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I'm DAMON. I'm 17 and I play lots of tennis and I LOVE to travel. I love hanging out with my friends, exercising, roller coasters, being spontaneous and adventurous, and doing something new and exciting every day. Also, I was an exchange student in Barcelona, Spain for 2 months and I can speak Spanish almost fluently and I'm starting to learn French.

  • Can you go to the Olympic Park during the Olympics without a ticket?

    Is it possible to go to the Olympic Park in London for the 2012 Olympics just to walk around, explore, and soak up the atmosphere...or is it absolutely necessary to have a ticket for an event to get into the park?

    2 AnswersOlympics9 years ago
  • What is this called in HTML?

    What are these five post slideshow gallery things called on these two websites?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design10 years ago
  • How to change sidebar font in WordPress?

    I'm going crazy. This shouldn't be this hard - and after googling for at least an hour, I can't find anything to really help me out here.

    Does ANYONE know how to change the font of the sidebar (where the widgets are), especially in the Yoko theme? I don't have " #sidebar " in my stylesheet.css by the way.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design10 years ago
  • How to create a contact form in HTML?

    I'm trying to create an html contact me form for my website so all inquiries will be sent to my email. I've found results on google, but as a newbie to my new website on wordpress...I'm getting very confused.

    Does anyone know of any contact form html that I can just paste into my CONTACT page...instead of messing with all the .php files and uploading stuff through FTP?

    Thanks, in advance.

    4 AnswersProgramming & Design10 years ago
  • Is it worth using five real sugars to equal one Splenda/Sweet N Low?

    I've been trying to switch from artificial sugar to real sugar because of all the bad things I keep hearing about Splenda, Aspartame, and all that. What I have found is that I'm using a lot more sugar packets in my coffee. For example, I used to use one splenda, but now I find myself using four packets of real sugar...

    So is it worth putting in all the real sugar just to equal one artificial sugar?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • My friends figured out who I have for Secret Santa. How can I fool them?

    My friends and I all did Secret Santa and eventually everyone told each other who they had...except me. They all tried to figure out who had who, but I'm refusing to tell who I have, since that's the point of SECRET santa. Anyway, they ended up figuring out who I have, but I'm still not telling them until we open our presents.

    How can I fool them? I want to have the last laugh!

    At the gift exchange should I "give" the present to someone else and act like I, along with whoever else, was given the same name to fool everyone? Any better ideas?

    2 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • Am I getting the flu or a cold or what?

    My symptoms include:

    - Achy, sensitive body

    - Headache

    - Sensitivity to light

    - Dry throat

    Is this the flu? Just a cold? It just started today.

    3 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • How to cope with my dog being given away once I moved to college?

    My family and I got a dog when I was 12 and I mainly took care of him up until a few weeks ago when I left for college. Before leaving for college, I was assured that my dog would be fine and my mom said the last thing she would do is give him away.

    Last night, I called my mom and asked how my dog was doing and she was really short about the whole conversation. I didn't think anything of it until she called me today and said I need to tell you about something. On the phone she told me that my dog has been living with another family ever since the weekend I left. The family she described obviously sounds a lot better for my dog than my mom taking care of him (she works 8-9 hours a day, but comes home for lunch). This new family has two little girls and the mother stays home all day. I know that their family is a lot more well-suited for my dog than my family is now that I'm gone, but it still makes me very upset.

    I hate to be so angry at my mother, but it just makes me so mad since I love my dog and I don't have any control over what's going on back home (I moved across the country for college).

    How do I cope with this? My mom keeps saying "I hope you're not mad at me", but wouldn't anyone be mad if they were me in this situation? What do I do?

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Do I really need to erase everything on my computer before selling it?

    I sold my laptop via AMAZON. I've been wanting to erase everything on my computer (so that it'd be back to factory settings), but I don't have my Windows Vista disk anymore. I hear that before selling your laptop you should get rid of all private files, but when I think about it, I don't really have any PRIVATE files. I plan on changing my passwords to my online bank account and other websites I use frequently. Other than that, what "private" files would need to be erased?

    The buyer said he would like Windows Vista on the laptop. Should I just delete all my programs and sell it to him, or clean out my entire computer and make him pay for Vista himself? I'm really confused!

    6 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • What to do to my laptop before selling it?

    I'm selling my laptop and I need to erase everything it's original condition. I'm not extremely computer-savvy, but I know how to use my laptop for the most part.

    How much would it cost to have a computer professional do this on average?

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • What religion would I be?

    What religion would I be classified into? I've always been a "Christian" just because that was the norm, but as I got older I grew more curious about religion.

    I researched and thought I'd fit best into Humanism or Unitarian Universalism, but there are still things I don't agree with in both of those so I'm curious if there is a different religion I don't know about that I would fit more into.

    - I believe in Karma

    - I believe we all have our own destiny

    - I believe in trying to be the best person you can be and to live up to your full potential

    - I don't believe in reincarnation, nor do I believe we're just "done" after we die

    - I believe there is some sort of afterlife, but it is impossible to figure out what it is

    - I think homosexuals should be allowed get married and should not be looked down upon

    - I don't really believe there is a god in the clouds controlling what we're doing, but I'm not really too sure about it

    - I believe in evolution

    - I believe you can be MORAL without practicing a religion

    - I believe in co-existing, having tolerance, and keeping peace among everyone

    - I believe it's more about what you DO, than what you BELIEVE

    What would I be in terms of religion?

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What adjective would describe a person like this?

    I can't think of the right adjective for someone who is always like "oh they can do it themselves!", or "why should i have to do it for them!", or "they can figure it out themselves!"

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • What length should my hair be for these faux-hawks?

    I normally cut my hair at the number 2 blade and i would say right now my hair is about a number 3. I normally just cut my hair (i do it myself) at a number 2 all the way to make a buzz cut and now I'm thinking about trying something different: the short faux-hawk hairstyle.

    Here is the look I would like:

    I like this one best;


    What length does my hair need to be in order to cut these (my hair is a number three now)? What number blade should I cut the sides/top? Also, any tips?

    2 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • What should my illegal immigration thesis be?

    I'm more liberal on the illegal immigration debate. I believe in equality, peace, and tolerance and don't think we should build a huge border between mexico and the usa. I can see why many people immigrate here illegally (wars, abuse, stalking, visas taking FOREVER to get). I think we should grant amnesty to those illegal immigrants who contribute to a better America, but the ones who sell drugs (...i know its a stereotype we give to immigrants that for the most part is not true) or who are criminals should be deported.

    I also think that without immigrants, none of us would be here (unless you're native american)

    I just don't really know what to "call" my thesis, I guess...

    Any advice?

    8 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • What questions should I ask in an immigration interview (for research project)?

    I have to conduct an interview with an immigration expert to learn more about the issue.

    What questions should I ask him/her?

    4 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • What in coffee "stunts your growth"?

    I've always heard "coffee stunts your growth" and I've always wondered why. As I looked more and more into it on the internet, I started hearing that it's a myth.

    Is the whole "coffee stunts your growth" saying a myth? Why is it a myth or why isn't it a myth? What in coffee would stunt someone's growth?

    8 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks1 decade ago
  • Why does my facebook log me off and on in FACEBOOK CHAT?

    Facebook chat logs me on and off about every 15-30 seconds which makes it hard to have a conversation. I've changed my password and I've tried two different web browsers.

    Also, why doesn't facebook let me know when I have a comment? Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't.

    Any help? Please!

    3 AnswersFacebook1 decade ago
  • What would you consider me, religion-wise?

    What would you consider me? I used to go to church and I enjoyed it for the most part, but I find myself questioning the Bible more and more.

    Here is what I do and do not believe in:

    *I don't believe that just because someone isn't your religion that you can't marry them

    *I don't believe that you have to go to church to be a member of that religion (many people say you're not a Christian if you don't go to church...which is another reason why I'm growing further away from Christianity)

    *I believe in evolution

    *I don't think that people who don't believe in the bible (or w/e) should just go to hell. That's not right, in my opinion.

    *I don't believe the world is only 2,000 or so years old. I believe it's extremely old (4.6 billion)

    *I don't believe in Adam & Eve (and I don't think I believe everything the Bible says, however, it does have many good teachings)

    *I believe in tolerance among religions (coexisting)

    *I don't think one religion is better than another

    *I do think there is some kind of god

    *I don't like people pushing their religion on me

    *Most of all, I believe it's what you do that makes you a good person, not what you believe

    I've seen a group on facebook saying "Anti-Athiest" which I completely don't like. I don't think anyone should "hate" someone else just because they have different views.

    Sorry for all the stuff about Christianity. It's just the religion I know and hear the most about.

    Would I just be a more open-minded Christian? Is there a word for what I am?

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • My laptop says "plugged in, not charging". What do I do?

    I have a DELL Inspiron 1420 and I got it in January 2008 and I'm having problems. It is no longer under warranty.

    A few months ago, my power cord stopped working, so I replaced it and everything was fine. Now, my laptop won't charge and by the battery icon it says "plugged in, not charging". I just bought a brand new battery for my laptop, and it STILL displays the same message, and will not charge.

    What do I do?

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • What is it called when you use words you know to get around words you don't know?

    It's called something like "circum-something". Say you don't know how to say spoon in spanish, you would then describe it like "the thing you use when you eat soup". AGH it's gonna kill me if I can't figure out what it's called!

    4 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago