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Midwest Love
JW's I have a question about Obamacare (ACA)?
I know that JW's should "pay Caesars things to Caesar" but what if a Christian can not afford $550 (bronze plan) a month to provide insurance for their family of 4? I am disfellowshipped and trying to straiten things out so I can be reinstated. Will I be unable to be reinstated if I don't buy insurance?
1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality8 years agoHypothetical Question?
You bring a dog (large breed) into your home and fall in love with it. As the days go by you notice it becoming aggressive, little by little. It will occasionally growl at you or bark at you, just for telling it to get off of your couch or go lay down. At other times, however, it is your friend and companion. After having the dog about 2 months it attacks your small child out of the blue. It can't remain in your home because it is a threat to your family and your veterinarians office is closed because it is night or the weekend so they can't put it to sleep (because it is vicious). What would you do?
8 AnswersDogs8 years agoHypothetical Question?
You bring a dog (large breed) into your home and fall in love with it. As the days go by you notice it becoming aggressive, little by little. It will occasionally growl at you or bark at you, just for telling it to get off of your couch or go lay down. At other times, however, it is your friend and companion. After having the dog about 2 months it attacks your small child out of the blue. It can't remain in your home because it is a threat to your family and your veterinarians office is closed because it is night or the weekend so they can't put it to sleep (because it is vicious). What would you do?
2 AnswersCats8 years agoFacebook Question: Should I accept this friend request?
I was sent a friend request by a guy I do not know who is from the Middle East. I would not usually have a problem with accepting it but the profile was made the day before I was sent the request and there are no posts on his page except that he added a profile picture. The guy has traved a lot and knows like 5 languages. I checked out the people he was following and realised they all liked things related to US patriotism. I, myself, have liked things such as 2 Million Bikers to DC; a page that has been under attack by hackers. So why would he have to add strangers before his friends and family? I feel like it is a false account or something and maybe I should ignore the request, but at the same time I don't want to be 'that person', ya know? I have a friend who is a black Muslim and I know that he is also a Vietnam Vet. So I don't have a problem with Muslims, their religion is their choice. I do, however, have a problem with religious extremists and terrorists. Would you add or ignore
4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government8 years agoPotty training a dog obsessed with squirrels?
I foster dogs and currently have a foster I am having trouble with. She is a 3 year old weim. Whenever I take her out to relieve herself all she does is look for squirrels! I caught her circling in my house at about 9 pm. I took her outside thinking she would go since she was circling inside and needed to, but as soon as I took her out she started looking for squirrels! I told her a thousand times to go potty but after 20 minutes of nothing but looking for squirrels I brought her back in and decided to just crate her. Then at about 3:30 pm she started whining to go out. I was sure she would use the bathroom now, but no! She, again, started looking for squirrels!
I am tired of her hunting squirrels instead of going potty! She is not potty trained and I just don't know how to make her quit hunting long enough to poop outside. Any advice would be great! I really don't want to give up on her. She is a good dog otherwise.
4 AnswersDogs8 years agoGhost peppers - question about growing?
There are peppers growing in my garden that I did not plant. They were planted by someone else who used to live on the property but had moved. He was a chef and said the seeds he started them from were ghost pepper seeds that he got from another chef where he worked. The plant had started to flower and then to produce peppers. However, I was a little bit surprised by the growth process.
Once the flowers died, the green leafy part of the flowers started to grow around the young peppers like a bell. I don't know what the leafy part is called so I guess if you think of the leaves you pull off a strawberry, it is that part. The "bells" grow larger with the peppers and some of them are the size of a golf ball right now. The peppers are growing inside of them. I looked up ghost peppers and other hot peppers on the internet but the peppers I see growing never have this "bell" around them. I can't find ANY peppers that grow this way.
Are the peppers in my garden ghost peppers? If not, what are they? I need to know what they are so I can figure out when/how to pick them.
2 AnswersOther - Home & Garden8 years agoRescue dog recovering from sunburn?
About three weeks ago I rescued a 6 year old Weim. His original owner moved to an apartment and could not keep him so she left him with a friend who she asked to find a home for him. The guy tied him up outside. I believe he was on concrete or gravel because of the condition I found him in. His paws were hot and tender and his "elbows" had scarring and some scabs.
I thought I knew the extent of his condition - having taken him to the vet the very next day - but now know that he was much worse off than I realised. He had bumps all over his chest that the vet said were cysts. I took her word for it until more "bumps" started to appear on his body and then began to bleed. Along with the bumps also came scratching and chewing. Before long he had sores and bald patches all over him. A second vet gave him antibiotics and steroids, thinking that he was having some sort of allergic reaction. The meds kept infection down and made him eat a LOT but didn't solve the problem. He seemed to be losing more hair every day.
I was starting to believe that I might never figure it out, then it hit me. He had a bad sunburn! It all made sense to me now. The bumps on his chest were burns from laying on hot concrete, just like the burns he had on his paws when I brought him home. His skin flaked like dandruff and then developed sores and missing hair. This is typical of sunburn! His week of scratching and chewing... sunburn itches when it begins to heal.
Now I know what 2 vets failed to diagnose. Actually three because the second vet called another one into the room for her opinion. But that leaves me with some questions. Will ALL of the hair on his sunburned area fall out? If so, will it grow back? Will he grow hair back where he has scabs? We have decided to adopt him because his age (6) and appearance will make it very difficult to find a home for him and because he is a great dog! It really angers me to think of him tied up outside, without shade, in the hottest part of the year. If he is bald for the rest of his life it will make no difference to me but if I can do anything for him I would really appreciate any ideas. It is too late to treat the burn but I am willing to try anything that might help him. He deserves whatever I can do to help him.
3 AnswersDogs8 years agoPecan tree has bugs... any advice?
I have a pecan tree in my yard and there are rollie pollie bugs, spiders and even slugs(I found one) under the bark! The pecans are beginning to grow and I am afraid that the insects will ruin them. The tree is about 25 feet or so tall... if it matters. Should I be concerned? If so, what measures can I take to save the pecans?
1 AnswerGarden & Landscape8 years agoRabbits + My Garden = Garden Salad! Any advice?
When my family and I moved in we thought that the rabbits, that are so tame you can almost pet them, were cute. Now I see them for what they truly are, pests! Yes, I admit that they look innocent and cuddly laying down in the grass about 3 feet away, watching me walk to my car or water my flowers. I have seen Peter Cottontail too. But they have a darker side! As I walk to my garden I notice that there is a rut in the soil where a flower should be. Where is the flower? Ask the rabbit! Where are the other three or four buds that were on my tomato plant? Again, ask the rabbit. A lot of things have been disappearing from my garden lately. I used to have flowers but now I have ugly, short stalks. Sometimes they dig them up and eat them root and all! The thing that really, REALLY irritates me is that they lay there and watch me when I "discover" that they ate the flower that I worked so hard planting.
That just about sums it all up. If anyone knows a cost effective, efficient, legal way to keep the rest of my garden from becoming La Grande Buffet please let me know. Humane would be best but I am to the point that even my bb gun looks pretty tempting. At least I am not using poison like my neighbor who says, "like there ain't 500 more here anyways." I sprayed my plants with a hot peppers blend I concocted but I might have killed a baby one with it. I found it the next morning laying a few feet away. If there is something that I do not have to apply every time it rains or my plant grows I would prefer that.
5 AnswersGarden & Landscape8 years agoSongbird egg ID and help?
I found a soft bird egg in my yard about 5 feet away from an occupied nest. It cannot be more than a couple of hours old. The parent bird in the nest is a dove. The egg that I found is slightly yellow in color, oval in shape, and about the size of a quarter. Sorry, but I do not know how to add a pic or I would do so.
I have never seen a dove egg. Is there anyone who knows what the egg might be, or if it is a dove egg? If so, what should I do to 'try' to hatch it? I have it inside my leopard gecko habitat, protected, at approximately 90-110°F. I am uncertain how often I should turn it. Also, I am aware that baby birds require feeding every 15-30 minutes, day and night, for the first couple of weeks of life. Please keep that in mind when answering. Also, I spoke with a man at a wildlife center who said that songbird eggs are not illegal to have, but they did not house eggs or fledgling birds, so he was not certain about incubation requirements. Please, any information would help me.
2 AnswersBirds8 years agoWhy wont the back panel come off of my guitar amp?
I have a cheap 15w guitar amp and I think it blew a fuse. My 2 year old plugged my guitar cord into the headphone jack when it was plugged in and turned on already. I was sitting right next to it making a pick because I lost mine and he did it to fast to stop him. Now it will not turn on.
