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  • black to a tea party?

    I have seen conflicting things on the internet. Is it OK to wear black to an afternoon tea party? I did not recieve a formal invitation so i can not judge dreds basedan on the quality of the invitation. It's for my daughters Girl Scout Troop and the tRoop leager simply emAiley the details. It takes place at 2:00pm. Cost was $15.00 per person so I'm guessing it may not be too formal.

    3 AnswersEtiquette6 years ago
  • What do you wear to a concert with business associates?

    I have learned a lot of things in life and while studying business in to dress for the interview, how to greet others, the various degrees of hand shakes and what they mean about the person you are meeting, how to eat, sit, hold conversation, dress for black tie and all.

    Will someone tell me for the love of pete; how the heck do you dress for a Beyonce concert when attending with business associates???!!!!

    This is a whole new playing field for me! Business calls for great shoes (usually as a woman I wear heels to boost my height otherwise the male business associates tend to ignore your input-honestly that is my experience) but for a concert at a major venue with walking and such....are sneakers okay? wedge sneakers? jeans? skirt? dress? It's evening so I know have the "Green light" to go glam but this is still a business sanctioned event...oh did I mention it will only be 35 degrees outside?

    I came up with 2 starters but I don't know if it is appropriate:

    1. Green skinny jeans and a navy boyfriend blazer with white blouse

    2. Blue tuxedo tapered pants with either a flowing black vest and black shirt or black blazer (gotta find one)

    each with black wedge boots or black platform heels and just hope that the car will pick us up and drop us off in a good location so we don't have to walk much.

    I don't know many of the details yet but I am guessing everything will run smooth as the company sponsoring the event owns the venue.

    I will take your suggestions. Keep what I have or look for something new?

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories7 years ago
  • Can I ask for a second interview over the phone?

    I had a first interview with a non profit that I really want to work for so I took off of work at my current full time job to take the interview on Wednesday 2 states over. It went very well and they want me to come back for a second interview that would include one of the managers who was off sick on Wednesday. I am in the middle of a big project in my current job. I DO want to leave but I don't want to hurt the company (it's a small business) or let them know I am looking to leave just yet. I am thinking that it would be great for me if I were able to take the second interview over the phone but I do not want to do anything that would jeopardize my chance at the job. It is between me and one other person. My second interview is currently scheduled for Monday at 10:00 am. IF it lasted for one hour (big if) i would get back to my job at 1:00 pm. How can I work this out without shooting myself in the foot with either my current job or (hopefully) my future job?

    FYI: I am leaving because I am moving. Not because of any job dissatisfaction so I really do not want to burn this bridge.

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • What does "men will be men" mean to you.?

    I hear women say "men will be men" and I want to know what that means to you. Does it mean women should be okay with men being unfaithful and just accept it as an inevitable?

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • Should I let my 5 year old read Diary of a Wimpy Kid books?

    My daughter is an early reader and is currently BEGGING for me to let her read Diary of a Wimpy Kid books. I've never read the books and and I'm afraid the subject matter may be too mature. what do you think?

    9 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Should I let my 5 year old read Diary of a Wimpy Kid books?

    My daughter is an early reader and is currently BEGGING for me to let her read Diary of a Wimpy Kid books. I've never read the books and and I'm afraid the subject matter may be too mature. what do you think?

    11 AnswersGrade-Schooler8 years ago
  • How to handle being unjustly written up?

    I recently received a written notice that my HR department and owner of company want me to sign. It says that I have violated the company handbook by calling out of work 5 times this calendar year. There are a few things wrong with this scenario:

    1. They are correct that I have called out- 3 were for family deaths. 2 were valid sick days (I usually come in even when sick if I can drag myself in).

    2. There were no guidelines stating how many times in a certain time period one is permitted to call out. If it said you can not call out more than 3 times in a 90 day Period I would understand completely. There is no rule.

    3. Its July. So in 7 months I have called out 5 times. that's 3% of the year. My last call out was in May and I got the notice yesterday. I'm not calling out to play around.

    I do understand that this is something my co-workers HAVE been taking advantage of recently. It has gotten pretty bad- and I realize they need to handle the situation but I'm not the problem. I have decided not to sign he disciplinary notice as I have not broken any policies. I do want to keep my job but I also want them to know that I do not agree with being written up. How do I handle this firmly but amicably?

    7 AnswersLaw & Legal9 years ago
  • How do I approach getting unjustly written up firmly but cautiously?

    I recently received a written notice that my HR department and owner of company want me to sign. It says that I have violated the company handbook by calling out of work 5 times this calendar year. There are a few things wrong with this scenario:

    1. They are correct that I have called out- 3 were for family deaths. 2 were valid sick days (I usually come in even when sick if I can drag myself in).

    2. There were no guidelines stating how many times in a certain time period one is permitted to call out. If it said you can not call out more than 3 times in a 90 day Period I would understand completely. There is no rule.

    3. Its July. So in 7 months I have called out 5 times. that's 3% of the year. My last call out was in May and I got the notice yesterday. I'm not calling out to play around.

    I do understand that this is something my co-workers HAVE been taking advantage of recently. It has gotten pretty bad- and I realize they need to handle the situation but I'm not the problem. I have decided not to sign he disciplinary notice as I have not broken any policies. I do want to keep my job but I also want them to know that I do not agree with being written up. How do I handle this firmly but amicably?

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment9 years ago
  • MBA from small affordable school or Cert from Harvard?

    I would like to continue my education but I would have to pay on my own so I want to weigh the benefits of my options to the cost. I have looked into two options. Option 1 is to attend a small but affordable school for my MBA. Option 2 is to take advantage of a certificate program of a big name school.

    I completed my Undergraduate degree from a small state school and while I loved the experience, I feel it would benefit me to attend a large school even if it is just a certificate. What do you think?

  • Parent acting strange.?

    You can see my other question here ( on the other part of this question.

    My daughters best friend is a little older than her (like 6 months). At the time my daughter is in Pre-K and the friend started Kindergarten. She really misses seeing her friend. We worked out a play-date a while back which got cut a little short (totally my fault-I had dinner plans and didn't realized play dates were all day things- I feel terrible). Anyway, since then I have tried to get back together with the parents so that we can get the kids together but I feel like they are stand-off-ish. like they could be upset about how the last one went (completely understood). Should I take it as a hint or stop reading so much into it. FYI: I still see them because the other daughter still goes to the school.

    2 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Dropped the ball for child. Any suggestions?

    In the past month I have had 3 deaths in my family and had a major issue in my marriage. I have been working on getting past things but during this time my only child's 5th birthday has come up. I was never planning a party but I was going to allow her to take one friend for kiddy manicures and lunch. Well, her party is tomorrow and while I planned things to do, I have never got in touch with the other parent. I want to know as a parent would you a: invite the other child anyway with short notice or b: plan to do this the following weekend (which may or may not work for other family). I really don't want to disappoint my child seeing as she doesn't ask for much and is very well behaved. What would you do?

    3 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • mold at home, what to do?

    I have found black mold in my daughters window and pink under the paint

    on the ceiling of my bathroom. I found signs of moisture (kitchen wall

    looks "scrunched" with layers of paint) in my kitchen and now I fear

    that it may be other places in the house. I called the building

    management about my daughters window and the bathroom. They sent someone out

    to asses the situation. They "cleaned" the window with tilex and

    sealed a crack they found outside of the winow frame and said they

    would call an outside contractor for the bathroom to scrape and

    repaint. My mind is racing and I think it may be a bigger issue.

    Before they fixed the window the woman said they will "try to get

    someone out today or tomorrow". It didnt seem like they were worried

    about it and I sensed no urgency in her voice. I asked what I should

    do about the situation in the mean time. The woman replied "for what?"

    and I say the air quality is what has me worried. Suddenly there was

    someone available that day.

    The more I think about it, the more I can find things that point to my

    family's health issues and mold as the culpret. my husband get's bloody

    noses at night, my daughter complained of itching and coughing a lot, It

    takes forever to get over a cold and last night I was sick as a dog

    thinking about going home. I don't know if this is because of the mold

    or if it seems to fit because i want it to but I am worried.

    As a renter what can I do? I don't really want to move because I like

    my neighbor accross the hall (she watches jada and I watch her kids

    without having to go outside because our homes are so close) and it

    would be a lot of work- but I can't ignore what is going on because of

    convienience. I plan on coming home with a hepa filter today to help with air quality but I

    want them to do more. What do you suggest?

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate10 years ago
  • mold in my apartment?

