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  • One Worthless Dog Can some one help me write the music.?

    We were at home a sleeping when the front door went boom. And in come the Cops armed for death. Wortless rose up wagging his tale, Barking for a pet as he always does. 200 rounds went of and one did hit him. As the floor caved in and he fell threw to the ground. The Cops stood there chearing and patting each other on the back. It gave my kids time to open there windows. Then slip out the back. Run to the neighbors who had started there cams. Bradly was in the front yard and Sherman to. The grabed my wife and threw her to the ground. Stomped on her back. Pregnet she was. Guns to my head they were yelling . We will shot you. Now were is the money------ Oh and some drugs to. Three were on my wifes back. Thanks she had past out and could not see the blood flowing. A miscarage for my next son. They then grabed me by the hair and thew my head threw the wall. There eyes all glowing behind the black mask they wore. They cuffed me and kicked me tased me to. All the time screaming it's the drug money we want. Now if it had not been for worthless I am sure my kids would have seen all. Beat and cuffed lined up against the wall. Then a call came in. Were are you at. The dealer had a scaner and is now on the run. It seems he lived on the other side of town. They put there guns to our head and said a complant from you. And we will be back for your kids and to give you more. We retrived worthless from under the floor. Burried him out in the front yard.

    1 AnswerR&B & Soul7 years ago
  • Why is it not a election issue?

    The police brutality and miss conduct that goes on with our police. And the high cost to the tax payer in lost tax dollars to pay for lawsuits against them. Like 100 million in Chicago this year alone. And a billion for N.Y.C. When our tax dollar could be spent on worthwhile things rather than police loss?

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police7 years ago
  • Light will not turn off with garage door opener?

    You open the door with the opener and the door opens. And the light comes on. both have 3 buttons on them. Then you push the button to turn off the light and it stays on. but you can close the door with the opener. So I tried the other opener as well. Same problem with both. Light stays on till you walk to the far side of the garage and use the manual shut off. Hard wired for the light. So can you replace the sensor for the light in a garage door opener. As I assume that is were the problem is as both openers do the same thing starting today. Every thing else works but the light shut off. I know there is a circuit board in the garage door opener box on the ceiling as well. But have never worked on one. Or is it even worth taking down and trying a repair. And just use the hard wired light shut off from now on.

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs7 years ago
  • On a scale of 1 to 10 how stupid is this?

    If some one broke in your home at night to play with your dog. How stupid of them would it be not to bring there own cell phone with them to call the police with. Once the dog was finished playing with them?

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police7 years ago
  • How well can one live in the Philippines on 100,000 peso a month budget for 3 people?

    Rent a apartment 2 bedroom with air a must, eat, go out all included in that budget.

    6 AnswersPhilippines8 years ago
  • Were is the best place to live for a American oversea's?

    On $30.000 a year income. Not to hot or cold, likes to swim, fish, outdoors.

    3 AnswersChina8 years ago
  • How best to handle a Homosexual cop and be rid of him?

    Every time this cop see's me anywhere and for no reason as I have never spoke to him and have turned my back on him and been forced to walkaway from him in public. He starts smiling and waving and making hand gestures to me. Drive by my house and slows and waves at me sometimes 3 and 4 times a day. How many times a day he drives by is hard to say as I am not normally out. So is stalking me as well. And is in general a embarrassment to me every time I see the likes of him. I am a 63 year old and retired very strait male. And he is maybe a 30 year old cop. By his actions I consider him extremely armed and dangerous as well. Do not say internal affairs as they are worthless here. And the Chief of Police just had to resign for loosing such reports on his officers. So they have quit a reputation of getting away with what ever they wish here. And all considered if he steps on my property can I shot him for the harassment he engages in? As I greatly fear him and he is armed.

    5 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago
  • Does this sound normal for a 11 year old girl?

    I was in the orchard today and the neighbor kids rode there bikes across my property with a strange girl with them. So I yelled at them and ask if they wanted to take some peach's home with them. As they were headed homeward. After getting them some peach's of the tree and a bag the strange girl was afraid to try one. As at 11 or 12 had never ate a peach before in her life. Is it normal for a child to have never ate a peach at that age?

    10 AnswersAdolescent8 years ago
  • Is there any way to thicken peach juice without cooking it down?

    I have a overabundance of very sweet but juicy peach's this year. I have cooked down and put up about 1/2 so far. I am left with a surplus of syrup sweet but thin juice from this. I would like to cook it down for peach syrup as normal. But am afraid it will be to sweet when done. So a way to thicken syrup sweet thin peach juice. For syrup with out cooking it down till thick? And over sweet. Or would it be best to just put up as peach cider for the year.

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • The Cumberland Fair Association 1938?

    I have a season complimentary ticket for the fair August 9th to August 20th. grand stand ticket. No 33789 in near new condition. What would be the value of such a ticket today? Has a horse on the ticket.

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance8 years ago
  • Large fish photo of bass on the internet world record?

    Any old crackers from down the south side of lake Okeechobee Fl. Mid 1950 to 1958 remember that photo in a fishing camp there. When it was took was probably before that time. Had cabins up on stilts, and a long wood building to buy bait and tackle and rent boats. Long wood dock with water moccasins to still the fish of your stringer if you left them in the water. And a wood fish cleaning shack built out over the lake? Haggars bass I think was the name associated with it back then.

    1 AnswerFishing8 years ago
  • Is my lawnmower done for?

    It is about 7 years old. I mowed with it yesterday and it lost power. So I shut it off and white smoke with a burnt electric smell came from under the pull start on top. Not oil burning but electrical smell slowly for about 5 min. 5 horse Brigs and straton motor. Also the wheels on the frame are wobbly. And some minor body damage over the years. Buy a new one or worth repair? Also will not start now and no spark at plug.

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape8 years ago
  • Snake bite a problem?

    I got snake bit this morning just 2 little holes. So washed it good and gauzed it. Around noon it swelled some and hurt. I took a second look at it and remove a 1/4 inch tooth from it and squeezed out yellow puss. Put iodine on a gauze washed it good and rebandaged it. Now it looks and feels fine but I have a red line running from it to my elbow now. Is that a problem?

    1 AnswerFirst Aid8 years ago
  • Vitamens pills and garden?

    I ran across a bottle of 1 day multiple vitamins. So once my plants were up. I watered some with just a pinch of Miracle grow. And some others with a vitamin dissolved and miracle grow. I now notice the ones with the vitamin pills seem to do a little better. Has any one else tryed this and what were the results?

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape8 years ago
  • How can we get 911 to respond properly?

    When you call in to make a complaint about the police all you ever get is run around from them. And wrong numbers. And what fine people they are. Do they not know that that service is payed for by all as a toll on our phones and that they work for us not cover up for the police? And is there a number to call on the Federal level to correct this problem with 911?

    6 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago
  • How is the weater mid January to?

    The end of December in Davao Philippines, Fit for swimming, or rain or what.

    6 AnswersPhilippines8 years ago
  • Do you need a fishing?

    Licences in the Philippines as a American? Staying there for 2 months. And will a colapsible fishing pole rod,lures be a problem with customs there?

    2 AnswersFishing8 years ago
  • What am I going to do?

    A bugler broke in. I was going to shot him. But I can not get the dog of the top of him to get a clean shot in?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • What is a catalistic control center?

    In a computer.. I keep getting a message mine is not working. Then it go's to help and I get no answer back?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • As for President next term?

    Is there any way we can pick some one out at gun point and force him to run on a write in ticket? Sure he would win.

    3 AnswersElections9 years ago