud to say I was her biggest job too, and I turned out ok.

    So is being a Mother a real job to you? and why please.

    11 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Has any one on this site built or used a hydrogen generator?

    I have a limited knowledge of Hydrogen, but have done some reading on how to build a hyd. gen. that can be put into the trunk of your car. Run on water, and take the H20 and make it HH0, burn the gas in the engine and save a lot of money on fuel for myself and the world.

    Problems I see, pressure, rate of use and comsumion, anount of hyd. needed per hour on a trip, etc.

    is their any first hand help out their?

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • WA State, Snohomish County, Personal Property taxes for a Business?

    I have a small business in Snohomish county, WA State. I received a form to fill out for 2009 personal property tax for the business. It is asking me to list all of the items in the building we put in as improvements to run our business, all items gifted, purchased, used or new that are used in the sell or trade of product. Then the form goes on to tell me the county will excess me on the fair market value established by the county and bill me for the taxes due.

    I thought everything I purchased or was given was all ready taxed at the time of the sale to me or to the person that gifted it to the business. Why a double tax? (because they can?)

    Is there a way around this, has anyone run into this tax before that can tell me what to do?


    Small Business1 decade ago
  • Jealous, is it different for Men and Women?

    I don't know if being jealous is the same for a woman as for a man, but I feel it is tied to how you feel about yourself and your respect for the other person. It is not a ownership thing at all.

    What is your thoughts please?

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Why was the past in our life's always the best of times. Music, toy's and friends etc.?

    What did we loose out on and what did we gain. Your answer will very based on your age, generation you grow up in and experance, but I'm looking for your opion, so no one will be wrong, but a lot of you will be right!

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Has Ken Schrader retired from Cup?

    I haven't seen any thing about kenny this year. Is he with a team or not? Is he still in trucks this year?

    5 AnswersNASCAR1 decade ago
  • What is cheating?

    please add your age and gender to your answer

    8 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • I'm going to have to ask, what is cheating define it please!?

    and add your age and gender to your answer please.

    28 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Would you date a girl that sleeps around with other guys all the time?

    Would you date her?

    I'm asking do you think this is all right ?

    would date her knowing this is her past behaivor ?

    should her past is her's, but the present our's, ?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Unwed Mother and today's Single Mother, mean the same ?

    Unwed Mother, Widowed w/ kids or Chlidren, or Divorced W/ kids were used for years. Then I started to notice the words were changing to a more PC world term, of Single Mother. It became a cover for all of the terms used before it.

    I'm looking to fill in some blanks for myself so your imput would help.

    When did the term change?

    Why do you feel this happened?

    Has the Change been good or bad?

    Has it effected you and How?

    13 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Does the Term Unwed Mother and today's Single Mother mean the same thing to you?

    I'm a Adult, the term Unwed Mother, Widowed w/ kids or Chlidren, or Divorced W/ kids were used for years. Then I started to notice the words were changing to a more PC world term of Single Mother. It became a cover for all of the terms used before.

    I'm looking to fill in some blanks for myself so your imput would help.

    When did the term change?

    Why do you feel this happened?

    Has the Change been good or bad?

    Has it effected you and How?