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Don't suffer fools or idiots. Like Purple, LOVE Ian Dury an the Blockheads Chocolate and vintage port not in the same glass My American daughter and my English sense ability Retribution and The Lord Bhudda Genuine attempts of almost everything Hot salt beef with colemans on rye bread Auldus Huxley and Douglas Adams, Joseph Engles and Charles Dickens Truthsayers of the NWO Choclate, did I mention that?

  • music 432hz Rules?

    Why don't more musicians dump turning "A"=440hz and re-adopt 432hz the resonance of nature.

    1 AnswerRock and Pop7 years ago
  • Is she the first lady, or is she a queen?

    Have you seen the films on YouTube, that say Michelle might be a lil more Michael. A T-Girl First Lady, that's a gas. Then that makes Osama a crac smoking, Marxist, Zionist who isn't even American and the most dangerous woodern puppet ever made, more dangerous than Reagan. Heaven help us. Any thoughts?

    10 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • A sad black day for British Politics?

    The most influencial politician for me in my life, his knowledge and understanding of what makes people tick and the complexities of unscupulous control junkies was second to none.

    His insight and ability to explain in the simplest of ways complex examples of global politics and the socio/economic results of greed driven global control.

    His manner to tackle the fearcist of adversery's with logic, humour and academic brilliance made him a formidable and acomplished adversery.

    All this done with peace and humility. He never forgot that he was just the representative and mouthpiece of the people who put him there, something obvious by its absense in the corporate politicians of today.

    Sorely missed, Mr Tony Benn rest in peace.

    Please give me your thoughts.

    1 AnswerGovernment7 years ago
  • Arent you sick of Shitehead politicians.?

    Do we really have to have bloody revolutions around the globe to stamp out these knobsucking corporate yes men to "represent" our interests.

    Havnt we the majority have a right to appoint and keep true leaders to do our bidding rather than tollerate these gobshites who become so displaced from the grassroot electorate that put them into the privalidged position of being representatives in our stead.

    This is not about right, left or centre, its about the elected not to throw away the vital fundimentals of just why we elected these gits in the first place.

    I would appreciate your comments on this, as I believe that treasonous summery public execution may be the only way to make them listen and heed our words.

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • God squads give me the creeps?

    I fell into this creepy section by mistake.

    And everytime, i really feel quite down that there are people so primative still in the western world. Im far more at home in politics, where people get angry over worthwhile beliefs, rather than never, neverland.

    I hope you all get better soon.

    Bye for now, xxx

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • America says grace before they eat?

    If Americans give thanks to God before they eat, does it tire them out saying grace 15 times a day?

    9 AnswersCooking & Recipes7 years ago
  • Why isnt the USA aware they live in Zion.?

    For the last 200 years Zionism has been knocking at the door of the US.

    A few tried to resist their "green" from the day America was born.

    Washington, Lincoln, Jackson warned us all about the "Foreign Bank".

    Did we listen, not a bit of it, it created the depression to show the power of the "Foreign Bank".

    After that a hand full of Yankee bankers got together with the "Foreign Bank" and in the 30's America sold its soul to Zionist control.

    They gave it a name that was neither Federal nor had any Reserve.

    JFK, even warned us, look what Zion did to the back of his head.

    Ask anyone, who are Zionist and they'll answer, Israeli's.

    The Capitalist way is The American dream.

    Little did we know that whilst we were working hard, steadily increasing our debt and happy as everyone maxes out, right?

    Collectively were up to our chin in debt and our pay check doesnt make the repayments.

    Now we are debt slaves, in a country that now only makes one thing and thats more unemployed.

    Capitalism doesnt A. Remove the workforce.

    B. Remove cashflow.

    A Zionist Bank does. We have the living proof of it.

    And its puppets on Capital Hill, will spin the US virtues.

    We do have the biggest and most expensive armed forces in the world though.

    Perhaps our Zionist Masters could find a use for it.

    Now tell me how wrong i am.

    3 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • How do i get politically involved yet remain anonymous in london?

    I was just wondering as have some freetime on my hands. Anyone got any ideas.

  • Good morning America, over to you in Syria.?

    I thank the Gods that Parliment veto'd the call by our own lil Zionist David Cameron PM.

    Realising it was yet another blind alley the fool Obama was urgeing Britain to follow them into conflict in Syria. Now it will be entertaining to see whether the Washington Kenessit will do the same as our Commons.

    For so long now British politics has been held in the grasp of Rothschild Zionism. We had the ***** Thatcher to thank for that.

    Now its up to you America, are you gonna have another "dance with the Devil" or will this be yet another President with a lead weight in his ear?

    So lets have your thoughts,

  • Is it true that the next President has a tail?

    I was told in good faith that Hilery has a tail with a arrow on the end, and horns. Has anyone seen it or the horn thing?

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government8 years ago
  • Just like to wish all Lefthanders a happy international day for all lefthookers.?

    Being one myself, would luv 2 hear your stories. Boring righties please ignore us

    1 AnswerOther - Holidays8 years ago
  • Policemen, how often do you abide by your sworn oath.?

    ..Are there any coppers on here who would like to explain their viewpoint regarding being a Peace officer.

    Is it seen as being a bit mamby pamby upholding your sworn oath to uphold the Law of the Land and act accordingly.

    You all swear this oath to serve and protect us the sovereign citizens, however oh so many times we are treated with aggression and hostility.

    Anyone who deals with the general public knows only too well what a massive pain in the rear some can be, however we also know that we do meet some warm friendly and law abiding majority.

    Your obsession with your Police Officers job of obtaining fraudulantly revenue for your corporation seems to occupy the major part of your shift along with unlawfully detaining law abiding citizens, demanding identification and what business we have for simply walking along the public footpath or driving our cars on our public roads.

    Can you not wonder why the citizens you are sworn to serve get so irrate at you for delaying and harrassing us.

    Your job is hard enough, why make it harder with this alianation. You are putting bread on your table and a roof over your families heads just like us.

    Are you baited like dogs by your superiors to hit the streets and have a superior arrogant attidude and take no **** from anyone.

    We are about to see normally unthinkable civil disobedience and public demonstrations and protests, but instead of having empathy with us you dress up like robo cop raise your batons and charge into fellow citizens who are exercising our birthright to disagree with matters deemed wrong.

    No one appointed you judge, to remove our rights as its not your job to do so.

    I sincerely would like some inteligent response from you as some of your behaviours are very difficult to fathem.

    5 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago
  • What chance the human race?

    It seems to me that tonight more than usual people are swiping at each other.

    Why is this.

    Is it the realisation that America is hitting the skids at a rate, so quick our eyes are watering.

    Or is it that America has a dupicous corrupt and wholely incompitant series of Governments that are mearly puppets to the Federal Reserve.

    Congressmen and Presidents alike have been chosen by their Master to serve only them and damn the people they apparently swore an oath to serve.

    Isn't it a time of uniting as the Bill of Rights and Constitution was designed to do and demand a stop to the Federal Reserve controlling money supply. And bankrupting the country.

    Impeach all politicians and make them account for the crimes against the American people.

    The people must come first and foremost.

    Otherwise I think we may see this summer what those FEMA camps are really for.

    Left or Right, Black or White, Rich or Poor it doesn't matter one Toyota if were all inside a FEMA camp this summer.

    Do you agree or not?

    Take a look at : you tube, why Rothschild owns the U.S.A.

    V.funny cartoon ;-)

    2 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • What does a birth cert really means?

    Legally the word Register means,: To give up, impart, to pass over ownership.

    This means than when we proudly register our new born and obtain a birth certificate for him/her we are actually Legally passing over the "ownership" of our children to the state and we the parents are mere keepers of our new born.

    This gives the state the right to retake "ownership" of the child as or whenever they wish.

    This applies to anything we register: Land, Cars, Property, Guns etc....

    Apart from our children, aren't you amazed that this secret is kept so well it makes me suspicious as to

    A. Why do we not know exactly what Registration Legally means.

    B. What is the reason that Government wants to own our Children and anything and everything we register in innocence.

    Does this mean that we are all owned by our Governments and all we possess.

    Please give me your opinion.

    And definately look this up in any legal dictionary.

    Thank you.

    1 AnswerPregnancy8 years ago
  • What the Hell is wrong with the Irsish?

    Against all odds the Irish fought against the Greatest Imperialist Country the world have ever seen.

    We must have been a monumental pain in the **** that the British backed out of Dodge double quick time.

    We've forgotton about bitching about the weather instead we ***** about how hard life is these days.

    Days that was in no way the fault of the people.

    We elected these wealthy incompetant fools, we actually voted them in. They serve us, they are put into Government to Govern for and on our behalf of the people they have sworn an oath to serve.

    Someone please tell me why are we putting up with this lifetime of debt and poverty.

    How can we look into our Grandchildrens eyes when they ask us one day, why is everyone so poor and why have I got to go to school today and learn when im going to be on the dole when I leave just like all my friends and their Mums and Dads?

    Why is it our responsibility to pay every penny we will ever have on an increasing debt for the rest of the lives of ourselves, our children and our childrens children.

    They sat up all night three weeks ago debating how to ease the debt of the people. Those great minds came up with deffering the debt for forty years. This means they have done nothing and they patted themselves on the back for that.

    Did you vote for that, cos im sure as hell I didn't .

    The Imperialists of Britain would have never pulled that sort of stunt and yet we allow these greedy Bastards to.

    Our servants to do our bidding.

    Could we not with Peace and Unity let our servants know that enough is enough.

    Or is it best to forget the lads who fought and died for freedom.

    If this is Dublins idea of freedom, then I think id rather have Imperialism.

    Tell me your view on this please, as I need to understand our thoughts.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Tidal Wave and Tsunarmi bollocks?

    I have the greatest respect for those who died over this terrible loss of life, however what's wrong with calling these natural disasters Tidal Waves.

    Tidal waves was the words used for as long as I've been alive and to my knowledge since Britain started to speak, why do we have to call it something else.

    Have we changed it for some reason if so, who said that we should and why.

    Are these word changers going to change some other expression tomorrow without letting us know.

    Enlighten me please.

    2 AnswersInternational Organizations8 years ago
  • Pistol packing in food line?

    With some Americans be taking their Assult Rifles to line up for Red Cross food parcels in 5 years time.

    2 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • How do we philosophically understand the US today?

    With the repeated failure of American politicians, how do we feel philosophically of our perception of the American dream, has political spin doctors lied repeatedly about Presidential and Congresses power. When in reality they are meer puppets to the Global Banking Cartel who control the indoctrination of the masses.

    6 AnswersPhilosophy8 years ago