I took the screws out of the back and the back just wont budge. I had one for my keyboard and it came off. Its not a tube amp if that matters, but it is used. Any ideas?
2 AnswersOther - Entertainment8 years agoGorilla Glue to fix wooden bed?
My sons antique, wooden bed broke while we were moving. We had it braced together with brackets where the side rails meet the head/foot boards, because it broke before. The brackets held up wonderfully, but the wood split instead.
I was thinking that gorilla glue, the strongest glue I can think of, would be strong enough and durable enough to fix it. We are going to buy a new bed for him but have a whole house full of furniture to buy as it is. Until I can afford a new one, do you think this will work?
6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years agoDepo shot, Bubble on my bum, advice?
I used to take the depo shot for birth control. The shots were always given in my hip and would quit bothering me a short time later. I haven't taken depo in about 3 years but I noticed something very unusual.
About a month ago I noticed a "dimple" on my left hip that is not on my right. I never noticed this before so I felt the area with my fingers. I was surprised to feel a bubble under my skin. It's almost like a pea or pebble buried beneath my skin. The skin around it is thin. It's hard for me to describe though. The "bubble" is very tender and my entire leg aches if I touch it. It sort of burns. It feels like when they give the shot times ten. Again, it's hard to describe.
I'm not sure it is from the depo shot, but I know they gave it to me in about the same place. Has anyone heard of a bubble like this? If so, what is the cause? Should I be concerned or see a doctor? Anything you can contribute may be of value. Url's are ok. I wont mark them as "spam" if they are pertinent.
1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years agoWhy was my answer marked as spam?
I answered a question about creatine. The guy wanted to know how much he should take. I googled creatine and found a page all about it. I posted the url and said it was on body building dot... you get the idea. I am afraid to even put my answer up because they might mark it as spam again, so I am just giving you an idea.
My answer was polite and basically said, "Hi! I found this information about creatine on (I wont say the site name) and it looked interesting. Here's the url (url here). I hope this helps you. Have a great day!
So why was it marked as spam? I thought it was a mistake so I requested Yahoo to review it. They took 10 more points and said it WAS spam. I read the info before I posted it and it wasn't making you buy anything. It was just too much for me to put in an answer. Idk why I lost the appeal. Can someone explain so I don't keep losing points? Please? I never even seen the website before I answered his question. I hate spam as much as everyone else does! Are some sites automatically bad to post? I'm 5.5 and 130lbs. I never bodybuilt or used supplements before, except when I was pregnant my doc made me use shakes to grow the baby. He's healthy now btw. I know guys use too much supplements some times and I heard creatine causes cancer so I was trying to help. What did I do? I don't want to do it again.
2 AnswersAbuse and Spam8 years agoDoes anyone else think it's colder than usual?
When I was a kid April meant warm weather. I was sure that by April I would finally be able to thaw out and hang my winter coat up until, well, winter. But no. I still have to get all dressed and bundled to go outside. I haven't felt the warm sun on my skin since August of last year. It still gets down into the thirties. Does anyone know if May will actually be warm enough to produce" May flowers"? This is just getting stupid. I live in the midwest USA btw.
4 AnswersWeather8 years agoAlcoholic fiancee, JW's please give advice?
D/f 8 years but I want to come back to Jehovah's organization. Anyways, I just gave up smoking cigarettes and marijuana. I used to drink heavily but quit a while back. I moved in with my boyfriend about 8 years ago and we have a 2 year old son together and I have a 11 year old daughter who has no relationship with her father.
Now that you know my dark past, I need your help. I want to do what is right in Jehovah's eyes and for my children and I just need Christian advice. I am cleaning up my body and mind and reading the bible every day/studying and started going back to the meetings. However, my fiancee is an alcoholic and smokes weed all of the time.
He has had the same job for 12 years which is commendable! But his drinking is no so out of control, that he drinks soda/rum on the job. He thinks nobody will know. I find beer/liquor bottles all over in my car and have to remove them before I leave. He makes a lot of money (60K a year) but the four of us live in a 2 bedroom apartment and my son has to sleep in my bed while his dad sleeps on the couch. We can't move because he has high standards for a home and wants to be a couple of miles from work (probably so he can run home and have a drink at lunch). But we live in a rural area so that's almost impossie. Also, I think more money goes to drinking than I thought so financially unable to move.
He has a big mouth (brutally honest) and likes to make people feel bad for being imperfect. I clean up while watching our high energy 2 yr old and he says "it must be nice sitting home all day." or "couldnt you clean up?".
Now, obviously there are good things about him. He loves his son. Bhe hardly ever makes me feel like a woman. More like a stupid, useless, child and my daughter too. I just can't take it anymore. I don't know if I should leave him. We are NOT married, though I wanted to get married a long time ago. I have no job or money because I watch our children while he works. What should I do? Please help me. Is there a magazine with my situation? I just want to do what's right in Jehovah's eyes. I couldn't go to Sunday meeting because he had company and they drank all nite and kept me and the kids awake til after midnight. He took half a day off work the next day because he was tired and hungover. He used to work no matter what. What should I do?
5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years agoQuitting Smoking. What helped you?
I quit smoking on 4/17. I haven't smoked a single cigarette since then. Today is day 3 and I'm losing my mind! I'm a stay at home mom so I'm home all day and am free to smoke whenever I want. The activity (smoking) is the thing I have the most trouble with; the oral fixation. There is nothing that I can think of to replace it.
I know I should have never, EVER started the filthy habit, but I can't go back and change it. I want to respect the body God gave me and live a healthy life. I left God and I regret it so all I can do is change. I had another habit but have no problem giving it up. It's the cigarettes that is hardest. What is even worse is the fact my husband smokes. He said he might quit too, but I don't think he is ready. You have to hate smoking first.
So here is my question: What can I do to replace smoking? I have about 50 packs of gum but you don't chew cigarettes. If I could do something to occupy my hands or something it would be great! The hardest part for me is quitting the actual activity.
4 AnswersRespiratory Diseases8 years agoRestless Leg Syndrome?
I think I have Restless Leg Syndrome, but I'm not sure. Whenever I'm not standing or moving, I get a strange sensation in my legs. It's really hard to describe though. I guess I could say it's a tingling and burning feeling, but it's still different. It also feels sort of like someone is squeezing my legs. It moves up and down my legs, but it is localized primarily to the lower half.
Here's another description. When I was a teenager, the light switch in our garage had no cover. If you accidentally touched the metal when you turned on the light, you would get electricuted! It was not enough to hurt you, but you wouldn't want to make that mistake again. That's sort of how my legs feel; like I'm standing on a hot wire.
I quit smoking 2 days ago, and I think it made it worse. It's just so annoying! Someone once told me RLS was a made up condition. If that's what I have, I can say that it is VERY real!
Please let me know if you have it and how you manage. Thanks!
2 AnswersPain & Pain Management8 years agoCatholics please don't get offended?
I asked a question here:;_ylt=As04N...
Please understand that I was not trying to be rude or make anyone angry. Everyone has the right to believe and worship however they want. But I believe that asking Catholics is better than making my own assumptions. It is obvious that I am not Catholic by the question I posed. Maybe I missed something in the Catholic belief system? Maybe there is a completely different reason? I just want to understand this for common ground. Most of my neighbors are Catholic as well as most of my family. I don't want to ask them because, again, I don't want to be rude! In my own opinion, I find that common ground is important. If someone questions my beliefs, I will answer the best I can. It's not Christian to persecute someone for their beliefs, or to bring someone to anger. Please understand I'm not trying to convert, or be converted. I'm just curious.
Also, I used 2 sources. Wikipedia and the New Catholic Encyclopaedia. One is independent, the other says "Catholic" in its title. I tried to use acceptable materiel.
6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years agoCatholics, what do you think about this?
The New Catholic Encyclopedia writes,
"As was their custom with more notorious criminals, the Romans raised Jesus on a rather high stake, so that He could be seen by everyone; it was in fact so high that, when the soldiers wanted to put a sponge soaked in wine to His lips, they first had to put it on the end of a stick (Mk 15.26; Mt 27.48; Jn 19.29)." (The New Catholic Encyclopedia, 2nd Ed, Vol. 04, "Crucifixion", page 390, Gale, 2003)
So, why do you use a cross when it says he died on a STAKE?
4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago