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Lv 43,070 points

Michelle S

Favorite Answers41%
  • Missed our "window" for trying insemination procedure...?

    Okay, this is more of a rant than a question. I'm just so frustrated right now with my fertility specialist!! He has been charting my cycles with blood tests and ultrasounds for the last 4 months. The first month he said he didn't think it was me & to have my husband's sperm checked. We did this and he was right. My husband has healthy sperm that don't swim well. I don't fully understand how the lab could call them healthy if they don't swim, but that's a whole other rant.

    Anyway, the next month we tried just timing BD based on the doctor's guidelines through the tests. No BFP. So last month I expressed a desire to try something else, namely interuterine insemination (IUI). This way his sperm is closer to my egg and hopefully can get the last little way on their own. The doctor agreed that this was a next logical step. But we were out of town the weekend that I ovulated on a trip that we had planned back in February. Aargh!! So we just BD'd everyday that weekend hoping to get lucky. Again no BFP.

    So last week I went in on cycle day 9 per my doctor's request. I know through OPK testing for the last 7 months plus the doctor's tests the last 3 months that I ovulate on day 15 or 16 every month (I have a 31-32 day cycle). He did another ultrasound and had blood draw for more lab tests to find out where my hormone levels are & what size the follicle might be. He insisted that I come back today (cycle day 16) even though I reminded him that I have been ovulating on cycle day 15 or 16 for the last several months. I didn't want to come in too late and not be able to do the IUI. Well guess what?! My hormone levels indicate that I've ovulated & so we can't do the IUI this cycle.

    Why don't doctors listen to their patients?! I tried to get him to see me on Monday or Tuesday, but he insisted that Wednesday was going to be the best day. Well, now that Wedesday is here he was WRONG and I have to wait another excruciating two weeks just to see yet another BFN. We've been trying for too many years to go through this for very nuch longer. We tried for 10 months before my husband went to Iraq. Plus it's been nearly three years since he got home that we've been trying. That's a total of 5 years of wanting another baby with 4 years of actively trying. I just want to see that BFP. I wanted my kids to be closer in age, like 2-3 years apart. If I get pregnant this cycle the baby would be born right around my daughter's 7th birthday. I don't want them to grow up feeling like two only children. I feel guilty complaining about not being able to conceive a second child when I know plenty of women in this forum are struggling to have thier first child. But I feel like something is missing from my family. We somehow are not complete. My husband has said he feels it as well. We want another baby to finish our family.

    I guess I just need some kind words and support from women who know how I feel. Thanks to all who have taken the time to read this and listen to one woman's frustration.

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Need good ideas for snacks for Kindergarten class.?

    My daughter just started Kindergarten this year. Her school does an afternoon snack time for the Kindergarten kids. The teachers decide how to do snack time. Her teacher has decided to have the parents bring in enough for the whole class (25 kids). They do not have a refrigerator, so the items must be shelf-stable for up to 2 weeks. Also, they have put a limit of less than 10 grams of fat and less than 10 grams of sugar per serving. I'm glad they are trying to do healthy snacks, but I can't think of anything that I can provide. Even no-sugar-added apple sauce contains more sugar than they allow. Everything else I can think of requires refrigeration.

    None of the students in her class have any food allergies, so that isn't a concern. Please help me come up with some fun, healthy foods to take. Thanks in advance for your help!

    18 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • First month using OPK?

    This is my first time trying those ovulation test sticks. I have a fairly regular cycle that lasts 30-32 days with only 3-4 days of bleeding. My last cycle started on 13 July. The instructions had me starting to test on 26 July. I've been TTC for nearly 3 years (long story) so I'm paranoid that I don't really know when I ovulate. Started testing on 24 July. First 2 days were neg (only line was in control window), next 3 days were faint, now this a.m. again only line in control window. The instructions said the line needed to be "AS DARK OR DARKER THAN" the control line for a pos. I didn't think the line on the 3 days was as dark, let alone darker. Me and hubby BD'd 23, 25, 27, & 28. I'm taking prenatal vit & 400 mcg of folic acid (& have been since Jan 2005). Blood tests say my hormones are normal. Hubby is going to doc to get checked out next week. We have a 5yr old daughter together & only took 3 cycles to get pg with her.

    Do you think that the faint lines were my ovulation?

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Do my cycles sound "normal"?

    I've been TTC for 3 years. Each period lasts for 3-4 days with moderate bleeding. My last 12 cycles have been this many days long:













    Would you consider my cycles normal or irregular?

    6 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago