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  • Why is it taxpayer responsibility to pay for transgender operations?

    I want to ask a question and I really mean it. I'm not trying to be mean here. 

    Why is it taxpayer responsibility to pay for transgender operations? They are not cheap.

    It is an unfair financial burden on taxpayers for someone's personal choice. If someone wants to do that shouldn't they pay for it themselves? and the medications that go along with it? What does paying for someone's gender change have to do with the defense of the nation?

    I'm really confused here. Could someone enlighten me of another perspective that's scientific and logical? I'm looking for an educated answer.

  • what does a computer operations position do?

    I have a job offer for a computer ops 2 position. Im about to graduate next week with my bachelors degree in Information Technology Networking. I have had a few interviews about the position but they were so vague on what I will be doing, I know its messing with an AS400 and some monitoring software but thats about it. The position from what I understand does back ups and sounds quite boring. Maybe someone has some expertise out there that can shine some light on what I should expect in this position. Any insight would be appreciated~Thanks

    1 AnswerTechnology7 years ago
  • Question regarding peoples opinion when exercising Freedom of Speech and not agreeing with Government Laws.?

    I am a Disabled Vet from the War in Iraq, that I now know was a fraudulent war based on US global positioning and oil for big corporations, which is the reason I got out.

    My question is this: Why are people so ready to say if you don't like this country you can get the F out?

    Do they know that our elected representatives get paid off through lobbying which is legalized bribery and that corporations want to pass laws that suit corporate interests.

    Things like the Patriot Act and National Defense Acts of 2012 and 2013 are a huge hit to our civil liberties.

    Also having to have a social security number in order to have a job or have a bank account or put your children in school is like the number that the Nazi's gave to the jews in interment camps

    Or about how the NSA has been gathering information about everyone through social media like twitter, facebook, instagram, phone compaines and other corporate organizations to create a profile on you.

    to those who say "well I have nothing to hide" you are missing the point entirely

    I was reading how our number on our birth certificate is actually a stock exchange number

    We are HUMAN BEINGS created by whatever divinity you believe in, not slaves or wage slaves

    As a person that has served The United States People not the government. It offends me greatly when people say this to me and i don't comprehend why? I mean did MLK Jr. leave? No he didn't and we are a better country for it now.

    8 AnswersPhilosophy7 years ago
  • How do I determine If I am an Iraq War Vet?

    When I was 18 and just out of high school I joined Active Army in 2005. I was given the opportunity to receive 15 thousand dollars upon my signature to which I FIRMLY Declined as I was not joining for the Money, But for the Honor of serving Our Country. I did not deploy to Iraq or see combat of any kind, but was instead Deployed to Camp Casey, In South Korea and was there durring Kim Jong ILL's 2006 missile crisis where he was firing Missiles over Japan. Although we trained Heavily for Combat we never saw it, Thank God. But Seeing as to how I never went to Iraq like several of my Brothers in Arms did, I don't know if I should declare myself as an Iraq War Vet. The VA says I am one because I joined during the Time of War , But I didn't risk my life like many of my Brothers and Sisters did, I'm Confused on this issue, What do you guys think?

    5 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • should I leave my wife?

    my wife and i got married when we were 22 and got together when we where 20. now we have been together for 4 years. She is a great person, loving, faithful and caring person that only wants to see me happy. But I feel like she puts all of her hopes, dreams, happiness in me and i feel like its a lot to handle. My wife has been wanting kids for that past 2 years and i have been trying to tell her in every way possible, even coming out and saying i dont want kids until im at least 30 to 35. i dont want to waste my 20s being a parent. not that there is anything wrong with people who have kids early. This is just my opinion and the way I feel about it. Her family has welcomed me with open arms and are a much more oriented family than my family is. I'm not jealous or anything like that. I miss being single and the freedoms it has. I'm not much of a partyer so its not for that. Even when we got together, at first i was just looking to get some... i know that sounds wrong but its the truth... then i proposed to her cuz we were in a relationship for 3 months and that just felt like the only thing i havent done. durring the time of engagement i wanted to wait 2 to 3 years before we got married so we didnt set a date. but she kept hounding me about it until i finally caved and then when it was upon us i wanted to push it back but she didnt and i went through with it anyway. I am a selfish person and i know that and every year or so i have these thoughts of leaving and we get into a fight when i tell her and somehow she always convinces me to stay. I dont find her attractive and she does not like oral sex when i love and receiving, and 80% to 90 % of the time her vagina isnt so fresh if you know what i mean. we only have sex like 1 time a week and sometimes not even that. I want her to be happy but i feel like she is always found wanting in my eyes and she knows it. and that is not fair to her. I feel like i am wasting her time when she could be out there finding someone that wants the things she does and that can make her happy and give her the things she wants out of life, but she always says she is happy with me and has said that she will wait to have kids, but i know she just said that to make me stay and i dont want to deprive her of being a mother when she wants to be one so badly. i know that because now she is wanting to do this fertility diet. we have a house that her father inherited and i pay for the rent and i have also put thousands of dollars into repairing and remodeling it. also i had to buy new appliances for the house as well. i say i because i make 80% of the income not that thats a bad thing the man should be the provider. sometimes i feel like im stuck, i feel like if im not attracted to her now being overweight how am i going to look at her in 10 years when her matabalism slows down and she has a couple kids and gets bigger..... i have tried getting her to lose weight, we go to the gym, try and eat healthy by tring i mean we eat healthy and splurge every now and then but she sneaks things and doesnt tell me about them or she will eat them in front of me even after i say something like we really should not eat candy before bed or have a starch with dinner. we also do MMA together but she still has not lost any knoticeable weight and we have been doing this for 6 months. I care for her and i want her to have a happy life.....sometimes i feel like a douche for feeling this way but i feel like we dont want the same things, we hardly ever fight and she is a great friend and i would love to remain friends even if we were to divorce. I feel like kids are only going to complicate things on a whole other level. and i am not ready for that. please give some advice, marrage counseling we looked into and im sorry i dont have the money for 70 dollars and hour thats more than a days pay for me, which is the cheapest in my so that is not an option. i feel like i should leave so she has the chance while she is young to find someone so confused what should i do????

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • Is there a way that I can combine a DSL connection and a Cable internet connection to provide more bandwidth?

    i live in a rual area where my DSL connection is 1.5 mbps and cable internet is 1.0 mbps is there anyway that i can combine the two to make a theoretical 2.5 mbps? if so what equipment or process would i have to do to achieve it? Thanks for your time and attention it is much appreciated

    1 AnswerComputer Networking10 years ago
  • just got a new laptop and I am having trouble with user lockout?

    ok so I set up the user settings by putting in a password then I had to restart to update and then I try my new password to let me into the main account and it is saying its wrong. I have tried as many different combinations of the password that I can think of but it is not registering it just keeps saying that it is invalid is there any way that I can just reset the password to nothing or to something else?

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Getting papers for my pug?

    So we got our pug about a year ago. The former owner of the mother and father pug, was pregnant and just got into a car accident and moved down to arkansas from Montana and said she lost the papers in the move. she breeds pugs, beagles, and several different kinds of goats. Now the mother pug is dead, how can I get papers for my pug, Do I just need the names of the parents who are registered by AKC and it should bring them up in their database or what. Do I need their kennel numbers? My pug Looks Full blooded and she is very smart how can I get these papers so she won't be branded a Mutt, because she is not a mutt. I don't need any rude answers, thanks for the help

    11 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Got a new BCM for my chevy impala?

    ok so my cars turn signals had been messing up for a while like they wouldn't come on sometimes or they would come on but blink really fast and other times they were fine then my car worked one day and the next it didn't. so i had a mechanic come out and he said the BCM was bad and i paid to have it fixed. but my question is this i had a dummy light for check engine and check oil and now the light behind my gas Gauge does not come on, is this controlled by the BCM? should those lights have reset and be correct because i give my car regular oil changes and everything else seems to be fine with my car.

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • accidentally forgot to pay my seat belt ticket?

    so i forgot to pay my seat belt ticket that was a 50 dollar fine right. now my wife calls up to the county clerks office and now its an OMFG 300 DOLLARS. i would like to know if anyone does what stipulation or law makes a 50 dollar fine increase by 500% i mean how is this logical i know its my fault that i forgot to pay the fine but comon 300 bucks for a 50 dollar fine that's just plain ridiculous not to mention that paying 50 bucks is in no way going to save my life but just empty my already empty pockets, while wasting my time being pulled over and giving police a reason to pull anyone over just because they FEEL like it. please help me I'm just so frustrated with our illogical judicial system

    2 AnswersSafety1 decade ago
  • what is windows vistas command PATH?

    i didnt know my system did not have a restore point....thought it did and i deleted the standard one can someone copy and paste their command path or PATH plz

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • A VA medical appointment Question on Pain Therapy?

    I have my first pain therapy appointment tomorrow at the VA, for my lower and mid back pain, I smoked some weed this past weekend as it helps with the pain, should i be worried about a drug test? should i reschedule the appointment for a later date?

    1 AnswerMedicine1 decade ago
  • A VA medical appointment Question on Pain Therapy?

    I have my first pain therapy appointment tomorrow at the VA, for my lower and mid back pain, I smoked some weed this past weekend as it helps with the pain, should i be worried about a drug test? should i reschedule the appointment for a later date?

    4 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • tring to find a good game on the wii for my wife?

    she likes animal crossing, harvest moon, super paper mario, sims but only on PC and she does not like sim animals any suggestions?

    3 AnswersNintendo Wii1 decade ago