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Lv 56,845 points


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Feel free to email me if you have something to say, but don't expect me to reply. I usually don't bother, and when I do, I get an error message and yahoo won't send my reply to you.

  • What is your blood type, and do mosquitos target you?

    I've noticed me, my dad, and grandma get bitten badly by mosquitos, but the people around us in the same place don't get as many bites. It turns out, the three of us have an A blood type. So, I wonder if mosquitos really like certain blood types more than others (probably not, but what harm could a poll do). What's your blood type, and do mosquitos seem to target you more than others?

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • How to simplify this fraction, subtraction, and division problem?

    (1/x^2 - 1/y^2) / (1/x - 1/y)

    I tried multiplying by the reciprocal but this… is not working. At all :\

    3 AnswersMathematics7 years ago
  • How to factor a cubic polynomial?

    x^3 - 4x^2 + x + 6

    I got this far by grouping:

    x^2(x - 4) + (x + 6)

    What do I do next? D:

    6 AnswersMathematics7 years ago
  • What reality TV shows do you think reflect society?

    I ask this because I have a project to do for my Sociology course. We have to watch three reality TV shows and analyze the content, explaining how the themes and such reflect society is some ways. I… never watch reality TV. I hardly watch TV at all in fact, so I have no clue where to start.

    So, what reality TV shows do you think reflect society? It can be for any country although I believe my professor mostly expects American shows :\

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Reality shows that reflect society?

    To elaborate, I have a project to do for my Sociology course. We have to watch three reality TV shows and analyze the content, explaining how the themes and whatnot reflect society is some ways. I… never watch reality TV. I hardly watch TV at all in fact, so I'm asking for reality shows that you think would be good for this assignment because I have no clue.

    1 AnswerReality Television7 years ago
  • Is this super short Japanese paragraph done correctly?

    I know doing this whole thing being in kana is a bit weird, but it's how I'm supposed to write things for my class ^^'

    ひるごはんは ピザ。わたしは ピザが すき です。きょう、わたしは にほんごとかがくを べんきょうします。こんばん、わたしは ねます。

    It's supposed to say:

    Lunch is pizza. I like pizza. Today, I study Japanese and Science. Tonight, I sleep.

    Also, I know the most of the spaces in the sentences aren't needed, they're just there /temporarily/ so I can more easily see each individual word.

    1 AnswerLanguages7 years ago
  • What is it called when society runs out of resources?

    Or if a commonly used resource become extinct, or extremely rare. Is there a word for this?

    1 AnswerEconomics7 years ago
  • Are you bothered by the NSA?

    If not… feel free to share your thoughts. If so, feel free to share your thoughts! I care, I mean, I'm not even in America but if I can help people out, why not?

    For those who do care, this site might be worth checking out.

    There will be a protest on the eleventh so spread the word!

    And again, those who don't care are welcome to answer this question too and explain their view point ^^

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • How does bleach react with fire? Is it dangerous?

    So... I feel a bit stupid right now. I was cleaning the kitchen and sprayed bleach onto the stove to clean it. Then it occurred to me, will something dangerous happen if I turn on the stove? It's the kind that has open flame. I'd really rather not cause a bleach-fire explosion.

    3 AnswersCleaning & Laundry7 years ago
  • In Blender 2.68, can textures applied in Cycles Render be used in Blender Render?

    So... I made a dinosaur and a meteor and then textured it with the Cycles Render engine. Now I want to make a fiery animation, but to do that I need to use Blender Render. If I go to Blender Render though, my models lose their textures.

    Is there a way to get the models /with/ their textures that were applied in Cycles Render to appear in Blender Render?

    And I am a complete noob, so please be very detailed if you know the solution.

    Oh, and all the textures are JPEG image textures, if that matters.

    1 AnswerSoftware8 years ago
  • Do you think "female" is de-humanizing?

    I have heard that some women hate the term "female". Female can define any animal of that sex, but terms like "woman" are strictly human.

    As a female, I don't mind that term at all. Does it bother any of you though when a human woman is called "female"?

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • What do you think of atheist jewelry?

    I found this ad on Y!A.

    Apparently they sell atheist jewelry. What do you think of this, do you even care? Would you ever buy this for yourself or another atheist?

    I think it's a bit silly but am otherwise indifferent.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • So, what's so bad about Muslims?

    First off, yes this is a lot of text. If you can't handle this because you're allergic to reading, I suggest you leave the internet. The internet has a lot of text, you might end up dead if you stay here too long with your reading allergies.


    Every time I mention the fact that Islam is no worse than any other religion, I get hate for it. Why? Has everyone forgotten the other extremist acts performed in the name of religion?

    Ku Klux Klan acted based on their interpretation of what their God wanted.

    Crusaders murdered many people because they believed it to be God's will.

    Army of God attacked doctors and abortion clinics because they were fighting for what they believed to be God's will.

    Gush Emunim Underground attacked mayors of West Bank (a territory in West Asia) because they believed that action is what their God wanted.

    Religion doesn't kill people, people kill people. You can murder in the name of religion, but in the end, you're the one who murdered. Your religion didn't do anything because "religion" is not something that can act on its own. PEOPLE act upon their interpretation of their religion. You must have brain damage if you think absolutely everyone interprets the Qur'an to be a justification for violence. Just like with the Bible or Torah or any other similar works, some interpret it to be a peaceful message and others interpret it to be a justification for violence.

    So please, grow up and stop acting like every single person who calls themself "Muslim" is a terrorist. Those terrorists are a select few people who have a radical interpretation of the Qur'an, not every Muslim. I don't support any religion, and I especially do not support religious extremists. But this anti-Islam mindset everyone seems to have is prejudiced and unjust.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Is there anyone who'd draw for free?

    Like, someone who's good at drawing and draws for free.

    I don't need anything drawn right now, but out of curiosity, I wonder if there's even a person who'd draw for someone else for free. I always see artists but they never seem to take requests unless it's from a friend :/

    4 AnswersDrawing & Illustration8 years ago
  • What was the first rehabilitation center in the United States?

    Rehabilitation center as in a hospital or clinic or something that was made to help people overcome addictions to substances like alcohol or drugs.

    1 AnswerHistory8 years ago
  • Y!A is having issues?

    "Yahoo! Answers is undergoing essential maintenance on Thursday 24 January 2013 starting at 9.30 pm PST. and lasting several hours. During this time all updates (Asking, Answering, Voting, Rating etc.) will be temporarily unavailable until we finish. You can still browse through all content on the site"

    It's not January 24 ಠ_ಠ

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • If an artificially intelligent robot was built, and it has emotion, are those emotions valid?

    Please say what your religion, if you have one, is with your answer. I suspect that most religious people would say the emotions are invalid, because only "life" that comes from a God can feel. Non-religious people will say the emotions are no more invalid than human emotion as they are caused by chemical reactions within your body and if a robot's design can imitate this then it has valid emotion.

    Let's see how accurate or inaccurate these suspicions are.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Is this English to Spanish translation correct?

    So we have to give a presentation in my Spanish class about a "pass time" we have. I'd like to make sure this is grammatically correct and all before presenting. Also, for god's sake, please do not shove google translate at me. Any half brained moron could use that. I need help from people who know what they're doing.


    Here's what is is in English:

    I like drawing in photoshop as a pass time. I've been editing photos since I was eleven but only recently started to learn how to draw in Photoshop. I would like to be a graphic designer, so I have to learn how to draw.

    To use Photoshop you need a computer and a Photoshop program. A basic function in Photoshop is managing layers. You can put different images on different layers. To draw, I start with what is called a base. I use shapes like circles and ractangles and then add details to make a picture. I generally draw at home on the computer. You do not have to go far to do this. It only takes one person to draw.

    Using Photoshop to draw is fun for me because I love to create beautiful pictures.

    Here's my translation:

    Me gusta dibujar en photoshop como un pasatiempo. He estado editando fotos desde que tenía once años pero sólo recientemente comenzó a aprender a dibujar en Photoshop. Quiero ser un diseñador gráfico, así que tengo que aprender a dibujar.

    Para utilizar Photoshop se necesita un ordenador y un programa de photoshop. Una cosa básica en Photoshop es la gestión de capas. Usted puede poner diferentes imágenes en diferentes capas. Para dibujar, empiezo con lo que se llama una base. Utilizo formas como círculos y ractangles y agregue detalles para hacer una foto. Yo suelo dibujar en casa en el equipo. Usted no tiene que ir muy lejos para hacer esto. Sólo se necesita una persona para dibujar.

    Uso de Photoshop para dibujar es divertido para mí porque me encanta crear belleza.


    It may be a lot of text, so sorry for that. I would appreciate help though ^^

    4 AnswersLanguages9 years ago
  • It seems a certain outlet damages laptop chargers?

    So, in the course of 6 months or so two laptop chargers, from different computers (a dell and eee pc) broke. They started off saying it's plugged in and not charging, and then eventually just stopped working all together. This became quite frustrating because there seemed to be no reason the chargers kept breaking.

    Well, I think I pinned down the problem. I have a new laptop (an hp), and it's been working fine. Then, when I started charging it with the outlet I always used for the other computers, I get a message saying that it's plugged in and not charging. So, this computer is very new. There's no way the charger is breaking already, and when I plugged it into another outlet it was fine.

    So, my question is, why would a certain outlet destroy laptop chargers, and is there a way to fix it?

    Also, this isn't an old broken down house, it's brand new, I'm the first person to live in it. So that outlet can't be blamed on the house's age, but perhaps there's faulty electrical wiring or something? Other electrical things (fans, air fresheners) work fine in that outlet. It just seems to kill computer chargers for whatever reason.

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks9 years ago