    I have found black mold in my daughters window and pink under the paint

    on the ceiling of my bathroom. I found signs of moisture (kitchen wall

    looks "scrunched" with layers of paint) in my kitchen and now I fear

    that it may be other places in the house. I called the building

    management about my daughters window and the bathroom. They sent someone out

    to asses the situation. They "cleaned" the window with tilex and

    sealed a crack they found outside of the winow frame and said they

    would call an outside contractor for the bathroom to scrape and

    repaint. My mind is racing and I think it may be a bigger issue.

    Before they fixed the window the woman said they will "try to get

    someone out today or tomorrow". It didnt seem like they were worried

    about it and I sensed no urgency in her voice. I asked what I should

    do about the situation in the mean time. The woman replied "for what?"

    and I say the air quality is what has me worried. Suddenly there was

    someone available that day.

    The more I think about it, the more I can find things that point to my

    family's health issues and mold as the culpret. my husband get's bloody

    noses at night, my daughter complained of itching and coughing a lot, It

    takes forever to get over a cold and last night I was sick as a dog

    thinking about going home. I don't know if this is because of the mold

    or if it seems to fit because i want it to but I am worried.

    As a renter what can I do? I don't really want to move because I like

    my neighbor accross the hall (she watches jada and I watch her kids

    without having to go outside because our homes are so close) and it

    would be a lot of work- but I can't ignore what is going on because of

    convienience. I plan on coming home with a hepa filter today to help with air quality but I

    want them to do more. What do you suggest?

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs10 years ago
  • I know red is off limits for wedding but coral?

    Can one wear a bright coral dress to a formal day wedding? (assuming it is otherwise appropriate in length and covering shoulders)

    6 AnswersFashion & Accessories10 years ago
  • since the royal wedding is it cool to wear hats to weddings in USA?

    I love hats but I am young and I get told often that I am too young to wear hats to, say, a wedding. LOL. soooo since the recent royal wedding, its it "cool" to wear hats in the US? Do you think it will catch on here or should I just move to the UK to get my hat fix? LOL

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories10 years ago
  • what to wear to 2pm wedding when formality not expressed?

    My friend is getting married in July at 2pm. The invitations are formal but the invitation doesn't mention that the wedding is formal. So what do you wear to something like this?

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories10 years ago
  • what would make you stop at a vendor table at a jazz festival?

    I will be doing a vendor table at a jazz festival next month. I have never been to this festival and do not have a feel for the atmosphere yet so I am looking for some other opinions. What giveaways/activities would make you stop at a vendor table at a jazz festival instead of walking past it.

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • movie star party no projector?

    Hi all, so silly me planned a party for my daughter and I wanted to SHOW a movie via projector on the wall at our community center but I am worried that I will not have one (library doesn't rent out, cost is too high to purchase for one and done and rental starts around 100 bucks so too expensive for toddler party IMO). So what can I do to make sure this party is not a complete flop. Any suggestions on movie star themed games and such...I really have to pick up some slack here.

    Also any place rent them out for less than 100? like a home theatre place or such. I really am just throwing things out there at this point...did I mention it's THIS SUNDAY?

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • offered job from fam friend, recieved offer letter w/o salary, trust this?

    I will be working a new job soon that was recommended to me by a family friend who is the general manager of the company. I will be working with her. I was verbally offered a certain amount per year and requested an offer letter for my records. The letter had title, start date, benefit time line and basically everything EXCEPT hourly/annual compensation. I received the letter on a friday afternoon and asked for compensation verification on Sunday (thinking it would be there by the time they get there on Monday). It is now Wednesday and after an email (one to GM and one to HR who was CC'd) and a phone message I still have not heard anything back.

    I don't think the family friend would screw me over at all-and HR seemed really nice so I don't think it is intentional, I have known the family friend for a while and she helped me negotiate the current compensation package so that it was a little healthier. I think she has my best interest at heart honestly. My start date is in 8 business days and I am wondering if I should just accept the verbal offer (and hand shake) or if I should keep pushing to get it in writing. Although I know her I still find it a wise choice not to give notice of leave from a current job until you get all of your ducks in a row for your move. Its a great opportunity and I really don't want to loose it but I also don't want anything less than what I was offered.

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • to carry a briefcase or not to carry a briefcase?

    I will have a position that gives me my own office. It seems a briefcase would go with the role also right? Or is that weird now days?

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago