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Should I call her out on how she texts me?
I met this girl a few weeks ago, and from the beginning she doesn't seem like she "likes" to text me, or that she's a "bad" texter. In person everything is fine and we get along well, and I know she's interested because we went out on our 5th "date" on Valentine's and afterwards we talked a bit about what our intentions with our relationship are. We both agreed that we like each other a lot and want to continue seeing each other. It just aggravates me beyond belief that she doesn't text me a whole lot, and that our text conversations only last 5 or 6 texts with 20 to 30 minutes in between texts. Does this "texting game" really have so much factor in determining if someone likes you? And should I talk to her about it?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years agoToo soon to hold hands with her in public?
I started seeing this girl a little under 3 weeks ago. It's been going smoothly and even gone out 5 times so far. I saw her last night for Valentines day, and before I left her house we went to her room and talked about our relationship. We both agreed we are getting to like each other a lot more, so I'm really happy about that. My question is, do you think we could start holding hands in public (like walking through the halls in our college)?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years agoDoes she really want to take it slow, or did she find someone else?
A few weeks ago I met this girl in one of my classes. We started just sitting next to each other and talking, then I asked for her number, texted back and forth a bit (no as much as I wanted), then a few days ago we finally went out. We saw each other 4 times in the span of 2 days, and twice she was the one who asked to see me, or to hang out. The last of the 4 times we saw each other we watched a movie together and cuddled a bit (nothing big, just my arm around her and she made the move to hold hands after a while). I thought that night went well.
Thing is, now she's acting weird, at least to me. Yesterday I text her just asking what was going on, then I asked if she wanted to do something tonight or tomorrow night. She responded with "That would be fine i'm sure. I might be doing homework most of the day, we will see". I suggested we could do homework together, or do something more exciting during the week. She said "haha like what?". I told her we could go on a date to dinner on Monday night. She said "I was kidding, anything is more fun than studying, we will see... Don't wanna go too fast". I told her I understood, since we just started seeing each other.
Tonight she text me saying she was going to a friends to do homework just to let me know. I said it wasn't a big deal, I had a friend coming over anyways, and that we should definitely hangout this week. She replied with "Cool cool, sounds good!!".
I have no idea what to do, and don't know if she's into me still..
1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years agoShe has a boyfriend, so why is she acting like this towards me.?
I met this girl 2 months ago, started talking to her, and went out on a date with her. During the date she decided to drop a bomb on me and tell me she had a boyfriend (who lives like 700 or 800 miles away from her), even though I had been flirting with her and made my intentions clear. After the date I asked her in person why she agreed to go out with me if she had a boyfriend, which she replied with, "I don't know really... I thought maybe we could be friends". I didn't really want to hear that as an answer, so I left and told her I'd think about it. The next day I told her I was really disappointed that she didn't tell me sooner, and that with how I felt, I wanted to be more than friends. She accepted this, and that was the last I heard from her for a month or so. Now, a few weeks ago she text me out of the blue, and since then she has literally text me every single day. We talk about stuff we have in common (which we have nearly everything in common), but she still mentions her boyfriend once in a while (so I know she's still with him), but not a whole lot like one would expect. When we talk, I don't act like I'm still into her, and I really just treat her as a friend, because I don't want to keep her hanging around, feeding off the attention I give her, but for some reason she always texts me, EVERY SINGLE DAY...
Now comes the even more confusing part. She wants to come over and make me dinner tomorrow night. I don't get why she acting like this...
2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years agoDoes this girl like me?
Before winter break started I asked this girl out that I work with. It was spur of the moment because I was interested in her for a while and I didn't know if I'd see her again after break. All went well and we went out the day before she left for winter break. Thing is, she didn't let me know she had a boyfriend until during our date. I really like this girl, and we have nearly everything in common, and it killed me hearing she had a boyfriend already. I didn't make a fuss though, and we went on talking for a while. Before the date ended, I asked her why she agreed to go out with me if she had a bf, which she replied saying she thought we could be really good friends. I pretty much have to agree with this so work isn't awkward. I don't mind at all being her friend, and actually would really like to be her friend since we have a lot in common, but I don't know if I can handle the feelings I have for her while trying to maintain an active friendship. The next day I sent her a pretty lengthy text apologizing for putting her on the spot with that question, but also saying that if she knew about my intentions, it was impolite of her for ignoring my intentions and not telling me she had a bf. We settled on giving the idea of being friends a shot, even though I have feelings for her.
The kicker is now is that she has texted me a few times since then, asking about my interests and just having random conversation. Idk if she's just being friendly, or does she genuinely like me?
3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years agoAwkward glances passed back and forth between a girl and I?
This girl has been in a few of my psych classes before, and she is in a lot of my classes this semester. I've never caught her glancing at me before, but now for some reason we make eye contact 5 or 6 times in one class period. The eye contact seems really awkward, for me at least, and I don't know why I we keep making eye contact so much. She's really beautiful, and I've talked to her briefly during group projects, but never in a personal setting. It's driving me nuts and I'd like to talk to her, but I feel like she's out of my league, and wouldn't take me seriously. I know confidence does a lot for this, but I feel the just outright sitting next to her and talking to her out of the blue would just make it more awkward. Anyone have any advice on how to approach her?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years agoIs this her way of saying "no" to me?
I just asked this girl to hang out, it's really nothing serious, we've only been texting for a few days. I asked if she was available sometime this week and if she wanted to hang out, and she told me this week might not work because of a medical emergency that "just came up" with her sister and that she'll let me know... I really hate answers like this and I can't call her out on it because she might be telling the truth... Is this her way of saying no?
6 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoDid saying this scare her off?
It was the first time I talked to this girl I just met and the convo was through text. We got to talking about skiing and how we both like it, and I asked her if she had gone at all this winter yet, and she said she hadn't so I replied back that maybe we could go together one of these days ;). Of course I wasn't being super serious and was just trying to flirt, but did I come off too strong? She hasn't replied and it's driving me nuts!
3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoHow soon is too soon to ask this girl out on a first date?
My friend and his girlfriend set me up with a friend of theirs and we went out on a double date so I could meet her. I have confidence issues due to my past and have a really hard time getting the confidence to talk to women, that's why my friend had to hook me up. The whole date went well though. She's really quiet, and didn't talk much, but after all 4 of us went back to my friends place she ended up cuddling with me on the couch while we watched a movie. It's been 3 days now and we've talked everyday since then. We've flirted a lot and I'm getting a good feeling from her since she was the one who text me today even though we talked just yesterday. I really like her and I want this to work out, but I've heard from my friends girlfriend that she had someone else set her up on the same sort of double date thing with another guy. I really don't want her to get scooped up by someone else because I didn't ask her out soon enough. What should I do?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoWhen you buy ski bindings online, do they come in pairs, or do you have to buy them individually?
I'm looking for new bindings, but I don't want to spend $400 on a pair. I'm looking at Marker bindings on their website and they don't say if they sell them as a pair for $150, or individually for $150. Would someone with past experience please help me?
2 AnswersSnow Skiing7 years agoDo women find it awkward if a guy gets an erection while cuddling and making out?
I feel that it's awkward (at least it is for me) when it happens, probably because I'm pretty inexperienced, but I definitely know she has noticed. I know cuddling and making out should never have to lead to sex, but I really don't know if she wants it or not, and I don't know how to lead into it. She initiated making out, and 2 of the 3 times I've hung out with her she's asked me to stay over, but I don't want to be too forward and scare her off or have her turn me down, because then the rest of the night wouldn't feel right.
5 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoHow to be less nervous when I'm lying in bed with her?
We haven't had sex yet, just a lot of kissing and cuddling in bed. She's the first girl I've ever done this with, and my heart pounds all night and I can't sleep. She's told me that she wishes I could sleep better when I'm with her, but I really don't know how to get over it. She also says I tremble when I kiss her. I've asked her if all this is a turn off, and she told me it's not, but I know it bother's her in some way. It's also extremely embarrassing, but I get an erection pretty much anytime we get intimate, and I know she has noticed, but she hasn't said anything. I feel like having sex would help, but we've only hungout a few times and I don't want her to be uncomfortable with me and think that all I want is sex, because I really don't. We have talked about this and come to the conclusion that if we hungout more it would hopefully go away, but I don't want this to be a problem that I takes a long time to get over. If you guys have any advice or tips, it would be much appreciated.
2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agoWhy do I obsess over girls I meet?
Everytime I meet a girl I like she immediately becomes an obsession. I constantly think about her day and night, and if I'm not with her or talking to her I automatically assume she's with another guy and then I get extremely jealous. Once I hang out with her again all these feelings go away and I'm just happy to be with her, but all of it comes back once I'm not around her again. I know she's probably living her life without any concern for me and has no reason to think of me other than when I'm with her or talking to her. I just want to know how to live my life without thinking about her 24/7. It's extremely unhealthy and I just want to be done with it.
1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years agoWhy does it fees like shes avoiding me when she showed so much interest in me before?
We had our first date 2 nights ago. It started off good, got a little rough part way through (she got a bit too tipsy and I had to take care of her), but it ended on a really good note the next morning (a lot of talking and kissing). She text me literally 15 minutes after I got home apologizing for doing what she did last night, even though she said for me to text her 2 individual times before I left her place. We both agreed that we wanted to see each other more, but yesterday I was texting her and she just randomly stopped texting me. I messaged her on FB tonight and after like 4 messages she just stopped messaging me and logged off. I know she's a really busy person, but you'd think she'd give me the common courtesy of telling me she's busy and has to go, since I do when I have to go do something. Do you think she's getting annoyed?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agoI have no idea what to do with her now?
Here's the gist of what has gone down between us so far
>be me (20 yrs old)
>really like girl, been talking for a week or 2
>have first date ever of my life 2 nights ago at her house (she's 21)
>show up, start talking a lot about various things
>both of us are sorta nervous
>we watch a movie, order pizza
>she breaks out the alcohol
>really loosen up, we start another movie
>before I know it she's downed 2 bottles of wine
>we start making out (my first kiss...), tells me how impressed she is that I asked her out and how much she likes me, etc etc etc... (probably the alcohol talking)
>shes extremely drunk by this time (I'm a bit freaked out)
>bring her to bathroom because she says shes feeling sick
>she throws up for a good 45 minutes
>after she's done I bring her to her bed
>stay with her for 2 or so hours, keep waking her up to make sure she's conscious a feeling fine.
>make sure she's completely fine, then I leave (extremely stupid decision in hindsight)
>go home, few hours pass
>she calls me at 2am, she has no knowledge of what happened
>wants me to come back
>I go back, we talk about what happened
>shes really embarrassed about what she did, tell her Im really stupid for leaving
>go to her bed, lay and talk/make out for a while
>she wants to go to a tower thats on top of a hill nearby that overlooks the city
>get there, we talk more, tells me that she really likes me and tells me it's gonna be impossible for us to just be friends because she likes me so much. Tells me I'm the first guy thats asked her out since she broke up with her ex 2 months ago
>get back to her place, go to bed, talk/kissing more
>fall asleep
>wake up next morning, lay in bed for 3 hours talking/kissing
>says she has to start her day
>hug and kiss then leave
>tells me to text her 2 individual times before I leave
>text her pretty much all day because she text me first
>end of day she randomly stops texting, dont text her back at all
>today I text her at end of day, ask her how her day went etc...
>says she's going to a friends house to watch a football game(first girl I've met who likes football) (only can assume friend is a guy because who else watches football)
>randomly stops texting me again after like 2 messages, dunno If i should text her or wait a day or so?
Sorry it's so long. This sums up my first intimate experience with a girl ever. Is she bored with me? She said she really liked talking to me. Did I get friendzoned already? I really like her and she knows I want to date her and she said that we could do stuff and see where it goes. I feel like she's mad at me for some reason seeing that she went from being really interested to randomly just not talking to me. I just have no idea what to do.
1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years agoShe said "I'll let you know"?
So I finally grew some balls and ask this girl out today (cut me a break if I did something wrong, as this was the first girl I've ever formally ask out). I asked her what she was doing tomorrow night, and she said she didn't know, so I told her that I wanted to go out to dinner with her. She smiled and replied with, "I'll let you know". Then I ended with saying "text me". The convo was sort of abrupt as she was getting in her car and had to be somewhere. That was this morning, and she hasn't text me. She said she was busy today and tonight so if that's the reason why she hasn't then it's understandable, but I don't know if she maybe forgot as well? We've been texting back and forth for a couple days and she's shown vague signs of interest. Should I text her to sort of "remind" her that I asked her out this morning and kind of re-ask her? Or should I just leave it alone and see what happens and then if she doesn't text back pass it off as her not being interested?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agoWhy am I cursed with the inability to talk to girls I like?
With any other girl I can start up a conversation almost instantly. I can be confident and make them laugh and flirt with me, but once I try to talk to that girl I really like, I turn into a boring, dry, nervous train-wreck. I can't approach her without over thinking it or psyching myself out of talking to her. I can talk to her over the phone fine, but it seems that face to face conversation makes me nervous and not know what to say. I also get extremely jealous if I see her talking/flirting with any other guy and I start to dislike her for it, even though it's not her fault. I know it's extremely irrational to think that, but I usually forget about it soon after. I would love nothing more than to ask her out, but I can't if she thinks I'm socially incompetent and can't keep an interesting conversation going with her. I wake up every morning with my mind made up that I'll ask her out today, but when I finally see her, I don't nothing, for a reason I can't explain.
3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agoWhy doesn't she say bye? Does it mean she's not interested?
I've only been texting her for a few days. After I tell her I have to go, she doesn't say "bye" or "ok". Am I expecting too much, or is she not interested?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years agoDid I blow my chance with her?
I really don't want to lose her, but I don't have enough experience under my belt to know how to approach this the right way.
I asked 2 previous questions. What do you think I should do?
Question 1
Question 2
1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years agoAm I doing something wrong?
I've been having a text conversation with a girl I really really like for maybe a hour and a half. It seems like it's going fine, but I'm asking most of the questions. Sometimes she responds right away, other times she doesn't respond for like 10 minutes. I try not to respond right away, leaving like 3 or 4 minutes between texts. And if I don't ask her a question to see if she'll ask me one, all she'll respond with like 5 minutes later is "hahaha" or something like that. I really like her, and she probably knows, but it's like pulling teeth trying to talk to her.
8 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago