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Name of a book about traveling through Hell (Ethereans?)?
A few years ago I read a fictional book about Hell, and I want to say that there was a race of creatures in it called Ethereans/Etherians/Etherice? Google doesn't recognize any of those and I can't remember anything else about it, but it's driving me nuts that I can't remember what it was! Any readers with better memories than mine want to give it a shot?
1 AnswerBooks & Authors9 years agoWas Water for Elephants a movie or a book first?
I'd like to read it if it was written before the movie came out, but if it was a novel written after the movie then I'll pass.
4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade agoHow do Christians justify war?
Please don't preach about what you do or don't believe in, because that's not what my question is about. I am admittedly extremely ignorant of the Bible's verses and stories, but wondered about this subject: In the Christian way of thinking, doesn't God provide everything we need? If that's true then why would they condone war and fighting? Fighting and killing shouldn't be necessary to obtain our goals if they're going to be provided by a higher power. Also, simply going to war is a sin in itself isn't it? When you go into another country with the objective of killing another person, have you just judged them (sin #1) and found them unworthy, so you murder them (sin #2)?
I hope this doesn't come across as an attack, but I am legitimately interested to know the Christian viewpoint on war and wartime killing. From what little I know, it would seem more logical to take the "hippy" stance and protest warring, or at least abstain from supporting it.
19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWhat is proper etiquette for buying a girl drinks at a bar?
Hypothetical situation:
A man sitting at a bar sees two women walk into the bar and sit on the opposite side. They are very obviously close friends who are there together. He finds one of them attractive and would like to make a pass at her, so he decides he'll send her a drink.
Does he:
A) Send a drink only to the woman he's interested in.
B) Send two drinks, one for the woman he's interested in and one for her friend.
**If you were thinking about it, DON'T talk about women being golddiggers because it's irrelevant. In this situation the man in question wants to buy the drink, it's not being demanded.
8 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade agoHow do I know I'm home-schooling my preschooler the best way possible?
After calling around to some of the preschools in our area, I have decided to try home schooling to prep my son for kindergarten. Although I would honestly prefer to have him in a real school environment, it is unfortunately NOT an option for our family.
My question now is: How do I find the "best" at-home preschool kit and curriculum? Is there some place that these programs are rated by professionals and parents? They all have testimonials on their web pages, but I'd rather have some non-biased opinions and ratings.
3 AnswersHome Schooling1 decade agoIs it tacky to give money to a recent widower?
A man in my company lost his wife to a lung infection a few days ago. The customary card is being passed around for everyone to sign, but my boss is also collecting money to put on a Visa cash card for him. Is this tacky?
The man has several younger children and doesn't make a large yearly salary, so I know that he could certainly use the financial help, but something about this just seems...odd to me. I feel like we are trying to put a price tag on his loss, even though that is not the intent.
7 AnswersEtiquette1 decade agoHave you ever had a "skin tag" removed?
I think that's what they're called anyway. I just noticed this...fleshy growth that recently appeared and I want to have it checked out & removed. If it turns out to be a harmless piece of skin I still want it removed because it's unsightly and I keep scratching it. If you've had this done before, what was involved? What was the cost? Obviously costs will differ between states and insurance plans but I'm trying to get an idea of what to expect.
3 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade agoWhat are some examples of good gifts for babysitters?
Our sitter has been babysitting my son for over a year. I really appreciate her and all that she does for my son and I; I want to give her something for the holidays but I'm just not sure what to give (or make, since I've been making quite a few of the gifts I'm giving this year).
What are some things that you've given as a parent, or received as a babysitter?
10 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoHave an idea for a story title?
My best friend and I have been creatively writing in our spare time. We come up with a story title or a sentence, and have to write a short story or chapter around it. Anyone have any ideas for a title we can use for the next one?
7 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade agoWho's had their eyebrows waxed & wants to tell me about it?
I've never had mine done before, I usually just pluck them myself. It's never been a big deal because nobody really notices your eyebrows anyway...but it's cheap enough to have done, I think I might give it a shot. There are some questions though that I'd like to have answered by people who have done this before:
1. Where can you go to have it done?
2. How badly does it hurt?
3. Does your skin turn red, and if so, for how long?
I'm going to a rehearsal dinner tonight for a friends wedding (which is tomorrow), and I'd like to have this done before the dinner but not if my forehead is going to be blazing red for hours afterward.
6 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade agoDoes anyone else hear a duck call in Rihanna's new song?
She does this song with Jay-Z, I think it's called "Run This Town" or something like that, but seriously, does anyone else hear a duck call in it??? Awful!
2 AnswersOther - Music1 decade agoMen: Sex aside, what does your girl/wife do that lets you know she cares?
Because of my background and personality, I am definitely not a romantic or clingy woman. I don't celebrate things like 6 month anniversaries, "sweetest day," or do a lot of the things that I hear and read about from other, more sentimental women. Sometimes I'm afraid that this causes other people to view me in the wrong light, or think of me as unfeeling. My boyfriend has told me before that he thinks I'm too cold, and the day that I asked him if he thought I was affectionate he just laughed and gave me this look that said "you're kidding, right?".
So guys, what are some non-sexual things (I've never associated sexual intimacy with affection, so I don't feel like getting physically closer to him is an expression of my feelings) that your girlfriend or wife does for you that lets you know that she cherishes you above any other man? Women are free to answer this as well, but I want to know what the men actually notice, since there are sometimes things that we all do for our partners that go unappreciated or taken for granted.
7 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agoIs it a fashion faux pas to wear tights with short pants?
I can't believe I'm asking Internet people for advice on an outfit, but whatever...
I have these black work slacks that stop just below the knee, I wear them during the summer but now that colder weather is here I want to know if it's ok to wear them with thick tights, a long-sleeved shirt, and heels or short boots? I guess it's kind of hard to judge without seeing it, but I'm not sure if this is a look that people have tried before or if I'm going to look like a homeless lady.
4 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade agoWhere can I find good quality, inexpensive baking supplies?
I am a novice cookie baker, and I've been trying out a lot of new recipes and looking for kitchen equipment to help me. I know it doesn't take much to make a batch of cookies, but I'm wanting to make some "fancier" ones for the holiday season. What I really need are cookie cutters, but I've seen the price range varies a lot. Is there something in particular I should be looking for in cookie cutters?
Also, if there are any well-known stores that have high-quality baking supplies at lower prices (I'm in Ohio, so stores in Europe aren't going to be much help!) or a web site with those items, I'd appreciate knowing about them!
3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agoWould it be tacky to wear the same dress to two different weddings?
At my boyfriends brothers wedding a few weeks ago, I wore this dress that I bought specifically to wear to that event. I received a TON of compliments on it that night, and I really like it. We have another wedding coming up for some of our friends. The general group of people who will be at this second wedding will be the same people I knew from the last one, so would it be passe for me to wear the same thing to this event? Understandably, the day isn't about me, but I don't want to break some unwritten law or look like an idiot.
6 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade agoDollhouse watchers: What is with Paul Ballard's obsession with Caroline?
I have been watching the second season of the Dollhouse, and am currently making my way through the 3rd season. The fact that agent Ballard is obsessed with Caroline (Echo) is stressed so heavily, but I feel like I missed the "why?"
P.S. Does anyone else think Topher is a wordy pain-in-the-@ss? I know that's the way his character is supposed to be, but sometimes it's just annoying that he spends so much time with the witty banter.
2 AnswersDrama1 decade agoWhich historical figures would make easily recognizable costumes?
My boyfriend and I are going to a Halloween party, and the theme for the party is historical figures. We're both really pale, average height/size, and usually pretty creative when it comes to Halloween costumes. I'd like to see what ideas the Yahoo! community comes up with though, can anyone think of historical figures who would be easy to identify? Celebrities, criminals, royalty, doesn't really matter to us!
1 AnswerHalloween1 decade agoDo you think the world is going to end in 2012?
I have a cousin who is living her life as if there are absolutely no consequences for her actions, because in her mind, there aren't! Her father has brainwashed her into believing that we're all destined to die in 3 years, so live your life the way you want to right now and damn the results. She had a baby earlier this year, brought him home for about 2 months, then decided the baby was cramping her style and was too much like work, so she took him to the department of family services to give him up for adoption. Her mother ended up contacting family services and is currently seeking custody, but the cousin feels absolutely no remorse or responsibility for this, because according to her and her crackpot father, the kid won't live to see 4 anyway, and it's not her problem.
Does anyone else believe that the world is ending soon? Do you think this gives you the right to do whatever the hell you want, without thinking of others?
13 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoWhat are some famous movie duos?
I'm trying to come up with Halloween costume ideas for my boyfriend and myself, and am thinking along the lines of famous duos. Last year we were Doctor Frankfurter and Columbia, so we're definitely not afraid to be a little wild (that was the first and hopefully last time I've had to walk into a store and say "I need a pair of platform heels for my boyfriend"). It would have to be something easily recognizable, so that we're not constantly explaining to everyone who we are, but something that's not been overdone!
Who are some famous duos? They don't have to be traditional "couples," just two characters of the same story.
11 AnswersMovies1 decade agoDo women look good in fedoras?
I know they are typically a man's hat, but in your opinion do women look attractive in them? I'm just curious...I typically don't look good in any hat so it doesn't matter, but I think they're cute on the rack!
2 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago