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  • Waiting to hear back after softball tryouts?

    My daughter has been playing softball since she was five (10now) and has excelled. I mean she dominates every year and is hands down the best player on her team. The problem with that is her team isn't very good, the coach means well but he's just a dad. I noticed this season she is killing herself to make a play only to have her team mates picking flowers and watching butterflies. I've wanted to change teams and go competitive since 8u and have finally talked my husband into it this year. So we've been having tryouts the past two weekends for various teams that we have selected. Today we tried out for our number one choice and she killed it. I love watching her play. She brought her A-game today. So there were two other girls trying out that we know. And I've been texting with their moms today about the try outs and waiting to hear back and how nerve wrecking it is. The coaches said we would hear back by tomorrow at the latest. If we got on the team they would call if we weren't choosen they would email. The other two girls already heard back that they didn't make the team. So is it good news that we haven't heard back. I mean obviously my daughter wasn't immediately dismissed. Ahhh I wish they would just call!!!! Of course I'm keeping this to myself, I don't want to upset my daughter. But geez this is killin me.

    4 AnswersBaseball8 years ago
  • My daughter doesn't like the going to the Sunday school at church?

    We've been going to a new church since the middle of March and this is a church we have attended every Sunday since and do not intend of leaving. We are VERY new to "church" and faith. Our two youngest 3 and 2 attend the Sunday school services with no problem and our 10 year old resists and wants to go to our service with us. I'm mean she really doesn't want to go. She always wants to drop of the little ones before her. I'm guessing to wait as long as possible to go in and walks really slow to the door and I almost have to push her. I literally have my hand on her back pressing. I really wish she would go. I think she will learn on her level and not the adults. I think that's why I just now have a desire to attend. Because I now understand it instead of something on a level that was just to old for me. Could this just be social awkwardness because these kids all know each other and she's the new girl. I can't think of how to suggest she introduce herself and join the conversations. Sucks being the new girl. I never could do this so I don't know what to tell her. OR something like she's being teased and doesn't want to tell me. When I ask her she says it's because she's the littlest and there aren't alot of other girls.

    7 AnswersGrade-Schooler8 years ago
  • I need Movie suggestions?

    I need some movie suggestions. I've really been on apocalyptic type movies (like the legion); conspiracy theory type movies(the da vinci code); science fiction (avatar). Old movies or new, doesn't matter to me. I like suspense and teeter on thriller but no horror. I really like movies that make you think and possibly pause and google, the da vinci code met that beautifully and looking for another. I wandered around the video store for like an hour last night so any suggestions would be awesome! Thanks

    4 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • how do I prepare my children for MY upcoming surgery?

    I am having a complete thyroidectomy in a couple weeks due to inconclusive biopsy results on three large nodules over the size of 2.5 cm each. I have three girls ages 9, 3, and 2. I'm not as worried about how my little ones will take it as I am about my 9 year old. Aside from her age she is very sensitive and protective of me. This surgery isn't going to be like a hystorectomy or appendicitis it will leave a very obvious scar across the front of my neck. I feel like I need to prepare them for what I will look like afterwards. Any suggestions? I thought about showing them some pictures of a thyroid scar at various stages of healing. But I don't know if that would be too graffic (however they will be seeing mine in person). Also my hospital stay. I don't want to tell them that I'll be home in two days when there is a possibility that if it IS cancer I could be there even longer for radiation and they wouldn't even get to come visit. At this point they have no idea that cancer is even a possibility. All they know is that I have three big bumps that make it difficult for me to enjoy life so my thyroid is being retired. Afterwards I feel all better. And they seem ok with that. Anybody go through this?

    5 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • What color should I paint my dressing room?

    We are currently in the process of remodeling our basement and all the children will then move downstairs and the current nursery upstairs will become my room, my dressing room. This room will house ALL my makeup, hair tools, accessories and product, all my clothes, shoes, bags and jewelry. My question what is a color that I can paint that I will be able to get dressed and ready in without the color making my hair, makeup, clothes look funky. I'm blonde haired, blue eyed and fairly pale complected. My clothing IS a wide array of colors but typically my daily wears are dark, lots of blacks, greys, browns etc... Any ideas on how to decorate/paint a dressing room?

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • How do you use a heat protectant on your hair?

    I hate to blow out my hair. I just don't like the way it feels and looks. I typically will wash my hair at night before I go to bed. By morning my hair is about 80% dry so I'll run a blow dryer through it without a round brush before I begin flat ironing. My question do I apply my heat protectant and other products at night while my hair is still wet or in the morning just before drying it completely?

    4 AnswersHair9 years ago
  • How to respond to compliments?

    Whenever anybody gives me a compliment it makes me really uncomfortable and I don't know how to respond. I admit my appearance, fashion and overall general maintenance of myself has come a long way in the last several months. Whenever anybody comments or compliments me on my clothes, hair or make-up I worry they think I'm high maintenance or spend too much money. I always feel like I need to explain why I lightened my hair, or why I have shellac on my nails (birthday party at a nail salon), or how I'm rebuilding my wardrobe (I'm not really a shopaholic, I just have a new found passion for fashion and make-up). Also, when shopping someone always says your skinny; I wish I was skinny like you; on and on and on and it makes me really uncomfortable, I don't know how to respond. Do I give them a compliment which doesn't feel genuine? Simply saying thank you doesn't feel like enough, almost snobby ya know?

    4 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • Am I being Insecure--why can't I make friends?

    Everytime I meet someone, (especially if I like them and want to befriend them)I worry I'm "coming on too strong". I always worry about texting them or sounding needy. I always worry I have a strange personality and strange sense of humor. Since my husband stopped drinking several years back and I got laid off I lost the majority of my friends. And I just don't know how to make friends now so I always worry I'm being creepy. How does a 28 year old married woman with three kids make friends? And please don't say playgroups I want more than a "mommy" friend. I want someone I can do grown up-girl stuff with.

    3 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • What could be causing my legs to suddenly cramp?

    In the last few weeks I've been getting horrible leg cramps in my quads and my knees. They aren't sore from exercise, nothing has changed with's achy. any ideas?

    3 AnswersOther - General Health Care9 years ago
  • Whats the ratio of 25%?

    I'm reading an article that is comparing two countries one is 1:10 the other is 25% I just want to make sure I'm comparing them correctly example 1:10,2:10,3:10......

    3 AnswersMathematics9 years ago
  • Why is the american government so afraid to end the prohibition of marijuana?

    This is totally hypothetical for a research paper.

    2 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • How to complain to my tattoo artist about another artist at the shop?

    I love my tattoo artist but there's another artist there (or I assume he's an artist he's always sitting at the desk blabbing his mouth) that is so obnoxious he talks super loud about getting wasted that night, and what a bit#$ his ex wife is blah blah blah and has a really fowl mouth I can hear him while I'm getting my tatoo, and while my artist and I were discussing my tattoo he would constantly be interrupting. How do I mention it to him without sounding like a complaining customer. I love his work but

    always feel really uncomfortable

    4 AnswersTattoos9 years ago
  • How do I get pandora to stop playing so much eminem?

    He plays on every station of mine from mountain music to cypress hill. I hate eminem all I hear is wah wah wah. I thumbs down him as much as I can but sometimes I'm in the middle of something and dont want to/or can't back out.

    2 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop9 years ago
  • Should an eight year old have unlimited access to the refrigerator?

    My daughter always asks before getting something to eat for several reasons. 1 we don't have a ton of snacks laying around. I usually buy ingredients for a recipe. And we have fruits and veggies to snack on. And 2 I cook meals if it's close to meal time I don't want her filling up on snacks before we eat. My father in law doesn't agree with this. He doesn't think our kids should have to ask before eating in their own home. I agree to a certain extent. But he also doesn't sit down and eat diner as a family every night. I'm strong enough to hold my grounds but this issue does make me question this part of our parenting. I don't want her to feel like a guest in her own home. But she is still just eight. I don't know.

    16 AnswersGrade-Schooler9 years ago
  • I have a Juicing question?

    After the holidays I plan to do a master cleanse and start eating as natural as possible. What is good juice recipe that I can make in the morning to boost my energy and get my brain working for the day. Pretty much my new healthier coffee without the crash.

    4 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan9 years ago
  • Dog growling and snapping?

    Our dog has started to give warning growls and even has snapped a few times at our 2 year old and a friend of ours 4 year old. My husband is hot to trot. He says he will not have a dog that bites. And we have to get rid of him. I've only been able to bond with two dogs my whole life. Him and a dog that jumped my fence and I was unable to find. before this dog theres was a decade after my first dog jumped our fence that is filled with random dogs who's names I can't even remember in an attempt to fill that void. That I just could not bond with. Now that I have this connection again I may have to give it up. I'm desperate. What can I do to fix this behavior. Fyi he is neutered. Thanks

    5 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • How do I make myself throw up?

    I'm not bulimic nor do I wish to be I just feel awful and know throwing up will make me feel better. I've tried my fingers and toothbrush I gag but thats about it. any other suggestions?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health10 years ago